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10:10pm ET all still in |
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Quad cam 10:13pm ET |
The barrel stopped, then started again.
Brief cut to trivia 10:17pm ET. Back, Spencer is huffing and puffing.
10:21pm ET, after blurts of trivia mixed with feeds, it stops again. It had been going fairly fast. Spencer seems to have the most problem with it.
Spencer out, Candice, Helen out in a row when it goes backward. Then Elissa. Andy off. Trivia keeps cutting in and out, hard to tell. Amanda out. Judd out, too.
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10:30pm ET |
Jessie, McCrae and GinaMarie are the only ones still in the comp and we're having extended trivia on the live feeds.
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10:36pm ET - GM, McCrae and Jessie still on |
10:41pm ET -- GinaMarie promises safety to McCrae, Jessie and Amanda, as well as the room to the couple ... if she wins.
10:47pm ET - Jessie out. GinaMarie is really trying to convince McCrae to drop. They say they have each other, but both want to win.
10:50pm ET - McCrae yells for Rich (producer) to open the doors and let all the watchers inside. Ready to deal? Rich doesn't do it.
GinaMarie seems more solid on the barrel than McCrae at this point. It's the going backwards that's killing them.
10:57pm ET - Still the two up. GinaMarie says she really needs her hair dye. Yeah, she really does. She has a point.
10:59pm ET - McCrae goes down -- it seemed to be a real fall. GINAMARIE IS THE NEW HOH!!
"Did I win? Did I win?"
I think Candice got the money and, for some odd reason, Spencer got a megaphone(?). Helen had something with writing on it. Slop pass maybe? I'm not sure. The feeds cut in and out through that and I've only picked up bits and pieces here and there.
BB won't let the smokers smoke. It's been two days. But there's too much straw in the backyard.
Spencer has to have the megaphone until nominations. My neighbors aren't going to like that.
All still on
I want s real switch in power and not sure who that would be as HOH except maybe Candice or Elissa? I want a HOH not run by Amanda or where McManda just lies around in HOH room constantly and sends her minions out to find out who is talking to who.
I would love to see Spencer get it, as much as he disgusts me. Candice would be good too. I'd say Jessie, but I'm afraid the mean people would control her.
The big seven are running out of pawns at this point. They'll have to start eating their own soon and that's when it will get good. :)
I voted McCrea for MVP...it would be funny to watch him scramble
Whoever wins I hope they backdoor Spencer. He's a disgusting misogynist pig.
All still on so far 10:21pm est
I don't know who to root for. My Pool pick was Howard. I guess Elissa and Judd. Jackie thankyou for all your updates.
Spencer, Candice and Helen OFF
I think the most mature houseguest who might not have played the game well but showed the most respect, calm, maturity ..walked out the door tonight, sadly.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ... do NOT let Amanda or Aryan win HOH!!!
Amanda is out and didn't get a prize! What did the others get in their boxes?
Amanda off
Elissa now out
Andy and Judd off
I think I will be happy unless Mac, Amanda, or Helen are HOH. I can accept others easier but then I do not want a repeat even though Judd is Ok,,.just want someone new to get a chance to be HOH but I bet Andy would throw it to McRae to keep blood off his hands if it comes to that.
McCrae Jessie & Ginamarie still on
Looks just like Jessie, GM, and McCrae are the only ones left on my feeds 10:31pm est
Come on, Jessie!
Jessie would stir things up. That will be fun :)))
Jessie is nice girl, but I don't think she has enough emotional strength to stand up to Amanda.
Feeds are now on trivia
I guess I have to root for Jessie as I cannot take another McManda HOH as Amanda will bully worse than ever in that enhanced position of power considering she bullies without being HOH. But there will be more sex and marriage in HOH room,..ugh. Gina Marie will do whatever Aaryn wants which is getting out Candice and Candice is my favorite. So I have to root for Jessie who would not stand up to Amanda or Helen but she would not target Elissa or Candice either.
Poor Jackie if MCrae wins because of Amanda and him in the HOH! At this point GM should win.
I thought Helen would have had this easily with all the running she does daily! ?????
Candace won the 5K. Good for her! Eat your heart out,Aaryn!
Saving my 3rd nom voting for after the HOH contest finishes. If MC then will do Amanda and vica versa if he wins.
With her yoga training , I expected Elissa to perhaps stay on longer or win this as she is able to hold difficult positions and she has that flexiblity and balance. I am rather shocked and also maybe because Rachel was so good at endurance comps but they are not the same people.
Good for Candice. Not much to root for....any one of those as HOH and it'll just be more of the same.
The hamsters are now sheep.
Yes as GM just promised that McManda could use HOH room, promised them and Jessie safety. GM will be gunning for Candice, same old Aaryn grudges as she and GM are close. Ugh!
Listening a second time to Howard talking to Julie. Class act.
If GM is HOH, I would like to see Aaryn as MVP nom on block on her friend;s HOH. If McCrae, Amanda as MVP Nom. If Jessie, then Amanda as MVP nom as Amanda has been bugging and bullying Jessie all week.
Other prizes...Helen got a BBQ for the house and Spencer got a megaphone.
GM has promised the HOH room to the couple? geez, there's only 1 couple left, so that would mean another week of Amanda and McC slurping all over each other. gag
Jesse just fell. Between McCrae and GM now
Of the 2 remaining... gads.
Don't want either.
The talk in my house was MVPing Helen because she'd freak trying to figure it out and she was mean this week.
Okay, had to stay up so I could vote. Amanda is out so I can go vote.
Doubt either will put up Amanda, so I'm going to vote for Amanda as the 3rd nom.
GM is making all these promises and McC isn't biting... What she should tell McC is that if he doesn't give it to her and she wins on her own, then she'll put him and Amanda on the block. Maybe that would make him let her have it NOW!
good thinking, meb
Don't let go gm and I split between Helen the meanie and Amanda the bully
Gm really needs her hair dye she can't let go!
Funny how as the season progresses it gets harder to like anyone in the BB house.
McCrae starting to breath hard
GM has won HOH. Boo!
Let's go GinaMarie!!
Wait did I just say that?
well Candice & Spencer will be on the block this week.
Please tell me she didn't make any promises to McRae ?
I am going to vote for Amanda . It will be the only way anyone can mess her up. It drives her crazy trying o figure out "who done it."
Anon 10:56 - looks like GM might get her hair dye. She just won HOH.
Wonder if she'll release the HOH room for Amanda and McC to "use" the bed. :X
If they had any brains, they would get rid of the core threat. Put Helen Amanda and McRae .Any combo because America will take care of the third. If only.........they were smart enough sigh!
Off to vote for Amanda! Now if these stupid hamsters would wise up and realize that they need to get her out.
I hope they don't plan or Amanda/Helen doesn't plan to back door Judd
Does anyone know if the Hat Howard was wearing tonight was Elissa's hat that Jeremy used on his rear end?
Lynn1 - No. That was a pink ball cap.
Helen won a BBQ for her and three people.
Unfortunately, I think Amanda is "sure" the MVP was Judd, which means she'll be pushing for Candice and Judd on the block.
Put my 10 in for Amanda. Hope it doesn't hurt Judd though.
Well, we pretty much know the 2 noms will end up any combination of Spence, Candice and Judd.
They hate Candice, think Spence tries to flip the house (he does), and suspicions are running amok about Judd. Though he might have escaped some of the suspicion by voting "the right way" (Amanda's way).
Gina all ready is talking about Candice being her target and putting up Spencer too. So I fear if Candice does not win PoV, she is gone..so sad. This group of houseguests are so mean, personal attacks, the racists winning comps and HOH, makes me ill. I may tune out this week and see everyone Thursday.
Yes, and even more reason to throw all of your votes to Aaryn. JMO and that's where my votes are going.
It is sad as I fear unless Candice wins POV , she is gone before jury. I so wanted her to at least make jury. But the thought of her leaving and racist mean girls sitting there smiling and celebrating is horrible. I am sad.
Mine went to Amanda. She's just as racist as GM and Aryan... and she's a bully too boot! I want to see her sitting on the block 2 weeks in a row.
Crap...GM is HOH? Crap. Did I all ready say that?
Good lord, GM is HOH. WTF.
Now thinking my MVP noms. How is everyone voting? In my order of preference: Amanda, McCrea, Helen, GM (whoops she's effing HOH), Aryan, and Spencer.
It is a sad state of affairs that i'm not putting the racist mean girls up front, but I hate bullies more!!!
Candice, you can do it! fight aint over yet.
No matter WHO gets HOH Amanda and McCrea will treat the room as theirs, the bed as theirs, the nominations as theirs. Oh Me. All my votes go to AMANDA
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