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Stuck with GinaMarie |
Not a heck of a lot has gone down since my last report. But, anyway, here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Woeful Willies:
- Helen again said she thinks that GinaMarie will be America's Favorite.
- Andy thinks GM will be portrayed as nuts and not win the honor.
- He's more right than Helen. Even with the more favorable editing on the show than actuality of the live feeds, she comes across as a whacko.
- Helen and McCrae talked of never understanding what Howard meant when he spoke. He did tend to speak in circles and metaphors.
- Aaryn thinks Spencer is sketchy.
- Andy pointed out that Spencer has no allies, so has little power to use his sketchiness.
- Spencer told GinaMarie that he trusts Andy.
- Um. Okay.
- Andy has a gut feeling that America was the latest MVP and that Amanda is being portrayed as a villain.
- Bingo!
- Although, there's no need to "portray" her as a villain ... she is one!
- Amanda and McCrae's fake wedding is set for tonight.
- Andy won't give them the HoH room.
- Good.
- Andy talked of two men being in love and Aaryn said that was "disgusting."
- @@
- Doesn't Aaryn realize that love is (or should be) the major component of ANY relationship?
- GinaMarie said she asked the Diary Room if she could beat up Candice in the jury house.
- They told her, "NO."
- I dunno. I bet Candice just might be able to do a job on GM.
- Not that I'm promoting fisticuffs, of course.
- The newly named ex-Goof Troop, now 3am Alliance, talked of various scenarios to get Helen out.
- That would be Andy, Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda.
- Helen wonders if Jessie might have deals set with someone as she seems too happy.
- Maybe she's just happy she might be getting out of there!
- It was weird to see ALL of the hamsters hang out in the backyard for most of the late evening hours. Usually a few go off in seclusion.
- Helen got stuck with GinaMarie at the hot tub for what seemed like forever.
- She even worked her HelenBot throughout that, asking all kinds of questions. If Helen gets in one of those comps about knowing the other hamsters best, she should win hands down. She acts like she's all interested, but I bet she's filing all the knowledge away for future use.
- Amanda said that she's not racist because she's had sex with black guys.
- @@
- Nothing like promoting your promiscuity! (Don't care what color, just the idea of going on about guys with whom you've done da deed!)
- Amanda told Andy that Aaryn's more sheltered which is why she made the "disgusting" remark.
- I don't know. Even sheltered should have common sense.
- Right?
- Then again, perhaps the hamsters have to swear not to use common sense during the application process.
- Yeah, that's the ticket -- no common sense permitted!
- Later today, we'll find out if Andy uses the veto or not. I don't think he will and I believe it still will be Jessie walking out the door on Thursday.
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Smokin' |
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Imbibing |
I usually don't join the blog on show night because I'm just not that talented in the multitasking area, but I just wanted to add (to others' thoughts):
1)GM's comments were hateful. Even the other houseguests saw how horrible her comments were.
2)Poor Judd. He never saw it coming. It was very telling that everyone cried evicting him.
3)I hope Jessie is evicted, simply to get her out of that house of nuts. She can have a week without all that nonsense.
4)Helen HAS to stop talking to Andy!!!
5) I had to laugh about Amanda's pouting that McCrae didn't throw the HOH comp to her. Seriously????
Witt :)
P.S. This has nothing to do with nothing...but I'm doing so much better with WV this summer!!
Witt :)
I share Witt's issue with multi-tasking during the broadcast... + I'm usually watching on a slight delay (DVR) due to required snack-making.
I do always keep one eye on the comments while watching, however.
Very doubtful, but I think it would be hysterical if Andy pulled Jessie off and put Aryan up... just because he's still really angry. LMAO
I second all of the above. I'm a two-finger hunt 'n peck typist, so I just can't watch the show and keep up with commenting. On show nights, I'm hovering over the party pool.
As to Amanda and her "I'm not racist because I've slept with black guys", that's like saying that Nick, Jeremy, and Spencer obviously consider women their equals because, hey, they sleep with them. Duh.
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good." Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
I agree with everything Witt said, except for the poor Judd part. He had his chance to jump on the evict Amanda train and he chose not to, even after he was warned that she was gunning for him. Even after he was evicted he didn't blame Amanda. He thought it was all Helen and Alyssa. Definitely not the brain trust everyone in the house seemed to think he was.
I guess you are right, RBennie. Judd told Amanda over and over he wasn't the MVP behind her nominations, and he trusted them beyond where he should have. :(
Silk, I love that quote by Samuel Johnson!!! So true...it reminds me of a quote a gal in my high school put next to her senior picture..."When the one great scorer comes to mark against your name, he writes not that you won or lost, but how you played the game." That quote is from Grantland Rice, an American sportswriter who also wrote poetry.
Wow, we are deep today....
Witt :)
i am just excited to see the Jury house on Thursday. That is the only thing I am looking forward to on eviction night.
I am also wondering who Spencer would really nominate if he won HOH. I know he can't stand Amanda but as a feed watcher I have to wonder if it really is Helen he wants out. I can't stand Spencer but just wonder sometimes.
Since Spencer has no allies and no power in this game, he is constantly lying to keep himself in the game. He tells whoever he's talking to exactly what they want to hear. I have no clue what his true inclinations are. I tend to think he really would get rid of Amanda if he had the chance though.
A little armchair theorizing: I think Aaryn has a personality disorder, specifically poorly integrated personality disorder. That's where a person doesn't have a clear definition of self, and tends to allow the expectations of others to define them. They will do, say, and be whatever seems meet the expectations of "the group", they will be whatever seems to get approval from others. When Aaryn entered the house, she saw "her group" as the other young pretty men and women. She quickly discovered that snarky comments on those seen as outsiders got attention, laughs, approval, pats on the virtual back. So that is what she could do, say, and be to earn approval from her group. I could be convinced to believe her when she says she's not racist. Saying those things simply got her approval from others. That's what they liked her to say. It was easy for her because, let's face it, most of American society is xenophobic. When that original group disappeared and she had to earn the approval of a different group, she learned that obeying commands and wagging her tail like a puppy earned approval, so that's what she does now. So I can believe that her change is not an act. Being a chameleon is how she survives.
When I was in my 20s and 30s I did the same thing, not the racial or snarky thing, but changing who I was, altering my personality, actions, responses, to BE what others expected me to be, they way they defined me, hoping that would make them accept me. I crashed and burned when I was four different people with four different social groups, AND I DIDN'T LIKE ANY OF THE "ME"s. There was no me I liked. And on the few occasions when two or more of the groups intersected, I didn't know what to do, how to act. It took 3.5 years of twice a week intensive talk therapy with a psychiatrist to discover the real me, to know that I didn't have to please everyone all the time, and to like myself enough that I could tell other people that this is me, I'm good enough as I am, and you can take it or leave it. The only person who has to like me is me.
Aaryn doesn't need a publicist. She needs a psychologist, and I hope someone sees that.
Silk, I had never heard of this disorder before, but your explanation makes perfect sense regarding Aaryn. I also admire you for sharing your personal experience.
Appreciated, Tami. I just wish I could share it with Aaryn.
Silk, I had never heard of that disorder either, but appreciate the time, attention you gave for the description... through your personal experience.
There are probably a lot more people who not willing to admit they've had had a similar life-experience... or never recognized it.
VETO comp was a while ago, but haven't read/heard if it's Jessie along with Spencer. Assume it is though.
I can't understand why Jessie is so comfortable with Andy saying she's safe. It's crazy. They all seem to think they're safe... until they suddenly aren't. Jessie could ask Judd about that!!.
The fact that GinaMarie wants to 'beat up' Candice shows her mentality. She will never be accused of being mature. It's hard to believe she's in her 30's.
Susan - I can't help wonder how GM ever entered beauty contests, much less worked on staff with pageants! Just listening to her talk for a couple minutes makes it hard to believe she can drop that coarse language and behavior be involved with 'beauty' anything!
I'm thinking that since "America" voted Elisse the MVP three times, I would think that "America" would vote her as "Favorite Player", not GM. I would like to see someone like Candice, Howard or Judd get it, I'll even settle for Pizza boy McCrae, just not GM, Amanda, Aaryn or Helen. I used to like Helen but now she's running the house just like Amanda. I'm just hoping that the next HOH is Helen, Elisse or Spencer because they will try to get Amanda out however it would be a hoot if McCrae won it and put up Amanda.I'm thinking someone will come back from the jury house and I hope it would be Judd, then he could do some revenge damage!
Sissy - I think you're right about Elissa being voted Favorite player. Unfortunately, that will ONLY happen because the Brenchel crowd will make sure of it.
Judd might want to do some revenge damage, but who would he focus on? He was angry at Jessie (for some odd reason), but he mostly blamed Elissa!
I can't remember if Candice knew about Amanda pushing for Judd being MVP - probably not since they didn't like or trust her. Even when/if Jessie is voted out this week, it will be difficult for her to convince him that it was Amanda. I have no idea why Judd was so mad at her... enough to say "get Jessie out" to Amanda. Boy needs an attitude adjustment!
Silk, thank you for your theory and explanation...it makes quite a bit of sense, seeing how Aaryn has changed behaviors over time depending on who she is with. It's interesting that is noticing that GM's behavior does not gel with her new group (Helen, Amanda) and she is willing to jettison her.
Thank you, also, for sharing a very personal experience, one that was quite an odyssey.
Witt :)
I've got other theories on GM and Amanda. The BIG theory is that the producers got a copy of the DSM-IV, and chose "one from column A, one from column B ..."
Oh, yeah, and Jessie. Can't leave out Jessie....
GM just keeps getting more offensive. The other day when they were talking about movies gm went on and on about how black the guy was in whatever movie they were talking about. This morning she called Candice a crack baby! Why bc she is adopted and black? This GM just doesn't get it. She must be so insecure she uses hate speech to get a laugh and bond with people. So gross!!
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