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What have I gotten myself into? |
Well, it was boring boring until the late evening hours, then all heck broke loose. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Chaotic Crazies:
- Might as well start where the action started -- Jessie told McCrae and Amanda that Helen and Elissa wanted Amanda out.
- Now, if memory serves, Helen never did really outright tell her that. I could be mistaken, though. She's said it to a lot of people. She's also said "down the line" and "eventually."
- I'm almost certain Elissa never said it to Jessie.
- Helen did her usual damage control, saying that Jessie was trying to make her look bad before she left on Thursday.
- Elissa wondered, with Jessie going a bit crazed over this, if she (Jessie) might possibly be on medication.
- That, of course, was the "single most hurtful thing ever said in the house," as per Jessie.
- @@
- She might not know really hurtful!
- Jessie accused Andy of not having her back.
- Andy acted bewildered.
- He does that a lot in stressful situations. He's not used to anyone lashing out at him.
- Although, he was even taken aback by Elissa asking if Jessie was on something.
- Hmm.
- Helen got upset with herself for raising her voice at Jessie. She's not upset for defending herself, but doesn't want to be seen raising her voice on television.
- Um. Okay.
- Aaryn cemented her relationship with Helen. Now she's in almost as sweet a spot as Andy is -- directly peripheral to both power players.
- Amanda believes Helen over Jessie.
- Helen tried to smooth things over with Jessie, telling her she was staying and all.
- Yeah, right.
- Jessie took to eavesdropping.
- When you do that, you often hear things you really don't want to hear.
- Jessie's grave in the house had already been dug, but she's made it much deeper.
- She lashed out and/or accused practically everyone except Spencer of lying to her, betraying her trust, leading her on.
- It's going to be a long two days until eviction.
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She claims he has a unibrow |
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You might not want to hear, Jessie |
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Is Jessie on meds? |
Did anyone catch the GM comment about Candice on after dark? She called her a Crack baby? I guess she assumes this bc Candice is black and adopted. Very classy...
This actually goes with the previous post discussion: I'll vote for Candice for America's favorite houseguest...for the sole reason that she had to endure Aaryn, GM, Kaitlin and Amanda's static for so long. If I could also vote for Howard, I would too.
I kind of base my vote for that prize on who I could and might actually want to spend time with. No one else really fits that description!
Witt :)
P.S. Jackie...did Amanda tweeze McCrae's eyebrows?!?!?!
Well, what does Jessie have to lose? May as well make some waves...and isn't it about time she stand her ground?
I love the "how DARE she?" attitude from the others. How dare Jessie try to stay? How dare Jessie call them out on lying to her & leading her on.
Just another @@ in an increasingly hard-to-watch season.
Excellent point, Petals. I think Jessie feels like Candice did at the end. WTH, I'm going anyway, I can't stop it, so I'm going to say what I think!!
LOL -- How dare she?
Witt :)
Jackie - I'd love the time stamp on when GM chest-bumps Aryan. Did that happen?
I hope Jessie is preparing a good "F U" speech for eviction night and maybe GM will even let her finish it.
RBennie....I hope Jessie is doing that very thing, but I doubt GM or Amanda will let that happen.
I wish Jessie would sail right out of the house without hugging any of them. I never get why people do that -- hug all the people who want you to leave. Unfortunately, they won't care if she goes, which is a little sad.
Witt :)
I'd guess that Helen is very concerned regarding her demeanor because of her kids.
I don't equate using good strategy to win the game (which might be construed as bad behavior by some) with ranting, yelling, or treating someone with blatant disrespect, etc.
...And I don't think Helen does either.
I am soooo over Helen. I hope she goes before Amanda. Would love that. I am so tired of all her talking. She has never been a favorite of mine.
Not many fan favorites this season.
What a night. 6 hrs of fights and mayhem. Love my Jessie girl. She has been holding back since Judd's eviction last Thursday and she has both barrels locked and loaded so to speak.
1. 2nd week plan to get Amanda out was Helen's as she went up to Jessie first and said she can get Elissa to vote and Jessie will work on Judd. Helen goes and talks to El and comes back and says she is on board. Jessie said she will talk to Judd and Helen will talk to Andy then they will meet up later. However, immediately Helen pulls both Andy and Judd into the pantry and says that Jessie wants to pull the trigger on Amanda's ouster. Jessie sees this and confronts them. They decide not to do it. Fast forward a day and all 3 He/An/Ju tell Amanda that Jessie is at it again. When she did not as she dropped it.
2. McCrae finds out that Judd was not MVP and is pissed off. Amanda says well you know he was after me. He rolls his eyes and lets her go inside.
3. GM and Aaryn get into 3 fights but at least GM knows what kind of rat she is and is biding her time.
4. McCrae was talking about getting her ciggs when she goes by saying "I'll vote for you to stay if you let me have them". Jessie overhears and starts smoking more (she's only been smoking 2 a day to ration them). She also hides McCrae's water bottle behind GM's headboard.
Wonder what else she has planned for the next 3 days. It will be quite a ride.
JimmyB - I don't know, if Helen is so concerned about her kids observing flaws in her demeanor, wouldn't she be just as concerned about them hearing her lie? A while back, she admitted she uses tears to get her kids to do what she wants... and she's done the crying bit on BB too. Unless her kids are banned from watching BBAD, they are learning ALL about mom's behavior patterns!!
Jeri - thanks for the 'back to the future' reminders. :)
I watched BBAD with all the hoopla going on until it went off-air. Then watch posts on Jokers for another 1/2 hour. I missed Jessie spying, the water bottle hiding episode, and the extra smoking.
Jessie wasn't a good BB player, but she's spunky... not some weak-kneed cupcake. Se always seemed so malleable, so I think they are all shocked that she's fighting back and spilling a whole lot of beans.
Amanda may "say" she doesn't believe Jessie, but you know it's hovering in her vicious little mind. Plus, Amanda ha already been talking about getting out Helen, so I wouldn't be surprised if Helen is on the block next... if she doesn't win HOH. If Helen wins, I think Amanda will be up.
The reason imo,that Helen doesn't want to be seen as raising her voice is that she wants to be in the running for "America's Favorite Player" and the cash prize that goes with it.
Helen saying I have kids, I'm a mom, if I send Jesse out she may come find me and my "family" and hurt us. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
She is nuts. Why is she on the show if she is so worried about her family and children. She lies and crys and is just as bad as all the rest. Please, I am so sick of her "I am soooo special" attitude.
She and Elissa are too good for anyone in the house. NOT. All Elissa does is talk about not wanting any contact with any houseguest after the show.
She is Rachels sister and Rachel was horrible on the show. I hope Amanda wins this show. That would totally crack me up. What a finale that would be!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Helen wins HOH,Amanda & McCrae are almost certain to go up.
Amanda is a nasty piece of work and I hope she doesn't win nuttin' ... Nada. Zip. Zero.
McC's nose has to be getting pretty sore from Amanda pulling on that ring she installed. Other than that, he's an ok guy who hasn't done much. But he'd still get my vote to win over the remaining sludge.
For the America's Favorite, my votes will go to Candice. I don't remember who posted it last night, but I agree... she had to put up with a LOT in that house, and will no doubt get the exact same treatment from the Blonde Duo in Jury. I would so like to see the looks on everyone's faces (mostly Aryan & GM) if Candice was to get that AF vote and the $$.
I will be voting for Candice for favorite houseguest. Mostly because I would love to see Aryan, GM and Amanda's faces when she won it, LOL. As far as who I want to win the game, that's a tough one. Can we have no winner and just roll the money over to next season? If I had to choose, I guess it would be Helen. I think she has been playing the game from day one and, for the most part, has kept it classy. I think she is the only one in that house who never forgets that cameras are watching every move. I like Elissa, but she is just coasting. If she wakes up and starts playing, I wouldn't mind her winning. McCrae seems like a nice enough guy, but I have zero respect for how he has let Amanda lead him around by the nose and other extremities. A win for him would be a win for Amanda, and no one wants to see that.
Sharon--I might be wrong, but I assume Helen's kids are young; she's probably thinking about them seeing it in the future.
As mentioned, I consider lying on the show to be strategy and necessary if they have any intention of winning. Helen appears to be the only one with an end-game from the start. Her head's been in the game the entire time.
Yeah, the whole kids thing is BS, I think. Plus, Helen is getting a GREAT broadcast edit, and I'm sure that is all her kids are seeing. She is very savvy, very aware of her actions & the camera.
Sharon - LOL. (ring in his nose.)
Sharon- So did GM & Aryan have words? I heard something about a "chest bump"?
GM is a little hood.
Agree RBennie. Like the lottery, just roll the $$ into next season!! It's difficult looking at these people and decide who should win after trying to weigh the positives... there aren't many to toss onto that scale!
No real reason why I don't want Helen to win, but I just don't. Maybe because she's so phony. She really has been playing the best game, but it's difficult to understand how ALL those people can't see how nauseatingly phony she is.
For some reason, I don't blame Elissa for coasting as much as possible... she never wanted to be on BB in the first place and got wheedled into it. That's what BB gets!!! The impression is that she thinks she's way above everyone else. Actually, she doesn't approve of all the nastiness, so maybe she is "above it all." But she came down a notch (for me) when she asked if Jessie was on drugs last night. Because she's spilling the beans and defending herself???
There's nothing else to say about the rest of that crew. :X
Petals - I remember the chest-bump happening. Can even see it in my mind. Wish I could remember the circumstances or exactly when, but I'm thinking it was at least 1 or 2 weeks ago, so it most likely had something to do with Candice and/or Howard.
If Aryan and GM had words last night, it was after I went to bed. Wouldn't surprise me though... Jessie was getting under everyone's skin! LMAO
100% agree, Sharon. Elissa was wheedled and is being as good a sport as one can be. BUT, I also didn't like that she accused Jess of being "on drugs".
Geesh - these sheeple. If anyone goes against the "power" they are labeled & targeted.
According to other sites, Jessie was doing some eavesdropping last night and heard Amanda, McCrae, Aryan, Helen and Elissa talking about blindsiding her. She now knows for sure that she's going and plans to wreak havoc before she leaves. She already started a screaming match between Aryan and GM. For once I wish I had the feeds.
The Aaryn/GM chest bump was last night. They were arguing as a result of a little bomb Jessie lobbed their way.
LOL! Thanks Silk! Time stamp? Even just an approximate? I'd love to see it?
kplessio Geeeez This isn't a Disney show.
All anyone talks about is how much they hate the houseguests. They knew where they were coming...or so we thought. The ones that most never talk about are just as hateful but are on the down low.
I hope Helen gets the boot! I can't stand her overly sicky sweet way of back stabbing. There are a lot of moms in this world and she is nothing special.
Elissa should ride off on her high horse. She makes me sicker than almost anyone.
There are some on the show that are just plain straight shooters and say it how it is....GAME ON!
Silk - last night's chest-bump must have been the 2nd time it happened because I distinctly remember GM rushing from the right, towards Aryan, and doing it. Wish I could remember the circumstance... maybe after Howard was evicted??
Not that a chest bump is a big deal, or wouldn't be to GM, but for Miss Priss, can't imagine she would be thrilled either time.
Actually the chest bump never happened. It was Aaryn being a drama queen again. What happened was both girls were going down the staircase and GM was close on Aaryn's heels. Aaryn abruptly stops and turns around and they barely touch. So no chest bump.
Chest bump - somewhere around 2:50 am their time. GM is having a screaming meltdown.
Oh, durn my slow typing again. Anyway, now you have both a description and an approximate time. I wouldn't mind having several takes on what people see.
Back during the bed dumping incident, GM was trying to chest bump Candice before Howard interrupted. At least, that's how I read her body language and posture.
The other hamsters weren't sure whether to believe Aaron. Wasn't it a chest bump that got the Hanst guy kicked out a season or two ago? So they figured that if it actually happened, GM would have been kicked out.
Just before Jessie freaked out, the others were talking about how the DR wanted some action, that things were getting boring and they didn't have enough good stuff for broadcast.
Funniest thing....
LOL, Silk! I saw that the DR was trying to drum-up some action. You know, there is a tried & true drama starter: ALCOHOL! If they'd loose the purse strings a bit and spring for more than 2 beers, they may see some more action!
Petals - ain't that the truth!! The BB budget the last few years has gotten cheaper and cheaper. They used to 'give' a lot more booze, and they had special luxury things like racks of clothing for HGs. This season, except for one vacation (net even to Europe), and three $5k prizes, there hasn't been anything.
BB just announced lockdown, so everyone is inside. Bet it's in preparation for the "big" (gag) that's supposed to take place wedding tonight.
Kind of funny really... neither McC or Amanda seem too anxious for this wedding, and Andy announced he isn't giving up his HOH room for them. heh heh
It doesn't look like the hamsters are into preparing anything special for this 'wedding' like they did for Brenchal's Trash Bag wedding! That was priceless...
Fingers got ahead of my mind! lol
You get the drift...
Demanda admitted that the wedding is for camera time. McFly is just an unwilling participant. Plus, with each "bachelor" party, "engagement" and "wedding", Demanda gets special treatment and extra booze.
Yeah, it all started at 2:50 on Cam 1 and 2. I didn't see the chest bump, but cam 1 had GM and Aaryn ongoing for a long time. LONG time.
If the chest bump happened, it occurred in the HoH after they went back in there and during fishies. No chest bump on the feeds, at least during this fight. Aaryn instigated all of that, but it was in direct relation to 'little bomb' that Jessie lobbed their way, as Silk said.
It's insane. Why does BB feel like the hamsters should do something that's been done before... and think it's going to be entertaining? Everybody really got into it planning the Brenchel wedding, making the wedding dress and the tuxedo. Very fun and funny.
This "thing" is just a sham of the original sham wedding, and it's obvious nobody excited. Witnessed by the fact that nobody is making any plans. Nothing.
Monty or Silk - I haven't heard what the "little bomb" was that Jessie dropped. Did either of you hear it, or know what was said?
Jessie has been having a field day ticking everyone off. BB wanted action, she's giving them action!
Telling quote from Helen's bio:
Which past “Big Brother” cast member did you like most or least?
I like Jeff the most because he is down to earth and always was the least annoying. I like drama queen Rachel the least. I had a hard time watching her whine week to week. She has serious issues.
And who was her immediate best friend in the house?
Like I said: Head in the game from the first moment.
I'd also note that Jeff was the "coach" during his season. So is Helen.
Sharon, just general things like GM's been talking shit about you to Aaryn, and vice versa. Jessie's plan to have all of them hating each other and all. Nothing really specific.
Thanks Monte. Can't blame Jessie for wanting to throw a monkey wrench in their plans. From the start, she was treated rather badly. Granted, she was sitting back and not doing much, but the majority of them were doing the exact same thing. Other than a week or so that they threw Jessie a "come on over here and play with us" bone. The rest of the time, I'm sure she has felt kind of similar to Candice (w/o the racist taunts).
A while ago, Aryan said she has such a good job making commercials, etc.... and then made a crack about Jessie being unemployed. Karma is going to be such a bitch.
Even though in the beginning, Jessie drove me nuts, the girl has grown on me. She is the only one in that house who’s not afraid to make some moves and actually……..you know………PLAY BIG BROTHER, and she’s the only one who stands up for herself. I think it was when Nick was voted out, everyone ran for cover in the bedroom. Jessie sat in the kitchen where Katilyn and GinaMarie verbally harassed her. To my surprise little Jessie hung in there. Then the night of the infamous “bed flipping incident” she stood her ground again when “the mean girls plus Jeremy” ganged up on her. Let’s not mention all the times the emotional rollercoaster that is Amanda, came after her and all the mind games Judd played on her. That girl has pretty much been on her own the whole game, and even though I only know her through Big Brother, I’m proud of her. She’s got my vote for favorite player at the end of the game. She deserves it.
Sharon - ditto re Jessie. The way the "house" treated her these past coupla weeks was especially hard for me to watch (so I didn't).
I still say Andy is the most likeable player. Yes, he creeps, floats, mis-aligns, lies, gossips - but he is not a cutthroat sociopath, or a blubbery manipulator.
Geeminy - this is a hard cast to watch. I am LONGING to see some gamesmanship! I need to re-watch Ozzy's last turn on Survivor...mmm
To Silk ~
Maybe you missed my post to you in an earlier thread, so I wanted to make sure you knew that I am happy to see you posting so regularly now! Over the past years, you'd pop-in occasionally, but it is nice to see you at Jackie's so often :)
T-Town -
High FIVE, man (or chick)! I totally agree about lil JessieClaire. That girl does have some guts. That night in the bedroom when she stood-up to Kait, Germ & the rest of the badgers, I was sick with nerves for her. But you are right - she does not back down!
It is so sad that she IS the only one who wanted to PLAY the game, and she got abused for even mentioning it.
Hope you come to the pool party tonight T!
Hey - drinking word? Wedding? Jury? Nick? (lmao - that delusionoid is getting worse, too!)
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