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I wonder if he has a security blanket at home |
After a few days of manic problems, the hamsters have quieted down now. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Stormy Seas:
- GinaMarie talked about Staten Island.
- McCrae wondered if Nick lived in Times Square.
- @@
- GinaMarie doesn't seem to know much about New York State outside of downstate (which she seems to think is upstate),
- Aaryn tried to convince GinaMarie that if she stays, she'll go after Amanda and McCrae.
- Elissa told GinaMarie not to believe Aaryn.
- Elissa told Aaryn she feels bad for the kind of person she is.
- Oh my.
- McCrae made the attempt to mend fences with Elissa.
- Not because he really feels it deep within (although he's ticked at Amanda's behavior) -- it's all in the game.
- I'm getting almost as tired of him saying "like" every third or fourth word as I am of him chewing on his fingernails all the time. Oh ... and those plaid pajama pants!
- McCrae and Elissa's long talk aired out a lot of the issues between them.
- Of course, now that everyone seems to have accepted Aaryn going home this week, things are a bit easier for all.
- Even Amanda admits she's given up the fight. She felt she should try because Aaryn's done so much for them, but the time came to stop.
- Oh, it did take a while more with Amanda, though.
- She resisted McCrae's coaxing to go talk to Elissa for hours before she buckled.
- McCrae told Amanda that any more acting out on her part will further alienate GM against them.
- Amanda decided her social game is over, it's all about comps now.
- Hmm. She won one so far.
- Amanda is dead-set against Judd, Elissa or GinaMarie winning the game. She says that she won't vote at the end if it's any of them.
- @@
- Spencer and McCrae trash-talked Aaryn.
- They claim that Aaryn is saying anything she can to stay.
- Well, a lot of what she's saying is the truth and they just don't want her saying it!
- Despite all the anti-Aaryn sentiment, Andy is worried that he might be in for a blindside.
- No, Andy, you're not that important. Everyone knows what you are.
- Spencer told Judd and Elissa that McCranda needs to be split up.
- D'oh!
- But then he solidified his bond with McCrae. When Spencer says they need to be split up, he means Amanda must go.
- Aaryn again apologized to Judd for her part in getting him evicted.
- Oh, I believe Judd has tucked his grudges away for future reference.
- Judd told Aaryn he doesn't know how he'll vote yet.
- Aaryn said she doesn't want to be blindsided.
- I say -- Hey, Aaryn, when you know it's coming, it's not a blindside!
- NOW Aaryn claims she wants to play on her own, not be Amanda's puppet.
- A bit too late for that!
- Elissa and Amanda had a long, long talk. If you didn't know Amanda like we do from the live feeds, you might feel there was actual remorse and a fresh start between the two.
- But it's all in the game.
- Amanda knows that, strategically, she needs to amend somehow for her outrageous behavior and Elissa pretends to accept it.
- So, it looks like it will be Aaryn out Thursday without a doubt ...
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Talking to Amanda, believe it or not |
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The big apology session |
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That behavior really wasn't me ... she says. |
The exterminators think they have the game sown up and that McCranda will target Elissa and vice versa and they 4 will cruise to victory as the F4. Well I'm for anybody except the exterminators so I hope Elissa wins veto and McCranda evict an exterminator e.g., Judd or GM instead. Or that an exterminator targets one of McCranda and then the other gets revenge and takes out an exterminator. An Amanda-Elissa F2 would show them though there's pretty low odds that would ever occur.
I think my mantra shall be...Amanda must go now, must go now. I am thinking Spencer is being pretty stealth now that all the big brouhaha is centered on two women....
Glad to hear Aaryn is leaving.
The thought of Aaryn being in the Jury House with Candice and Jessie is just overwehelming for me, lets see if she continues her racist ways without her cohorts.
I think Candice and Jessie will be very happy to see Aryan at the jury house and will give her a very warm welcome. It will, of course, be a very fake warm welcome, LOL. Helen will run around trying to make everyone be friends.
Somehow I was thinking GM,not Aaryn so much although she was terrible also, GM was the one giving Candice and Jessie such a hard time, but you're right Candice is such a classy lady she probably would forgive GM too.
I think Candice will be a lady and Jessie will be her usual up and down personality and Helen will be the mother hen telling everyone how amazing they played the game. No change just same oh same oh.
I think Aaryn's tune will change quickly once she hits jury house. As I've said before, I feel she goes with the flow and acts how those around her expect her to act. She'll be all sweetness and light with the gals in the JH.
I'm sorry, I can't agree with you, Aaryn doesn't have a sweet bone in her racist body as far as I am concern, she has shown her true self.
I think Aaryn will only talk to the other jury members when the filming forces them to be together. Once filming for the JH segment ends, she will find solitude and not speak to either Candice or Jessie (probably only Helen).
I read on the internet yesterday that the fix is in and Amanda will be the winner. The article said Amanda is a friend of the producer and it's been set up. All things, comps etc, will be in favor of Amanda. She will probably be the next HOH!!! Anyone else see that article? After all, if it's on the net, it has to be true, right??
I agree with Ork.
Aryan is not a "racist" the way you guys think. (example: she would LOVE the chance to visit Oprah's home, or hang, on set, with Speilberg, or dance with J-Lo)
Aryan is a "classist". For her, it isn't about color, but status/wealth. There are many people like her. It is more like the caste system than racism. Not quite "elitist" though, because I think Aryan comes from middle+ class, as opposed to a silver spoon upbringing. If silver spooned, then she'd be an "elitist".
IMO, just sayin.
So in Jury? She will be fine, totally fine. In fact, once given a chance to learn more about Candice, she may see that Candice is not just the stereotype that Aryan thinks she is.
OH! It hit me! Demanda & McFly are like the bullies from Christmas Story!
Scut Farkus and his toadie, Grover Dill. LOL!
Yeah right.
Wikipedia has a good article about racism. Here's the first sentence "Racism is usually defined as views, practices and actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided into distinct biological groups called races and that members of a certain race share certain attributes which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior, or superior."
Based on that definition, I think Aaryn is racist but then again, I think we all have a bit of that within us. When we see a group of young, black men standing on a corner we assume they're in a gang and are going to do something wrong. They might actually be waiting for a bus. We also think that seeing a couple of middle Eastern men at an airport automatically makes them terrorists and they're going to hijack a plane. Racism exists in all areas of the world and no matter how much we try to deny it, we all have a bit of it within us. The groups that usually shout racism the loudest also have their own prejudices against those who are of a different race.
Not sure if anoyone Follows the Wil show. This is Wil from last season, every week he does a skit on youtube.
they are hillarious. This is from this week. He had even tweeted that he had no idea what to do this week.
Its pretty funny
exactly! Racism, classism, elitism - all similar to different extents.
And exactly again - we all have a bit.
If you guys really believe that Spencer or GM winning is better for the BB brand than Amanda winning, you guys are ridiculous. Spencer and GM have won, one computers apiece and each has spent at least 1/2 the game not knowing what the hell is going on.
You get a "yeah right also, where is your example of when Black people see a group Caucasians, who are the "we" in your explanation, you're probably assuming I'm black, I'm not, we all here have an opinion, I'm sure all races have made comments of Aaryn's remarks, just because there's a definition, doesn't mean that what ever some says is acceptable behavior. I made a comment and I'm entitled to do that. So let us say what we want or have opinions about the houseguest as long as we dont attack each other.
During that exchange with Elissa outside, McCrae said "I don't know" 50+. I know, I counted! But, then I got tired LOL
"unidentified" Anon~
Ork didn't attack you.
Personally, the only thing worse than Amanda winning would be for one of the exterminators winning. That's why Helen was right to NOT move against Amanda too soon...and why Amanda/Aryan were probably wrong to move too soon against Helen. You have the real possibility that GM, Spencer, Judd and Andy could all but float to the final 4. Now, in the case of Andy, I can't really call him a floater because he was working hard almost all season as a double-agent. And Judd isn't exactly a floater as he was a solid part of the original Amanda/McCrae team but he was already evicted once. But it is hard to see how those 4 are any better than the Nerd Herd. And given that GM and Spencer have said just about as many abhorrent things as Aryan and Amanda, I really don't see that as an improvement.
And, to anon: based on Candice's own behaviour in the house, I'm not sure "classy" is the term I would use. She acted the fool herself, and her back and forth nastiness with GM didn't show well for either of them IMHO
Joe - shouldn't you be paying attention in class?!? *wink*
I did not say ORKMommy attacked me, I was just being reminded that we can say what we want about the houseguest here but we are not to attack (maybe I shouldnt have used that term) each other. Sorry if you or she took it the wrong way.
Cool, "bygones"
Can everyone please pray for Joey, Monty's Boston baby? He's been in animal ER, and it was a real scare.
Ork, I somewhat agree with you, but race-consciousness isn't the same as racism.
The problem with Aryan may have less to do with racism and more to do with youth. My students say all kinds of things that somewhat older people like myself have been conditioned to cringe at. I'm sure some other students will even cringe at them. But they aren't motivated by hatred. It is quite possible that Aryan really thought her Asian rice joke about Helen was simply a funny little prank and not based on hatred. In fact, Aryan clearly seemed to genuinely like Helen after Jeremy was gone.
I had a Thai student from L.A. a couple years ago who referred to herself as a "Twinkie" (yellow on the outside, white on the inside). Now, we have been conditioned to cringe at the term, but she didn't really see it that way. She also proudly announced to her study group that she'd handle the calculator because she was Asian and better at math. LOL. Again, that is "racist" but not motivated by hatred.
If you turn on the TV, you will see all kinds of comedians tell all kinds of jokes that involve race. The most "racist" stereotypes I've ever heard came from the Apollo comedy shows and were all uttered by black comics. "Adult cartoons" are constantly exploiting racial stereotypes for humor. Even a family show like the Simpsons, much less an edgier show like Family Guy or South Park.
I think we are too quick to shout "racist".
[Of ocurse, I don't watch the feeds and may have missed something more overtly hate-filled.]
Thursday can not get here quick enough, I'm about to burst with JOY.
Joe in NY
You are so right the thought of those four (GM Judd, Spencer, and Andy floating to the final 4 is just sickening, although I can't in any way pull for Amanda to win, McCrea is a stretch too, only because he has hidden under Amanda shirt tail, he hasn't really played the game other than doing what he could to try and keep Amanda grounded to take the target off his back, I know they are a couple but you don't see him acting a fool.
Joe - Well said! Those are my exact thoughts but I'm not able to verbalize them quite as well as you do. I think we've all become too conditioned and cry 'racism' any time we see or hear something that can be taken the wrong way. I think we need to look at the context of what was said, and who said it. Not that it makes it right but a lot of people say things as a joke or out of ignorance without meaning it maliciously. I have an aunt with debilitating MS and we make jokes about it all the time. My mother and daughters are both blond and we laugh about that all the time too!
I still believe that Aaryn is a follower and ignorant. She will act, do, and say just like those around her so they will 'like' her. I'm sure she's aware of her behavior but as long as she's not the only one doing it, it's not wrong. Am I making sense?
I'm just wondering how Julie and Aaryn's exit talk will go. Julie has made no secret of the fact that some of Aaryn's comments have personally offended her (though GM, Amanda, and Spencer also made comments of their own). What do you think?
Witt :)
I was talking with my husband about this last night and must say i was squealing with delight.
I know that julie has stated she had a set of questions she will ask, but now she is a jury member I have to wonder how the questions will change. I hope she does ask the hard questions. She didn't shy away from asking candice how she felt about this and she IS a jury member as well.
I also have to wonder though If the questions are hard hitting, will Aaryn get a clue and possibly leave and not go to jury?
Aaryn has stated repeatedly this week that she doesn't regret anything she has done. Bet she will after the show ends
ORK, Joe & Petals,
Understanding doesn't make me like them any better, but agree that it's a combination of all those factors.
Fortunately, I grew up in So. California where there were certain prejudices, but it wasn't to the extent of other parts of the country. For instance, I was able to hang out with black and Mexican kids in school... without slurs tossed my direction... but it would not have been acceptable for me to actually date someone of a different color.
I also remember a time when Catholics were defamed and abhorred, and I heard many horrendous stories. When JFK was running for President, I remember hearing one particular favorite mantra, "the Pope will run this country."
Fact is, every one of us has our peccadilloes. For a few years, I worked for a mulatto black man. People would come in the office and [not realizing he was black] and tell racial jokes. Immediately, he would be up in their faces... a few times, I feared he would "lose it" if the joke was bad enough. Fact is, he didn't like to hear ANY kind of ethnic joke, no matter the ethnicity. First thing, I would always warn new-hires... if you want to stay out of trouble with the boss, NEVER tell any kind of ethnic joke.
Witt and Chacha,
I hope nobody is holding their breath waiting for Julie to do a slam-dunk.
From what Julie has said in recent interviews, she won't be hitting them hard on the exit interviews, but I do think she will 'hint' at issues. She would like to rise above the whole thing and simply leave that big can of worms to the media and public.
I have lurked on this blog for several weeks now. I initially found my way here while following a news link as part of a class I am in at school.
First of all let me mention that I realize my viewpoint is somewhat tainted in that I have never watched this television program. In fact I grew up in a home sans television. I was home schooled and am now a sophomore majoring Math and Physics with a minor in Sociology.
My classmates tell me I led a sheltered life but I remind them that when they were my age most were still in middle school, so the sheltered lifesyle is relative.
To my question to those posters here. What draws you to be so involved with this activity? Most seem to invest 5 or more hours per week following this television program. One would therefore interpolate, based upon published ratings that at least 14-16 mm people spend a similar amount of time in this endeavor.
That leads me to believe that this activity would account for 70 mm hours per week.
Which leads me to my second question, is there that much entertainment value to this program (or any other for that matter)?
I appreciate your input,
This is my take on the show,
This is two shows in one, the edited broadcast version and the real unfiltered version.
i have watched this since season 6 every summer. There was usually nothing else on and it was entertainment.
In season 8 i purchased the feeds for the first time and was just sucked in.
My best friend who never watched the show until last year made fun of me for years and then one weekend at my house with after dark on she ended up getting sucked in.
It's sort of like being a fan of a not-so-great sports team. Ask a Mets or Vikings fan why they watch the games when they know at the onset that they're likely to be angered and disappointed. It's pretty much the same thing, cheering on the "good guys", yelling plays at the screen, and hoping that the "bad guys" get what they deserve.
Personally the reason I watch BB is I really enjoy seeing people seriously mapping out strategy, forming solid alliances, and playing hard and well in the comps. I appreciate also if players can manage all this without vilifying or demonizing, or bullying their fellow players.
I also enjoy the creative, fun, silly, and very athletically difficult comps BB comes up with. And I also enjoy rooting for the underdog. And believe me on BB, there is always an underdog.
I get the feeling that I am in the minority on this. Many people seem to really enjoy the conflicts, the confrontations, the blindsides, etc. Almost no one who watches condones the bullying, but many seem to enjoy the fights, there is a difference of course.
Abosolutley BB is silly summer TV. But that is kind of the point, an often fun, entertaining escape. And you can take from it as a viewer what you will...pretty people in swim suits, or an anthropological study of the way people under stress act, who they treat well, who they ostracize etc.
BB is what ever you want it to be, and for people on this board, I think it is fun to read Jackie's blog and then chat in the comments about the goings on. It is a break, a pass time. Each of us must deal with the seriousness of real life every single day. And that is easier if you make time for a bit of fun or amusement. As they say all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Ariel, Lili spoke for me 1000%. I like to root for the underdog, the silliness but creativity of the competitions, and the hope that the person winning the prize did indeed deserve it without losing too many scruples along the way. My hope is fading on that last point, however.
I am not one who enjoys when the confrontations get ugly and evictions get personal. This has been my least favorite season of all, and I've watched from the beginning of the show.
I enjoy chatting with friendly folks from all over the country who share an interest in this show. I don't post on other blogs about the show, just Jackie's. She brings such warmth and humor to the discussion.
Stop by on Show nights and join in the fun!
Witt :)
No what you said to Joe in NY about Aaryn made no sense to me "as long as she isn't the only one saying it, it's not wrong". We need to move on from this, but I bet those of us who have read and commented on Jackies blogs for a very long time have never spent so much time debating on race issues, and I hope we never have to again, this is suppose to be entertaining and fun, and some how we were giving and getting a lesson on racism, lets just continue to get along here as we always have.
If you would like to sample a reality show with definite enjoyable entertainment value with much smaller time investment, wait for "The Amazing Race (aka TAR)". That's the one "reality" show that no one ever has to be ashamed of watching. Jackie blogs that one, too. The next season of TAR starts September 29.
Silk and Lili,
I think you guys described it best!!
I'm not sure why I'm responding to someone who won't even sign their name to their comments but here goes, and it's the last I'm going to say on the matter.
First, I've been a follower and commenter here for the last 6 or 7 years. So when you say 'those of us' you're talking about me too.
Second, we've never had a season where racism has been an issue and that's probably why we've never talked about it.
Third, I'm giving my opinion just like everyone else here does. This is a place to talk about the show and what's happening on it. I have a right to voice mine just like everyone else does. You don't have to like it, which is the reason we have friendly debates.
Fourth, when I said "I'm sure she's aware of her behavior but as long as she's not the only one doing it, it's not wrong." I wasn't condoning what she's done, I was simply stating my opinion how she might be thinking.
Fifth, I wasn't giving anyone a lesson on racism. I was contributing to the comment Petals made about racism vs classism/elitism. It's what we do here. Someone says something, we respond. I choose to not direct my comments at any one person because I think we all take something from what each of us has to share.
Now, I said I'm not going to engage with you any longer and I meant it. If you choose to respond to me, at least have the courtesy to put a name to your comments so I might know who has an issue with me.
Is being a little bit racist like being a little bit pregnant?
Oh that was from me, an offended human being.
I don't think Julie will even dignify Aarian's behavior with a question. AOHB
Aaryn has a streak of racisim in her. I believe it is a combination of her upbringing and ignorance,that being that she has probably had little or no contact with certain other ethnic groups.
Please be on notice that any and all posts regarding the RUMOR which is not possible in any way whatsoever regarding Amanda "pre-determined" for the win will be removed. Because some idiot over at Jokers posted links to a fake facebook ... NO, it's not happening here. Please. I've asked that it stop before. If folks wish to post about that unfounded rumor, I ask they take it somewhere else. I've never allowed rumors to take hold here, especially ones which are logistically impossible.
Also ... please stop posting about each other and concentrate on the hamsters in the house, please. If you disagree with each other, agree to disagree -- we're often talking grey matters and opinions. No one is necessarily right, nor wrong.
amen jackieeeeeeeee
and I will like to place a small comment, lol, I didn't grow up to be prejudice, because my mom told us long ago, " you never know who you are entertainin on your journey in life, it might be an angel, or it might be the LORD himself"....so I say that to say, I am in no way prejudice...and there are a lot like me...
Ariel or Arial which is it? I'm confused.
how bout them dodgers, lol, to change the subject...
At the beginning of the season, BOOM, the guys are dropping like flies. Now we are getting down to the wire and after Thurs. the guys will have the numbers. Every year we ask why the girls can't get it together and work together. I thought this might be the year but sadly I am going to be disappointer....again.
How 'bout those Tigers!
I look forward to following some hamsters after the season is over. Interested in how they acclimate outside the house. Judd thinks Amanda career selling real estate is over because no one will use her.
I just hope none of them ever appear on the show or any other show I watch ever again.
My apologies for snapping, folks. My day job has been hectic, the feeds have been hectic and I've been surviving on about three hours of sleep a night.
But I really don't want that rumor going on here and I do prefer not to come home to commenter kerfuffles.
the girls could never keep a real thing goin because they so caught up in havin a showmance....and fallin in love.
With girls, there's always that jealousy aspect that rears it's ugly head too.
look in your fb message...
No apologies necessary. I couldn't survive on such little sleep as you get during BB. I hope you have a nice night!!
Jackie, Tell the Hampsters to go to bed at a more reasonable hour so you can get some needed sleep. ;-) I guess it doesn't help that they are on West coast time and you are on East. Since they seem to go to sleep around 2-3 am their time that makes it 5-6 am your time. How dare they do that to you. :-]
I generally leave to catch my train to work around 6:15am ET and they're often still up.
As a fellow Ariel... misspelling the name as Aerial is offensive! Just playing. I really hope everyone keeps with the plan to send Aaryn home. She's getting better at the comps and needs to go asap. As for what Julie will say to Aaryn, I hope she decides to address Amanda and Gina Marie in the same manner. Amanda has such a foul mouth I can't stand to watch her.
HOPE you get some sleep soon Jackie! Its awful running on nothing!
pat rw
There are many "newbies" on the blog this year. Hard to determine who is here for fun or for stirring. For whichever one of you asked why we are here and why we watch & blog the show - my response: Why not?
The Jackie family is tight. I love it here, and it makes the shows about which we rant more enjoyable.
This is for humor only...
C.B.S. BIG BROTHER house had to fired one of their sound Technician.
Seem this crazy guy dress up as clownie and was taking over JUDD sound mike and since we notice that all the other were working normal but it seem JUDD would just mumble all the time with out any reason at all. when the crazy clownie guy try to excaped, staff caught him and it seem that he is deaf and didn't know how to turn up the volume on JUDD.
When the producers were interview, they said" Yeah, that was something, seem this crazy nut dress up as clownie broke in and try to take over the sounds equipments and when we notice there were no effect with JUDD, we check it out and it was then we saw two men in white jacket chasing him with a yellow one.
when they finally got him, they learn his real name is JOEY and he is deaf, so that why's the JUDD'S mumble. we are trying to find the person name JULIE to come get him, he freaking nuts and actually freaking out AMANDA as well, she thought it was CLOWNIE CAME ALIVE again. but then we find the owner and she came and after smacking his head hard like a bubble head, I"M sure that hurt too.she took him home.
Now we return you back to normal veiwing.
JULIE: why?? oh why??? couldn't they keep him? at least one full day, is that too much to ask???
JOEY, sorry, honey but tomorrow...I .. I have to take you some where .. not sure where but I'M gonna take ya, not bring ya back....you need help.
in fact I hope I get help too while we are at it. GEEZZZ...
Behave you all and have a fun and nice day.
Every year I say that this year I'm not going to watch BB and yet, every year, something happens to make me watch. Last year, I watched because Dan was back; the one before that Jeff and Jordan and the one before that Jani and Britt. Every Year, there are people that I can't stand and I say that I will never watch this show again and then, someone like Ian comes along and I just fall in love with them. This year I was hoping the same thing would happen but it didn't. This year, the only one I can bring myself to root for is Elissa. I really can't stand any of the rest of them. I hope next year, they have a whole nerd cast. How cool would that be?
Aaryn is racist of course, her saying is "If it is not white it is not right" Gina marie says Aarryn is racist she asked Aarryn if there are black people in Texas and she said yes swarm of them
anyway, enough with the racist, GO AZUL, LOL
ive been here since the beginnin, I would first sign in as anonymous because I didn't know how to do the other until, then I went on as pat, then pat rw, but I agree with you about newbies, we just have to remind them to keep it right, not clean, lol , just right
Pat - what is Azul? lol
when aaryn gets evicted do you think the audience will boo her when she comes out of the big bro house. That would be classic! lol
Everyone waiting to see Aryan and GM get skewered, but going by evicted 'hated' hamsters in past season (think Boogie, etc.), there were cheers.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if CBS requests the audience give polite response to each HG, and I doubt it will be any different this time.. followed by that deadly silence as everyone waits to see what Julie will say... which will basically be not very much.
I think Sharon is right on about Aaryn's eviction. There will still be polite applause and crickets (sort of), lol.
Thank you Petals for posting about Joey. He is much better today and I am very thankful for that. HUGS
Looking forward to tomorrow evening and the POV comp. See you all then.
I've enjoyed this season. The racial stuff has made it less of a zany game and more of an interesting study of human behavior. JMHO! HUGS! :-)
Blogger Joanie said...
pat rw
GO AZUL! dodger blue
8/27/2013 7:55 PM
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