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Practicing for a comp |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Whacked Wannabees:
- Helen doesn't think Amanda will backdoor her because she needs her.
- I say, for now.
- Jessie knows that she's a lone wolf at this point and is studying hard for any memory comps.
- Aaryn told Andy that he's in the best position in the house.
- He just might be.
- Jessie's attachment to Judd is wearying him.
- Aaryn is tiring of GinaMarie and says she needs to go.
- Amanda thinks Aaryn makes up a lot of stuff to stir things up.
- Amanda is sure Judd was the MVP putting her on the block this past two weeks.
- Helen trashtalked Jessie to Amanda and Andy.
- Oh my. It looks like everyone needs to go!
- Although they're finally thinking it might be a double eviction (credit: Amanda), they don't know that we've heard Jury will start and that Julie Chen hinted the MVP twist may be over.
- After an indoor lockdown, they got a practice comp in the yard.
- They have to roll a ball down a plank and into one of two receptacles on either side at the end.
- I'm sure the real comp will look a lot fancier than the practice one.
- Uh-oh. Aaryn's doing well at it.
- Amanda caught on to the double eviction as they were told everyone needs to practice, even the current HoH. Then Judd picked up on the same idea.
- Oh my. Now Spencer's getting good at it!
- GinaMarie in her role of the Oh So Important HoH, held meetings with everyone to "make sure the vote will go the right way."
- Jessie balked. She said she knows what her vote will be and didn't want to discuss it.
- The feeds were down an extended time for the hamsters to have a pizza and booze party ... it must be the halfway point.
- Why does it feel like a lifetime already?
- Amanda is worried there will be a tie vote.
- As much as I think they should get her out for the betterment of everybody's game, I don't think so.
- I think it will be an overwhelming Candice vote out.
- GinaMarie gave McCrae and Amanda the HoH room for the night to make up for the night originally intended. Amanda had to keep tanning that night.
- GinaMarie wants everyone to come to her at 5:30 before the show to confirm that Candice is being voted out.
- @@
- Gosh, give someone a bit of power and ...!
- Jessie really really wants to win HoH. Do you think she can?
- She pretty much needs to win it.
- McCrae once again had to try to get Amanda to cool it when she started giving Aaryn a rough time, telling her that if there's a tie it had to be Aaryn voting against her as Helen never would.
- @@
- We all know that Aaryn really really clashes with Candice. Now, if Amanda keeps it up and she votes Amanda to go ... well, that would mean Amanda's actions did herself in.
- Amanda thinks McCrae treats her like a child.
- Well, if the shoe fits ...
- Jessie told Helen she will be voting with the house since no one wants to take her up on her plan to keep Candice.
- Hmm.
- At this point, she's created enough grief for herself that she might as well vote for Amanda to go. The damage is done.
- GinaMarie dreams of marrying Nick.
- @@
- Andy told fellow Goof Troop members (Judd, McCrae and Amanda) that he was told they couldn't use that name as there's a copyright infringement with it.
- They tried to come up with a new name, but they were interrupted.
- Of course, it seems like Judd really isn't a part of it anymore anyway. Amanda is sure he's the one putting her up. McCrae thinks he's "shady."
- Amanda thinks that if she and McCrae were on the block, she would stay.
- McCrae thinks he would stay.
- I agree with McCrae.
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Reading the Bible |
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J-U-Double D |
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Practice, practice |
I wondered how they were going to do the MVP nomination for the second eviction tonight. I hate to hear that they aren't going to be doing that anymore. That has been the most entertaining thing this season. Especially after we got to choose the nominee. I love seeing everyone blame someone else for it. I really wish Amanda would get evicted tonight. I am so over listening to her tell everyone what to do.
Again I will be so HAPPY to see Candice walk out that door away from those RACIST PIGS.
G'morning Ms Jackie, Master Vincent, Anon & everyone.
Who won the lottery? Did you know you have to split it with other bloggers if you win? *wink*
Urgh. Dreading tonight. I have a flu-that-won't-die, and staying awake past 8pm (CST) is rough. But I will do it. For you guys. :)
Drinking word? Jury? Nick? Shady? Like? F***? hehehee
Drinking word is DEFINITELY shady, Petals. If I had a nickel for every time Aman deSade (or someone else) said it, I wouldn't need a lottery ticket! LOL
So sorry your flu is hanging on...sending some chicken soup and soft boiled eggs (my family's comfort food -- and good protein!) :)
Witt :)
I also wish that Amanda would get the boot tonigh but I know that it won't happen. McCrae tried his best to warn Amanda what damange that she is doing...but since she won't listen he should cut his losses and get rid of her.
BB is being preempted for Cleveland Browns football, so I will need to tape the show at 3:02 am.
Tami, I'm in N.E. Ohio and the Browns game here is on NBC.
I guess I'll be able to 'channel-flip'!!
I really use to love watching BB and anticipating each show but its getting harder and harder to watch. I wanted to leap thru the screen last night when Demanda made those remarks to Candice. The Shaniqua comment was just really uncalled for.
Chauncey, Tip of the iceberg. Demanda has been vile to Candice, as have all of them. The worst part is that Candi is such a beautiful, accomplished lady, and has been made to look like a fool to be on this show. I hope she bounces back from this experience for the better.
Really missing the Howard-a-day photos. Hoping Amanda goes even though I know it is not likely.
The MVP for the second eviction tonight could be the first one to the jury. After eviction, while with Julie, he/she could be told and then asked for a nominee.
Petals, I can see Howard and Candice taking the high road and not falling into a back and forth with idiots. Im proud of them for keeping their composure. Really shocked at how Helen has gotten over the vile things Aryan said about her. Im sure Candice will be fine once she gets back to her regular life and be blessed for the craziness she had to endure, Howard also.
Kathy in NC, both evictees will go to jury tonight. CBS announced that yesterday on Twitter. Biggest sequestered jury ever. I think the MVP will also go away this week. Won't all those who wanted Candice out before jury be surprised? Bwahahaha
I think the drinking word should be "Shady" Petals
I wanted to leap through the screen with you Chauncey, LOL. Although Candice couldn't quite hang on to her composure, I couldn't blame her a bit. Amanda always goes for the low blows and then tries to turn it around and say she's being bullied. I didn't think it was possible to dislike someone more than Aryan, but Amanda has accomplished it. What a piece of work she is.
Howdy fellow pool people! "Shady" sounds like a dandy drinking word!! Since the show is on an hour later I sure hope I can make it!!
I'll bring some extra cold ones LOL
SueGee on the Left Coast
Yay, shady it is!
You know, I was just remembering that it is Shark Week. Fitting. Demanda is absolutely a black-hearted, black-eyed man-eater.
I don't understand this "must vote with the house" garbage, and "vote the way I want you to or else". Who decided that all votes must be unanimous?
If you keep your mouth shut, no one will know how you vote. You have to establish deniability, and then lie and swear your tail off.
At least four people (including McCrae, deep in his heart, I think) would like to vote Amanda off, and if three actually !secretly! did, imagine her reaction. Now, that's good TV!
No, your don't have to discuss it with others first. You don't have to form a bloc. Don't leave a trail. Just DO IT! Vote your own mind. Even if you're the only "hinky" vote, no one will know who it was.
All it takes is four hinky deniable mystery votes to change the course.
Yeah, there's angry smoke coming out of my ears.... Buncha sheep.
And when someone says, "...the house wants..." - who the heck is "the house"? There IS no "house". It's usually just the speaker who wants.
Silk is on a roll!!! LMAO
Found this from the Orlando Sentinel about Amanda:
But the biggest villain is Amanda Zuckerman, a real estate agent from Boynton Beach. She has seemed such a strong player, a point reinforced by her showmance with McCrae Olson. But Amanda has self-destructed on the show in recent weeks.
She is a bully. Imagine watching Lucy of Peanuts participate in a reality show. Amanda has lost all sense of how she comes across.
She makes racist comments and continually taunts Candice Stewart, a black contestant.
Amanda has alienated fellow players, even McCrae. America keeps voting her as the contestant to go. Her plummet is the stuff of reality-show legend.
If Amanda leaves the house Thursday, she could have a meltdown. She thinks she is entitled. It's going to be riveting television when Amanda learns how much viewers despise her.
She is the player most deserving of ejection. But life after "Big Brother" is going to be extraordinarily hard. The "Big Brother" experiment blew up on her. Instant TV fame can be harsh and unforgiving.
Read more: http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=bbnewsandrumors&Number=20272918#ixzz2bOjwIEqU
Silk, that "house" crap bugs the hell outta me also, lol. I think that started with Evel Dick bullying HG's during his season.
BB is getting the DE started early.
Too bad they won't "get a clue" and vote out Demanda Sade. I kept hoping she would push McC too far and he would jump off her train.
That article got it right Delee. Amanda is like Lucy from the Peanuts, LOL. I really wish that BB would do some kind of follow up show a few months after the finale so we can see the aftermath of the hamsters time in the house.
I think that the motto this season should be; 'All who enter here leave your individuality, common sense and dignity at the door. The biggest bullies will make all of your decisions for you and you will look like a fool. Have a nice summer.'
I think McR can never be apart from Aman deSade. Not during the show. If she is in the house, she will make his life a veritable HELL (see Candice & Jess).
McR forfeited his time on Big Brother. He will surely regret this. And he won't be invited back, b/c what have we seen? He & Demanda ride the bedsheets, holding court while in various stages of undressed unkemptness. Yuck. Good riddance, Mc.
LOL @ Tami
Demanda..heh. funny
Be good for McCrae if she did leave.
(Only Mac-Coy!)
Touch me not
Imagine Lucy of "Peanuts"
loved it
"The House" seems similar to the "Tribe" on Survivor. I don't think "the House" necessarily refers to the person speaking, but to the perceived consensus among HGs at a given time. As of now, it looks like the House is going to vote out Candice. So a HG planning to vote otherwise would be "going against the House."
I think the concept originally stemmed from many of Julie Chen's and producers' references, such as "sending shockwaves through the house". Long before that, of course, Lincoln and others, by way of Mark 3:25, referred to a "house divided against itself."
McCrea isn't thinking with his big head when it comes to Am and no matter what she does, he's not going to turn on her as long as she keeps giving him the nasty.
Anon 2:59 - I agree that it started that way, but now he's good and sick of having to clean up after her messy tactics. I really believe he would like to dump her at this point, but he's boxed in now, so he can't... yet.
Then will know today that everyone goes to Jury, so I wouldn't be surprised if he turns on her pretty soon. But that will only happen when he feels there's enough cover so she won't know he voted against her. Gotta get those Jury votes ya know! lol
Wow. Wow. Just finally watched last night's episode. I had originally thought Amanda might be a good player. Given that, I didn't really see why her being strong was a bad thing. Then the racist/homophobic stuff started and I was turned off but still thought Aaryn and GM (and Kaitlin's glee in it all) were worse. I still can't stand Aaryn and GM but after seeing the cr*p Amanda spewed at Candice last night, I'm totally disgusted. LOL, it took me long enough to catch up to "America"!
As someone else mentioned, I also have a hard time with Aaryn's seemingly being embraced by some of the HG's now. She really doesn't think she's mean or racist. Really? SMH. Sadly, there are others, also (like Spencer) whom I dislike as well.
I think what amazed me most is that Amanda was SO self-unaware (like Aaryn, GM, Spencer...or maybe all of them). McC tried to tell her how her behavior affects her (their) game and she didn't want to get it.
As Jackie always says, I could never be in that house and I know it.
I was really hoping the HGs wouldn't figure out the DE until the last minute so they'd have little time to think and then it would be fun to see what happens. I'm hoping it'll be fun and maybe some hamsters might even think for themselves with the second eviction! What a nice change that might be.
...the cracks in the wall are showing. Last night he kept saying no, no, he doesn't want to, and she pretty much (um, can I use the "r-word" in a g-rated post?) well, "rode him hard" (snicker - call that a pun), whether he wanted to or not. He's afraid to tick her off.
Man, I type so slowly - I was responding to Anon 2:59, re Amanda and McCrea.
He, he! Rode him hard and put him away wet! (Amanda must be getting to me. This is not like me at all....)
Don't know what happened while the feeds were blocked a while ago, but Candice is pretty happy for some reason. Out in the yard teaching cheerleading moves to Andy and Elissa.... and it's driving Demanda crazy!
That bunch would much rather Candace be depressed, worried, and crying all day. Not happening. LMAO
Thanks for the newspaper article, Delee!
Sharon, it's good to hear that Candice is being so upbeat. Love it! PQ
Hey, did you see her throw him a towel? Quite a lady, that one.
Nope, Petals, missed that. I'm surprised she was so solicitous of his needs.
Could they have told the HG's that all will be going to jury now is why Candice is happy? That is one of the main reasons they wanted Candice out, so she wouldn't get the jury money just to stick it to her one more time.
Now she will have a say in the final who wins and that is just irking them all. Good for her.
David - could very well be.
In the meantime, Judd is treating Jessie like crap. Told her to STFU in front of everyone, then told her they should stay away from each other because she's wrecking his game. Then comes back and apologizes and says he was just joking.
I used to like him... :(
Did anyone see Dan's(Gheesling, of the Mist fame) Facebook post today?
"On Watch With Dan tonight I have to select another Player of the Day. Not sure who the heck I can pick without them saying/doing something despicable after the fact?
In no way do I endorse any of the horrible things some of these HGs are saying. I can't even fathom how the Houseguests are saying the things they are.
The selections I make for Player of the Day have all been prior to the stupid things that were said. Starting to run out of options for people to pick...
Wishing we could focus on gameplay this season but it's getting more and more impossible every week. *rant over"
Wow, EVERYONE hates these people.
Nick on a show Dates from Hell. With the way GM acts towards him this is so creepy that he was on that show.
McCrae can slowly detach himself from Amanda by not playing into her rants. If he just goes quiet and noncommittal she'll end up turning on him and I believe the other hamsters will turn on her. I've heard/seen the other players say they're getting sick of Amanda but they still love McCrae. He can get himself out of this situation and salvage whatever is left of his game. Is he smart enough to realize this?
Helen is a shedevil and cannot be trusted, she will turn on Elissa soon
Well, Candice will be leaving, they all know it... so now they've decided to focus all their vitriol on Jessie.
What Judd (the Loyal to McC/Demanda guy) doesn't know... Andy and McC are plotting to BD good ol' loyal Judd.
I'm afraid Jury will not be any more pleasant than the BB house for a few... Candace and Jessie come to mind.
Ork, I'd hope that would happen (that the hamsters would keep McCrae but not Amanda), but no one else seems to want to turn on Amanda; it didn't seem like anyone opened their mouth during POV when Candice was getting shredded.
Candice will probably skip out of there singing a happy tune, to be away from all that static!!
Witt :)
Last night on BBAD, Elissa was talking about how unfair it is that people are able to take their Adderal (sp?) medication before comps. I'm not familiar with meds of this type, but Elissa said Adderal improves concentration. This conversation was because Elissa, Helen and Jessie were talking about how well Aryan did with the practice comp thing last night.
Anyway... I find it interesting that a few minutes ago (just before trivia), Judd was complaining... wondering why BB f***ed with their meds.
Makes me wonder if BB checked out what Elissa said and decided to withhold that advantage.
I hope Judd gets back doored by Mc and Demanda just being so stupid, these have to be the worse players to ever try and play the game, what advantage is it for them to get rid of the the people that pose no treat what so ever. I dont plan to ever watch another BB series again, CBS can go straight to hell, after allowing this racist group of people carry on the way that they have. Did I read somewhere that Amanda has lost her job also?
Tonights DE would be the perfect opportunity to backdoor Amanda. Get her out of there quickly so no one has to deal with her bullying while she's on the block. She could be gone before she knew what hit her and McCrae would be free to actually play the game. I hope someone in the house has thought this through.
I bet Amanda wont go into that Jury house talking the smack that she does while in the BB house, I bet Candice will beat her ass excuse the expression, she wont have an audience like she does now and I dont think Candice has anything to lose, except maybe her dignity, and I Amanda isn't worth is anyway, that's the problem in that house, Candice is way to refined for such a low group of FOOLS
It's odd, and always surprising, but in past years, sworn enemies have become good friends in the jury house or after the show. (Not all, but some.)
I agree with Anon that the double eviction is the perfect time to show Amanda the door. Maybe that's what Helen's waiting for when she says "not yet".
I hope they keep the unexpected going. I like when BB has surprises every week. Then they really never know what to do. I think they need to step it up. We deserve it after the kooks they chose to put in the house.
P.S. Arrest Spencer
Silk - Helen "plan" is hard to figure out. She is a strong player, but she's helping to get rid of the weaker players. She talks a good story with everyone, but helps keep stronger players. Opposite of most successful in past seasons. Now she's indicating she wants Jessie out quickly too.
Jessie and Candice aren't good players, BUT they both have figured out various things that have been happening. Maybe that's why Helen wants them out... so they don't figure HER out?
Anon 8:01 - I don't like Spence any more than anyone else, BUT the police checked him out and found absolutely nothing illegal. Talking crude and telling sick jokes doesn't qualify for arrest.
The Child Porn thing was a really bad joke that should have never been made, but he was talking through McC's mike... making it sound like it was McC talking.
Illiterate or not, no pity for GM from me. She sickens me.
There is a code with girls, you don't talk about each others' underwear & stuff. Right? But GM is letting it all fly on Jessie. She is disgusting.
Sorry but child porn is not a joke in any way shape or form especially when coming out of a misogynistic person such as Spencer. He is vile and I can't stand watching him this season.
Once this season is over I will sit back with a smug look on my face when some of the worse offenders of BB15 get their dose of reality.
They obviously haven't heard of Karma but the are going to get bitch slapped by her in a matter of weeks.
Sharon, I guess you & I are the only ones that kinda "get" the Spence issue. I'm just not going to comment about it anymore, you know what I mean? (except to say that gosh, I WISHWISHWISH that just talking or joking about something was a crime, b/c then Amanda, Aryan & GM would be off the show & behind bars). *sigh*
See you later, girlie
Donna - I agree. Child Porn is nothing to joke about. I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised he'd make those kinds of jokes. He's been thoroughly disgusting since the say he entered the house!
However, there was a police investigation and they found nothing that would qualify for his arrest. It comes down to a very bad joke, said in Spencer's style of incredibly bad taste, and nobody liked it. Poor taste 'practical jokes' are not something anyone can be arrested for.
The way things have gone for BB this season, I have no doubt that he will "pay" in one or more ways... possibly through his job, probably shunned by many in his community, and he'll probably have authorities sniffing around him for years... maybe for the rest of his life. His practical joke will end up being very emotionally and personally 'expensive.'
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