Sunday, March 02, 2014

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - March 2, 2014

Welcome to yet another Sunday morning off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. It's still cold. It's still winter. I am starting to have doubts that this winter will ever end. While they've changed our forecast for today from a serious winter storm to just a plain old winter storm, it's depressing. We're supposed to go back into the deep freeze for most of the week after having two days of over 32 degree temps.


I am SO over winter this year. I know, come summer, I'll be SO over the heat and humidity. I'm not saying I want that. I want SPRING.

For those of you who plan to be at the blog party for The Amazing Race tonight -- I'll set up a post shortly before 8pm ET for it. Meanwhile, the Magnificent Margo (and Mom) have made the random blog pool match-ups. The good news is that no one had to pseudo-support the "twinnies." The bad news is that I ended up with the Afghanimals. To be honest, I didn't really mind them as much as some of the others last season. We'll see. The blog pool match-ups can be found on this post here.

I really don't have much to report this week. It's getting very same old, same old kind of like Groundhog's Day, the movie. Get up before the dawn, bundle up, go out, head to work thankful for pocket warmers, work, head home, still grateful for pocket warmers, rinse, repeat ... all week long. The sciatica is still present, but quite diminished. Alas, it ruined my sleep last night and I overslept this morning -- thus this post is up later than planned.

I have a Peapod delivery scheduled later today. Usually they're decent with the out of stocks or give a standard substitution. I looked at my invoice online. Sigh. My big family pack of chicken is out of stock, no substitution. That was going to be five meals! Gah. My family pack of hamburger is coming, but not the hamburger rolls I ordered. No substitution. Gah! Between the two items, that was a lot of meals. Sure, I'll still have the hamburger which I tend to freeze in portions anyway. But the local bodega's cheap rolls (when they have them) are horrible and I'll have to brave the cold to go to a real grocery store. The chicken I'll just have to go without this month. In the good news, they had Vincent's cat treats.

Onto the photos for the week ...

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Almost sunrise

Until next week when the time change goes down, it's just about sunrise when I wait for the early train to work. Plainfield Train Station.

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Dramatic skies in the 'hood

Before sunset with the sun hanging low in the sky. East Front Street, Plainfield.

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Reflected sunrise

The red sunrise is reflected in the windows of the apartments over Danny's Bakery at the corner of North and Watchung in Plainfield.


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Ice cave

Okay, it's not really an ice cave. It's one of the numerous, countless snow piles about the area. I believe I took this shot on Berckman Street in Plainfield. But, it could have been anywhere along the streets in town!

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Robin without snow

The robins are really, really trusting me. They now will land on the planters (for their berries diet) within a few feet of me. I've been talking to them -- they look at me, they know I'm right there. Yet, if someone else comes along, they're gone in a flash. Bridgewater, NJ

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Get away from my berries!

When a stranger does come along, the robins often fly to the nearby roof making all kinds of chirping noises. I swear they're cursing out the people who dare go near their berries!

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New snow ... again

They must be getting used to all this white stuff all over everything. I'm not. I want to get used to SPRING.

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The snow has melted ... a bit

At least most places are walkable again. Early morning (but not the red sunrise) at the Plainfield Train Station.

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Similar accessible walk ...

... but never really taken care of on the eastbound side of the Plainfield Train Station. Yep. That's all ice. In their defense, that's the "shady" side. But that's no defense when NJ Transit needs to take care of their walks!

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It's mine! ALL MINE!

One day heading into work, I was the only passenger on the upper level of this train car. That lasted one whole stop!

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Not abandoned

These bikes at the Plainfield Train Station aren't abandoned. A lot of people ride bicycles throughout the worst of the snow and ice. I just wish they'd stay off the sidewalks. It's dangerous enough to be a pedestrian without grown fools on bikes barreling at you!

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This is how I feel these days

While this is also taken inside an NJ Transit train, it's not the empty car I was in for the previous shot. This is a car full of NJ Devils fans. Wah.

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Yeah, we needed fresh snow

It snowed a bit earlier this week. Make it stop. Looking out my window fussing about the weather ...

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Usually by this time of the year, we have no snow cover with the possible exception of real shady places or the occasional plowed dirty snow pile. Wah. Early morning on East Front Street in Plainfield.

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Oh my

Somehow, in light of recent pedestrian vs. bus accidents/fatalities in NYC, I'm not sure if this is really an appropriate ad campaign to slap up on the sides of NJ buses heading into Manhattan. Watchung Avenue, Plainfield.

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I hope the big top has HEAT!

While we didn't have a lot of new snow this week, the temperatures have remained well below average. That's got to be one cold dog and pony show. The Big Apple Circus in Bridgewater, NJ.

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Gotta make the donuts

Another early morning at the Plainfield Train Station. Pretty skies, but way cold.

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Closer view

What can I say? I liked the skies!

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It's a cold world

East Front Street at Watchung Avenue on Monday after I got home from work.

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Warm fuzzies

Sure, the world is a warm fuzzy place for a certain warm fuzzy cat named Vincent!

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