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It's not FAIR! GM is SO stupid! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Amanda's Last Stand(a):
- Well, I can only HOPE it will be her last. I'm tired of hearing the same rants over and over again.
- Andy and Spencer don't particularly trust Judd but are willing to see what happens when the Exterminators hit the final four.
- They both think that everyone overestimates Judd, thinking he's some kind of mastermind of the game.
- I do think Judd's game-sense is a bit overestimated. However, his strength lies in the fact that he usually knows when to keep his mouth shut. Sure, he opened it and made himself a bit of a fool when he suggested McCrae save Amanda. But, overall, he has a quieter way of playing than most.
- Which is great because he mumbles so much!
- Amanda kept at campaigning for Elissa to go up as the replacement nominee. It's her new obsession.
- GinaMarie listens sympathetically, yet sticks to her guns.
- As she promised to tell McCranda whether she'll put up Elissa as the re-nom or not by 10 or 11 on Sunday night, she told them.
- She will NOT be putting Elissa up.
- Ha!
- GM refused to tell them who she will be putting up, but Amanda guessed (correctly) Spencer.
- Her case is that all will be against GM if she (Amanda) goes home.
- Nope.
- The only one who might be mad would be McCrae.
- Watching his body language, I think he just might think it's best for his own game that Amanda go. He knows that the power duo would have to go in the past. And, unless he and Amanda made it as far as the final three and won, they'd take the game.
- GinaMarie's theory is solid -- it does level out the playing field if everyone is technically on their own. Even the Exterminators basis is founded on that theory.
- GM denied over and over that she's working with Elissa.
- She was telling the truth. She's cooperating with Elissa in this nomination because it's more vital to her game to break up McCranda.
- After that, Elissa and McCrae remain her targets. Which one would she target first? Whichever she can. Same with the rest of the Exterminators ... even though the guys want out Elissa first.
- One of the many reasons Amanda doesn't want to go yet is because the experience is life-changing for her.
- We can only hope.
- McCrae told Spencer he's sure that it's over for Amanda this week.
- He's right.
- One of the many times that Amanda pleaded her case to GM, GM brought up the fact that Amanda wanted her on the block with Aaryn so that Aaryn would stay last week.
- Oopsie. Amanda just went on a different tangent.
- Amanda blames her own demise in the game on Elissa winning HoH and Judd returning to the game.
- Well, then she should have won HoH then, right?
- That's the game of BB ... if you want control, it's best to win comps. It's amazing that Amanda was able to have control of puppets so long so far.
- Dr. Will did that, but people honestly liked him, didn't fear his wrath.
- When you rule by fear, there will be a coup sooner or later.
- And I'm not talking a BB-planned coup d'etat.
- By the end of the night, Amanda seemed to accept she's going. It didn't take McCrae as long to figure it out.
- So, later today, it's fully expected that McCrae will save himself. Unbeknown to McCranda, Spencer has volunteered to go on the block as the re-nom so there will be no anger about him going up.
- Come Thursday, Amanda will be gone.
- Bells will ring and small children will sing.
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Amanda still trusts him |
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An Exterminator dance |
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Elissa does backflips |
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McCrae zones out while picking at his nails |
Glad to see that Amanda is going home this week. As for Elissa, I would like for her to go far but she either has to win HoH or PoV. I won't feel upset if she goes next because she had her chances by winning one of those comps.
Amana thinks she will be able to control the jury house like she did the BB house. She has already said she will make sure the jury votes go her way. She will have no power there unless the idiots give it to her. There is nothing she can use to threaten them with except violence and I don't think they will allow it to go on in there.
I will be so glad when she is gone from the BB house and interested to see how they get along with each other without her in there to constantly stir up S**t.
As the insanity transfers to the jury house. Have mercy on their souls. Thy have no idea what is about to hit them.
I believe that Amanda cannot accept the fact that she will be gone and Elissa will still be in the house. She thinks everyone hates Elissa like she does. Eviction night will be awesome. Fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night!!
No one s going to put up with Amanda's nonsense, for each and everyone there has nothing to lose. She has voted for each and everyone of them to be evicted, so why would they listen to her, and if they do then they are truly STUDID. As for GM she needs to think again about teaming up with three guys, it is now and always been in BB and most all ever occasions a. GUY THING, she needs to keep Elissa ,and hope to go up against her in a final two, because for some unknown reason everyone (inside and outside of that house ) hates her I guess just because she's Rachel's sister. Go figure.
Just please do let Andy win.
If Elissa doesn't win HOH or POV, next week she is gone and dumb GM will follow right behind her those guys will team up with McCrae, because Judd is already on the fence and so is Andy. He still has loyalty to McCrandas
I don't think I could have stood Amanda's badgering last night like GM did. A lot of people would have caved. It was brutal.
I hope Amanda has the same audience reaction Aaryn did :-)
Susan - I said the same thing last night on the previous thread. What probably helped GM stay strong is that she knew Amanda was spewing nonsense, especially about everyone going to hate GM to sending Amanda out. Despite his protests, McC almost looks relieved... almost.
Speaking of McDirty, does anyone else think he looks like he's aged 10 years since entering that house (not to be confused with matured)?
As rare as he showers, how can anyone stand to be confined in a room with him... or within 10 feet outside? Even Amanda has said he's stinky, but then crawls all over him. She must be one of those weird women that loves odor. gag
My fave part of Demandas incessant begging and pleading to GM was when she kept saying there has to be something going on that I don't know about. Hahahaha! Psssssssssst, Demanda, there is MORE than one thing going on that you don't know about. :)
- the exterminators
- Spencer volunteering to be the replacement nominee
- Aryan telling GM to split you and McCrae up
- something I am probably forgetting ;-)
Oh and IF Demanda wants to stay so badly, why would she announce to all the HG (other than Judd & GM) that she has been the mastermind of the whole game this season and was behind every nomination and/or eviction? @@
That is SO going to want to make people keep you for sure. @@
Demanda = delusional
You have to be joking. This is the worst house in BB history. No one has their own minds. Whatever happened to playing your own game. Andy has not played his own game since the beginning. He wants to distance himself from Mccrae/amanda. Besides he still playing both sides. And Amanda is a vile and disgusting. And with all the problems the world has now with bullying. I think CBS should be held accountable for allowing houseguests to live and a hostile enviroment. Because noone can tell a person how to feel. How to react or respond to anytype of verbal abuse.
Sharon, you're right about McCrazy; he looks just plain worn out.
I totally agree anon 11:46. This is outright bullying and abuse on Amanda's part. Unless production has told Allisa to hold tight, I think she could and should leave the house because of it. It's not entertanment. Even the viewers such as myself are having a difficult time watching this type behavior.
Also, it's not only Allisa that she bullyies, but she's the main target.
Here we go... Trivia up, so it POV time!
Just wished Amanda's exit was tomorrow instead of Thursday. To use GM's description, Amanda is going to be one nasty skank the rest of the week. Judd was telling GM that last night, Amanda told all of them about the different places in the house they've have had sex, including the HOH room. Bet Andy and Elissa are glad they didn't allow them in their HOH room alone!! But I digress... GM had told them they could have her HOH room for one night. Wonder if she'll change her mind now!! ewwww
GM has nom'd Spencer to replace McNasty OTB.
I have no idea how McC can stand being with Amanda. She's harassing him totally about what he did/didn't say at the veto ceremony. Shrew, much?
I'm sure she's berating him because he didn't give her the praise and 'due' she feels necessary. Saying he's sorry to be taking himself off the block isn't sufficient.
Amanda wanted him to tear up and spout words like "I couldn't have reached this point without YOU" and "I'm going to be miserable without YOU," and "YOU are my everything." Didn't happen.
LOL Sharon, exactly!
With the massive amount of sexual exploits [in the BB house] that Amanda laid out (pun?) last night, I wonder if GM will cancel the one night she said they could have in HOH.
Has Elissa sat out her veto comp penalty yet? Not many more comps left to play.
Lol, actually GM told them out in the open that they couldn't have the room until Wednesday night so she wouldn't have to sleep in the room after them.
Can you imagine the harshness that will be McReality after the game?
LOL monty924. And we thought GM was dumb. Maybe that falls under street smarts
I knew GM said they could have the room Wed night, but missed she said it was so she wouldn't have to sleep there after them. wow, that was blunt! LMAO
GM let 'them' have the room for one night the last time she was HOH too, but do you remember if that happend to be on Wednesday also? I wouldn't be surprised...
Earlier, Amanda said she wanted to have sex in the DR hall too. @@
I've never understood how these people let someone have their room, lounge on their bed, wear their clothes....hey, maybe this is me being territorial!
Witt :)
This whole sex thing is out of control. Most of these showmances have no problem having sex on TV. I wish they could have been more like Jeff and Jordan and let their relationship and love grow before having sex and getting married. Personally I don't think Brenchel is going to make it and I don't think McCranda is going to last either.What does Amanda see in him anyway??? YUCK
No, her first HoH it wasn't on the last night. I think she's wised up since then. :)))
With McRanda, maybe it's opposites attract?
Birds of a feather don't always 'flock' together? CUTE!! LMAO
Jury is out on all the showmances, including Jeff & Jordan. They've been together (in an odd way) for 4? years, but no marriage. Jordan does seem to be pushing a bit lately, so maybe she's reaching the "$hit or get off the pot" point?
With Brenchel, who knows. They are just odd enough that it could end up working.
McRanda... not a chance in Hades.
I can't remember if Elissa sat out that Veto comp penalty yet.
If she hasn't, her best bet would be to win HOH... and not playing for Veto then.
Elissa had to sit out the very next veto after she got that veto comp penalty, so it's done.
Armchair Psychology Time: there's a simple explanation for Amanda's behavior-- Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Look it up, the symptoms fit her to a T.
I am hoping that the audience only 'Boos' Amanda with no applause
but I doubt that will happen. There are always a few people that will clap just to be polite and there may even be a few Amanda fans in the audience.
I am just glad that she is Finally leaving.
Not only fits Amanda to a T.
Here's a couple of other things to ponder... if they are true or not.
1) She 'said' she has a degree in Psychology.... but is an actress (of sorts) and a realtor?
2) Also 'said' she's afraid to go home. Despite being a narcissist, Amanda has to know that her parents will feel her horrendous behavior reflects on them... and they won't be happy.
When she gets home, she'll have to face the music with mommy & daddy, or will they continue to be THAT indulgent?
you know they applauded Aaryn when she was evicted but you never know if the audience clapped because they liked her (not)or maybe they clapped because WE ALL KNEW SHE WOULDN'T WIN THE THE GAME!!!
maybe it was just a recorded pre-applause, lol and live boos, lol
Hi. My pick for the pool was Judd.He go voted out then back in. Am I till in the pool. Thank you. Karen in California.
Ok, this is funny...
Andy says Amanda's TV character would be the older wide prostitute who lost her leg to clymidia.
Sharon, did you notice that when Demanda was telling McFly about her best friends (how happen to live in L.A.), we get fish?
Petals, no... missed that, but I noticed fish showed up when Spence started to talk about Marilyn's family.
Yes, Karen, You're back in the pool.
Looks like Amanda just might plan on loading up and spending her last days in the house insulting and offending just about everyone she can this week!
Her latest:
Amanda says GM is like Candice's friend with Downs Syndrome.
Hi Sharon,
Elissa had to sit out the very next veto after she got the "cannot play for veto" card so she is done with that.
Donna, thanks!!
I couldn't remember if that happened or not. Now that I think about it, I don't think BB let's HG's pick and choose things like that very much.
Glad it's out of the way!
I know Thursday is a double eviction and Julie won't have much time to interview Amanda after she is evcited but I really hope she has enough time to call her out on her behavior! Her nasty, racist, insenstitive comments, her bullying, her disgusting sexual behavior all over the house.. She is despicable in so many ways!
SO "Elissa comes out of DR and tells Amanda that she has decided to keep her".
That is SUCH b.s.!
No one can convince me that the decision to keep Demanda is "because she is such a great player".
I'm so done with this season.
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