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Aw, poor pitiful GinaMarie |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Better Them Than Us:
- Of course, none of us would be foolish enough to make fools of ourselves on national television and the Internet for three months with a slight possibility of winning a rather (in the long run) paltry sum.
- In my last little bulletin, I made the announcement that Elissa won the PoV comp and that it was this season's Otev variation.
- For those questioning the comp, it's the one in which a god type entity gives a clue about hamsters who have left this season, they all scramble down a ramp and search for whatever form the answer is (doll, disc, etc.) and return up the ramp with it. The slowest (or wrong) one in each round is eliminated.
- It can get pretty cut-throat.
- And, apparently Elissa got to the ruthless point.
- Well, good for her.
- Helen did her happy dances and seems genuinely thrilled for Elissa.
- Now, she thinks that Spencer will be put on the block in Elissa's place, he's the target and she (Helen) is safe.
- Um, that's not quite the plan.
- Yes, they plan to put Spencer on the block. But, no. He's not the target.
- GinaMarie is in a world of self-pity. Naturally, she's disgusted that Elissa won. That would go without saying.
- But she's even more upset that they didn't have any NICK questions in the comp, yet had Jessie and Judd questions.
- She thinks the producers slighted Nick and is more upset about that than the fact that her hated nemesis won the comp?!?! Is she for realz? (As the Staten Islanders would say.)
- This season's Otev comp has left them all with bruises and scrapes.
- Poor hamsters.
- All of them, except GinaMarie, have been going on about great Elissa did in the comp.
- Amanda thinks Elissa is more dangerous than Spencer and if she (Elissa) gets HoH, they need to make sure she targets Spencer.
- Aaryn thinks that Spencer is more dangerous than Elissa and he must go next week.
- Spencer pointed out to the others that he was hoping to vote this week for the first time in weeks. They laughed at him.
- They apparently (or some of them) got love letters from Otev and GM is upset she didn't get one from Nick.
- @@
- Aaryn said she's angry at Helen. When Amanda asked her why, Aaryn said it's because Helen says she (Aaryn) is working with them (Amanda, McCrae, etc.). She is, of course. Even Amanda found the "angry" funny.
- It's sad to see Helen has bought all the lies hook, line and sinker. She really thinks both she and Elissa will stay in the game and Spencer will go home this week.
- She's dead wrong.
- And, even though Elissa was talking about self-eviction this past week and on occasion before, I doubt that will happen.
- GinaMarie cried, then went to the Have Not room to try to sleep.
- Aaryn laughed at McCrae because he was upset that he made a rather homophobic comment with her influence and he doesn't want people to think he's homophobic. She said she no longer cares what people think and they can slap any label on her.
- No worries there, Aaryn. They have! And it's all because of your own words and actions.
- Aaryn thinks the people who watch or follow the live feeds spout things out of context and are mean.
- Heh.
- McCrae told her that the online world is part of his own world and he knows when it's wrong to say something.
- Amanda thinks McCrae must be the most politically correct person in the world.
- Er, no. But he has been a lot more wise about what he says online.
- Then again, he got into a huge showmance with the biggest villain in the house. If he loses the game, he will be mocked in BB circles forever. If he wins, everyone will call it shrewd gameplay.
- Aaryn might be surprised sooner rather than later to find that she's low person on the totem pole of the 3am Alliance. McCrae/Amanda will dump her before they get rid of Andy.
- Oh my.
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He has THOSE socks on, biting his nails again |
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Bound to be block-bound again |
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Looking squirmy nervous a lot |
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Ms. PoV Winner |
GM's preoccupation with a man she knew for two weeks, possibly three is a bit unsettling! The fact they didn't include Nick questions is reason for a crying jag? I mentioned to my sister the other day that the way she carries around Nick's blue hat reminds me of how Linus carried around his blanket.
I love that Elissa won POV. As I recall, Otev can get pretty intense; I'm glad she won it.
Loved the photos in your Sunday off-topic blog, Jackie! I always love pictures of sunflowers that you include.
Vincent's looking particularly adorable this week!
Witt :)
Helen is living in as big of a fantasy world a Gina Marie.
I wonder if she will be as shocked as Judd was when she walks out the door.
I hope Elissa will throw Helen a vote to stay, since the others will all vote to evict her, but I don't think she'll do it since next week they will come after her (which would have happened anyway).
Witt :)
Wow. I think this is the first time in weeks that I have smiled about something that happened in the house. I'm glad Elissa won POV. Now if only Helen would wise up about her fate. I don't want her to go out looking like a fool.
All this really proves is how weak Helen's hand was all season. I mean, she has no allies in the house. And people seem to think that the previous evictees would have aligned with Helen against Amanda, but that's just self-deception. Nick and Howard were in with McCrae and, therefore, Amanda. No one but Candice and Jessie would have lined up against Amanda. So if Helen and Elissa joined those two...all 4 of them would already be gone. IMHO.
Like it or not, Amanda has played brilliantly and has always had the numbers. Heck, she had so many numbers she could sacrifice Judd and still rule the house.
Amanda's strategy is really brilliant and ruthless. She's used some of the bullying that ED did, but she's also mixed in some very well-placed lies.
She may be a total biyotch, but she's gotta be in the top 5 or 10 BB players of all time.
And for those that want to blame the "sheeple", that's just sour grapes. This house played hard from the beginning. The guy's alliance. Andy playing double-agent. McCrae playing double agent. The "pretty people" alliance. Helen's schmoozing. There was a lot of game play. Amanda just bested the others (so far).
Yes, there are beginning to eat their own. If I could separate the racist rantings from the gameplay, I'd agree with you Joe but I can't.
Helen is getting what she deserved. Had she been able to keep her lip zipped on several key occasions, she would not be in this pickle. Worst offensive - trusting that Andy was in her camp.
Head cheese and habeneros? Guessing Amanda is not a practicing Jew because head cheese is just assorted pig parts. One cannot survive on habeneros alone.
A "practicing" Jew does not have to be Kosher.
I do agree, andrea, that Helen did not understand the loyalties if Andy and also probably Aaryn. And since she also seemed ready to jettison Elissa, Helen really is totally alone.
P.S. you don't have to like Amanda to recognize her game play. I mean Hitler is probably the most charismatic leader of the 20th century. But recognizing that isn't the same as embracing his beliefs.
Well Joe In NY,
You can admire Amanda but without these "sheeple" she wouldn't have been able to what she has done, you must admit none of these other hampsters really had a clue on how the game is played, why did they get rid of all the other showmance alliancse, Nick & GM, Aaryn & David and there was a third but their names escapes me right now, oh yeah Kaitlin and Jeremy but joined in on the wedding ceremony, and all the other blatant acts of Amanda and McCrae alliance, all because they played on personal dislkes, because they just refused to think on there own. If it wasnt Amanda tellling them what to do it was Helen. Fortunately for Amanda she got in the house of people that could not think for themselves long before she met them.
Joe in NY~~~~You write and express your views perfectly. You are spot on. I have said for quite awhile Amanda is the best player but all I read about her is negative.
Joe NY is spot on with his views and I so enjoyed reading your take on the show.
You are a man of reason. Refreshing for sure.
To Joe in NY,
Calling Hitler the most charismatic leader of the 20th century is the most delusional and absurd comment you have made here. Have you read anything about Nazi Germany? Do you see him as charismatic, as let's say, John F. Kennedy or Martin Luther King? You can't be serious with that statement. He orchestrated some of the worst atrocities ever on humankind. Charismatic certainly not!!!!!!
Perhaps you have been spending too much time watching and listening to Spencer on the live feeds.
Kathy in NY
Joe in NY - I am 82 and lived through the Hitler area, I suggest you go and read up on the atrocities he committed. You seem like a intelligent and reasoning person but on this you are dead wrong.
CeeCee s
I think Amanda has played a great game. She can be really arrogant and a cry-baby sometimes but I also think she can be funny and she is smart. I kind of like her. Aaryn has also grown on me. Yes, she made some offensive comments, absolutely, but she is not dumb. She realized she wasn't playing the game well and she completely turned her game around and now is a threat to win it. My point is, that people are complex and have good and bad qualities. THe only one who really rubs me the wrong way is Helen. She reminds me of corporate office types who appear nice but claw their way to the top.
Kathy and CeeCee, you are absolutely correct in your comments as to Hitler - but so is Joe. You are responding emotionally, and Joe is being entirely logical. Hitler convinced normal average citizens to accept and perform those atrocities. He whipped up fervor with every speech. The fact that the fervor was evil and people knew it and saw it and went along anyway is entirely due to Hitler's charismatic speaking and leadership. To deny that is to ignore history.
There's a saying in forums that when Hitler enters the discussion, the discussion is over. Bad boy, Joe!
Too many people mistake the description of charismatic as being very like JFK or MLK. However, that's not accurate. Here is the description, according to the dictionary:
1. a special personal quality or power of an individual making him capable of influencing or inspiring large numbers of people
2. a quality inherent in a thing which inspires great enthusiasm and devotion
Certainly, by those descriptions, Hitler had those "forms of charisma" because he WAS able to inspire a large number of people to follow him, and he WAS able to completely control them.
Recognizing those forms of charisma doesn't require us to like or admire anything about him. It's simply a matter of recognizing a very uncomfortable fact that none of us would ever want to admit or accept.
Enough about Hitler people! It's boring. Let's talk about BB please.
Good plan Anon! :)
So everyone up, Elissa talks to Helen, but Helen not answering. hmmmm
I love being Teacher's Pet, Joe. ;)
I bet you just wished that I'd stop daydreaming and PAY ATTENTION!
Urgh, yes Demanda is obviously the player to beat.
You know how I am: I love the girlie girls and the beefy boys. McCranda are the opposite of that,so they get an "icck" and "eww" from me.
Catch you guys later xoxox
Oh geeminy, I just saw the anger about what Joe said.
^5 Sharon (as always)
Would it have been any better if he had used Charles Manson as an example? Same difference: charismatic leader. Charisma doesn't mean "cool" or "good". Joe wasn't endorsing Hitler. He was using him as an example of being able to lead people - period.
(sorry Joe, geez)
Silk is right, this blog is no place for talk of that. Sharon is right, too: people see the word Hitler and get trigger-happy.
New topic: Who is coming back?? Does America get to determine who returns?? I hope Candice wins!
Production gets to determine who comes back, in the design of the competition, weighting it for one or another competitor's skills.
Petals, Silk and Sharon: You beat me to it with the Hitler discussion and definition of "charismatic."
I wish it would be Candice to return to the game, (just to rattle GM), but it may be Helen, depending on the comp. Unfortunately, whoever it is will immediately be retargeted for eviction.
Witt :)
Silk, Sharon and Anonymous,
How interesting that you took the time to qualify and define the word charismatic. Hitler, the fascist leader of Nazi Germany and the word charismatic make no sense when used together in describing this historical figure. Maniacal mass murderers of millions, would seldom if ever, be seen as a charismatic individual. Charisma is most times looked upon as a positive worthwhile attribute. His influence was due to his ability at public speaking. He dictated by fear and use of force and severe punishment. Other then here, in this blog, try to find references where Hitler is described as a charismatic figure. A definition from a dictionary does not make the point. If you remember it was the extremely gross and disgusting Spencer who made this suggestion about Hitler. It was immediately followed by a firm reprimand from his employers at Union Pacific Railways. They disagreed with his comments and were not to pleased with him.
Kathy from NY
Kathy, you are simply not correct. Charisma is simply the ability to get people to follow you, as Sharon has pointed out. Check a dictionary. Mine does not say they have to be doing good deeds. If you want to stick to BB, Dr. will was probably the most charismatic, but he was also completely self-absorbed and dishonest.
My only point is that Amanda sucks as a person but is very good at this game.
Actually, if you look up Hitler on wikipedia, it refers to his "charismatic oratory".
But enough about Amanda...
I'd also like to know why being loyal to an alliance makes you "sheeple". Why isn't that just part of your strategy? They will need to turn on their own soon enough. But there was no point in undermining their own alliance earlier.
At this point, we'll see how it goes as they make their moves.
And if you could set your irrational hatred aside, it is not ridiculous for some people to want Amanda in the final 2 with them. McCrae for instance might feel he'll share blame as well as credit with her so he'd be the less objectionable to a bitter jury. Ifmccrae is opposite Andy or Spencer or AAryn, he may lose due to his Amanda association.
And I do believe Hitler was one of the most charismatic leaders of the 20th century because I do not believe it is so easy to get tens of millions of people to embrace mass murder. The fact that Hitler was evil is meaningless in itself. Evil people kill a few people and go to jail. History was changed because Hitler was both evil and charismatic. (End of thesis.)
Sorry, but I have to chime in here. Anyone who has taken even an elementary college level course in Leadership, know the definition of charisma. Silk and Joe are 100% correct. Hitler, Jim Jones, David Koresh, and Charles Manson (kudos to Petals for that comparison) were all charismatic leaders. So were JFK, MLK, Ghandi, etc. As Joe said, you don't have to embrace the beliefs to recognize what the term actually means.
As Silk said, to deny that is to ignore history. I spent an entire afternoon in the National Holocaust Museum in DC over a week ago. Go through that exhibit and see with your own eyes what it took to build that immense amount of hatred. You will walk out changed.
Now back to BB. Can't wait to chat with you fine folks tonight during the pool party. ~Peace
One last thing...
I accepted Kathy in NY's challenge:
Here's a book entitled "Hitler's Charisma"
Here's a BBC documentary entitled "Hitler's Dark Charisma"
And if you google "Hitler" + "charisma" you get 1,040,000 hits!!!
Don't worry, apology accepted!!! Hope to see you all tonight. :)
Wow, Joe in NY, you could be "right" without being condescending. Others who agree with you managed it.
I vote to get back to BB.
SLOW day on the feeds. It figures, one of the few times I decide to spend time watching, they're mostly cleaning. And by "they" I mean Helen and Elissa. Yawn.
There he goes again, Joe NY able to see everything so easy and so reasonably. Smart man. I have not mentioned how I want Amanda to win because everyone has a fit about it. Glad to know I am not crazy.
You are absolutely correct about Hitler as well.
Teachers Rule :o)
Um...Sasha, not to pick a fight. But where was I condescending?
I actually took the time to prove my point with research. I would say that shows a certain amount of respect for the critics. I didn't call anyone names or anything.
Helen is all alone and its no one fault but her own. Sh bought into the whole "running the house thing" with McManda and had no cle that they (and Andy) were playing her the whole time. Now I will bet a blue baseball cap that she will blame Elissa for her present predicament but she needs to own up to the fact that had she not tried to pair up with "the popular kids" she, Elissa, Judd, Howard, Candice and Jessie could have cleaned out the house. She got outplayed!
Everyone is trying to make the "house" happy but they don't realize Amanda (not McManda) "is" the house. She has dictated most of the ousters - even when she was on the eviction list.
Helen is a big disappointment of late. First, she swallowed that McCrae lie about wanting to join her against Amanda. I don't know how she couldn't see that for what it was: Amanda trying to figure out when it was time to move against Helen. And now, they even nominate her and she thinks she's not the target.
I don't watch the feeds, but how the heck did Amanda et al convince her that she needed to be nominated even though she wasn't the target. I mean, even if Elissa was the main target, a stray Helen vote for Elissa to stay wouldn't have hurt anything. So the whole argument that they had to nominate Helen so Elissa wouldn't get her vote made no sense at all. Especially in a game like BB where people are always (correctly) paranoid because people are always lying to them, how is Helen not highly suspicious of the entire scenario?
Andrea, that's sort of half true. They COULD have ganged up on Amanda. Except everyone forgets that Howard was aligned with the boys, including McCrae, and so he was never an ally of Helen's either. And Judd was also allied with Amanda/McCrae and was not an ally of Helen's either.
And, frankly, Jessie was trying to bond with the cool kids herself and was only opposed to Amanda later when she was a target and always on the block so not much help.
I challenge anyone to find a time when there were enough votes to evict Amanda even if she were on the block.
My exact same thoughts, Joe. They also said they wanted to backdoor Spenser, so that's why she was put up. Hello? Spenser hasn't had an opportunity to vote in how many weeks because he can't get himslf off the block? Backdooring Spencer is on the surface ridiculous.
Joe, please don't make me look it up but before Howard left, they had the numbers to get Amanda out. I remember we actually went through the numbers at one of the HOH parties. But all are to willing to dictate to the house (Amanda). Thats what makes them sheeple. No one is willing to break out and do something outside of what the house wants.
During that same period, Judd wanted Amanda out as did Howard, if only for the fact that he had been her target for weeks.
There might be enough votes to get Amanda out right now. If it were Amanda and Helen on the block,
Elissa would vote Amanda out.
GM would vote Amanda out if Aaryn told her to.
Spenser could be convinced that voting Amanda out gives him a real chance at final three, which he won't have as long as she's around.
Spenser, once "turned", could work on McCrae with a similar argument.
There's a good possibility of three votes against Amanda.
About the only GOOD opportunity they had to definitely oust Amanda is the second time she was the MVP nom and had no chance at veto. They didn't have the votes then. Otherwise, no one wanted to even put her on the block.
I believe Joe made a good point about her charisma. Actually, Dr. Will did do roughly the same thing, but perhaps because he was male, it seemed more acceptable to the masses. Plus, she has more of a "mean streak" than did he. But, doesn't anyone recall his lie about having cancer in Season 2? He did and said some pretty outrageous things, yet no one voted him out.
I checked back on Amanda's original bio for the show. She's pretty much sticking to plan (with the exception of so much McCrae time) and it's working -- "Strategy for winning “Big Brother”: My strategy is to find common ground with everyone and share individual time- and secrets to earn their trust. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer."
I think Spencer is resigned to being the pawn until the end.
Oh, and to clarify -- no one was WILLING to put her on the block, more than "wanted" to do so. Those who wanted to put her up knew that her alliance block was too large to overcome. Back to the charisma factor ...
Good grief. Aryan has exposed the lies of Amanda, McC and Andy.
Aryan has told Helen that McC lies about everything, and that Andy TELLS McRanda everything. But it goes right over Helen's head. After being told all that, she went to get Andy and wanted loyalty confirmation. @@
I've come to the conclusion that if Helen is an educated nitwit.
What did you expect Sharon, LOL!
I gave up on Helen awhile ago. Hope she doesn't try to run the Jury house!
Andrea - Can't help wonder if Helen tried to to run the jury house, how many would fall for it now. Certainly not Judd, and Jessie knew Helen wasn't backing her last week. I'm not sure where Candice's head would be.
I'd be very disappointed if any of those 3 were inclined to swallow her lines now, and when she shows up in Jury, I hope they look at her and say, "if you're so dang smart, why aren't you still there?"
It looks like Aaryn, GM and Elissa are on the same page - McMandy (sounds right? Amanda, McCrae and Andy?) - is trying to pit them against each other but Helen is still drinking the kool-aid. She might save herself here - if she sells out her counterparts (Elissa, GM and Aaryn.
And for the record, I know it was FlavorAid but it just doesn't have the same panache.
There's a saying that you "expect others to lie in situations where you would lie". Helen's problem is the opposite - she expects truth from others in situations where she would tell the truth.
Well said Silk.
So if Elissa or GM get HOH - They'd be best to put up MacManda. Thay way if one of them gets POV, there is still one up for evication.
Hey, a girl can dream, can't she?
If GM won HOH, she'd do Amanda's work and put up Elissa, with Spence/or whoever comes back in the house (if they are still around). GM would delight in putting up Elissa... they clash on so many levels.
If Elissa won HOH, there's no telling if she would choose between Amanda, Aryan, GM or Spence, but since she has a serious dislike for GM, she would probably be the #1 nom (I think she dislikes GM even more than Aryan or Amanda). Andy is a rat, but maybe not as personally offensive to Elissa. I doubt she likes McC either, but maybe he doesn't give her the same kind of heartburn as the rest.
And then we have Aryan. She might win the rest of the comps from here on out. For sure, Amanda won't win anything. It's not like the rest are comp-animals, unless Elissa goes on a comp-tear!
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