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There's a new HoH in town. Oh my. |
When we last left the show, we had no new HoH. Welp, we do now. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Dwindling Days:
- The live feeds returned not long after the live show ended. But, the HoH comp was not underway.
- Instead, the remaining five were trash-talking Elissa as they mocked her belongings.
- Finally BB called GinaMarie into the Diary Room and told her to pack Elissa's stuff, not the guys.
- Mind you, while she made an effort to get everything, she does not (or did not) fold. All of it is wadded and crammed.
- But part of that is Elissa's fault -- she had things all over the place and a ton o' stuff! Spencer said she told him she had to pay $200 in overweight luggage fees traveling there. I believe it!
- McCrae isn't sitting about lovelorn and pining for his love Amanda.
- Instead, he's happy he doesn't have to share cigarettes with her anymore.
- McCrae even admitted that GM got the two worst "B's" out of the house -- Elissa and Amanda.
- The Exterminators did their pest control pump and spray dance at one point when McCrae was in the Diary Room.
- So, what do we have? A boys final four or an Exterminators final four?
- Hmm.
- Then we had over an hour of trivia as the HoH comp went down.
- When they came back on, it seemed like something had gone wrong.
- I'm SO confused!
- Wait ... wait ... it sounds like it was the morph comp!
- And, SPENCER is the new HoH!
- Oh my.
- There were punishments along with the win.
- GinaMarie and McCrae must be tied together for 24 hours.
- For 24 hours, whenever a drill sergeant barks out orders to Judd, he must do calisthenics as ordered.
- Andy has a "chance to win $5,000" but that hasn't gone down yet as of the time I'm writing this.
- They rejoiced more about Elissa being gone.
- @@
- McCrae got his HoH basket. He started crying as he read his letter from his sister.
- It's kind of refreshing, crying aside, that McCrae is actually a part of the house instead of being an appendage of Amanda. It's too bad he spent just about the entire season as Amanda's attached boy toy.
- Spencer told Judd that he'll put McCrae and GinaMarie on the block to "keep up the boys alliance."
- Hmm. I'm still a bit confused whether they're faking it with McCrae about the boys alliance or if it's real over the Exterminators.
- I guess we'll know before long.
- BB gave them all of four beers for the five hamsters.
- How generous!
- As I get this posted, Spencer hasn't gotten into his room yet.
- But he sure does have that key!
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McCrae got a new shirt in his HoH basket |
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Judd has to do calisthenics on command |
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The final five |
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The bear shirt should have won HoH |
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GM and McCrae are tied together for 24 hours |
What doesn't make sense is why is McCrea doing a punishment. He should not have been able to play for the HOH so how did he end up tied to GM. Strange goings on. And for once I feel sorry for GM. When was the last time that kid took a real shower or used deodorant. Ewwww. lol
Hey Ms J!
Spencer? Good. I don't hate him, in fact I think I'd enjoy chatting film with him.
Wow, they all did a fair amount of bashing, too. On Elissa, natch.
I think the cock-a-roaches will team up against GM after McStupid is out. WHat was he thinking? He put up the only one in the house that would have worked with him. Now he has NO ONE. Keep the covers turned down Amanda, your McStinky in on his way.
Im so done so much elissa bashing and i dont know why and everyone left especially andy and spencer are horrible people and judd isnt far behind
I don't want any of them to win. I liked Judd until last night. He was far too HAPPY when voting to eliminate Elissa. To my knowledge she has not done anything to him, so he didn't need to be so happy. I'm just fed up with the whole bunch. But I guess of the ones left in the house, I would prefer Judd to win. GM is certainly on her way out, maybe even before McCrae. I will just be glad when this season is over, it has been a real disappointment in every way.
Disgusted!! :=((
Spencer is HOH? Well who woulda thunk it! I was pondering whether the outcome would have been different if Elissa had never went along with the keep Amanda plan. I don't think it mattered. She would have still been gone. The only hope she had was winning HOH or the POV. I officially have no one to root for now. I can't stand anyone left in there.
Has GM watched past BB seasons to be aware of the many guys alliances in the past? PQ
I'm sorry, but Spencer's early comments about Hitler, as reported from the live feeds, make me nor want to have any kind words for him! His misogynistic comments too! The only one I can tolerate at this point is Judd. I was trying to like Andy, because he's a fellow gay guy, but his game play has been so slimy.
Well Gm will get what she deserve too, these dumb women go into a house and think they are going to be the last one standing when all the other women are gone, they will never learn, in the beginning the started getting rid of all the guys, they should have kept it up, but no JEALOUSY evilness, and racism took over and now they can sit in the Jury house and maybe see how stupid they have been. How Elissa ever thought she could trust Amanda and McCrae is beyond me, had she voted to evict Amanda that would have been the only way she could have exposed Andy if that was rally what she was trying to do, I don't think so, she just fell for Amanda's BS, but that's neither here nor there because she was going anyway. And how STUPID was it of Andy for him to tell Amanda he voted her out, now if McCrae goes to the Jury house he'll lose 2 jury votes the little dummy snake.
Interesting; On Jokers this morning, "rate the houseguests poll". The 5 left in the house are the least popular and are the bottom 5.
12) Judd
13) McC
14) GM
15) Spencer
16) Andy
Looks like whoever wins will not be the 'popular' choice.
David, Spencer got to pick who received the punishments and the reward. He won them as part of the HOH.
Four beers for the five is ok. GM doesn't drink.
Andy had to figure out whether Amanda's jury vote would be based on loyalty or game play. If loyalty, he'd want her to believe he voted for her to stay. If game play, he'd want her to know he voted her out.
He figures that in the end, she'll reward good moves over blind loyalty.
So he thinks she will applaud him for getting her out? Has he not been in a house with her all summer? I think Amanda will be voting the same way she played the game, emotionally.
I don't know if this is what's going on with the guys and the excessive Elissa bashing, but often when someone does something despicable to someone that they know doesn't deserve such treatment, but they don't necessarily like that person all that much anyway, but they fear that others will see their actions as despicable, so they feel guilty but are annoyed that they feel guilty (with me so far?), then they will spend excessive amounts of energy bashing that person to anyone and everyone, in an attempt to justify their actions to themselves.
(Sorry. I seem to be channeling James Joyce this morning.)
Amanda will vote emotionally if Mccrea is one of the F2. Otherwise, she will vote game play.
Another point - in the jury house, on arrival she'll spout off angrily about that snake Andy stabbing her in the back, which might get Andy a lot of smiles, raised eyebrows, and admiration from other jurors.
I with you Amanda would hardly reward him for voting her out and if McCrae goes out next they both will not vote for him, remember McCrae really didnt want to trust Andy. These people have voted emotionally and personally the whole summer, I can't agree with Silk at all, but stranger things have happened, All Amanda could say about Elissa to GM was that she (Elissa) sent Aaryn and Nick out, so why all of a sudden she's going to reward Andy for voting out she and McCrae "wouldn't make sense to me" as Amanda would say.
I think if Judd is in the final 2 with any of them, he will win. Those in the Jury will not vote Andy over Judd for sure.
I agree that if Judd makes it to F2 he will win. He's going to have to win comps to do it though. No one in that house has him in their F2 plans.
Have you never seen a jury member rake one of the F2 over the coals in the final Q&A, spewing red hot hatred --- and then vote for them to win?
The only fatal words are "I have no respect for the way you played the game."
Thanks Monty. I had been wondering about how McCrea ended up chained to GM.
Ed - that IS interesting, about the HG popularity poll. Hmm, I'm surprised to see Andy so low, tho.
I don't have the feeds so I don't know if this has been discussed in the house but I wonder if McCrae nominated Elissa because he assumed she was the other vote for Amanda. If he had realized it was Andy I think he would have put him up next to GM. I'm sure Andy isn't owning up to it, he's probably letting Elissa take the heat for his vote. I think Amanda is gonna have some harsh words for him when he joins her in the jury!
Let's hope he does join her in the Jury OrkMommy. I feel like it's going to be a Spencer/Andy F2. How depressing is that? It's actually painful to think of rewarding people like that with half a million dollars.
I don't think there has ever been a group of houseguests that were unanimously disliked. Big Brother Leaks has the following two polls:
Votes %
Andy 106 1%
GinaMarie 858 9%
Judd 2213 25%
McCrae 953 11%
Spencer 165 1%
No Choice 4287 49%
Aaryn 157 1%
Andy 29 0%
Amanda 185 2%
Candice 208 2%
David 22 0%
Elissa 5939 70%
GinaMarie 153 1%
Howard 695 8%
Jeremy 26 0%
Jessie 133 1%
Judd 513 6%
Kaitlin 28 0%
Helen 158 1%
McCrae 99 1%
Nick 47 0%
Spencer 36 0%
It says a lot when 49% don't want any of the remaining 5 to win, and 70% will vote Elissa as Americas Favorite and the next closest is Howard with 8% or Judd with 6%. These horrible hamsters are in for a rude awakening when they get out and find out America hated them all.
I still think the irrational hatred for Elissa is because she talked about her "Good Life" WAY too much...like, the houses in USA and Canada, the 5000 seat hockey rink, yoga studio she plans to open, travels to places around the world, $200 extra for over-weight luggage.
True. She and her husband work hard for what they have. But that's not the point! Fact is, that kind of "bragging" only breeds and fuels envy and hatred from people who have very little, especially in the way of luxuries! Elissa might have had a few friends in the house if she had kept her mouth SHUT.
Think about it... Candice did much the same by talking about her beauty pageant win, visit with Oprah, and her travels... all of which GM discounts with irrational envy and excessive hatred.
This was the worst cast ever.
I think Andy made a huge mistake telling Amanda that he voted against her. That means she may not vote for him if he gets into the final 2 (and please oh please don't let him be in the final 2). I guess after talking to Elissa she would have found out anyway but still. I hope the exterminators stick together and get McCrae out and then Andy but we'll see.
My thoughts:
Andy is voted least liked because most voters don't respect his gameplay. He's lied and played both sides of the house ruthlessly.
That is why Elissa is gone. The plan was for Andy, Elissa and McCrae to vote FOR Amanda. Andy of course didn't and as we'll see Sunday, lied and swore up and down that he voted for Amanda to stay and that Elissa was lying. He actually blew up at Elissa, causing McCrae to target her when he won HOH...very shady and dirty.
Everyone hates Andy and the exterminators now, but I they've made the biggest move of the season, getting McCrae to vote out his only ally and hope....For some reason, Jackie didn't discuss, but they (the Exterminators) were all in on it.
When the feeds returned they were all laughing about how perfect the plan went. Framing Elissa and turning on McCrae was the plan all along. I don't see the boys choosing McCrae over GM based on last night's discussions.
I thought that it was funny last night when Amanda said that Elissa had said some mean things to her. Amanda said she wasn't sure if we saw it and Julie assured her we saw everything. Amanda said good. I think Amanda will be surprised that America seeing everything is not good for her, not that Elissa was blameless, but Amanda was by far worse to Elissa than Elissa was to her.
I have the feeds, and I never saw the "terrible bullying" and "mean things" from Elissa, directed at anyone.
Demanda is, of course, delusional.
\ Mc is suffering from extreme stupidity by voting out his only working partner in the house. WOW. I guess Amanda was the brains in that family. No one to pull for now. UGH Such terrible game play.
Speaking of that Tami, and others talking about why the house hates Elissa so much.
I think that left untouched hatred and dislike grows out of control like a beast. It started off with the hgs just joking about Elissa's quirks and turned into somethign they did every chance they got. The things they said got worse and worse until eventually they believed what they were saying.
I think that's what happened with Amanda. Amanda's hatred for Elissa started out as strategy--get under her skin and justify targeting her, but Amanda did it so much she actually started to believe Elissa was a horrible person out to get HER...same with the others.
Andy's plan went perfectly. Voted against Amanda and blamed it on Elissa. McC puts her on the block, and out. We don't have to like Andy, to realize that all of his plans have worked perfectly. yuk, blech, barf
I don't know how many saw this, but after Elissa was gone (and while McC was within ear-shot), Andy continued to fuel his lie by going to GM and telling her, "sorry about not voting the way you wanted, but...." and GM went along with it because she knew Andy's plan. Of course, it helped confirm McC's belief that it was Elissa and he won't learn different until he's in Jury.
{I must post this, because I am me}
I believe that happened after hours, after the HOH win by Spencer.
Happy Birthday JOE!!!!
I have watched every season of Big Brother going all the way back to BB1 with my namesake Eddie the winner.
To me this has been the worst season & worst cast ever.
I tried to hang in there but when Jessie & Judd (the 1st time) went out I pretty much gave up and only continued to watch to follow Elissa.
Now I could care less who wins. None of them deserve the money IMO. With Spencer & Andy being the least deserving.
Hopefully TPTB learned something from this mess & will upgrade their 'casting' in the future.
Ed, don't you miss the good ol days? I LOVED that first season, it was so raw, so new & different. And the cast was great, very genuine.
I agree with you - the season reached a new level of low with the slurs, the right-to-your-face name calling & bullying, and then the behind-the-back bashing (which I gotta ask: WHY?!?!?)
Ed,I think we should try to Hulu or YouTube season 1, just to cleanse our souls :)
Trivia - time for Spencer's noms.
No doubt, it will be McC and GM.
Did anyone notice Julie's remark to Amanda along the lines of "I think it's safe to say you have no filter"? She immediately went on, without waiting for a response, so it was kind of a throwaway line. But I wish she had followed it up, because it was the sharpest thing Julie said.
I have been absolutely appalled (if I could think of a stronger word, I'd use it) at some of the vulgar and sexually explicit conversations that go on at 2 and 3 in the morning, as chronicled by Joker's. What are these people -- especially Amanda and Spencer -- thinking, talking like that in public? No filter, definitely.
Yea Petals! Yearning for the 'good ole days'!
I guess this is a new time & a new generation. But I'm not sure I would call it entertainment.
Petals & Ed,
When was the last time you could be around 2 or more teen to 30 yr olds without cringing? F-bombs (and worse) are the new adverbs and/or conjunctions of today. Along with 'like' of course. @@
I don't consider myself to be a prude at all, but the vulgarity and sexually explicit talk by the HGs this season has been very off putting for me. I know they have done it to some degree in past seasons, but this season is way out of hand. The same thought is always running through my head "don't these people realize they are being watched right now?" I am so glad I don't have the feeds! Just reading what they've been saying is too much for me.
Yes Sharon, It seems 'the times' they keep a changin'!
Even with Elissa gone, Andy can't stop talking about how much he hates her! He is such a wonderful role model for those kids he teaches isn't he. What horrible things did Elissa do to him? She had the audacity to be suspicious of him? She had the gall to put him on the block? She used her HOH to get out a power player instead of turning her HOH over to Amanda like he did? Yeah, I guess I can see why he hates her so much.
ORKMommy, Amanda found out from goodbye messages that Elissa voted to keep her and Andy voted for her to leave. But on BBAfterDark Andy apologized to GM for voting to keep Amanda. I believe this is why McCrae voted Elissa out. He thought Andy voted to keep Amanda and still does. Andy is keeping up the lie. SNAKE!
So true, RBennie, So True!
That just tells me how stupid the Exterminators are! Why are they still allowing Andy to play both sides? They need to out him to McCrae. Do they want McCrae to leave thinking Andy was still on his side and then give Andy his vote?
& a Happy Birthday to Joe in NY. (a fellow Virgo)
Have a Good One!
RBenie, if they out Andy, they are only outing themselves. They were all in on it.
CBS showed it very briefly Thursday, but Andy went and told The Exterminators Elissa's plan and told them he'd "frame her." Thursday went down exactly how the Exterminators wanted it to.
Plus, they've decided to tell everyone about the exterminators during the goodbye message.
At this point in the game, the only person who benefits by keeping the Exterminators a secret is Andy!
It makes no sense to out Andy for McCrae's jury vote. McCrae will find out in jury that Andy lied, from Amanda--as dumb Andy and the others admitted they lied in their goodbye messages....
I'm suspicious of the HOH comp that McManda won. He may have been the only one with two bones in his pile. Everyone would have been digging for nothing. This comp was too easy to fix in favor of McManda.
Well, it wasn't a nom meeting.
It was a game they all played.
Andy could win 'up to' $5000, but ended up with only $94.
Good, so glad for that little weasel. ROTF
Hahaha. That's about $93 more than he deserves.
I'm so sad about this entire season and the cast that CBS brought us. So, so sad about who the final five are! To think of all the people in the world deserving of a half million dollars and to know that one of these five is going to get that amount of money is sad, sad, sad! What did these people do to win a half million dollars...nothing! What did they have to sacrifice to get it.....nothing! They gave up nothing to be there and talked horribly about fellow contestants and life in general for three months to be rewarded with a half of a million dollars. This makes me SAD! Can you tell I am not happy about how CBS handled is season?
Jackie you have once again been a gracious host to all of us. Thank you. I'm sad you had to listen to the vile things that came out of their mouths. CBS has so sugar coated these people! Unless you have the feeds or read the transcripts, or read about the things they have said on the Internet, most of them come off as okay people on the CBS TV show. Shame on CBS!
None of these final five will walk away with a shred of dignity, but one will walk away with $500,000 for doing nothing except showing the world their lack of compassion and respect for other human beings.
The one good thing is that most of us are appalled by their behavior and that is good!
Please CBS cast some deserving people who can play this game without stooping so low and that have some moral character. Why choose contestants who have nothing better to do in life with their summer except make fools of themselves in the hopes of a fat paycheck. Heck, most of them are thrilled with their stipend. Let's get an entire cast of motivated and upright people, not just a few house guests who fit that standard.
Elissa was at such a disadvantage since she was the only real "twist" and that put a target on her back from day one.
Jackie, you have been exceptionally kind to these guest by not printing the awful things they have said.
I appreciate the good karma that brings to your site.
Thank you to all of you for sticking this summer out together and commiserating with each other.
My husband is done with the show for the rest of the season and doesn't care what happens from here on out. Elissa was our only hope for someone "nice" to win. He says it will make him sick to watch any of the final five, especially Spencer win. Spencer's remarks about children broke my heart and are inexcusable under ALL circumstances. CBS should have ejected him for making those remarks.
My hope is that CBS casting reads some of this stuff and brings us a better cast for BB16.
Dellalbean - Amanda was already gone, so she didn't play in that comp. McC won the short HOH and no longer has power. If he's nom'd by Spence (as expected), the only thing he can do is win Veto... and there's no guarantee he can do that. Especially with them ALL fighting to win now. Nobody is slacking!
"My hope is that CBS casting reads some of this stuff and brings us a better cast for BB16."
CallGirl - highly doubtful CBS will change. All the publicity actually brought people in to view the show and the poll numbers showed the increase was dramatic.
Just shows it's true... everyone wants to watch a train wreck, hoping to see blood.
I'm not sure the fault lies squarely on casting. I mean, look at Aaryn. She came across in her pre-show interviews as a blonde haired darling and who would have ever predicted what we saw out of her this season? I watched Ian last night on RHAP and he even said that most super fans lay low and let the others fight it out (um, McCrae). He also said it's the non-BB fans who usually start all the fights and stir the pot, and he's right. Most of the pot stirrers in recent season have been people who don't really know the game and are just recruits.
BB gave all of us fans what we've been screaming for for years, a total newbie cast and people still blame the season on casting. I've enjoyed this season. I haven't always enjoyed all the nastiness, but the strategy and game play has been great. JMO
Happy Birthday Joe in NY! Cheers!!!
There's no real sense in blaming Andy for Elissa's demise she brought it on herself
It wouldn't have made any difference because the whole house was against Elissa, even if McCrae hadn't put Elissa up on the block, Judd won POV he would have taken who ever it was off the block and McCrea would have put Elissa up as a replacement nom then, because somewhere in that sick mind of his he thinks he will be one of "THE GUYS" (in the final four),you see he didn't hesitate to put up both females, they would have voted her out anyway, if Elissa had voted for Amanda to go, then Andy would have been exposed, she decided not too for whatever stupid reason Amanda told her to, in her heart she knew Andy was working both sides, so Elissa was going unless she won HOH or POV anyway, there was no reason for her to look surprised, Amanda had tormented her the whole season and she fell for that nonsense.
Yes, people do love a train wreck and this is what this season has been. Since it has been pointed out that the ratings are up for CBS, I guess I am in the minority for wanting some quality people, deserving of the money on the show. It's hard to watch when there isn't anyone left to root for. :(
Anon, I agree with most of your comment. Elissa, even though she didn't trust Andy in the long run, was convinced that he would be voting out Spencer for this one eviction. When and how would she have had the information that we did, and decide to vote out Amanda to expose Andy?
I so agree with what you said about Andy and his illogical hatred towards Elissa. It just doesn't make sense, especially from a teacher. Can anyone tell me what he teaches and what age students? He played a good game as a super liar and working both sides, why can't he just leave it at that?
I agree CaliGirl, Put casting aside for a moment. (I still think they could do much better though)
"Production" has no problem scolding or admonishing the house guests when they talk about DR's, songs, or show related matters.
But they stand back and let them say or do pretty much whatever they want. Perhaps CBS promotes or encourages such behavior.
A microcosm of society??
CaliGirl, Andy teaches public speaking at the college level, so he teaches adults.
If more people had the feeds, you would have seen how annoying and irritating Elissa could be in there on an almost daily basis. That doesn't excuse the behavior, but if you put yourself in a cage locked away from the outside world, and no way to get away from someone you don't necessarily like, than you might understand how she got on their nerves. Couple that with what Sharon said earlier, I can totally see why they didn't like Elissa.
Anyway, this is all just my personal opinion and I've said it all before. :))
Andy teaches at a college (I don't think he's technically a professor) and he teaches Speech/Communication.
Yes, it's the microcosm of society aspect that isn't putting its best foot forward.
I suppose we just have to make up for it when we go out in the world each day.
argh *then
All Elissa had to do was vote the way she had been voting(on her own) like I said had she just voted Amanda out, Andy would have been exposed, she listened to Amanda WHY? Amanda had bullied her the night, the day before and the day that she came up with that grand plan, would you have trusted her? The vote would have been 3-1 the only vote for Amanda would have been McCrae, that would have been a chance I would have had to take, it would have at least showed McCrae what he was thinking all the time, that they should not trust Andy. Elissa never thought about at least trying to talk with GM and maybe making her see that should keep each other in the game, instead she hid out in that room, GM had promised her she wouldn't put her up and didn't, she kept her word.
So I guess in the this world we live in, we have to like everyone we meet. I guess those people in the house didn't like Elissa because she wouldn't stoop to their level, bullying, vulgarity, racism, and all the other ignorance that went on in that house, I did not have the feeds, but I read Jackie's blog, she did speak of some of Elissa's quirks and maybe did not care for her either, but she never stated that she was a party to all the hate that went on in that house. In the past BB seasons, there were likes and dislikes but no HATRED. They knew when they signed up for this show that they were going to be locked up for at least two months with people that they did not know and maybe not always get along with. There was NO excuse to treat a human being the way these people treated others in that house.
The spectrum of "teaches at a college" spans from
a.) full tenured professor teaching for-credit classes at a university full time
z.) person teaching not-for-credit classes part-time evenings at a community college under the adult education program (usually retirees keeping busy, making a few dollars, and sharing their skills).
Anyone know where Andy falls on that spectrum?
Had Elissa, for some reason, not voted for McCrae, then yes, it would have exposed Andy, but why would she do that?
She knew she couldn't trust GM, Judd, Spencer and Andy. She basically knew about the Exterminators without really knowing, officialy, about the exterminators. With McCranda she knew exactly where they stood...with the others, they were iffy, shady and suspicious.
So voting to keep Amanda was in Elissa's best interest, because she would have had a solid alliance rather than a weak one...the only thing that messed it up was that Andy was too convincing to McCrae, and McCrae trusted Andy instead of Elissa...So McCrae, not Elissa is really the one who made the stupid decision that got Elissa evicted...Elissa made a smart move
This is all so Shakespearean...lies, ploys, deceit and betrayals
College of DuPage
community college
does appear on "faculty" list
is well liked by students
...But they must be talking about some other Andy, because the rated Andy at DuPage gets rarely-awarded red peppers for "hotness".
Exactly, Anon 5:37!
I just did a quick websearch on Andy. He is an Adjunct Professor of Public Speaking at the College of DuPage.
Found another site called "Rate my Professor," and he seems quite popular with students.
Just looking at Spencers face on this blog makes me sick. Really sick. I hope Julie calls him out just like she did Aaryn. He is a disgusting person. How did he make it this far??? Nothing but floaters left except Judd. And thats debatable.
How can Andy work at a college tht states this:
"College of DuPage values diversity.
We seek to reflect and meet the educational needs of the residents of our large, multicultural district. We recognize the importance of embracing individual differences and cultures and value the contributions made to the College by people of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We affirm our role as a catalyst for promoting dialogue and tolerance on issues supporting the common good."
His words have said otherwise.
Elissa went off on Amanda plenty of times. Besides...BB edits Elissa to be some kind of angel.
What a joke that is!
I don't mind being on the other side of the tracks.
I think Amanda played a great game and she played GAME and not emotions. Maybe she went a bit over the top but she was very entertaining and funny. I will not watch any more of these fools playing what they think is game.
They are all a bunch of floaters.
How did they end up where they are? Andy??? He deserves to be right where he belongs, on the bottom. Spencer doesn't deserve even a comment. Is his "supposed" girlfriend going to hang on to that looooooooooser? GM is just GM. She is a sad soul.
Anon at 6:27PM, As Julie said to Amanda....They are watched and heard 24/7. There are live feeds that prove that Amanda was the Devil and ELissa was the civil one.
Here's America's Favorite:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcmnVw-RQM0 PQ [SARCASM ALERT!]
I was an Elisa fan, but her effort to keep Amanda in the house ended that. She deserved to be punished quickly and severely. Last night was the best hour of BB of the season for me. Remembering Aryn's interview from last week also warms my heart.
PQ, That You Tube link showed quite a montage of Amanda's 'game play'. WOW!!
Noms just started.... no need to even think about it though. GM and McCrae are going OTB.
Ed at 7:02 PM:
So sorry Amanda is gone. She was the show this year. So funny.
Elissa thought she was the queen of BB. So glad she left. Too bad BB gave her all the control in the beginning. She would have been gone ASAP.
I don't care if Andy is a neurosurgeon, or if he teaches finger-puppetry to ferrets! His OVER-THE-TOP and yes - illogically vocal hatred of Elissa is creepy.
She is gone. I mean, they have beaten the dead horse, buried it, attended it's funeral, worn the t-shirts and are now diggin-up the corpse.
Just proves (to me) that someone was correct (Silk?) when they said these numbskulls were being so vocal about their hatred in order to convince themselves, or justifying this ridiculous hate of one harmless yoga mom.
Anon Kasey - BB didn't give Elissa MVP Power. I did (it was America voting)
I liked Elissa. She was the most likable of the cast, IMO.
Spencer is so gross. He is talking now about wanting to be hooked to Britney so he could see her naked. Thats ALL he ever talks about.....while half the time his hands are in his pants or picking his boogers. What kind of chat could anyone want to have with Spencer, who seems to talk about child porn. I hope he takes a hike real soon and his job is gone when he gets home. Now that is the kind of person on BB that I think is way over the top. Thats not game thats just rude and crude.
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