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Ouch! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of We're Almost There:
- While they continue to tell Judd he's safe every time he asks them (which is often), he's not.
- The plan is for a unanimous vote of two to vote him out, thus keeping GinaMarie.
- GM has been told she's safe. But then again, so has Judd.
- In watching her, I'm thinking she's not believing it until it happens.
- At least she isn't asking all the time!
- They're not not telling Judd just to be mean and blindside him -- they honestly don't want to have to deal with him being upset. They know how much he wants to be in the house.
- If there's a positive about all those remaining in the house -- none of them were the recruits. All of them were fans of the show who applied.
- The eviction will take place sometime today.
- I expect feeds will be blocked, but I'll update later with whatever I have.
- This is the earliest all have been to bed all season!
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All in bed early |
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No one wants to tell him he's going |
YAY! Yes, Jackie - that is awesome that the HGs remaining are the fans, not looking for some stepping-stone-to-stardom.
I wish we could see the eviction today; if it's Judd, we're going to miss fireworks.
Oh, you guys will surely remember this: Who is the chick that Hayden liked? He talked to her thru a door when she was in Solitary, and she looked like Monica Seles? I cannot think of her name! Thanks!
Hayden and Kristen....looked it up
Delee sometimes you are too awesome for words!
What happened to them?
Thanks Delee! KRISTEN! *whew*
Terry, Hayden is on the new Survivor with his gf (not Kristin). I keep seeing the promos & it made me remember him on BB. He'll be great to watch on Survivor, tho, don't you think?
Are you guys watching the celebrity one to. its awesome.
Knowing that the remaining HG's are real fans of the show is nice, but unfortunately, does not alter my opinion of them in the least. They are still the worst finalists to compete for the prize of 500,000. Come next Wednesday, we may watch CBS, as they award known racists, cash prizes for first and second place. Such evil behavior and meanness of spirit, was so prevalent this BB season, that whoever wins cannot reign proud. This cast except for a few have dampened the Big Brother tradition and fan support. Let's all hope that Big Brother can overcome the adversity it faces in the media and public arena.
Kathy from Brooklyn
Am I remembering correcly... thar everyone was drinking and, on a dare, Krisren ate a spider?
I have watched every season of BB since season 1 but only watched the broadcasts on CBS until 2 years ago. I happened to find Jackie's Blog 2 years ago and have followed her updates/summary of what has been happening since then. I did not even know about/read the comments section until this year. (slaps head, lol)I have never read the constant updates on what is happening in the house until this year or seen BBAD until this year (because it was on Showtime which I will never subscribe to again but will not go into why) since it was on TVGN.
There are very few HG's that I remmember from past seasons and I could not tell you who even won without looking them up including last season. This is just entertainemnt people. There is no reason to take anything they say so personal. They do not effect you or have anything to do with you. If it wasn't for the other house guests mentioning the evicted ones every now and then I would have already forgot about them because they do not effect my life or me in any way.
As soon as this season is over I will forget all about these people and will have moved on to what is happening on Survivor or The Amazing Race. (or both) Please people, do not take what these HG's are doing/saying so personally. Like me, within a week after finale most of you will not care one bit about any of these people unless they happen to show up in the news somewhere.
I appreciate what Jackie does here and sacrifices to do it. I do not want her to get frustrated and burned out about it and decide that she does not want to do it anymore because of people making hateful comments. It is just a TV show. This is just for fun and everyone personally attacking the HG's and hating on them should just take a step back and treat it for what it is, just a TV show.
I do not exclude myself from this behavior. I have been guilty of mentioning things about Andy's obsession with another HG so I am taking my own advice about this show and giving Jackie a break from having to read about it after having to watch it.
OK, climbing down off of soapbox now. And Thank You for all you do and put up with Jackie.
I have watched since season 2. I think my biggest disappointment right now is not having someone to root for. I guess that's what made it fun for me; getting to cheer when the gal/guy I liked won a comp or didn't get evicted. Now I just cheer for someone NOT to get it. It does take the fun out somewhat, but not enough apparently to make me stop watching. This year it has been a decidedly different type of "entertainment". (And TKU to those who filled me in previously on how the next few days will play out comp/viewing wise)
David, I'm with you. I must be getting old because I don't remember too many HG's from past seasons myself, nor the winners. I know Brencel and Jeff and Jordan but the other week when they showed the couples, although I knew Daniell, for the life of me I could NOT remember Dominic and I still can't. I didn't even remember that Dan was runner up last season with Ian as the winner and no doubt a couple of months down the road I won't remember these people either. Same with Survivor, I have no idea who won last year although I watch it religiously every year. When they have All Star seasons, I'm lucky if I remember half of them. Just certain characters stick out.
I have been watching since the very first show and like David, I don't remember most of the HGs that have inhabited the house. I have been following Jackie's Blog since 2005 or 2006 and have enjoyed her summaries and the exchanging of ideas and perspective with the other followers. And up until this season, I have not seen BB as anything but a game, entertainment. I haven't always liked the HGs or approved of their gameplay, but so what, it's their game.
This season changed that with the racial slurs, the constant bashing and the bullying. Not only do I not enjoy the gameplay of many of the HGs, I am offended by it. I know, I can turn the TV off and not follow the Blog so that I am ignorant of what is actually going on in the house, that is my choice. But part of me kept hoping that things would turn around, that some of these HGs would see the error of their ways before they are faced with it on the outside. So I kept watching. Unfortuately, this has not occurred and now I am watching 5 people that I don't like or respect vying for half a million dollars. Please forgive me if I am disappointed that I don't have anyone to cheer for.
Hi. I have been reading Jackie's blog forever but have never commented until now. I have read a few people mention that it's just a show, it doesn't affect your life etc... I think what people don't understand is that when you are a member of one of the minority groups that was insulted it no longer becomes "just a show". It becomes a sad indicator of our society and the fact that we are not as progressive as we thought. The fact that these people are young and should have grown up in a more open minded era makes it even more sad. So for me it's not about the houseguests per se it's more about the fact that they represent the mindset of the people across our country. When GM can make such derogatory comments about Elissa's son that means there are still people out there with that kind of thought process. It's just hard to believe in this day and age people still think that way.
Thanks, caligirl, well said. It IS a sad reflection of our society. As a member of more than one group and just as importantly, as a caring human being, I totally agree with your post and am glad you commented. Thank you.
Caligirl - you are so right, and thank you for posting.
I'm also convinced this year's BB cast is showing a spectrum of our society that many of us don't deal with, or have never dealt with, making it difficult to accept that these attitudes really do permeate our society.
Will these pitiful excuses affect my life after the show ends? No.
However, if these HGs truly represent a cross-section of our country, there's reasonable cause for concern.
We like to think we live in an enlightened society and then this group of HGs has come along to slap us back into the real of reality.
Jackie (or anyone) - have we ever had a daytime/pretend-to-be-evening eviction? Like what is going on now?
This is my first (and last!) season of feeds, so I don't know if or how they did it in the past.
Kristen did look like Monica Seles (freakish even... could have been sisters). I think I'll be rooting for Hayden on Survivor. He's a likeable guy and will probably do well in the game.
The HGs were playing to the cameras this morning to dupe the BBAD audience tonight. Wonder how many people will fall for some of it? Some of it was pretty funny...
Yeah, Petals. They've done this for several years now.
Why, thank you, friend ;)
I agree about Hayden. Plus, you know I always go for the hot, puppy-ish guy on Survivor and Hayden fits that bill, right? haha
Remember Aryan wanting so badly to meet Hayden? I think they'd make a cute couple, visually. Maybe they will meet one day & hook-up.
I am anxious to see Hayden on Survivor. I can see him doing well because he gets along with everyone and looks very physical.
I'm rooting for him. LOL
I'm enjoying the replay of Survivor on the TVGC. It's great. It brings back a lot watching the original again.
I hope Hayden is too smart to hook up with Aaryn. I never heard him say anything racist. I don't care if they're both from Texas, she better not touch him! LOL
I always liked Hayden too. Cute kid, and seemed decent.
It will be nice to cheer for one of the good guys on Survivor. :)
I blame CBS/BB exec for the terrible disgusting way the house guest have conducted themself this season. If they would have call them on the carpet for their racial remarks, bullying and bad mouthing evicted ones alone with their children it would have stopped. If it did not, take them to the DR and say no need to sit down and escort them out the door it would have stopped after the first one. They have allowed them to continue to do all these things continuously. Now the guest (McCrea talking about Amanda going to sue CBS and will never work with them (said last night on feeds)is so out of control. They have let them grow little by little into the horrible people they have become. Never has there been a season when no one likes the last 5 people left. I usually do not comment but just had to speak my mind on this matter. Thanks Jackie for you good work.
Dottie, He didn't say that last night on the feeds. He said it this morning (around 9:15 a.m.) while they were taping the BBAD segment for tonight. It was a joke and they're all messing with the BBAD audience. Spencer was talking about Amanda and Julie getting in a fight outside when Amanda got evicted (didn't happen) and McCrae made that comment to continue that part of the joke on the viewers tonight.
Just another instance where comments are taken out of context and spread like wildfire. There will be plenty more after BBAD airs tonight, but most of the stuff was outrageous that I'm surprised anyone would believe any of it. The rumor mill will be hopping big time.
*so outrageous
Dottie, I saw that, too.
I can't imagine WHY Demanda would sue? On what grounds? Plus, pretty presumptuous for her to say she'll never work with CBS again, since they probably haven't ASKED her, LOL
Petals, it didn't happen. Watch the flashback at around 9:15 am (this morning, not last night). These rumors are like a game of telephone. Spencer started it with talking about Amanda and Julie getting a fight and McCrae was playing along. In your words, 'geeminy' ;-)
That Elissa will win America's Favorite is pretty much a foregone conclusion. I'm sure some people will vote for her because they genuinely appreciated her cool demeanor under fire and so on, but what will put her over the top is the robot votes from the Brenchel Army. This leaves NO chance for others who are also valid candidates.
I know life isn't fair. And this isn't fair. I wish that Elissa would realize it, and ask the producers to remove her from the running for America's Favorite, and give others at least a fair chance.
exactly, Monty - GEEMINY!! @@ hahahaha
Silk ~ wouldn't it be great if Elissa won, but declined to accept? Or she could go totally altruistic and give the prize to charity, LOL
I'd love it if she won, and then declined gracefully, so that the HGs would see and maybe feel ashamed for having spoken so badly of her.
I wonder if Dr Will ever thought of giving his $500, to some other guest he played against. Since he is a doctor, and for that matter Boogie he was a businessman, I think Elissa is very deserving of that prize, she endured a lot just because some people didn't like her sister or because they thought she is already living a good life, in some of these singing reality shows, the best singer doesn't always win, you get these young girls that vote like crazy for a guy who they think is cute, how fair is that? Maybe Elissa might not need the money, but she deserves to know that she was at least liked by some people.
For the record, it was GM and Julie getting into a fight and GM getting some good licks in on her that started the convo. Judd brought up Julie and Amanda getting into it. Regardless, it was all a joke. Can't wait to see what other goodies get reported after BBAD. @@
I could see her giving it to charity when she wins it, and she will. I won't vote for her just because I haven't enjoyed the way she played the game this season, but that's just me. I probably won't vote at all for AC, because I think it would just be a wasted vote. There is nobody from this season that will get enough votes to beat Elissa and the Brenchel Army robo votes (exactly, Silk), and if I would vote it would be for Judd. Just because I enjoyed him and his humor on the feeds this summer.
A brainFlash from GinaMarie:
GM: "I didn't know San Francisco was in California"
Spenc: "It is!"
GM: "I did not know that".
JimmyB - For sure, GM's elevator has about 10 more floors to reach the top... and it's only a 12 story building. lol
Judd's doesn't go much further as far as history goes. 'Wasn't he (George Washington) a pilgrim'?
Good one, JimmyB :))
Monty - yup, good ol' Judd did that one! Maybe he mumbles to cover his lack of knowledge. lol
Of the 5 remaining... Spencer and McC are more aware of history, but McC speaks rather quietly most of the time, so it's easy to miss out that he's probably smarter than he looks (or acts). I suspect they would both be up on geographical issues as well.
Although McC has hygiene issues and will contribute in the bashing sessions, he does have positives...
He doesn't like the racial stuff and has been vocal about it. The first few times near the beginning of the season, and then again a few times since Amanda left.
He didn't like the bullying by Amanda, but unfortunately, he didn't stop her either. I'm sure for fear of putting a crimp in his own game.
Anyone who expects posters to withhold discussion of houseguests who are this disgusting is in denial. The gross attitudes and behavior of this group of houseguests is the elephant in the room.
Next year all prospective hamsters should be given psychological and polygraph tests before being chosen. A 7th grade American history and geography test wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Uncartie - I'd be happy if they could just pass a basic spelling test. I mean, really? hehehee
^5 uncartie
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