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They'll ride it to the end |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of the Fickle Finger of Fate:
- At least Spencer has his small joys -- he's thrilled with the free clothes they get in comps and even more if they win HoH.
- Aaryn thinks she will be put on the block with GinaMarie.
- Probably.
- Aaryn and Amanda talked about "what if" they were the final two.
- Aaryn thinks that any of them (her, Amanda, McCrae or Andy) could beat GinaMarie, Elissa, or Spencer in the final two.
- Probably.
- Helen told McCrae he might be being portrayed as a little puppy dog following Amanda.
- Well, yeah, there's certainly that aspect in there!
- Then she kept after him trying to get him to vote for her to stay. Will that happen?
- Probably not.
- Helen said that Amanda is probably being portrayed as a bully.
- Would that need "portraying" per se?
- Probably not.
- Amanda got all upset with the talk that she's being portrayed as a bully.
- Heehee!
- GinaMarie thinks she (GM) is a "nice girl."
- Eep.
- Both Aaryn and McCrae told Amanda not to say anything about her building anger regarding the bully comments.
- When Amanda was going on about never bullying anyone in the house, Spencer spoke up and pointed out that she bullied him for his vote to go the way she wanted, threatening he'd be out next, at one point.
- I don't say this often, perhaps not ever at all ... but, you go, Spencer!
- Helen wonders what Amanda is like outside the house.
- I don't think I want to know. She can disappear from my life after the season is over. I don't want to know her any better.
- Helen also thinks McCrae and Amanda aren't a good match for each other.
- I think outside the game, she's right. In the game, they're obviously doing something right. I guess.
- Amanda thinks Helen will taint the jury against her.
- I say they're probably already tainted.
- Helen thinks McCrae has deprived himself of the full BB experience due to being with Amanda.
- I personally wonder what the superfan McCrae would have done on his own in the game.
- Helen also said that if Amanda makes it to the end without ever winning any comps, it would be hard not to vote for her.
- Helen is pretty resigned that she will be leaving on Thursday. She asked Elissa if she wanted her to leave anything behind for her.
- Aw.
- But it's too late for could have, should have. Amanda and crew played it stronger.
- Aaryn, Andy and GinaMarie want to be the final three.
- We'll see about that.
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Will they be targeted soon? |
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Targeted |
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Expendable at any time |
I still think this has been a good season. The HGs weren't very like able and there weren't a lot of big moves, but they have been playing more strategically than a lot of seasons with more little moves.
I'm a little disappointed that Helen petered out and the big showdown with Amanda was not so big. But I think it just exposes how weak Helen's position was and the weakness in her game: she didn't read the subtext well.
Helen had headed the eviction of every one that she would have a chance of helping her this week. Voted out her own and now "the sticks stands alone". So sad. Had hoped that Aaryn would have thought through this but doesnot look like she has. May just a well give Amanda the money and all go home.
Hold on folks remember last season everybody had given Dan the money, if Judd comes back, I think he could convience McCrae to get rid of Amanda,and we know Andy would do the same since he and McCrae, cried almost unconsolably when Judd left, I can't see Jessie or Candice winning any kind of competition to get back into the house, and honestly I would not want them to go back in there, the was they were treated, so dont waste a chance brining some excitement to the game with one of those two coming back, who cares if it would send GM into a wild tirade, I think we have seen enough of her insane behavior. They would send Helen right back out the door, she wouldn't see after Aaryn tried to tell her just a day ago whatwas going on, so I dont want to see her again either.
Helen was all for evicting those who would have been of most help to her in the game. Howard was loyal to an alliance that had bottomed out. I think he would have been loyal to Helen, Elissa, Candice, Spencer and they could have formed a formidable alliance especially if they could pull in Jessie too and maybe Judd. But Helen was all too wiling to align with Aaryn , Amanda, Andy, McRae. Her other downfall was trusting Andy too much. She never saw that he would go running to McManda all of the time and spent an enormous amount of time with Amanda and McRae.
Amanda is a bully and a bigot as she has made comments nearly as bad as Aaryn and GM. I hope we never see her again. But I think production likes her and they will have her back sometime in a future season. I hope not, I would rather they try having McRae come back without Amanda and I would love to see Howard come back in another season too to see what he could do in a different season with houseguests who are not bigots. What Candice endured in that house was so wrong, living in that pit of hate must have been so difficult.
This season has been bad because of the bigotry, the mean spirited personal play of most of them and also it is boring, predictable, and I am ready for the season to be over. I have never felt that way even in some seasons that were rather boring. At least there was a power shift from time to time, this year power never shifts. It is always Amanda deciding who gets nominated and who goes. Ugh!
"the way they were treated" (not was) trying to type too fast so early in the morning.
Now if Helen comes right back in and she or Elissa win HOH we could finally see some action in the house. No, not that kind, Get your minds out of the gutter. If Helen comes back and they can get HOH it will be like a do-over for this week. And she will be P.O'ed at Andy finally.
It is only a thought with long shot odds but I can dream can't I? ;-)
Jackie, I'm with you...Amanda can disappear completely and I'd never shed a tear over it. I find it a bit comical that she has NO IDEA about how she comes off. McCrae has been her saving grace....if he wasn't there to calm her down I think she'd have been voted out earlier.
Helen is a pretty smart lady, but when you can't see the writing on the wall (and you keep blabbing to someone not loyal to you!!!), you deserve to go.
Can't wait to see how the re-entry goes!
Witt :)
Anon 6:57 - I believe it is "the cheese stands alone". I got your point though, Helen has been the bullet for several fallen HGs, but she can't seem to smell the smoking gun when it is pointed at herself.
Is there ALWAYS a Pandora's Box? Am I missing something, because I can't remember it from every single season past. And did we get to vote the returning HG? Guess not, because they return in 2 days.
My condition has kept me so tired that I can't even keep-up with tennis, much less this crazy BB season.
I am the cheese (pass me a cracker)
Remember Cochrane, from Survivor?
Here is his summation of the latest events in BB:
I just read the Cochran piece and this is one of the best things I've ever read "...as she gently strokes a Ziploc baggie containing Nick’s tear-soaked toenail clippings.". I mean, come on! If that isn't hilarious then I don't know what is!
I'm glad to hear that Helen finally realizes she is the one being evicted. It was painful to watch her falling for all the crap McCrae and Andy were spewing to her. I have to admit that I'm looking forward to the time when Amanda and McCrae stick it to Andy. That little rat really annoys me.
I'm confused again (the title of my personal blog is "I Don't Understand", so this is not an unusual condition for me). The consensus is that Helen will be evicted Thursday, there will be a jury competition, and the winner will return --- on Thursday. Same day. Live?
Is there time for that? Plus the start of the next HOH comp?
I guess it could be a quick competition, like one question: "Who wants to go back into the house?" and the first person to hit the Yes button wins.
McCrea (by the way, he styles it "Mccrea") states confidently last night that the four on the jury would compete for the right to return, and the winner would come back on Thursday. How can he be so confident of that? Did DR drop a hint?
They're going to force me to watch Thursday, aren't they? And I will be disappointed if I'm disappointed. Told ya I was confused....
Cochran piece was amazing and hularious, everything he said was the absolute truth and so well put together, "how observant". I see he wasn't entrolled with the racist and bigoted behavior of GM Aaryn, Amanda, and Kaitlin, as he did mention Aaryn hate spewing. Very well said Cochran!
If Helen came back, she probably still wouldn't go after Amanda and McCrea, remember these people play on strictly person likes and dislikes, instead logic, one of them preferably (Amanda) needs to go I dont see where McCrea has played the game that well, unless you consider sniffing the butt-hole literally of a butt-hole. I know there's a few of you who thinks she's played a good game (which maybe she has) but it's hard for me to see good (of any kind) in someone that has caused such pain, and humiliation in others, I know this is a game, but there's no amount of money that could make me stoop so low as to call out someone because of their race or ethnicity, this was a house devided way before this show aired. Well enough, of that, I'm so hoping Judd comes back, because he really had to see that he wasn't a part of an alliance that he thought he was in, wasn't it an unamimous vote for him to leave? He also has a chance at winning comps. So it would be much more interesting if he came back. If Candice or Jessie comes back it would be too painful for me to watch.
Anon 11:42 AM
I made a few incorrect spellings so for give me, trying to tyoe as fast as I was thinking.
Glad you guys liked Cochrane's statement. Ork, I was LMAO literally at the GM comments.
If there is a comp for the evictees to return, then I hope it is at least a fair one, like a ball-in-hole or some such randomness. I'd love a Jessie or Candice return. With a Candi return, GM will attack her and get booted. Which begs the question: WHAT IN THE EFF DID CANDICE DO TO GM THAT HAS MADE HER (the lil guttersnipe)SO INEXPLICABLY ANGRY?
*laughs* someone should float a rumor that Candice & Nick are married in real life. Watch her head spin.
Do you think Helen has been throwing comps. I am not sure she stands a good chance of getting back into the game after she is evicted. Sorry if this has been addressed already
I don't want to see a "random win" jury comp. I hope a factor would be desire to win. It would be horrible if someone who didn't want to go back accidentally "won" and was forced by contract to return.
I hope it will be a real competition that they will have to fight to win, but one that is fair for all. I think something like the "Otev" comp would be good.
If it came down to McC and Amanda in F2, as a juror, I would be very tempted to give the win to McC.
1) He's not as obnoxious as her.
2) As stated by various people, he's played his 'part' of the duo by calming Demanda down. McC is perfectly aware that he aligned with an obnoxious bully and that very few (if any) actually like her... and he's also aware that she will take most of the heat because of her behavior. Maybe he bites his nails so much in an effort to try and keep from biotch-slapping her!
As far as Judd, he could end up coming back, but remember his last words blaming Helen, Elissa and Jessie for his eviction. IF Judd would even let Jessie talk to him, she "might" have been able to convince him it was Amanda who just "knew" he was the MVP putting her on the black. Helen and the rest went along with Amanda's paranoid theory, but it was Amanda who actually steered everyone into thinking he was so dangerous that they needed him out.
I have no sympathy for Helen. For someone so educated and used to dealing with people, she's an annoying nitwit. Aryan TOLD her Andy was aligned with McRanda and was not her aligned/friend, but she can't bring herself to believe it. Combined with the belief that McC is aligned with her, it all screams how incredibly inept she really is. You can see Andy struggling not to laugh every time says she has McC's vote. She also says she controls Elissa, but I seriously doubt anyone "controls" Elissa because she's an unknown wild hair.
OH PETALS, you really are on fire. we laugh so hard at your posts, you are so funny and come up with good ones.
After watching after dark last night,(Jackie, they don't pay you enough to endure all that)
I watch GINA M. and wonder just how old is this child?? Does anyone know??
For some crazy reason, a part of me, I did say a PART of me, feel sorry for her, ( oh no!!! did I do a HELEN?? )And wonder just what cause her attachment issus with NICK or any man for that matter and how in the world has she survive out in the real world? sorry, just the small heart part of me wanted to help her see her mental health gone wrong, be fix.
JOEY is also afraid that they may have taken her for granted so much and she be left to end up in the final. I"M so wanting to add rolling my eyes but do not know how to add them on here like JACKIE can,but will just say, "OH JOEY, "NO"PLEASE DON"T LET THAT HAPPEN!!!
can I get something for the big headach, he cause with this over thinking it thing.
Andy is so disgusted!
JOEY and I talk about what you posted with your thought on all this and we agree with a lot of it, except,the JUDD"S part,
while I thinking that JESSIE and CANDY can talk him into listening and believeing that it was AMANDA doing that got him out and not HELEN, and we debated about that for a while as he said if HELEN does get to them in the jury house and prove to him what happen, he may change his attitude toward AMANDA but JOEY said : in truth, he does not really believe anything will really make a different with who ever come back as it still too late for them or anyone to make a effect in that matter.They all are too scared of AMANDA to really change and stand up to her.
JOEY SAID: he really think it will come down to final 3 of ARYAN, MCCREA, AMANDA and with the final 3 comp being a 2 parts one with first part a enduance one, he see AMANDA as losing first in that one and it will be MCCRA and ARYAN dueling for part 2, a mental comps and then MCCREA castrate (SORRY, JOEY WORDS, NOT MINE OWN) him self from AMANDA and finally play for the win.
He said he may over think it but....
yeah. after last night boring show of after dark and HELEN, ( I really can not believed she still talking to ANDY)trying to play nice, geez... I think we need a nap, poor JACKIE!!!
Don't apologize for feeling pity for GM. She lives with her parents, so she will never really "need" a man to take care of her. Maybe that is her problem: they coddle her? Who knows? I know that I do not care!
Hope to see you guy at the pool party!
PETALS: That really sad. but maybe they can get her help.
Maybe I can get some help and stop feeling crazy mad at these people, lol, not real mad , just in the moment about how blind they are.
I think I need a really good nap but now I am afraid will have another nightmare about GINA. I tease JOEY last night that since GINA is from jersey and I told him JACKIE may find her and let me send her to him, I was joking but that really scare the hay out of him too, I laugh at him and told him I was kidding, he still scared, just the thought of her make him nervous, lol.he nuts, ya know, at least now he is mess up, lol. boy do I have a new way to have fun with this now.
I still cant see why Judd would continue to believe Helen got him out when the vote was unanimous,so that meant they all wanted him to go in a matter of seconds almost, not one person in his so called alliance voted for him tostay, NOT ONE, and he knew Amanda was running the show, that's why he joined their alliance. McCrea and Amanda took control of his HOH room, so is he really that stupid. Please people NO CANDICE please have a heart and not wish GM on hera again, that was so demeaning.
we really like CANDICE and really thought she is a strong women who would stand up to all of them but we wish she would have not stay close off so much befor leaving as it may have turn around different as we really think she would stood up to GM and maybe, just maybe, she could have stay, but she is really too good of a person for this crazines, she is one of the few's I see as really be able to make something more for her self out side the game when it done and over with. but we hope for the best for her. I would really be happy if she and howard got together after the show or that she become more then just someone on this silly show. I really can not say it enought about I hope for the best with her, she really deserved it.
Even though it was a unanimous vote to evict Judd... it was Helen, Elissa and Jessie he was angry with and his last words were to "get her out." We all assume he meant Jessie (maybe Elissa) since he wouldn't speak to either on the way out. He wasn't thinking about the fact it was a unanimous vote and ALL of his aligned "friends" had just turned on him. After being away from the insanity, maybe sanity will prevail and allow him to believe Jessie and Candice, but I wouldn't count on that happening in just one week.
After Helen is evicted, if I recall the sequence from the past...
There's the BB eviction, Jury comp right after, and the winner immediately returns for the remainder of the show. Because of TV time constraints, I don't believe Helen will have much time to talk and/or convince anyone of anything since the comp will be ready and waiting.
Joey, I can can appreciate how you felt about Candice because she was really a nice person. too nice to be in a house where people were demeaning you solely due to the color of your skin, none of those people there were ever going to align themselves with her other than Howard, do you see it wasn't about her standing up to GM, none of them really cared for her and Howard, that's why they stayed to themselves, it was obvious, Aaryn. Kaitlin, GM, and then Amanda ,mistreated them daily, making racial remarks to them constanly, so to me it would be a nice gesture just to vote for her for the $50,000 (Fan Favorite) because she deserves it to have had to tolerate them for as long as she did, i'm sure she didn't know she was going to be treated like that because in BB history no one else had.
Geeminy, yeah! I'd forgotten that Judd was blaming only the innocent people for his eviction! How hilarious!
What a tool. Seriously, literally & figuratively - Judd is a TOOL!
He really drank the AmandaJuice (ewwww...why did I word it like that??)
We have to agree with you and your post and we feel as well as you that she may be the one who's really should win that vote. but you never know how that will go, just hope for the best.
JOEY said: ohhh....my....baby girl, AMANDAJUICE...poor JOEY... now he really mess up, lol.
You really are funny, dear... but JOEY still love ya BABY GIRL.
I ask him," should I be jealous???
(teaseing him) he said " yep, she funnier then you and will come up with some really good zingers!!!
maybe I will zing him now?? oh that scared him, maybe he will finaly behaved.
we loved you PETALS and he loved teasing and joking with us. maybe we can gang up and scare him silly... wait, he silly enough as it is. oh well I tryed.
Silly Joey! xoxoxoxxo You guys are great! Tell Joey he can tease me anytime (with your permission, of course!)
This cracked me up! I laughed so loud I scared the cat. To really get the full effect, look at the photos in order, from upper left to lower right.
~~Silk - Now THAT is funny! I'd actually fly to CA to be at that live eviction show!
Petals, you just made me throw up a little in my mouth with that amanda juice comment, damn, i just did it again, aaaacccckkkkk
JOEY is a real mis-adventure with in himself,never a dull moment with him. He always funny or having funny things happen around him, he is the only person I know who's can stand still and still be funny and have things happen around him. sometime he does things that will just leave you laughting for days.
last nght he was out fishing with friends and he caught a really small fish and so a crane came up to him and all the guys were watching him, he give it to the bird, bird grab it in it mouth, flew around a while then came back and flew over his head and drop it right smack on top of his head and then got bird craps all over as well. all the guys were laughting while Joe shaking his fist at the bird and yelling last time I ever do a nice thing and feed ya. after that all the guys made sure they stand far enough away.wondering which one is the bird brain.
that just how he is.
one day he was working on the roof in really hot weather and came in so daze and hot, I was worry, I told him to take a cold shower and walk away, came back a little while after that and there he was standing there with his fool head in the freezer. I ask him what the hay ya doing??
He said " I figure I freeze my head for awhile and get a head start in hope it help. I look at him and shook my head and said" Yeah right , JOEY, either that or you get a clue and freeze a fews brain cells while ya at it"
now I think he did freeze a few's too many. lol.
We have many nickname for him and MR.Catastrophe is one of them.
While JOEY is so loved and Adore by everyone who's meet him, he has the most Jink of lucks ever .
oh the storys I could tell you that will have you laughting for days.
one of the many differents qualitys I loved about him, is his ablity to just laugh at himself or his great sense of humors and how he can really make a dull tense fill moment with people and make it into a fun and funny moment. he never take himself too seriously.
While many people have told me about the effect he has on their lifes and how he change them and will just enjoy the simple things in life.
JOEY once said: Nothing worsthwhile come easy, If it real, it will never be easy. but with him, he always make things different no matter how bad things can get, he will always be there to help and do his best as only JOEY know how.
sorry I babble on just wanted to share a special JOEY moment
Thank you
Silk, that is hysterical. The only other addition to make it perfect is Beau from BB6, bwahahahaha
Monty, for some reason I can't get the link that Silk posted. Can you msg it to me in FB?
Just did, Petals. Hilarious :))
Have they kept the jurors sequestered from each other since one of them is coming back into the house or have they been together and able to talk about the game? I notice we haven't seen any jury house footage. If Judd has calmed down and Jessie was able to convince him that Amanda thinking he was MVP was the reason he was voted out then I'd love for him to come back.
This has to be the dumbest group of players ever to enter the house. Allowing Amanda and McCrae to stay together was the biggest mistake and everyone made it. Not realizing Andy was a lying rat who was telling Amanda everything is mistake #2. Finally everyone in that house believes they are in an alliance with Amanda and McCrae. How can they all be so stupid as to not realize that almost all of them will be voted out and none of them are getting to the final 2 if Amanda and McCrae keep running everything because they are taking each other. No one in this house compares notes to figure out who is lying and no one has tried planting a lie to see who the mole is. They are all complete idiots.
Amanda makes me sick to my stomach. She is a bigger racist than Aaryn (and yes you can be Jewish and be racist, Amanda). She is pathetically needy and insecure (not sure how McCrae stands it) She is a controlling, obnoxious bully with no morals. However she lucked out being in a house with complete morons who allowed themselves to be controlled by her and McCrae and (it kills me to say this but) she probably deserves to win.
Aryan has everyone figured out, but also knows McRanda has the numbers, so anything she'd want to do is neutralized... for now.
Two things....
1) watching BBAD Sunday night, Aryan TOLD Helen that Andy is in a strong alliance with McRanda, he tells them everything, and he is NOT Helen's friend. Helen was shocked, but her ego won't allow her to believe Andy isn't her own friendly puppet and continues to tell him everything.
2) The same night, Aryan, Helen, GM and Andy were in the HOH room discussing something that McRanda didn't know (forget exactly what it was). Aryan turned to Andy and TOLD him that if that information got back to McRanda, they would know who passed it on. He passed the info on anyway.
3) can't disagree with your analysis of Amanda. The crazy part is that Helen told Elissa that if Amanda reaches F2, she believes Amanda will have played the best game for someone who hasn't won one thing... so she would vote for her.
oops - said 2 things and then remembered a 3rd thing! lol
I still feel that if Judd comes back into the game, McCrea would take him to the final 2 because old dumb Helen and Aaryn are praising Amanda for making a stone fool out of them, I know the game is to get to the end with finness and skills and winning comps when you absolutely had to, lets see if Amanda does that, if so then I might have to say she played a good game but evilness and racism has me totally disgusted with her, let me see her really work for something instead of being a bully.
Hi gangs,JOEY wanted to say and folks this is just for humor effect only to lighting things a bit.
JOEY said,: He now want to change his vote on who for the win, as he learn something new earlier in the day. he learn there has been a true real player in the house we all forgot about or did not notice, yepper, a real comeback kid if ever there was one,the only one to be evicted so many times and yet he make a great come back, he get my vote for true game player,
last report is after a bad day yesterday, he was found in the kitchen this morning with a zipper baggies over his head trying to escape, yepper, I am talking about that one and only Infamous CLOWNY!!!
he has made more comeback then anyone. so he get my vote for player of the game.
while that was all in a joking way, and for laughs but I can not help but to wonder if productions set that up everyday like that because it may be part of a comps coming up.
oh well, back to normal life for ya all, hope you enjoy a laugh or two today. and have a good night.
Thank you.
I agree with u Sharon and sheila
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