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You want a piece of me? You lookin' at ME? |
I last left you before nominations stating that Elissa would nominate Aaryn and McCrae to go on the block. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whichever Way the Wind Blows:
- Elissa put Aaryn and McCrae on the block.
- Amanda told McCrae he'd be fine.
- Of course, he will be fine. It's Amanda's future that may be in jeopardy.
- Aaryn went off to sulk alone in the Have Not room.
- Aw, poor baby.
- Amanda thinks she and McCrae will have to fight hard to win the veto. She just can't believe GinaMarie will last longer in the house than her.
- Hmm. She's already putting herself on the block as a replacement nominee.
- Of course, if McCrae wins the veto, he takes himself down and Amanda goes up.
- If Amanda wins the veto, she could take McCrae down and remain safe herself.
- Andy told Elissa that if he gets chosen to play, he'll try to win and keep the nominations the same.
- I'm sure he will ... unless she tells him to save someone in particular.
- Amanda's newest vitriol target is GinaMarie.
- I'm waiting for fisticuffs. MEOW.
- From what they said, the key order was: Judd, GinaMarie, Spencer, Andy and Amanda.
- Sounds logical to me!
- Aaryn went crying to Amanda. Amanda told her if she (Aaryn) is taken off the block, she (Amanda) will be going home.
- Yep, I think that's just about right!
- Amanda then worked her anti-GinaMarie case to Aaryn.
- Aaryn is really upset that, not only is Judd back in the house, but his key was pulled first and he is SO working with Elissa.
- Yes, I had to chuckle. Didn't you?
- She's also upset that GinaMarie wouldn't commit to using the veto on her if she won it.
- Heehee.
- Amanda told McCrae that she'd do anything except shave her head to win the veto.
- To give her credit, Amanda definitely has many more good hair days than does any other woman in the house.
- Maybe that's because she's not a fake blonde.
- Amanda and Aaryn are also ticked at GM because she was nice to Candice at the comp.
- Well, yeah. Whatever way the wind blows.
- Aaryn, alone with GinaMarie away from Amanda, kept trying to convince GM to stick with Amanda, McCrae and herself.
- Um. GM may be dumb, but even she knows that's a sinking ship ... at least for this week.
- Aaryn does admit that she can't really be mad at Elissa for putting her on the block as she put her (Elissa) on the block twice.
- Amanda said she recognized one of the guys "throwing" the balls in the comp.
- Well, that didn't help her any, did it?
- GinaMarie told Elissa she thinks Amanda and Co. are trying to get her (GM) put on the block.
- They are.
- Elissa already knows it without GinaMarie telling her.
- She told GM not to worry.
- GinaMarie reminded Elissa that she (GM) is always positive and upbeat.
- Oh my. I had her all wrong all along! I thought she was more of a vicious little stray dog!
- As GinaMarie and Elissa were whispering in the kitchen, Amanda kept walking back and forth.
- Every time she passed, they stopped talking.
- Then, as Elissa was taking a sip of her drink, Amanda apparently stopped and stared at her.
- Elissa did a Hollywood-perfect spit take, spitting out her sip all over the counter with a burst of laughter.
- Amanda got defensive and sweet and gentle upbeat and positive GinaMarie lit into her ... pretty much telling her she'd stomp her.
- Later, as Amanda talked to Elissa in the HoH room trying to plead her cause that they work together and GM had always trashed her (Elissa) ... Elissa just kept bursting out in laughter.
- She refused to promise Amanda anything saying that she hadn't even thought of what to do if the veto gets used.
- Amanda wanted a promise she won't go on the block.
- Elissa laughed some more.
- Of course, in a talk with Aaryn, Elissa told Aaryn she's not the target, Amanda is.
- It's hard to figure Elissa out as she is a rather odd duck. But I feel she wants either of them -- Aaryn or Amanda -- out this week.
- Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), Amanda then cried to McCrae that Elissa just kept laughing at her.
- I love it!
- Elissa told GinaMarie she doesn't feel she can trust Andy.
- Good for her. Too bad Helen trusted him.
- Andy seems to be abandoning ship with McCranda. It might be a tad too late. He's now tainted goods.
- They picked veto players.
- That was blocked to the feeds, but Amanda says that Elissa was noticeably upset when she pulled her (Amanda) to play.
- Aaryn picked Judd as HG choice, thus upsetting Spencer.
- The only one sitting out this veto is Spencer. Andy is hosting.
- They couldn't decide whether to stay up expecting veto as the players usually aren't picked at night or to go to bed.
- Sleep gave in.
- All are asleep as I get this posted.
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Trying to hold back laughter |
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Aaryn and McCrae's keys missing |
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J-U-Double D in da house |
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Perfect spit take at Amanda's expense |
I was prepared to thoroughly dislike Elissa at the beginning of the summer and am happy to say I'm wrong...I love how she responded to all the Amanda pressure!
Witt :)
I am sorry to hear that Amanda is going to compete in the veto comp. I hope she continues her losing streak. As long as the plan to backdoor Amanda works out this will be the best week of BB15 for me.
You said it, lynn1!! Crossing my fingers...it will be the best backdoor since JASE!!
Witt :)
It's refreshing to see someone playing their own game rather than just being a 'follower'.
Right or wrong Elissa is going with her OWN strategy and it seems Amanda winning the veto would be the only concern.
Ellisa....you go girl!!
I was also ready to dislike Elissa, but I've been kind of surprised at her behavior in the house. She isn't as "in your face" as Rachel was and that's a good thing. Not sure if it was game play or just luck to lay low until it got down to the end, but it seems to be working for her. I was kind of disappointed when she decided to put Aaryn and McCrae up, but I can see why she is doing it now. I would prefer Amanda to go, but I think Aaryn will be a big blow to their alliance. She is the one that wins the comps to give them the power. I think once Aaryn goes Andy will jump ship and hopefully target Amanda if he would win HOH. At least there is some entertainment this week -- watching Amanda squirm!
Also, Jackie thanks so much for all you do to keep us updated. I have been following your blog for years. I don't comment often, and when I did it was usually as Anon, but your blog is the first thing I check when I wake up!
Watch, Amanda will win the POV.
If Amanda wins the POV, then the so call power couple will rule again, she should have put them both up, at least she could have gotten one of the out. These people in this house have short term loyalty especailly ANDY, he will jump ship again if Amanda and McCrae are still there.
Elissa's first mistake of the game was to tell McCrae that she was the MVP. If it had been me I would have kept my mouth closed. It was assumed after that she was the MVP. Finally something to be happy for in the hamster cage. Watching Amanda implode is fantastic!
After seeing how hard Elissa worked at winning HoH and the Otev veto...I am beginning to think that it may have been her strategy all along...to lay low until close to the end. I LOVE it that Amanda is getting a taste of being on the outside of an HoH! Fingers and toes crossed that she doesn't win that VETO! I am behind Elissa 100% I think that the "beast has been unleashed"!! LOL Thanks Jackie for the updates!
Well Well all of a sudden Elissa is everybody's hero, the dislike for her due to the dislike of her sister has somehow disspated.
I suspect very few disliked Elissa because they disliked her sister, because Elissa is so very different from her sister.
I couldn't stand Rachael's laugh. I also didn't like the way she was so jealous of anyone where Brendon was concerned, and how nasty she was to people she didn't like. If anyone is like Rachael in the ways I didn't like, it's Amanda. Not Elissa.
Anon 9:57....I disagree with your statement...I would not say "all of a sudden Elissa is everybody's hero." For some time now people have been saying "I didn't think I liked her, etc. but I do." I think people are especially impressed with Elissa this week because she's actually going to present nominations that are HER OWN, not Amanda's.
Witt :)
Also, until now, people might have been annoyed that Elissa was there only because she was Rachael's sister, obviously didn't want to be there, contributed nothing to the game, and wasn't interesting to watch. Suddenly, she's fun.
I am so with you, Witt [8:10 AM]!!!!! PQ
From your lips to God's ears, lynn1 and Witt 8:18/8:31 AM!!!!! PQ
I've been an Elissa fan all season, just as I've been a HUGE Rachel fan! To me, it was petty for those people to target her just because she had the audacity to be Rachel's sister. She's been scrappy all season, just trying to survive in that house. She used the MVP as an advantage. She made strategic nominations with it as well as finding people who wouldn't vote her out because of it. Elissa's gameplay isn't Rachel's, but I've enjoyed her all summer.
Like Rachel or didn't like Rachel doesn't really matter, she played and good game and she won. And I hope it goes the same way for her sister and I always have. She has never been a mean spirited person like a lot of these other houseguest, she has been her own person, since she walked in that door, not engaging with the hate.
Anon 11:28 & 11:31
I'm with you all the way.
I have been pro Elissa for almost as lng as the game, stated she is no Rachel and do believe she has fire to win anything she wants.
on that note, I also believe
PRODUCTION had alot to do with her changing the tune last night after nominations.I watched the feeds all night( i am typing with one eye open waiting on coffee). She and GM were in HOH talking and pretty much Aaryn can leave its no big deal then Elissa went to DR and came out changing her tune, immediatly she talked with Judd then Aaryn, then Aaryn called to DR then Elissa to DR again.
I don't care if production coersed her into this because I like it, but its funny how she changed her tune so quick.
Lets not turn her into St Elissa. Although she didn't engage in the racist, homophobic trash some of the other HGs enaged in, she has had her share of moments. Primarily giving it back to the mean girls. My favorite moment: when she unleashed on Amanda the night of McC's birthday when Amanda did the the ummm the, well whatever you what to call what she did. Elissa showed her what was like to be on the receiving end of the vitriol they had been spewing. It was funny, yes but probably not the best strategic move at the time.
Elissa showed she has a mean side to but just directed it towards those who had been mean to others.
And don't forget when she became a bit unglued when put up for eviction.
Please don't take what I said to be an arguement of any kind, I made that statement at 9:57 based on my observation of some others saying "I didn't like Rachel and I don't like her,even the beginning of you post at 8:10 "I was thoroughly prepared to dislike Elissa" made me wonder why? So I'm really sorry if you took offense to what I said. Ilke I said just part of my observation with many of the post and that of some of the houseguest. I don't dislike Aaryn, GM and Amanda, I just feel sorry for them, in my eyesight it's just wrong to be racist and so full of hate.
Chacha et al. - Thursday, the day of Helen's eviction, Elissa told Helen in the little lounge (the cock pit?) that if she got HOH, she intended to put up Mccrea and Aaryn, and backdoor Amanda. That's been her intent since Thursday, at least.
Also, since becoming HOH, she has been warning people not to try to throw the POV comp, or they will become the replacement. She has seen Amanda's minions attempt to throw comps to Amanda, so this is her way of warning them not to, which indicates to me that she had the Amanda backdoor in mind even then.
So if there was any hint from DR about the backdoor, it was most likely "Yeah, go ahead and tell people that's your intent. It won't change anything, and might make for good TV if Amanda explodes." Also, it might rattle Amanda enough that she can't function in the comp.
Hey what was up with Amanda holding on so long in the last HOH comp, I hope the POV comp is really hard for her. Havent players in the past made treats to others if they won HOH they would put them up (out of anger of course) so is that. not allowed
Anon 12:25 - the only things (that I know of) that are not allowed in BB are actual threats of physical harm (perceived by BB to be real), or actually attacking someone physically (which caused Hantz' eviction).
Merely threatening to put someone on the block is not considered a 'threat' ... it's mental game play!
I have been trying to find "The Rule Book", with no success. Found rules for other countries, but not for US, and occasional YouTube clips where a particular rule is discussed.
It is my impression (and I am not known for my wonderful memory, so I may well be wrong) that at least back in the dawn of BB, nominations were not to be discussed until the actual nomination ceremony. Votes, who intended to vote for whom, who did vote for whom, were also to be kept secret. Deals involving nominations, as in "I won't nominate you if...", were allowed, since it was speculative and not necessarily factual.
That has gradually fallen away, since BB couldn't enforce the rule, and if they tried, they could very well end up with an empty house by the third eviction.
Anyone have facts on this?
Not sure what I would enjoy more..
McCrae winning POV and taking himself off and getting replaced by Amanda or Aaryn doing the same.
Because you know if McCrae wins POV Amanda will go nuclear trying to get him to not use it so she can't go up.
On the other hand Aaryn is just waiting for an opportunity to turn on Amanda, her puppet master and would thrill to be responsible for there being an opening on the block for Amanda to fill.
Of course if Amanda wins POV we will all need Xanax, or Adderoll or whatever the HGs are on.
Meanwhile us Judd people are back in the pool right?
Thanks, I thought I read on some post that, the houseguest werent allowed to discuss or tell other guest if they were going to be put on the block.
PRICELESS video clip of Elissa's Hollywood-perfect spit take:
Even better one!!
I was so happy Elissa won. She is different then Rachel but she has her sisters fight when she is backed in a corner. Finally sonebody to stand up to mcranda I luv it. I am glad dum dum GM is realizing that aryn really doesn't care about her. Bb was starting to get boring. If Elissa went home I was going to stop watching. I felt all along she was observing these fools.
Anon 1:13 - there was a post saying one HG was told by DR that they could NOT tell the HG [who was going to be evicted] that they were going to be evicted.
I'm thinking that was either a lie, or DR was messing with them... again. Others have been flat-out told they would be going since that time and nothing has been said by DR (that we know of).
I am hoping Elissa follows through on her threat. She needs to get Amanda out. I know she dislikes Aaryn, but if she keeps Amanda and McCrea im the game, their minions will follow them again.
If she takes out McCrea, Amanda will go in to attack mode and I'm afraid Elissa will be gone. She can't compete next HOH, so she needs to get Amanda gone.
She needs to make that big move. I hope whomever gets the POV, keeps their promise and takes one of them off the block to backdoor Amanda. I'm hoping the POV is geared ftor everyone else but Amanda and McCrea. I don't trust Andy either.
This is Elissa's chance to make a big move and show that she deserves to get to the end.
I've been an Elissa fan all season. I wished her good because of her being Rachel's sister; and I was NOT a Rachel fan.
I wanted her to do well because everything she was accused of was because she was Rachel's sister.
The HG's blamed her for everything. She went with Helen because she did not like Amanda or Aaryn. Every diary room visit, she would say how much she did not want to vote for so and so, but did so because she wanted to stay in the game or she'd talk about how much she did not like the mean girls.
She has the chance now to make a big move. I hope she does it.
Penny - I think it really is Elissa's intention to take out Amanda. Of course,POV will decided if that's possible. I also think she's aware that the guys wouldn't vote out McC over either Aryan or Amanda... yet.
If by some freak accident of nature, Amanda wins POV (gag), another of her minions will go up, and I'm thinking it will be Andy. If that happens, there will be 2 of McManda's minions on the block and 1 will go, so it's a win-win... even though the target IS Amanda.
I am concerned... McManda were studying the wall last night. She was pointing out various features on people and they both agreed it would be easy. I'm hoping Elissa can shake Amanda up before the comp... and that she didn't get her meds!!
Ooohhhhh!!!!! The thought of Andy going up excites me much more than I'd like to admit. He'd crack like an egg and spill all the secrets (that he has not started leaking out already!)
I also agree with anon 11:28 and 11:31
I am also hoping that Elissa's plan works this week...Amanda walking out the door. I've been ambivilent about Elissa for most of the season. I kind of liked her because she seemed like a moral person. But I was concerned that she laid low for so long. But her POV win followed by her HOH win have reassured me that she was playing the game that whole time, just waiting for her moment to shine. I am hoping that she excels right to the end.
Enjoyed your morning comments Jackie.
I wasn't necessarily an Elissa fan but was leaning that way ever since Jeramy caused such an uproar for her in the beginning of this game. It's nice to see someone playing the game without degrading another person or constantly using foul language. She also keeps her clothes on.
Hi guys. I've not felt very well, but I made a point to watch BBAD and the feeds this morning (I rewound the clock to midnight). It was great, the spit take, all the laughter.
Please let this week be the one that we lose Demanda.
interesting WV: ratvain
Petals, hope you're back to 100% soon!
I have to head off to a pool party soon and hope Pov comp is done before I leave. Fingers crossed that none of the McMandy crew gets pov.
And the crazy thing is ~ I have Demanda as my pool chick. But I want her OUT more than anyone else. hehe
*sigh* Feeling so yucky, sorry I have none of my usual wit. My gf is taking me to get a mani-pedi, then dinner. I hope that lifts my spirits.
The feeds have been trivia for three hours+. Jokers folks are speculation that it's the POV comp.
Three hours? What, is production making them do it over and over until Amanda wins? Or did Mcmanda lose and production is in crisis mode? Or is the aftermath so juicy that BB wants to keep it for air-time only? Any of you folks live anywhere near the BBhouse? If so, look out the window - is there a mushroom cloud on the horizon?
Fffffff. Amanda won pov. So maybe I will get my wish with Andy because I am sure she will take he beloved off.
As usual, I comment late. I wonder how many repeats it took to get her win.
No, I'm not bitter at all. Why do you ask?
Looks like Andy may be going up in McCrae's place. With that I am heading off to the pool party. Thank goodness it's walking distance because I plan to tie a few on!
Will miss the feeds and Andy freaking out though.
THUD! Amanda pulls one out when she needed to!
I made this prediction on a post at 8:37 and 8:45 AM, and it happened just as I said, she would win POV and take McCrae off and they will rule again, she should have put them both up there. It might be that Elissa over thought this worrying so much about how Aaryn can will at comps.If they vote out Aaryn now, Andy and spencer will jump ship again for sure
Too bad Elissa you made the wrong choice, if McCrae was gone then Amanda would possibly be all alone and probably wouldn't be as effective. but now she has new ammunition again. I guess like everyone else on this show somehow they win when they have to. I believe Judd and GM will jump ship also, at this point now she might want to reconsider and keep Aaryn and GM in an alliance, because she surely can trust Andy.
I think McCrae will be able to convince Judd and Spencer to join him and Amanda,you see how every abandoned Amanda when they thought she was no longer going to be in power.But there still might be a chance if someone other than McRandy wins HOH. Just maybe like GM but that would be a stretch.
That three hour feeds break must have included both the POV comp and Zingbot. Andy has been complaining that Zingbot called him a floater. He's very hurt by that and has been defending himself against that tag.
So Amanda won the veto. If she takes Mcrae off the block can't Elissa put her up? The latest on Jokers sounds like Andy is going up and he is freaking out crying. Love it!
The veto winner cannot be put up as replacement.
Hi Poppy, I think that the Veto winner can't be nominated. Is that right Jackie?
@Anon 12:09...I wasn't offended in the least. And I totally agree with you; the things that Aaryn, GM and Amanda have said have been truly awful (understatement).
Witt :)
I was very dissapointed in Elissa's choice to put up McCrae and Amanda, all of us got so excited to think they had finally broke up those two and now all for nothing, they are back in charge again. Again Elissa played the game the same as all the others have , strictly personal, there could have been other chances to take Aaryn out, put she chose to make it personal, She could have at least got one of them out. Elissa will probably be walking out that door next week. These are the worst BB players ever. Amanda does now deserve to win.
Jackie, I have no idea how you do this. I tried watching the feeds and I just ended up a bit confused. According to what I saw, Amanda's telling Elissa to put up Andy is part of a plan. Does that mean that what Amanda wants is for Aaryn to go home? That seems like what they were saying but I could be wrong. Does anyone else know what's going on?
Regardless, it was great watching Elissa and Amanda talking because Elissa wasn't buying much of what Amanda was selling and told her so outright. Elissa does not mince words with Amanda.
Well I hear the Amanda won the POV today. Know what what the challenge was. Must have been something about staying in bed the longest or something like that.
Sasha, Amanda's trying to get GM up on the block as the replacement so they can keep Aaryn and Andy this week. Not sure what kind of luck she's going to have with that one.
What Amanda is trying to do now is make Elissa one of her minions, and let her run her HOH like she has all the others I just don't know what to think anymore, Elissa might fall for it.I think Amanda really wants Aaryn to go ,so she told Elissa Andy thinking she will do the opposite of what Amanda is telling her to do, Amanda totally rules Andy. So she really needs to get rid of Andy,and try ann alliance with Judd, GM,Aaryn, and Spencer.
Sasha, I think Amanda was trying to use a little reverse psychology on Elissa. Amanda does not want her rat and stool pigeon on the block (Andy). She has been trying to figure out a way to get GM on the block all afternoon and keep throwing different things at Elissa trying to see if any of them stick.
For those complaining that Elissa should have put both Amanda and Mccrae up - that's hindsight. Elissa did it right, the best plan for getting Amanda out, and this is why:
Stick with this. It's not rocket science - after all, Elissa saw it intuitively.
Let's assign points to the players in order of their likely ability to win POV. (Of course this is debatable depending on the type of comp, and only Mcmanda seems to often know what to expect, but the rankings won't change by a significant factor.)
Elissa - 5
Aaryn - 5
GinaMarie - 5
Judd - 4
Mccrea - 4
Andy - 3
Spenser - 2
Amanda - 1
So if Elissa's goal is to end up with Amanda and Mccrea on the block, and assuming that Elissa, Aaryn, and GinaMarie would take Aaryn off the block if they won POV, then by putting Aaryn up with Mccrea, there's a 15 out of 28 chance, better than 50% at a minimum, that she could backdoor Amanda and one of the two would definitely be out the door. Even better odds if Judd cooperated. (And note that 10 of those 15 points would be definitely playing on the POV comp, the rest being random draw.)
If, however, she initially put up both Amanda and Mccrea, then the only person she could count on to leave the nominations the same is herself, and possibly Judd. Almost any other person would take one or the other off the block "to prove their loyalty", and the replacement nominee, not Mccrae or Amanda, is almost guaranteed to go home. The chance of Amanda or Mccrae going home in that case is something like 5 or 9 out of 29. Not good odds.
So Elissa made exactly the right move in starting with Aaron and Mccrae. That was her best chance. The chance of Amanda winning POV was very low. Unfortunately, people do win the lottery or get hit by lightning with worse chances.... and Amanda did.
Sorry folks, I dont trust Judd either, he and McCrae were the best of friends and they would take each other to the end, because as you can see, McCrae was ready to throw Amanda under the bus.
Thanks thanks, Monty, Anon, and David...I think I need feeds lessons. Lol, I appreciate the info. Guess I'd not be a good schemer :)
(New post up ----->)
Elissa had everyone on her side but Amanda,Aaryn and McCrae,even Andy because she had scared the heck out of him and he told her he would vote which ever way she wanted him to, as did the others, so if she had put Amanda and McCrae up on the block one of them would definately gone home and now we know it would have been McCrae. Amanda would be less effective without McCrae, she would have been in the house all by herself and unless the won HOH on Thursday she certainly would have been out next week, So for many of us this isnt hindsight, it made all the sense in the world to put them both up to get at least one of them out.
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