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Frankie is with friends |
The news of Frankie's grandfather's death resulted in a bit more somber house Wednesday evening. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sad Moments:
- Frankie and Cody can never figure out what's going on in Zach's head.
- I don't think Zach knows what's going on in Zach's head, so they shouldn't worry themselves about it.
- Alone in the HoH room, Frankie addressed the cameras and discussed his relationship with his grandfather and the letter from his mother announcing his passing.
- He talked a long time about his family.
- They want him to stay in the house.
- So, he will.
- Then he cried. Probably many watching cried as well.
- I did.
- Brittany went to bed early. All of her campaigning must have caught up with her.
- Caleb stared at Amber from his bed for a long time.
- Creepy.
- Jocasta is sick again. I'd hate to see her on slop if she gets sick on their regular food!
- Zach mimicked Caleb's desire for Amber.
- Whoops, Brittany isn't done for the night yet! She's up again and mingling.
- Derrick and Victoria talked about Victoria's photography business.
- Yawn.
- They discussed hamsters from previous seasons.
- Move along; nothing to see here ...
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What am I doing here? |
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What am I doing here? |
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I'm here to win |
1) I'm very sorry for Frankie; it will be very hard for him not to attend his grandfather's services.
2) I'm very creeped out by Caleb. If I'm creeped out just seeing him 3 hours a week on tv, I can only imagine how it is for the people in the house.
3) I'm getting ticked off by Christine. What did Donny do?
4) I'm SO disappointed in Cody. He told Donny he wouldn't nominate him and he did. I guess he thought it was "safe." Caleb is so unpredictable, it will probably bite him in the future.
Happy Thursday!
WV: since stMaci: I guess that means I should go shopping today! :)
Amber can't sleep and is up cleaning so of course that means Caleb is also up "helping". So maybe both of them will not be in the best of shape for tonight comp.
Victoria was up late. Derrick is up because he can't sleep after his bed was pranked with vasaline. Frankie probably does not have his head fully in the game right now. Jocasta is sick again.
I would have to say that Donny and Hayden might actually have a chance at winning HOH tonight depending on what the comp is.
I would love to see Donny and Jacosta win HOH, just to see how everyone else scrambles. I just want to see someone win that isn't controlled by the huge alliance. I would even cheer if Victoria won.
Witt! LOL!
I love Zach, and was digging the male-bonding last night. (see, I know men do this, and it is normal. I do NOT view it as having any homo-erotic undertones).
No words for Caleb. I am done.
Derrick, Zach and maybe one other said they would throw the HOH to Frankie, so that he could see the picture that BB teased him with receiving. Which is such bullsh*t. Production should just LET him have a pic of his dead grampa, not make him work for it.
Xtine is becoming uglier & uglier, in action, words. With her, you CAN judge a book by it's cover.
I hope the picknana makes an appearance.
OH! I just heard (from Frankie), that Caleb went to DR to ask permission to buy a ring for Amber. We went FISHing soon after that sentence, but it was clear: Caleb needs a straitjacket.
Caleb needs help. He is one sick puppy. Amber is in trouble with this jerk.
Christine was never a favorite of mine, still isn't.
I think she doesnt' Like Donny because she knows he has her number.
She is just mean..
The funniest thing about Caleb's pickle in a banana you can't read a book by it's cover idea is that he's told Zach and others that he's never read a book.@@
I know we've been joking about it, but I think Amber might really have to get a restraining order against Caleb when she gets out of the house. I wouldn't put it past him to follow her home. He's quickly going from creepy to scary!
And we thought GM was bad!
Agree Petals. GM was a walk in the park compared to Caleb!!
I've been thinking the same things about Caleb. His one-tract mind doesn't veer very far off Amber. I think it's very possible he could present a problem for her once they are out of the house.
Now, if he gets evicted before Jury, BB and his family will have time to talk with him and have the chance to show video clips of him being such a creepy stalker... and her not responding in a positive manner. When he's out of the house's crazy atmosphere, MAYBE he can be thwarted before it gets out of control... but I won't be holding my breath.
Petals and Sharon N....A RING??!?! He has definitely gone off the rails. BB/His family will DEFINITELY have to have a talk with him...where is this coming from? How could he POSSIBLY think that she'd accept? He must have quite a fantasy world going on in that head of his...sad. :(
I always hear everyone talking about camera time so I am thinking that the delusional Caleb might be thinking of everything he can do for camera time and always being the main story line and chatter. Hey...Frankie talks about pitching a show to CBS.
Wonder how all that talk about being in the movies is going for Enzo and "the boys"!!
Gia - good point! Boogie did make a scene when he proposed to Kristin at the finale. But ... this seems less a stunt and more like reality.
Caleb is convinced he has a recording contract waiting. He isn't a bad singer, he sounds like every single other gajillion guys that sing along to a country song.
I'm so over Caleb! Blech
hahaha, my WV was "attiturd the" on that last post. The attiturd is what Caleb has. :))
Petals, Its me the "Witch". Don't be silly. I am fine. I am just old, see better when the writing is BIG, and not very good on the internet.
Sometimes these HG get me all cooked up and then as I look back in time, I cannot even recall who was on BB just last year. I should just calm down and go with the flow.
I love Zack and Cody and am on the fence about some of the others except Caleb and Christine.
Best Regards,
LOL! Hey there JoAnn.
The other woman, "Witchy Woman", she also has trouble seeing the smaller print, so we all use caps when she logs-in. :)
This group is enough to drive anyone BANANAS (not pickles, though) HAHAH
Speaking of CAPS, I haven't seen Joey and his wife on here this season. Seems like I remember his wife posted something bad had happened (home invasion?) and he was in the hospital in bad shape. Did anyone ever hear anything after that?
Oh wow, Sharon. Yeah, Joey was deaf, and they had one of those machines or something like that.
Awww, I sure hope they are OK.
My MV: Photo Sphere. It's actually an ad. I have to type "Photo Sphere" twice, then I get the real secret code. Strange.
Hi JoAnn. Love reading your posts and happy that the misunderstanding in behind. Petals, I have that sometimes too especially when the WV is all numbers. I think Google just likes screwing with us.
I've missed Joey and his wife posting too. I hope everything is okay on their end.
I doubt Jocasta will make the Live Show. She's still under the covers pukey sick and while I feel for her, that's one less number fighting for the HOH. :(((
On the bright side, Derrick is supposedly under the weather too... along with being thoroughly ticked off at Victoria (put vaseline in his bed last night?).
If it's endurance, my money is on Frankie (sort of small in stature and the WILL to win) and Donny (knows he needs to WIN), and of the girls... no clue. Nicole won't want it (but she should), Christine not a chance (FLOATER all the way), Amber maybe but that will just be another week for Derrick and company. UGH
Don't get me wrong, I like Derrick and think he's playing an amazing game up to this point. I just want him to be taken down a notch or TWO.
Ditto Monty. Frankie has a slighter build, which is good for most physical comps, but I've also noticed he's muscular.
I don't 'get' why nobody is looking at or suspecting Christine. Whether rumors are true or not, she's one big cog in the rumor mill.
I thought Joey and Julie turned out to be some troll posting fake stories. If I am confused about it, which is possible, then I am sorry for adding to more confusion,
I am wondering if Jocasta will ask to go home...and recall the twists before where someone came back in a vote from America?
I really want Christine and Caleb gone, don't care for them.
I too would like Derrick to tone it down and get a reality check. He is a control freak.
Wonder how it would be having Zach HOH.....Good for some laughs and entertainment for sure. Love Zach.
If for some strange reason Caleb gets HOH it would be really funny to see Caleb send Derrick or Frankie out the door because he was so against putting him up.
Just a thought. Its a game.
Christine is the ultimate floater and I want the "gurl" on slop. she is a super fan and knew that slop would be in the mix. No special favors for that HG!
Donny is no country bumpkin. I saw pictures of him and his cute girlfriend and he had just a tad bit of facial hair. He is probably smarter than all of those boys. We shall see.
Gia - agree. I saw those pics of Donny, too. BB asked him to grow the beard & keep it, just like they asked Zach to be more mean.
Which begs the question: what was Caleb's "role"? The Heartbreak Kid?
Lynn, now that you mention it, I do recall someone said they thought Joey/Julie were trolls/fakes.
After that was posted (if I'm remembering correctly), Jackie went on the hunt to try and find verification of the supposed home invasion... but came up empty???
ooops... sorry, I forgot to sign in on the post.
Sharon N
Lynn, the Joey/Julie story was a troll and the story was untrue. He was supposedly in the hospital because he stopped a gang from raping her.
Jackie told us it was not true.
Thanks Becky.
I couldn't remember if it turned out to be untrue.
They talked about how happy they were as a couple, and followed the BB house guests, but occasionally veering off into other things.
Guess I don't get the purpose to that kind of trolling.
Oh man, I was fooled. They seemed so nice. I don't see the purpose of trolling either. I mean, they gained nothing. they remembered our names & stuff... weird.
Yes Calob has a problem its clear
I noticed that today, Amber is getting less polite with him. Not that it deters Caleb, mind you.
Caleb probably thinks that's just her way of teasing him. @@
Things may get awkward tonight if Julie asks questions about the their date.
It may be downplayed, the Frankie's Grandpa thing may take all the extra chat time. Were they filming the Eulogy tonight?
???? pool is locked ???
Hope Jackie is ok??
Hey Petals, I was just wondering where everyone was.
The stream I just checked online does not have the show on yet. Looks like running an hour behind. If that is the case I can watch it on my big screen with you all live, =)
I'm here too
I too hope Jackie is okay.
Hey Jon and petals
You are not wrong Donny lol
Hi everyone. Wow, hoping everything is okay with Jackie and Vincent.
I am not a big fan of Derrick but he is really playing this game
The bad weather that tore up Virginia this morning maybe playing havoc in NJ tonight
Donny has them figured out..lol
I think the only reason I don't like Derrick is because he doesn't make the game moves/suggestions I want him to make!
Hope Jackie doesn't mind us sneaking in the pool the back way!
Where are Jackie and Vincent.
That was really sad.
Oh my, this Frankie getting the news is sooooo sad!
Hi guys & gals! Maybe Jackie lost power? Hope all is well!
It is nice to see everybody be supportive if only for a little while
Ok now that's sad..
Cody is such a softie. Too bad he messed it up by putting Donny on the block.
Lynn, I hope that's it and Jackie and Vincent are riding out a power outage together
This was so heat breaking last night. Love you Frankie and thank you CBS for letting the average viewer know it.
Anyone know if the house is for sure leaning to keep Donny still?
Half the live cbs streams I checked online are running an hour behind. The others are on time. So do not know what is going on. But I am sure Jackie would have come on and said something. Hope everything is alright.
I am worrried about Jackie, too.
so we're staying in here?
yeah, DOnny will not be a have not
Christine is for sure a have-not
LMAO ! ! ! ! !
Great Have Nots!
I love this way of choosing have nots.. Funny!
Hey, since we snuck in and there is no lifeguard on duty that means we can run wild. Whoooooop. =)
These WV's are killing me. I so hope Jackie and Vincent are okay.
Yay, on the have nots :)))
David - keep your mankini on!
Yikes, that is Nicole in 25yrs
That's like Mayberry lol
David, every time I look at your Avi, I imagine you as the ultimate lifeguard. TAG, your it :)))
Hayden proposed B4 Caleb!!
The apple sure didn't fall far from THAT family tree... *ahem*
This is so going to be endurance, isn't it? LOL
Hayden SCORED before Caleb
or step up, step down?
My dog is the opposite of a lifeguard. You jump in the pool to keep away from him and he only lets you out if you give me food. =]
Sharon, I think Jackie will be proud. We didn't just shut her blog dog, lock it up and go home. We stuck around like she would want us too. Hummmm, us drinking all of her beer and tasting the catnip might not sit well with her and Vincent.
Everybody in the fn house will score before Caleb lol
LOL, David my Grandmother always had Dobermans and they were all pussycats. Miss her and them :))
When did Frankie stop pretending to be straight?
As Jackie would say ...The TV show Must Go On!!
I just hope she didn't fall or is sick or something.
We miss you Jackie; and your comments. Hope you're well.
Becky, I think she'll be okay with us drinking up. Not sure about Vincent though!
Bye Brit!!
Cody = Wus!
I couldn't LOVE Donny anymore than that.
vote -- at least my stress for Donny for this week will be over soon
Donny for President!
howdy everyone. I really need a drinking word tonight LOL
I wonder if Jackie's cable went out again and took her internet too?
SueGee on the Sunny LeftCoast
Looks like a 10-0
I will be offended if they do their dance bit.
And to think it could have been Caleb especially with the way he acted all week it would have been easy.
Hello everyone
Welcome to the party...no chaperones tonight...lol
Hi Kathy
Maybe this time next week Caleb and Christine will be sitting in those chairs
Victoria is a real piece of work
I kind of feel bad for Brit. after she kicked all those goals this week.
Sad for Brittany. Glad for Donny, hope he wins HOH
own hinJoe, when did Frankie try to pass as straight. One look and I knew -- and my gaydar is not very good.
That was a look ha
I checked on FB and Jackie hasn't posted since this morning....
Glad you all hopped the fence tonight. Brought some catnip for Vincent! Hope Jackie is okay
Lynn1... From your mouth to the bb gods ears
So someone tell us what is going on? I gather Brit is gone?
Her kids are beautiful! So glad they did this for her.
Why is BB trying to make people cry lol
Yes Sue -- Brit voted out 10-0
Aww, Brittany's kids are beautiful. Go Brittany and sad as Donny is/was that you had to go out.
Like Mother Like Daughter...hair in a bun! Cute Kids!!
Awwww that was sweet.....now come on Donny win that hoh
Brit was voted out 10 - 0 After her interview with julie her 3 kids ran out on stage and she had a hug fest with them
I would love for it to be Donny and Hayden. Maybe they would have some, you know, better parts than Cody.
See you guys Sunday. Jackie, please let us know when you are okay.
Thank you for leaving the gate unlocked. Hope we didn't make too big of a mess.
Well, Donny is safe.
We;ve seen the last of Brit until the finale.
Yes Brit went out 10-0, They brought her three kids on stage. Very cute 2 boys and a girl. Hugs and tears all around
The unanimous voting sucks. You know from the first vote what the outcome will be! Boring!
Brittany's little girl is her mini me. Glad Donny is still there!
Becky, leaving before HOH?
How sweet, sorry Brit had to go but very happy Donny staying.
Thanks for filling in for Jackie, hope she's doing okay.
Hope this goes fast
oh no. They totally tailored this to effing Caleb.
OMG, my WV is suspicion icopous
Hayden out.
Jackie posted this to Facebook 12:02pm: Well, this isn't good. My cable television is out. When I go to their website, there is a notice that there's an outage in this area and they hope to fix it by 6pm. I want them to fix it NOW. I'm impatient like that.
are these real country songs? I dont listen to country
Yes...Caleb out!
Thanks for the Jackie news, Shannon!
They're trying to eliminate all the 'outsiders' firdt
Thanks for the Jackie update Shannon. Good to know she's ok.
stupid. they have the lights/songs all messed up.
C'MON ZACH ! ! ! Win it for me.
I really hate country music.
Derrick throwing it to Frankie so he can get a pic. of his grandpa.
Go Zach... turn this house upside down, LOL
2nd hoh is Zach
I all detonators and they are throwing it to frankie
Oh God no.
Yeah, handed it to Frankie
I think that Jackie post was from yesterday...
That sucks
I would have snapped if it was Christine lol
Donnie Jacosta Victoria and Amber will go up
Let's be extra good about cleaning up tonight since we crashed the place! Jackie -- hope you get your tech/electric back soon!
Power stays the same :-((
Donny, Jocasta, Victoria and Amber are going up
Yes, I think so too, plus she posted for last night's show so hopefully all is okay with her.
Better Zach..than Christine....but do they have the balls to put up Caleb
Hope they get rid of Caleb this week.
Hopefully, in the BOTB, Zack will come on strong and take HOH. No more sympathy-tossing to Frankie!!
WV: condemned touram :D
I can deal with Zach and Frankie. So glad Christine didn't get it!
Zach might backdoor Caleb though
That post from Jackie was from the other day not today about the cable being out!
Nite All!
Missed U Jackie!!
Poor Frankie. :( I'm glad he's got some good people (in general!) in there with him.
Jackie -- I do hope you are ok!
Take care everyone!
Jackie ...I hope all is well with you! Hope you don't mind us hanging here without you...goodnight all have a great weekend.
Night all. Hope all is alright with Jackie and vincent.
I dump a bunch of trash. Jackie, hope to hear from you soon. Good night everyone.
Take care everyone and have a great and safe weekend!!! Hope it's just a power outage or cables out Jackie!!
Love how I started to put uo who would be nominated and two people already posted the same four.
They tailored it to Donny
Very confused about why all of a sudden BB gives so much air time to a HG when they are in a middle of a game for a lot of money.
Frankies sister has a huge twitter account and so he will get Fan Favorite. Tonight they were able to give him a sympathy HOH.
I feel very sorry for Frankie. I probably would have gone home.
But thats just me.
Frankie now has another huge advantage in the game.
I keep stopping back here. Wow, Jackie hope nothing bad happened. It shows how much and how well we think about you.
Sending good vibes across the web to you and Vincent. Hope that we see a post in the morning saying you BOTH are just fine.
Monty, I keep checking back as well. Hope it's just a power outage...
Me too
I'm thinking it's storms causing problems for Jackie. Some crazy, almost continuous weather this summer. Storms have been moving through the mid-west again, so I think the East cost will get these in 3/4 days too.
I don't get why so many people cater to Christine. Zack and Derrick are both wise to the fact that she has done NOTHING and isn't willing "to take one for the team" at all. She's really ticking Zack off now, so I kinda hope he decides to go ahead and put her up.... even tough we want Caleb out.
I'd like Caleb gone cause he's such a jerk, but Christine is such a Andy type rat-Fink...she might be the best one to unload right now. I don't understand why anyone whose watched past seasons can't figure out what she's
They all worry so much about Amber... geez, get a grip guys!!
WV: located ingoat LOL
If anyone can get in touch w/ Jackie, please make sure she is ok & let us know.....
There are no storms tonight around this area!
i'm in philly & its been clear on the NE coast ..... :(
Just looked at the weather in New Jersey and it seems clear. :(
Of course, there's a chance something else happened to cause a wide-spread power loss in her area.
Hope we hear something by tomorrow!
We are all thinking of you Jackie and hoping you and Vincent are ok.
Sent a FB message. I think maybe if anything is wrong, her brother will respond.
Keeping my fingers crossed it's just a power outage or an internet thing. Good vibes, Jackie... good vibes.
Hoping everything is alright.
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