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The future Mr. Amanda? Bwahahaha! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of As the Stomach Turns:
- As I predicted, Andy's nominations were predictable -- Spencer and Jessie.
- The target is Jessie.
- Andy's still not sure what he'll do if Jessie wins the veto. He'll have plenty of time to decide as the veto comp is today, the ceremony isn't until Monday.
- Credit to Jessie for saying "They must really hate me, so I must be doing something right" -- after the live feeds returned post nominations.
- Helen and Andy agree that Jessie cannot know she's the target. They must tell her she's safe.
- I think she knows she's the target.
- Amanda and McCrae think Helen needs to go soon as she'll put them on the block her first opportunity.
- Aaryn would prefer to vote out Spencer over Jessie.
- Amanda said she can't do that.
- @@
- Aaryn wants to name the alliance she's in with Andy, McCrae and Amanda.
- Watching the "friendly" power struggle between the power players is a bit interesting. You've got McCrae/Amanda (mostly Amanda) vs. Helen (and a bit of Elissa thrown in). On the surface, all of them are in an alliance with each other.
- Then you have the peripheral players who have attachments to both of the major player teams -- Andy, Aaryn and Spencer. Jessie and GinaMarie are on the outs with all, but just don't know it.
- If the peripheral players can live through the ultimate smackdown when a power player goes out, they might be in a very good position towards the end game.
- Amanda told Aaryn she can't trust Helen.
- She also pointed out that each person has someone they know what they'll do -- she has Elissa, Aaryn has GinaMarie, Andy has Spencer.
- Hmm. I don't think Amanda can really predict Elissa.
- I also think no one can control or predict GinaMarie.
- And, what about that Helen? If ANYONE has influence on Elissa, it's Helen.
- Andy continues to play both sides, now tempering it a bit to Helen. He told Amanda he's sure it's too early to think of getting Helen out.
- Helen told Andy that she really hopes GinaMarie wins America's Favorite at the end of the season because she really needs the money.
- I say, "Tough, no way. Get a job if you need money!"
- I know. I'm heartless.
- Jessie and Spencer talked about how Elissa doesn't need the money.
- In previous talks, they've all said Helen doesn't need the money.
- I again say, "If you need money that bad, don't waste what you have on lottery tickets, don't waste time on reality shows ... GET A JOB, A JOB THAT PAYS THE BILLS."
- Andy held a Skittles party in the HoH room.
- Now, I could get behind that!
- Uh-oh. Hamsters on sugar!
- Amanda told McCrae that they've controlled every nomination, every eviction.
- Well, SHE has. I'm not sure what McCrae's been doing.
- That doesn't mean that they won't lose it all.
- They're worried that Helen is too close to Jessie.
- But they can control that. Right?
- The evening ended with sex under the covers and all else sleeping. I don't want to see that.
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Soul searching? Maybe she'll find one. |
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An HoH who wants his room to himself |
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Sees the writing on the wall |
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Elissa's still in the house? Really? |
Usually when someone thinks "they can control that" it means they think they can but in truth can't.
Jessie should be glad she's escaping that nut house!
McCrae has disappointed me so much this summer. His downfall was Demanda.
I've never said this....COME ON, SEPTEMBER!! Jackie, you are amazing for continuing to watch feeds through all this mess!
Witt :)
I think we need a visit from Zing Bot to slam some of these people with a little dose of reality ha.
JonMD, YES!!!
Witt :)
My daughter was saying the same thing last week!
A Zing Bot? How about a Zing-Slap-some-sense-into-these-hamsters-bot?
I had hopes for McCrae...dashed, totally.
If Helen does not realize Amanda is the worst ally she needs to be backdoored...and deserves it.
Terry, you are so right. They'll be at the end of the darn game and THAT'S when Helen will say, "Oh, we should have gotten her out right after Candice!!"
Witt :)
How did Andy manage to keep the room to himself without offending the others????? I would want the room to myself, too.
Jessie and Spencer are the noms? Shocker! Not! Way to make power moves Andy. I guess he doesn't need to make any power moves. He's the safest person in the house.
There are discussions various places on whether or not people (Aaryn and Amanda) should be allowed to take Adderall just before competitions. The consensus seems to be yes, "it is prescribed, therefore they can have it".
I agree that they should be allowed to take prescribed meds. Where I disagree is "before comps". If it's prescribed, it will say on the prescription WHEN it is to be taken, like one every morning, or twice daily 10 hours apart, or something. Adderall is rarely prescribed "as needed". That amounts to abuse. Adderall is heavily abused by college students who use it to cram for tests. That's not what it's meant for.
So in my opinion, BB should follow the prescription to the letter, dispensing medications in the DR as prescribed, with a glass of water and the person has to take the pill then and there - no saving it for later.
Otherwise, the next season of BB will see 100% of the hamsters on some kind of performance enhancing drug, all "prescribed", of course. You'd be silly not to.
Aaryn will need adderall and everything else she can get her hands on when she finds out that she no longer has a job and she might get black-balled from some other opportunities for being such a mean spirited RACIST.
No words. Biff & McFly are disgusting. She has been in heat since she's been in the house.
Zingbot can't visit; Demanda would want to have sex with it and would get really mad if it did't want her. That would be the end of Zingbot.
Judd whispered, "Get Jessie out" to Demanda as he went thru the door? WTF?? When did little
JessieClair become such a threat?
Did Stupid Ass Judd not notice that the vote to get him out unanimus, so why didnt he realize that Amanda voted him out and he's going to give her advice to get rid of Jessie, I'm soooo glad he is gone, I just don't see what so many people here saw in him, he was a puppet also.
Adderall does not seem to be helping Amanda during comps. Not a fan of Aaryn but maybe just maybe she is smart. Don't have to like her to acknowledge she is a beast in comps. They better get rid of her NOW or she will win her way to F2
BJ - read up on what Adderall does, especially for those who do not actually have ADD. It sharpens attention, focus, awareness, and concentration, eliminates distraction.
Adderall is used a lot for weight control. They mention that a lot of actresses take it for that reason and not what it is meant for.
BJ, Aaryn is by no means smart, rolling a ball to get a higher number to me doesn't qualify a person as smart just lucky, she has such a mean heart and spirit its hard for me to see any good in her, it looks suspicious to me that everyone got that last question wrong except her (give me a break EVERYONE) if she was so smart she wouldn't be so munipulated by others, she's not playing the game,she's taking instructions and then make a dumb comment "If I dont do this I was told I would be going home"instead of saying "I'm doing this to benefit my game."
If Adderall is used for weight control I wish Aaryn and Amanda could take enough to disappear.
i agree with everything everyone is saying right now, but also want to add that Judd made the coment on Thursday before trivia screen popped up.
He said to Amanda, Why are they messing with our medications? This leads me to believe that production is seeing what they are doing.
From what I gathered, Amand and Aaryn take Adderall and Judd was taking xanax or valium.
Judd did realize that Amanda was lying, when he told Julie It was Amanda who was running the house and needed to leave.
I also agree that with Judd in Jury with Candace she is going to say, I was keeping it real when I told you that Amanda didn't trust you and thought you were MVP. Guess he should have listened!
This is a question that I SHOULD already know the answer to, but I don't:
During all that time that the hamsters are in the jury house, are they allow to talk with each other about what really happened in the BB house? The lies, manipulations, and so on? I know there are cameras and microphones there, but it obviously can't be to the same extent as in the BB house. They get to see the tape of the eviction when a new jury member arrives, but what is allowed in conversation and what is not?
The house guests have been allowed to redo their goodbye messages to Candice, since the first time they did them, they didn't know she'd be going to jury. Bullpoopy! They really should let the originals stand. Might teach some people the consequences of nastiness.
I certainly agree w/~~Silk, original messages should stand!
And all this medication...When I was that age, no one was taking anything like that; and yet we're here to talk about it. Ain't it amazing?
Some people (a Jokers poll) believe that Helen's downfall will be her arrogance in believing that she has a better grip on the game than she does. That "arrogance" might come from her real life training in the political arena, where the Prime Directive is "Never let them see you sweat."
Everyone talks Amanda running the show....I beg to differ. Helen is running the show even when she keeps the lowest profile which is practically never. She is the sneaky one because she also runs things without anyone realizing it.
I wish they would back door Helen.
KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!!!!!!!!
When I hear her say that...which is almost 24/7 I want to scream.
She seems more intelligent than that.
I was sad to see Judd go but I would be jumping up and down for Helen. She doesn't seem to annoy anyone but me. Oh well.
Helen is playing the GAME better than anyone in the house. She is the only one in there that has the all around skill set needed to win. She will need some luck if she wants to get Amanda out without the benefit of an HOH reign. Otherwise she will need to endure Amanda's wrath for a week. 'Superfan' McCrae could be using Amanda as a shield until the time she leaves the house. Will be interesting to watch he and Helen try to out maneuver each other toward the end game
/sarcasm on/ At this point I'm rooting for Elissa to win, precisely because she hasn't done ANYTHING. With this bunch, that's the most positive thing I can say about any of them. /sarcasm off/
Oh, please. Aaryn is young and beautiful. She will have no trouble finding a new job. After all, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton had NO problem finding employment and they are the biggest racists around.
Silk, I love your thinking...Elissa is someone I'd actually sit down to chat with, if given the chance. If given the chance to chat with the others, I'd have to say, "oops, sock drawer needs some rearranging, sorry...."
Witt :)
Jackie, I agree with you about GM, no way will she be America's favorite. I don't even know who I'm for right now. My pool pick is Andy, but all he is, is a follower.
Question: why does the fact or perception that a hamster is running the house equal that hamster should be evicted? There are plenty of reasons Amanda should be evicted for my own personal preferences but I don't understand why we seem to think that because some one (e.g., Helen) is succeeding at the game they should be evicted. I understand why from a hanster's perspective so they can help their own game. But why do we watcher's seem to use that logic? Just curious.
Sasha - Viewers like to tell the hamsters what they SHOULD do. And for their own game, they should get out the most powerful players before they themselves are ejected, and it frustrates us when we can see it but they can't seem to figure it out.
(It's human nature to root for the underdog.)
Personally, from my own perspective, I'd like Amanda to go home. Just cause. I wouldn't care one whit if Helen won because she's been playing them all, to a tee, and they've been dumb enough to swallow her line.
If the hamsters were smart (they aren't), they should be looking at their numbers dwindling, and getting rid of the eviction ring-leaders. But they are too wrapped up in their own self importance to the game to go out on a limb.
Jessie had it right about getting out Amanda, but nobody would listen. If Amanda has her way, She Who Thinks She's So Smart "Helen" will be gone next.
There have been cracks in the McManda relationship. I just don't know if McC has the balls to finally oust her... especially with Andy so far up her butt!
If someone is coming back in the house it is my opinion that they are not together in the jury house. Just like they are sequestered separately pre show. All of you can jump down my throat again but the question was never answered. Why has Amanda not won anything? She takes Adderall. There are many kinds of smart. Aaryn wormed her way back into the power group. She has also been replaced as our main focus of attack. We were the one who put Amanda on the block. Not saying she has redeemed herself but most have turned on another target-Amanda. She changed her behavior. I don't have to like or respect Aaryn to recognize she started to play a better game. Is she taking orders? Yes. But if she didn't she would be gone. Yes Amanda and GM have intensified their ugliness but Aaryn seems to be watching what she says more than before. Maybe she is just getting a better edit. I don't watch the feeds.
Thanks, guys :)
BJ, I don't have the feeds either, but I do watch BBAD and peruse the HG's conversations posted on Jokers.
BBAD is a curious thing to watch.
Aryan has been better than in the past, but she still can't help slipping up now and then. It's her nature. She even said she's conservative and judgmental (the latter is what shows). At the same time, Aryan has also mentioned a few things about good ol' dad that I'm sure he doesn't appreciate (the drinking, etc.).
GM tries to justify and hide the kind of jealousy and hatred she harbors. It's always the other person's fault.
Amanda doesn't think she's being hateful.... it's all the other little people.
BJ - "Why has Amanda not won anything? She takes Adderall."
If you have ADD and take Adderall, it brings your ability to focus and concentrate up to normal. If you do not have ADD and take Adderall, it kicks your ability to focus and concentrate past normal.
In my non-professional opinion, Amanda does show a tendency to lose focus. (She often focuses on the wrong things, and she's easily distracted from the task at hand. (As McC has to keep reminding her.))
I don't see any ADD indicators in Aaryn. (My brother is unmedicated ADHD. Not the same, but close enough.)
Eric Stein has a interesting insiders perspective on
They taped right after the double eviction.
Side note regarding Eric, since his name was brought up:
I've always thought he was the best player in BB history. Best players are supposed to win (I know), but he was given nearly impossible odds and somehow always kept going. I thought his abilities have been unmatched.
Mccrae's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/mccraeolson
There's a photo in his album of him with Janelle, taken, I assume, at his audition.
Anon 3:57 You hit the nail on the head with that one. Brovo to you.
BJ, thanks for the link to the Rob and Eric video interview.
Interesting to hear Eric give his take on the HG's... as someone whose been there, done that!
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