Saturday, July 05, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Bulletin - PoV Winner - July 5

Uh-oh. Devin won the Power of Veto. If he keeps his promise to PaoPao and takes her off the block, he could replace her with someone who should be safe (Cody, Derrick, Donny, etc.) to make sure his target (Brittany) gets voted out. PaoPao and Amber are talking about trying to get him to put Victoria up.

Update: Now Devin is telling his boys since people would be likely to vote out Victoria, he'd have to leave PaoPao on the block. He was planning to tell her when Brittany burst in and tries (not very well) to convince him she meant him no harm. Now Devin is denying he said anything about cows regarding her, nor shot a gun finger at her. He claims he wanted to talk to her because he wanted to see if they could work together. @@

They agree they won't nominate each other and will use the PoV to save each other if he saves her. We'll see.


Dr_Celine said...

Hi Jackie - any word yet on the pool picks? I'd like to know who I'm rooting for! :-)

PDX Granny said...

Is Devin trying to pull the wool over Britt's eyes, or is he really considering pulling her off the block? He sure sounds convincing, but somehow, I just don't trust him!

Jackie S. said...

I haven't heard back from ORKMommy on the pool picks yet. I expect by tomorrow.

PDX - I don't think he will take her off the block. If he does, it would be because his buddies want her to stay.

PDX Granny said...

Jackie, ORKMommy said she sent you an email with the pool picks. :)

monty924 said...

Devin is such a loose cannon. Who knows what he'll do?

Jackie S. said...

I checked earlier and didn't see it. Maybe she sent it to an e-mail I didn't check. I'll poke around.

Jackie S. said...

PDX - Ah, she sent it a few hours ago after I had last checked. I'll post the picks in the morning.

Jessica Underwood James said...

I was wondering about the pool picks too :)

David said...

At this moment in time looks like Devin will use the POV on Britt instead of the promised Paola. If he does that I hope Paola blows up his game. Since he bullied her to throw the BOTB comp telling her he and cody will come after her if she didn't. And he will use the POV on her. That would also help her since Devin has told everyone that she threw it.

I wonder who will be the new America's players. I split my votes between Nicole and Paola for the 3 days we got to vote. I wonder if they will tell us if one of the 2 new picks is also evicted and they have to go with the 3rd pick.

I don't think they thought this whole season out very well. People like the underdogs and this is designed to get rid of them and always have them on the block at least.

David said...

NVM about the America's vote. Since it will be announced on Wed's show it will be before the eviction. So come thursday we could be down to 2 in America's Alliance depending on who is picked. LOL