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Hey chickie, chickie |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Barnyard Animals:
- To recap, GinaMarie won HoH and the chicken suits went to Spencer and Judd.
- I had mistakenly thought that McCrae had been carrying chicken feet when it was orange Converse sneakers -- he was the orange bunny in the comp.
- Oops.
- The feeds were blocked until the comp had ended.
- Now Amanda has two obsessions -- her irrational HATRED for Elissa and what Julie Chen said to her on the live show.
- She seems consumed with her hatred of Elissa and is determined to convince GinaMarie to put her on the block.
- I've never seen anyone quite so obsessed in all the years I've watched the show.
- I'm talking since Season One!
- Amanda thinks everybody is on the same page as her.
- Meanwhile ... Spencer, Andy, Judd and GinaMarie (the Exterminators) are beside themselves with joy and plan to put McCrae and Amanda on the block.
- And, nope ... Elissa, the target of Amanda's hatred, has nothing to do with it.
- But, she's surely along for the vote, I'd say!
- The boys have agreed to protect GinaMarie from McCranda.
- I actually don't think they need to worry so much about McCrae. He's turning out to be the most inept superfan I've ever seen on one of these shows.
- Spencer thinks he's going to make all kinds of money selling his BB stuff on eBay.
- @@
- Whenever they're around Amanda, everybody is just being a bit of a "yes man" to her vitriol over Elissa.
- No sense in stirring the pot before the explosion over nominations.
- Elissa is actually in the dark over this. I think she has hope that GM won't nominate her, but she has no idea that the guys (sans McCrae) are with her. She knows Judd is on their side, but doesn't really know Andy and Spencer are with them.
- Amanda's hatred of Elissa was even more fueled by Julie's questions.
- How DARE they portray Elissa as innocent and her (Amanda) as a bully!?!?!
- Amanda thinks Elissa keeps putting her down.
- @@
- At one time, when Amanda left the room, GM, Andy and Judd all started dancing around again.
- Aaryn had warned Amanda that GM would work with Elissa and put her (Amanda) on the block as a target.
- Guess what, Amanda? Aaryn was honest about that one!
- Amanda told GM that she needs to put up Elissa and either Judd or Spencer with her.
- Amanda is STILL sure that Judd was the MVP putting her on the block!
- Oh, silly little mean girl.
- The chicken suits shed.
- I didn't know the dollar store made chicken suits, did you?
- BB gave them alcohol. I wonder how much they'll get after the nominations go down.
- Amanda told Elissa she's going on the block.
- Elissa laughed at her.
- That really irritates Amanda.
- Aww.
- Keep it up Elissa!
- (Actually, Elissa is getting very upset at the continued bullying.)
- Amanda thinks Elissa is picking on HER.
- Oh, geez.
- Amanda's behavior has McCrae trying to calm her down. He told her that GM doesn't like that kind of thing.
- No one does. It's whacked.
- McCrae told Amanda not to let Elissa bully her and to play the victim to GM.
- @@
- What world are these people living in?
- Not mine, I hope!
- Elissa thought Jessie's tirade at her was funny and not harmful, but Amanda's is hate-filled and cruel.
- Yup.
- In her HoH room, GinaMarie got another photo of Nick.
- Run, Nick, run!
- Her letter was from her mother, though.
- Spencer likes GM's HoH goodie basket better than Elissa's. GM's is full of junk food while Elissa's was mostly healthy foodstuffs.
- Amanda told GM that Elissa made her cry.
- @@
- Amanda spent the latter part of the night after the HoH room reveal crying.
- Oh, my heart goes out to her, doesn't yours?
- Heehee!
- Judd is fussing and whining more about his chicken suit than Spencer is. He says it's all hot and sweaty.
- Judd was very worried about coming back into the house with everyone still sucking up to McCrae and Amanda.
- Amanda told Elissa that she (Elissa) keeps bullying her (Amanda).
- Elissa walked away.
- Amanda chased after her chastising her for bullying poor little Amanda.
- @@
- Oh, shrink, please! We have a spill in aisle one!
- To placate her, GM told Amanda that Elissa has been her target since the first week.
- A few minutes later, GM laughed with Andy about how Amanda is playing the victim. Andy warned her not to fall for the act. She said she doesn't.
- The girl ain't too bright, but GM does have Amanda down.
- I do think that GM will stick to her guns and put up McCranda.
- Woot.
- We'll see tonight!
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Gonna be a long two days, gonna be a long week |
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He's all ears |
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This seems fitting |
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Barnyard animals in the house |
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HoH room fun! |
What's really sad about BB15 is that with the exceptions of Elissa (yes I said it) basically due to he tenacity, these have been the worse BB players of all time, especially the women thatcame on this show, they hardly ever had their heads in the game, most of this group were looking for showmances, it seem's they just couldn't find a man outside the big brother house, Dan said it last night getting a showmance started is the worse thing you can do. This group started with Amanda/McCrae, Kaitlin/Jeremy, AAryn/David, Jessie wanted one and couldn't get one going with Judd, these young women were pathetic. And I would hope when Amanda get to the Jury house she'll have a second thought about attacking all thats there, because if and when GM gets there (and she'll get there because already she's siding with the guys instead of Elissa)if she jumps in her face I think GM will beat her ass, because at this stage in the game she has nothing to lose.
Oh I forget to and the GM/ Nick shomance in the group. HOw could I forget.
This is one of those times that I would LOVE to see the ceremony live. I knows we will hear about it and see it later but the agony of waiting to see Amanda and McCrae's face when that last key is removed is a bit more than I can bear.
Jackie, another thanks to you for watching as the bile pours out of Amanda and McCrae's pieholes. What a disgusting lot the two of them are.
Also, I am glad Elissa didn't put them both up last week. They expected it last week. With them being clueless that they are the target this week, it makes it so much more sweet!
Last night's episode of BB just might be the best one I've ever seen. I really did not expect Julie to "go there" with Aryan, but I'm overjoyed that she did! I should probably feel bad for enjoying Aryan's misery, but I just can't. I loved it. The audience laughing at her was priceless. My other favorite moment of the night is when Julie called out Amanda about her bullying! I didn't expect that either. Then GM wins HOH. I never thought I would say this, but hallelujah! I still can't stand her, but it looks like she will put up McCranda, so she's all right with me this week. Let's see if she will wise up to the fact that the boys in her Exterminators alliance will dump her at the first opportunity. The moment I really can't wait to see is when McCranda realizes that their boy Andy has turned on them.
I am glad that GM won HOH and I hope that she does stay firm on her plan of nominating McCrae and Amanda. Seeing them on the block together will be great. Of course, there is always the chance that one of them would win POV, but as long as the majority votes out the other, everything will be cool.
I know that without Amanda in the house, things won't be as exciting, but I for one (and I am sure the majority of the HGs) would welcome a break from the MOUTH.
Immediately Amanda starts telling GM what to do and who to put up. She needs to learn that in order to do that you need to win HOH. She treats everyone's HOH as her own personal HOH. Hope GM will be strong and not let her strong arm her into doing Amanda and McFido's bidding this week.
cbs should be ashame of themselves...I cant even let my teenage nephew watch this show, because the bullyin isn't right...I had to tell him that yes, even grown folks bully other grown folks, and bein stuck in a house with a med-addict that bullies is even worse...big brother, teach the young kids that bullyin isn't right!!! I will not have him visit anymore on big brother nights, what a shame, America.
imagine when or if mcrae wins veto and thinks to take his self off....amanda will blow the coop!!!
If I was GM I would tell Elissa that hers will be the last key pulled. Andy has already told McManda that one of them may go up against Elissa so the shock would be that much sweeter. This will be one of the few times this season that I will have wished I had the live feeds to watch McManda's melt-down.
If I was in that house (ooo the horror of that thought)I would take everyone else up to the HOH room and lock the door. Without anyone for Amanda to direct her rage at she might just self evict with the knowledge she has lost control being the control freak she is.
I still don't trust Andy. I really hope he doesn't try to convince GM to put up one of McCranda against Elissa.
For the moment things are good. Will it last? I do hope Gm puts up McCranda. [The part about pulling Elissa's key last is priceless humor!] PQ
Jackie culd you pst a PO BOx on your main blog page. I would prefer tosend a check there. I have had too many computer problems to trust Paypal...nor do I have PayPal experience. The only way I might use PayPal is to have another do it via their account. But I don't want to impose. Is there anything wrong with a PO Box? I am clueless, but wouldn't this still protect your identity and whereabout. I hope so. Love your blog!!!! PQ
The other hamsters need to take some responsibility for Amanda's behaviors. She's like a little kid who has been given everything she wants and then has a tantrum when someone dares to say NO. They've all stroked her ego and done exactly what she wants for 10 weeks and now they're all surprised at her behavior? Do these people have no experience with children or how to handle them?
Parade Magazine in an interview with film producer, Lee Daniels,Oprah Winfrey, and oscar winner Forrest Whitaker talks about racism as seen on some reality shows like Big Brother recently. This is the first time ever , I have seen BB referred to in an interview question asked in an interview about a major motion picture and have oscar and emmy winners talking about it in a magazine.
I agree with you OrkMommy. It amazes me that not one person in that house will tell her the truth about how she's acting. They agree with her to her face and then talk about how nuts she is when she's out of the room. So now it's Elissa's fault that Julie called Amanda out, because Elissa is always pushing her buttons. That girl has got a lot of buttons!
I'm watching BBAD from last night and I don't understand why Andy and Spencer are saying they are going to throw the Veto comp. I understand they don't want to get their hands dirty, although I think it is past time to play safe. If they don't fight for Veto that gives Amanda and McCrae a better chance to win. Plus, if one of them comes down there's a chance you might go up. These people seem so clueless this year.
Lets say Dr Phil did a special BB edition with Amanda, McCrae, Aaryn and GM. Amanda would say that she is misunderstood and the evil Elissa tortured her the entire time; McCrae would just repeat "I dunno" over and over again; Aaryn would repeat that its a "stereotype" (as a college student, I would think you would understand how to use the word in the proper context, but I digress); and GM would cry and finally admit a real relationship with Nick never existed.
Yep, I have an active imagination!
I am insulted and beside myself! I can't believe, on second thought how like someone like Aaryn to blame everyone and everything she said on someone else. What I find insulting is her blaming the South and Texas for the malicious garbage that came out of her mouth.
I am a seventh generation Texan and, believe me, only a small group of people would make the hateful and ugly comments that Aaryn did on a daily basis. After the '60's things began to turn around bigot that she spouted daily began to subside, especially among the educated.
I think that Aaryn learned her views and garbage mouth from her parents and the friends and family that she grew up around.
Please believe me, just because you are from Texas or the South does not make you "white trash" (which is an expression used down here to describe classless, ignorant people like Aaryn).
Okay, I will get off my soap box now.
Don't worry Becky. No one is buying what she was trying to sell last night! I almost choked when she said that she and Candice are great friends. I somehow get the feeling that Candice would not agree, LOL.
No one in the house should take responsiblity for Amanda or any other grown person. She came in this house to act the fool bully that she is, she is cold and calulating, probably brought up that way and someone should take responsibilty for her behavior, you saw last night that Aaryn wanted to blame the whole southern population for her nonsense. Amanda is not a CHILD. I dont think one of the conditions to appear on this show, is that you have to have experience handling children.
Becky, I think that in Aaryn's circle, the type of comments she made is probably commonplace. And she is most likely surrounded by others who might be uncomfortable with what she spouts but who are either afraid to speak up (for fear of being ostracized) or just don't have the cojones to speak up.
My daughter just started 8th grade and she has come home every day this week with stories of the 8th graders terrorizing the 7th graders. Earlier in the week, I asked if she spoke up and she said she was afraid because she would become the target - sound familiar? Yesterday, she pulled a couple of the 7th graders aside and said be careful and they had any questions, they could come to her. She felt it was a way she could help in a small way without becoming a target herself.
The BB house is like that, more so this year. A microcosm of Jr. High.
Last thing I will add before I head out, Amanda and McCrae remind me of a dominant/submissive relationship.
Typically one is dominant, and that one seduces the other into sharing his or her fantasy, and then into acting it out. The dominant determines what they will do next and the submissive will follow along. If they succeed, they get bolder, with the dominant one feeling arrogant and alive, and the submissive one often experiencing some guilt, but also reluctant to withdraw. However, he or she is often afraid of the dominant one, so will continue to go along. This is Amanda and McCrae's relationship in a nutshell.
Everyone was annoyed with Amanda's behavior last week. The reason no one confronted her was that noms had already been made and since no one knew who the next HOH would be,why rock the boat?
They all bit their tongues because of that,but privately there was talk about getting Mcranda out next week and thus we've seen how quickly everyone has come together on this.
Amanda's behavior goes back much farther than this last week. All Sean they have been afraid to rock the boat.
Wonder who we will see behind the trash can this week??? Amanda or McDirty? Maybe both if we are lucky.
Yeah Andrea,but Amanda went way,way,overboard with her constantly following Elissa around, blowing a horn at her and banging on her HOH door.
Everyone says that Julie called Amanda out about her Bullying last night I did not see that, shen did that happen?
What kills me is that Amanda thinks that because she gave that fake apology, all should be forgotten! Then she has the nerve to call Elissa delusional! I don't understand how some people can still like McCrae. I find him to be every bit as disgusting as Amanda. Maybe even more so. I think she seriously has mental health issues that need to be addressed, while he has no such excuses and should be trying to help her rather than egging her on.
Julie did not out and out call Amanda a bully, but she pointed out how she was treating Elissa all week and questioned her behavior.
I watched the feeds last night, Biff (Demandwhore) is really off-the-chain.
The boys did speak-up a tiny bit when Biff began spewing.
And can we PLEASE stop referring to McFly as a "superfan"? Really, I'm not kidding. He has given real fans a bad name. I mean, look at his subservient behavior toward Biff, his bedraggled appearance, his defeated attitude. Not to mention his posture, his poor hygiene and his poor, gnawed nails.
"Superfan"? I think not.
PQ - I can tell you that Jackie's PayPal donation page is ultra-safe. I've been using it for years, with nary a prob.
Turns out that confronting a racist who lives in a bubble is good for ratings! :)
Last night's BB episode was most watched program with 8.36 million viewers.
RBennie,You're right. McCrae is just as disgusting as Amanda. He thinks El is the one who is mentally ill.
RBennie, Just a question,nothing more, were you being facetious when you said you agree that the other houseguest, should feel some responsibility for Amanda's behavior, because in other post you don't seem to be so understanding of her actions. like I said just a question because I was confused.
Not speaking for RBennie here, but my personal option is that the other HGs SHOULD feel some responsibility for Amanda's bully behavior. By not standing up to her and saying enough is enough, or STOP, they are condoning what she's doing, and in a way, that makes them participants.
Judd is the only one to not agree with Amanda... only he stays silent rather than speaking up.
Spence has disagreed with Amanda a couple of times... earning him the stink-eye.
oops... opinion (not option)
Ahhhh, we knew Sharon.
Sharon, opinion/option, whatever. I am in agreement that others should have stood up to Amanda weeks ago. By not saying anything when she went on one of her tangents they give her the impression that it is okay.
I was wondering why McCrae seems to get a pass. Sure Amanda is a horrible person but he isn't far behind her. I read the feeds and the things he says about Elisa are disgusting. Also, what kind of "man" would find what Amanda does attractive?
The only time he tries to stop her is when he thinks what she is saying is bad for "his" game.
As far as I can see these two are the same with respect to their treatment of others. One is just louder than the other.
I am on the fence with the boys/Scut Farkus. She is a shrew, and they know that she will turn & begin to chew on them if they step-in.
I don't hold them "responsible" for the shrew's repugnant behavior, but they are accountable for how out-of-hand it gets. Last night, Andy & Spencer both tried to quell it, but there was fear in their eyes.
Anon at 12:40 p.m. - I had to go back and read what I wrote because I certainly did not mean to say that others are responsible for Amanda's behavior. That is all on her nasty self. What I meant was I don't know how people can just sit back and let her go on like that without saying something or even worse agreeing with her and egging her on.
I go back to my first comment on this thread. This is a textbook case of bullying behavior. They don't speak up because they are afraid she will torment them next. They are not responsible for her behavior. All have tried to step up in some way (even McCrae has tried to tell her to take it down a level but with the dominant/submissive relationship they are in, he is stuck).
Been reading & watching (not the feeds, just the shows) and the thought occurs to me that this is an excellent opportunity to examine/analyze bullying behavior. I mean professionally. Surely there is some Sociology major out there looking for a thesis, or a reporter looking for a hot topic.
What's going on in the house is an exact mirror for what goes on in real-life bullying situations. Mostly good (not perfect) people getting sucked in by a large, loud personality who is mostly so dissatisfied with their own lot in life that they find it necessary to bully someone they deem unworthy of having something they themselves want to possess, or feel a need to repress.
Some say she knows exactly what she's doing, and that may be part of the truth, but her behavior goes far beyond acting and shows the reality of who she is: a dissatisfied, spoiled little girl who's not grown up enough to build something of her own that she can be proud of.
Just MHO
I can tell you, 2-cents, that YES - this is classic.
The bully is mean 24/7, but seems to amplify the behavior when there is an audience. And even worse when the others seem to take the side of the bully.
The bully, strangely, is always seeking approval or a positive reaction from the "crowd". They want the last word, the laugh, the high-five. That is why just walking away does not help the victim. The bully MUST have satisfaction.
(I went thru this with Jessie, and now with Elissa. I cannot stomach this, so I will not be watching feeds until this round of bullying stops. It is too close-to-home for me)
P.S. to which blogger asked about McFly getting a pass.
Well, NOT FROM ME. He makes me sick! He is a disgrace. Not only in the game, but in life (based on what we know of him). He is a slovenly underachiever, and seems to be OK with that, heck, even proud of it!
Of course, this IJMO, but to me, McFly is just not even a man.
Trivia is up. Wonder if its happening? Would love to be a fly on the wall!
Two cents, that's exactly what I said earlier. It really is classic bullying behavior. So similar to what my daughter said was happening between The 7th and 8th graders. And some 8th graders are afraid to speak up because they believe they will be targeted too.
I cant wait til they have the parents come on for the families, because I cant wait to see the parents of Amanda or mcrae, and I wish they would've done it for aaryn as well....and I agree with you MYTWOCENTS...Amanda is lackin because she even got a boob job to raise her self esteem in a way...and if you listen, Amanda called them out sayin "all you have (elissa) is your face and body, but you are ugly inside" while elissa was up in the hoh tryin to sleep...she is a very jealous person, and if you listenin to her, she is cryin out and it explains her past and how she was raised...something happened to that lady when she was a child...how sad.
justathough,You asked "What kind of "man" would find what Amanda does attractive?"
Petals pointed it out perfectly when she described McCrae " He is a slovenly underachiever, and seems to be OK with that, heck, even proud of it!"
McCRae probably has huge low-self esteem coupled with shame issues.
A normal woman wouldn't give a pizza delivery boy with no ambition a second look. He overlooks and perhaps crave Amanda's bullying,simply because she's paying attention to him.
Amanda can't stand to hear that the guys in the house think any of the other girls were pretty. They were saying Candice was pretty and she went off on them. She hates it when anyone says Jessie was hot.
TwoCents, you bring up a good point about the educational aspect. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if there's a few Sociology Profs who read (or saw) what's been happening on BB, and saw the opportunity to have their students study ALL of the various behaviors exhibited.
At this point, I can't stand either one of them. Elissa is just as annoying as Amanda and they BOTH act like 7th graders to me. There hasn't been one female in there worthy of rooting for since very early in the game except for Helen. Even she got old with her good people/bad people shtick.
The trivia was for the luxury comp. Evidently Spencer won it. Don't know yet what it was.
Noe, it was a luxury comp. spencer won but not sure what. A car maybe?
Ooohhhh! He won $10k!
Andrea, a question about the bullying at your daughter's school, are this year's 8 th grade bullies last year's 7 th grade victims?
This - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BS8Fv2oCQAEAZ7J.jpg - is what the living room looks like after the luxury comp. Confetti, streamers, and popped balloons everywhere, and the house guests have to clean it up. Not easy.
The balloons contained cards with prizes.
Yes Joanie it is. She said they got teased last year but says this year it much worse. Name calling in line with what Amanda has been spouting lately. Threats of violence. She said it is nowhere near what they dealt with last year as 7th graders.
And most of this is occurring on the bus on the way home. We are at the end of the line, only three kids get on at our stop but between the school and home, the bullies are yelling some pretty vile stuff out the windows when kids get off. Said the parents who hear it are shocked and hope they are telling the school about it.
Oh my Silk, that is a mess!Surprised they didnt tell Spencer he had to clean it up since he won the big money! LOL!!!
Andrea - Wouldn't surprise me a bit if those 8th grade bullies have been watching BB and seeing Amanda act out... getting new and creative things to do and yell at the 7th graders.
At the rate of decline of the class of people in BB, I wish they would put the show on after Prime Time. That might not even help though... so many parents these days let their kids stay up all hours (even on school nights).
Why does Andy have such a big thing about Elissa win money on the show. When McCrae won $5k and now with Spencer's win - Andy has commented that he is glad that Elissa didn't win because she already has money. Does he think she has come on the show just to hang out with this wonderful group of people?
I wonder if Amanda's meds have anything to do with her behavior. I doubt it, but she seems to get worse when she drinks. I wonder why she thinks she's so 'entitled' and can tell people what to do, then get pissed/ANGRY when they don't do it?
I kept expecting the BB voice to say "Amanda, stop that" when she was (again) following Elissa around.
Andrea, I have noticed Andy trying to say various things at various times about Elissa. Is he setting up the jury house with thoughts that Elissa doesn't need the money so she doesn't need to be BB winner??? Andy also tries to remind Judd that he shouldn't be in the house. PQ
Funny you should say that Susan. Before the HOH Comp, McC asked Amanda if she had taken her meds. She said no and he said she should take them before the comp.
Andrea, Elissa was bragging about buying a hockey stadium in Canada, bragging about her 'wonderful life' and that can't go over big with the houseguests. Sounds like she's got money.
Ohhh, I missed that Susan. Had no idea she said that. Why would you start off with that hanging off your back?
PQ - Andy indeed is a little rat. I would not put that past him. you might be on to something there.
Did Zingbot make any "fat jokes" and if so what did ZB say? I was wondering if this was true? PQ
PQ, Spencer said his zing was something along those lines, but I don't remember now what the exact Zing was. They didn't air Zingbot's Zing for Spencer.
Yes, Zingbot threw a fat zing at Spencer. Don't know what was said, exactly, but it was not included in the telecast. Frankly, I think that's mean, not funny, especially because Spencer did seem hurt by it. I guess it's a bit hard for Julie to accuse Aaron of meanness, when Zingbot is mean, too.
Does anyone know what time they usually do nominations this evening? I can't wait for all the excitement!! I've almost considered purchasing the feeds, but hopefully there will still be drama going on when BBAD starts tonight.
Elissa has also said that she works hard for her money as does her husband. I don't see anything wrng with what she was saying but to the other house guests who are not as fortunate it is a bone of contention. Of course, El wasn't dumb enough to marry a pizza delivery boy and then expect to live in a mansion.
As for Am I think it is true that she is friends with AG and as a result she is shocked at the edit she is getting on the show. I think she like a lot of us have done over the years thinks that the game is rigged for certain people to win. I also think that because she knows AG that she had an edge to winning and is now surprised, shocked and amazed really, that the other HG's aren't going along with the plan.
Saylor,The nominations are coming in the next 4 hrs. It was put up on the screen in the house
Here's a complete clip of the interview last night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ky8aLNf5z4M
Saylor, it's usually right around this time of Friday nights (here at least). EST - usually around 6:00 p.m.
Does Amanda and McCrae still think they are safe from nomination?
Elissa was talking about the hockey rink purchase (her husband bought) last night... or the night before. Everything starts running together night after night.
If they cared to listen, Elissa did talk about how hard they have both worked... and the long hours she puts in. It's not like everything has been handed to her on a silver platter... but it was not wise to talk so much about the life she leads now.
Even if Elissa wasn't meaning to brag, that kind of talk never sets well on "have-nots" or people who have very little. (People in my family refer to it as "New Money" talk. "Old Money" people rarely give the impressing of bragging.)
Agree, Sharon. And just another example of where Elissa is clueless in the there, and yes - she does bring some of the ill will/feelings towards her on herself. No, I'm not taking Amanda's side. Elissa is just as bad of a brat as Amanda at times. JMO
Yeah, ok Monty. We know you don't care for Elissa - LOL!
But seriously, that would not be something I would talk about in there. Knowing how things can set this crew off, I would be very generic about home life at this point.
Monty... well, she IS Rachel's sister! LOL
I would be shocked if their mentality was THAT different from each other.
Jackie, how do you sleep during all of this? Do you sleep at all?? Thank you for doing this for us.
I really hope GM sticks to her guns. I really want Amanda out, but will be happy with either McCrea or her.
Amanda is such a bully. I hope she reads everything horrible said about her. And, I hope she cries.
I really feel sorry for Elissa.
To endure someone constantly in your face, knocking you down, is a horrible experience.
My daughter had that happen to her on her very first day of Middle School a long time ago. It was at that time, she started hating everyone.
It changed her drastically. They cornered her and proceeded to yell obscenities and crude remarks to her. She was just 10 feet from the Asst. Principal's office and NOBODY stopped it. It set up a domino effect for how she was treated from then on. NOBODY stopped it. NOBODY!!!
We helped her get through it, with a counselor; but these were kids. Amanda is an adult. That tells me she was a bully who was never stopped. She could control it, but doesn't. It's how she gets what she wants. She should be ashamed and I really hope she gets her just desserts. It's unacceptable.
GM says she wants Mccrea to go. GM believes that Elissa wants Amanda to go.
Good Grief! I hope GM doesn't decide to put up Mccrae *AND* Elissa, on the theory that that would guarantee Mccrae goes!
Andy is a snake. I wouldn't trust him at all.
I really hope GM is planning on getting rid of McCranda. I hope she's not going to blind side Elissa.
I agree with you ORKMommy. They've all stroked Amanda. They've allowed her to be a bully. They've encouraged her because they did not speak up. They do need to take some of the responsibility for her Dr. Jeckle/Mr. Hyde personality.
It's like training a puppy. When behavior is rewarded, it is repeated, and becomes SOP.
I think GM will stick with putting up McRanda... mostly because that's what her new alliance wants (Judd, Spence.. oh, and snake Andy).
As I recall, that alliance started discussing if they prefer McC go before Amanda. They think she will implode without him to back her... especially after she discovers everyone has turned away.
Well, GM is not going to nom McNasty.
I knew better than to get too excited.
She is still too afraid. I won't be watching this week, I will only be talking to you guys. The bullying is too much, and that everyone, EVERYONE is still afraid of Biff is unsettling to me.
Same old, same old.
I'll tune in for a minute, but ONLY if I read that Demanda is indeed on the block.
But I am not holding my breath. Wait'll DR gets ahold of GM. They will change her mind about putting Demanda on the block.
Chill pill time... GM is going to nominate McCranda. Her target is McCrae though. And, yes - I don't like Elissa either, LOL!
Monty, you know how I get. The bullying just bothers me so much, makes me so anxious.
Pass the Xanax, LOL
Why do you say GM is not nominating Mcranda? I thought it was a sure thing?
~ DD
Yes, and I luv ya :)))
Petals, I think we will all need solid doses of Xanax until Amanda is gone. But I think it might be McC first.
McCranda is in butt-saving mode. Throwing Spencer and Andy under the bus (Elissa and Judd? Well thats their standard position with McCranda). Saying that Andy has all these side deals with everyone and Spencer won the trip and $10k plus the per diem he's going to get. Amanda talking super fast. Is she trying to sell a house???
May be off for a minute. Bad storm coming through.
Have to laugh at GM... she can be funny. McRanda hammering her for Elissa & Judd OTB. Amanda leaves and McC continues. After he leaves, GM breaks into singing Poker Face! LMAO
Too bad we know how bad GM has been because it would have been easy to cheer for her.
Stay safe out there, Andrea. McCranda's entire talk with GM was lost on deaf ears. She's not backing down on her plan, and good for her. I'll be upset if McCrae leaves before Amanda, but hey... I'll get over it, lol. I'm one of those people who do happen to like him. *winking at my bud*
You are so right Becky. Aaryn can not blame the south and Texas for how she feel. She; and only she is to blame. She could have changed. She chose not to.
This is her fault. Nobody else's.
Monty, I liked McC for a long time. He was the Voice of Reason for Amanda. But it seems time, and Amanda, have worn him down and he's a mere shadow of what he once was. Here's a scary thought... if he'd take a shower more often that once every 2 weeks, he might not even be a shadow! lol
I think Sharon's right - McCrae may go first. The only one that want Amanda out first is Elissa (for good reason). But they all think that without McCrae, Amanda will lose the wind in her sails. I just think she will go nuclear and burn the whole house down!
Thanks Monty - the worst part has gone through. My daughter and her friends saw a funnel cloud but it fell apart pretty quickly.
But taking McC out first may give them all the more reason to get Amanda out next - especially when they find out for sure its a double eviction. Methinks Amanda's behavior will force their hand.
Andrea, what state do you live in.. if you don't mind my asking?
In Colorado, we've had a few funnnels, but mostly we've been hit with really bad fires (summers 2012 and 2013), and now there's been horrible flooding coming off the burn scars. Lots of damage from all those events. :(
Just north of Chicago Sharon
Wow... for some reason, I never think of funnels heading up quite that far or that direction. Then again, California never used to get them, but do occasionally now.
Whoop whoop! DOUBLE blindside coming up!
BB removed the forks and knives from the kitchen during the luxury comp - I suppose so they couldn't use them to pop the balloons. I wonder if they've been returned? Think maybe it might be a good idea to keep them away from Amanda until after she burns out?
Oh, we have had some doozies Sharon. One went across the soutwestern burbs, through the city and into Lake Michigan. Another totally destroyed a high school about 20 year ago. Most are small but we definitely get hit!
Well, it looks as if McCranda has calmed down and believes they are safe. Have I said how much I want to be a fly on the wall for this nomination?
Andrea, we never felt a craving need to live in the far south, east coast, or Tornado Alley... just because of all the hurricanes and tornadoes. Always felt like we'd much rather take our chances with a few of CA's [mostly minor] earthquakes... until we moved to CO. But guess every state has something to contend with.
Every time Andy shaves, I'm a bit surprised. Somehow, I don't expect him to be shaving. Howdy Doody never shaved....
CO is beautiful. Been there a couple of times on business trips. Boulder and Denver. Loved it.
It has begun...
Petals, take your pills!
Pills, Petals, but not Adderall. One of the common side effects of Adderall is overwhelming anger. (Funniest thing...)
Maybe Amanda will blame her rage on Adderall, Silk?
Never had any experience with Adderal or Xanax, but seems to me like Amanda is at her worst until she gets the Adderal... then she's pretty good for a few hours. By late evening, it must be wearing off because her tantrums start again. Then Xanax and to bed... and the cycle starts all over again in the a.m.
Wonder if BB has the SWAT team on standby....
Yeah, Sharon. This is going to be a barn burner if GM follows through.
There are discussions going on as to whether Amanda is overrated as a player. Those who say yes point to the fact that she wins next to nothing, and gets others, notably Andy and Aaryn, to do her dirty work.
Well, a wolf can always recognize a sheep when they smell one, And they know exactly what to do with a sheep. This makes a wolf a very successful hunter.
Amanda is a she-wolf.
In a house full of sheep!
Silk... Here's to this particular she-wolf becoming extinct.
Feeds might not be "up" again for several hours... might take them that long to get her in a straight jacket.
Yeah. Who would have expected GM to be setting the trap.
Sharon, I was thinking that too. What happens if she becomes uncontrollable?
Andrea, IF BB is smart, they are prepared for it to go either way... totally bonkers, or a calm before she builds herself up for the storm. Of course, in Amanda's eyes, this will be ALL Elissa's fault. Couldn't possibly be anything Amanda did... she's been so wronged ya know!
Wow, what new territory is being laid. Have ever had to discuss what would happen if a HG goes off the deep end?
Nope, there's always some crazies in the BB house, but never seen one with quite the issues that plague Amanda.
Still Trivia ... must be scraping her 'bits' off the ceiling.
(New post up --->)
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