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Hayden isn't in the house mess |
Welp, Caleb's infatuation with Amber has indeed cost her the game. We can only hope that Caleb himself does himself in as well in the coming week or two. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Pancakes:
- After the whole Quietly Backdoor Amber Plan blew up, the more aggressive Okay, Amber You're Going Home Plan took its place.
- Caleb told Frankie he feels responsible for it and would prefer Jocasta go home.
- @@
- Now, they were going to do this whether Caleb went along or not! The dolt is just too um ... doltish to realize it.
- The sad thing (other than the whole Caleb infatuation which ruined any chances Amber ever had in the house) is that Amber can't even spend much time in peace.
- Caleb keeps cornering her, questioning her.
- NO, she did NOT enjoy the "date" with him. Leave her alone! You've done enough damage.
- He once again wants to be her knight in shining armor and save her.
- Dude, she just isn't into you. Sure, at this point, any help anyone can try to give her, she'll take. But then she'll drop you like a hot potato.
- Nicole's upset because now Amber is mad at her. Derrick told her it's because Frankie threw her under the bus.
- I wonder how all these buses fit in that tiny backyard?
- In these many talks, Amber has hinted that she didn't want any romance because she recently lost someone. She doesn't want to go into details.
- Whether that's it or not ... she's NOT INTERESTED IN CALEB.
- Sheesh.
- Caleb tried to convince Cody they need to keep Amber.
- Bwahahaha!
- Does he seriously think with this huge kerfuffle, they're going to change their minds and keep her now? Voting her out is pretty much the only option at hand because of all the damage done.
- Caleb is a broken record, repeating things ad nauseam.
- My only hope is that he gets laryngitis.
- Really.
- Where's the main tool of destruction through all of this?
- Yes, I'm talking Zach.
- He slept through the majority of the aftermath.
- It doesn't matter to him anyway. It's all a big joke to him.
- But, with Caleb going off the deep end, he'll be out before Zach. While Zach is a wild card, he's easily usable by the others -- just get him excited about the chance of ruffling feathers and he's on it!
- In other news, Nicole has been upset that Victoria keeps hanging on Hayden. Hayden has told her he's not interested in Victoria while Victoria told Derrick she needs Hayden in the game.
- Caleb finally admitted to Amber that he threw the pillow at her (after telling her once again he was asleep).
- She doesn't know how creepy and stalkerish he looked in the hoodie with the night vision cameras on. It could have been out of a horror movie. Thankfully it was only a pillow he threw.
- Donny and Hayden talked to each other about Frankie needing to go home. They think everyone LIKES them while everyone LOVES Frankie, not good for their chances.
- Y'know, I like Donny and Hayden more than I like Frankie.
- They're both playing a good game on their own. Frankie's running from side to side will hurt him in the long run, I think.
- Derrick is playing the best game of all.
- Alas, I don't think any of the women are playing a good game this season.
- Not that I want another Rachel, mind you.
- But I wouldn't mind seeing another BB6 version of Janelle in it to win it.
- So, things are pretty set. Amber should be going out the door despite Caleb's persuasion attempts which we can expect for the next two days.
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"At the end of the day ..." |
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Amber will be going home |
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Really? The cameras are everywhere? |
What a real shame that Amber's game was ruined because of Caleb's own ego. Does not seem quite fair. He is a little man in statute and in spirit also. Hope Amber tells him so also. She did nothing wrong on her own to get voted out. He is a stalker in every sense of the word. They make others pay for their own satisfaction.
I'm not sure that Frankie's running from side to side will do him in. Andy did that, and won the game.
I hope Amber can get out the flippin' door without Caleb hanging on her and giving an extended goodbye.
When she'd gone, I think that will sharpen his focus REALLY FAST, though that may not necessarily make any difference since he's out of the alliance but doesn't know it. I think everyone will wonder why they didn't evict him FIRST.
I went to bed around 9pm, Caleb was with Amber in BH, saying all the things he seems to have on a continuous loop... Woke at 5am. I thought I'd paused my feeds, b/c he was saying the exact same thing, 8 hours prior. Over & over.
Later. Rinse. Repeat.
I'm so done with The Caleb Show!
Wouldn't it be refreshing if someone in that house wouldl have the cojones to just come right out and say Amber you are going home. Are they all that scared of Caleb? Although I'm sure that deep down she knows she's going home, they keep giving her false hope that she might have the votes to stay. That wasn't true with Devin or with Brittany, so why think it might be true for you. Frankie is now at the top of my hit list. I can't believe anyone could be #1 over Caleb, but its true.
We're live in Walter Mittyville...
Here are Today's Top Stories...
Derrick caught Caleb in a lie. He told Derrick he went to Westpoint. @@
Derrick tells Hay,Nic,Chris,
Vic,and Cody that he knows Caleb did not go to Westpoint because Caleb is not smart enough to have gotten in and he's also too young to have served four years in Westpoint and 6 overseas. Caleb got offended when Derrick told him he knew he didn't.
Caleb brags that they always keep him in the DR for over 10 minutes and no one ever is in there as long as him.
That's probably true for the same reason Psychiatrists spend extra time with their more psychotic patients
Caleb to Amber if she goes home:"I would honestly , I'd write a check for the money I made in jury and send it to you."@@
#1 on Amber's must list: Create a ghost address so loony tunes can't show up on your doorstep.
Caleb says he runs the alliance.
"Clearly BeastMode Cowboy runs this house"@@
Caleb says after all is said and done and you're in jury and I'm in jury, we'll sit by the pool
and you're gonna tell me that hour long story.@@
As pigs fly over their heads
It would probably be really easy to catch Caleb in the Westpoint lie. Just ask him where Westpoint is? I'd bet he doesn't have a clue, LOL.
Rbennie....TRUE!! LOL
LOL RBennie
We've all wanted Caleb out for so long.
Why can't we have nice things?
IF these people were smart, it would be sneaky/conniving Frankie out next though, but I'm sure it will be Caleb if they can work it out. They are all as sick of listening to him as we are. He's not smart, and he's not entertaining.
re: where's Westpoint. If they caught him in that one, he's so flippin' stupid, this would probably be the conversation:
"uh, maybe I went to the Air Force Academy."
Oh, so where's the AF Academy?
"I think it's somewhere in Colorado."
Where in Colorado?
"Uh, Denver??"
Un, no, it's not. Want to try for the Naval Academy now?
You guys may not remember, but I get really VERY flustered some seasons. The last time I went off the rails, it was from Danielle-the-Nurse (S14, I think?). She got under my skin because of her lies. Lies upon lies upon lies. She had that Caleb thing, the one-up syndrome, and it drove me bananas.
Caleb is beginning to get under my skin now, like Danielle did. It's the lying. I can handle about everything else except that.
Zach still has the power to blow this whole shebang outta the water, since he was in on it from start-to-finish. Since he was a tool and not the mastermind(s), he'd come out clean. Wish Donny would see Zach's potential and form an alliance.
Dream new alliance: Zach, Donny, Hayden.
Know what you mean Petals.
We all expect lying in The House. It's part of the game. But Caleb's constant one-up stuff is annoying and grating.
His lies are just SO obvious. There's no subtlety.
It's rather shocking that he doesn't notice everyone rolling their eyes and escaping his company asap. He really thinks he's "all that" and more.
Well, Sharon - he put it "best" when he said, "I run this alliance. Beastmode Cowboy runs this house"
I only wish the rest of the house could hear that.
Underneath, I doubt Amber really believes that BM (gotta love that acronym) Cowboy runs the house... or any of his bragging for that matter.
Unfortunately, she does seem to think Zack has a lot more power than he really does. When, in fact, Frankie & Derrick are only using Zack to do the dirty work. Zack is so busy enjoying his whole role-playing thing that he's not grasping that he's just a tool for them to use. It's really too bad because I think Zack is actually smart enough to play the game 'right'... he just doesn't appear to care very much.
The lawyer in me wonders --- if you light a fuse on Monday, and it's a long slow fuse so it doesn't hit the dynamite for three days, can you be said to have "started" the explosion on Monday?
If it's a DE on Thursday, there might not be enough time for "the explosion." BM Cowboy is going to freak that "HIS Amber" is gone and he probably won't be able to concentrate much in the next challenge. One can hope...
The hamsters never cease to amaze me. Maybe it's because they are so young that they think the world is their pot of gravy. They just had a luxury comp, and yet they keep talking about another luxury comp this Thursday. Are these people completely daft to think they'd do another so soon??
Although they don't know about TA and Donny/Frankie/Derrick receiving 10k each so far (and hopefully won't get it for this week's TA challenge), BB has been getting pretty cheap with the 'prizes' the last few years. I wouldn't be surprised if there's NO other luxury comps at all because of where it's being spent already.
Sharon N, is it a double eviction (DE) this Thursday?
Re: Caleb...he is either going to be in total revenge mode (and focused) when Amber leaves, or in frazzle-mode (totally unfocused). I don't see too much in-between, unless it's in brag mode (oh....no, he's in that all the time).
I have seen nothing about a DE and it is just the HG's speculating about when it will be.
Maybe we will get lucky and Caleb will walk out with amber because the "love" of his life is leaving. A two for one eviction. "hope, Hope, Hope" I bet Amber could say if your so sure I am not leaving, pack your bags and if I am evicted walk out with me and he would do it.
RBennie~~I soooo agree with you about Frankie. I was happy to see that I am not alone. He is my #1 although Caleb is right up there.
Has there ever been anyone with less brains than Caleb in all these years of BB. He seems very very challenged. Says SAME THINGS over and over and over.
I would be happy if Frankie and Caleb walked out and Amber was left behind. I can dream!!
I think re Cal Eb, the powers-that-be will be doing preemptive damage control. You know, preparing him for Amber leaving.
It is beyond me how/why Cal Eb believes he is ruling the roost. @@
Caleb is starting to think Frankie lied to him. Says "I am not an idiot" then says I am going to ask Nicole a question I already know the answer to and calls it "Reverse psychology".
I want to see some action. Please BB do not give them any alchohol. Caleb could lose one of the two brain cells he is starting to rub together.
Out of curiosity, I watched Victoria wash her hair (the real hair), and she does have hair implants. How do I know? Well, (aside from working with a cosmetic surgeon who places them) check-out how she shampoos: you are supposed to ONLY lightly massage the plugged areas - not the usual lather/scalp scrub. You have to TLC the plugged area for up to a year after placement.
I kinda feel sorry for her, if she is a young girl with some balding condition (alopecia & the like), that can be super traumatic at that age.
Wish she would just come clean; I doubt anyone would care. It may make her less inhibited.
Plus, she is stressing the implanted area by wearing such heavy extensions (which seem to be attached at the crown & below and not right ON the implanted area).
Oh well...
David is correct. Them thinking this will be a DE is hamsters conjecture. Kind of like all the luxury comps they are expecting as well. @@
Am I remembering wrong? Seems like Julie lets viewers know when there's going to be a DE, and she didn't give any indication.
re Victoria. Think it was Nicole said to someone last night (Hayden?)... that Victoria is actually smart, but she plays dumb for attention. @@ JMO, but playing so totally dumb isn't very smart. However, it would be funny if she's been playing the dumb bunny part so nobody would worry about her. Not likely though... she's just too whiny and needy.
From what I have observed of Nicole I bet she thinks everyone of the other hamsters are Mensa members. She is a cute girl. She may be smart,but she comes across as ditzy.
Douchebag Cowboy asked her today if her hair was real? @@
He also asked her if Hayden told her why he used the veto on her. Her comeback was brilliant. He said so in his speech so it's self-explanatory. Liking Vic more these days :)))
Yes, Sharon she does. She always announces that 'stay tuned next week when we play a week of BB in one night' or close. DE's are never a surprise to us out here.
Vic is growing on me, too. There is a cultural barrier, but one-on-one, she is pretty slick. I particularly like how she interacts with ZachAttach.
Plus the hair thing. That would have to be traumatic. But then again, I am reminded of beautiful survivor Diem Brown from RW/RR, who went thru chemo right before her Challenge was filmed. She removed her wig, and was so beautiful & inspirational. Of course, that is an entirely different sitch, I know.
Now, now, now. Caleb could have been to West Point. I've been to West Point. Yes, I have. Of course, at the time I lived in Beacon, NY and it was 20 minutes away and I went on a tour, but ...!
I went to NYU Law.
WV: reprovers ocleene
LOL Jackie! Guess what BMC said could be left to interpretation, i.e., "I went to Westpoint" ...meaning he visited the premises. lMAO
When Amber leaves Thursday BMP sorry BMC will have lots of time to think of some other accomplishments he has done, ie west point, military, etc. We may hear a lot of things to come. Cant wait.
No one who goes to Westpoint has a vocabulary like Caleb. Please.
More like he is high school drop out. JMO
Caleb (BMC) & Zach were discussing who they would nominate next week.
Zach said he would nom Jocasta & Victoria. Caleb said 'but Jocasta won't be here next week.' Zach said 'Huh! oh yea yea.'
Then a little while later Zach again said to Caleb he would nom Jocasta next week. Apparently Caleb is not getting it. Once could have been a mistake, twice is a slip-up.
Cowboy is not going to be a happy camper come Wednesday night (if they tell him) or Thursday for sure!
IMO, it really doesn't matter if they tell BMC Wednesday, or let him find out as she walks out the door on Thursday. He's still gonna be one very pissed nitwit.
Some of the guys have decided to tell BMC in advance, but they want to tell him in a group so he can't write it off as just one person.
When they tell BMC Amber is going, it's my wish that they also let him know that the fault lays directly at his feet. Let him chew on that fat for a while!
His constant obsessing has 100% steam-rolled any chance Amber might have ever had in the game.
Amber clearly knows she's going home,as she has been giving away some of her makeup.
Yes Caleb,You are an idiot. The dumbest box of rocks in BB history and will go down as the biggest fool. No one even comes close!
Every single site I've been on either has a thread or an articles about it. The feeds chatrooms are absolutely hilarious. Constantly making fun of Calebism's while we make up new ones
Following BMC's conversation about his family earlier, it appears he's devoted to his mom, but he talked like his brothers don't have much to do with him. BMC 'thinks' it's because HE is the only one capable of taking over and running dad's business. LMAO
It would be interesting to hear the brothers' side... bet it's quite different.
You know BMC won't be able to resist reading as many threads and articles as possible when he's out.... because he'll be looking for all the GREAT things people had to say about him.
We already know he needs some serious psychiatric care, but this just might put him into a padded room with a nice new jacket.
Ed, I caught that. Hysterical and Zach never missed a beat. Of course Caleb didn't either but for entirely different reasons. ;-)
Petals re: Victoria: I kinda feel sorry for her, if she is a young girl with some balding condition (alopecia & the like), that can be super traumatic at that age.
Wish she would just come clean; I doubt anyone would care. It may make her less inhibited.
Petals, thank you for posting this. I think that this is possible true about the reason for her being so withdrawn.
Something I have never shared is that Momma suffers from alopecia. She too lost her hair at a very young age, although she was older that Victoria. This was before you could buy wigs at a reasonable cost -- and insurance did not cover them as a
prostatic (they will now). I think that is the reason that she was not very social except with her family.
Sorry about your mom Becky. Yes, I imagine it can be a huge blow to the self-esteem, especially to a young woman. More still, Victoria's culture-all the young women have long hair.
I am amazed, really AMAZED, that the other HGs have not just gagged Caleb. He talks non-stop, for HOURS on end. Many would think it is an exaggeration, but no - Caleb truly does NEVER stop talking, obsessing, bloviating & prognosticating.
Vote OUT Crustie & Caleb!
Crustie!! :D and MBC Caleb
But don't leave out Frankie...he's wearing real thin too!!
Silk, I'm assuming that's one of Petal's creative names for Christine. LOL
Its impossible to enjoy BB when Caleb is anywhere around. He won't give it a break and its getting more than just annoying.
Its ruining the enjoyment of the show.
This just in: Jocasta, who is a have not, is taking a HOT shower.
Penalty nom??
Maybe Jocasta figures 'what the heck, I might be going home on Thursday?' She's one of the few uninformed about how the upcoming eviction is going to go down.
Curious if BB will call her on it... they've been letting a few things slide this summer.
Lol, Jocasta isn't a Have Not. She received some sort of Slop penalty or something during the POV and has to eat slop but isn't a HN. She's slept in her regular bed since then too.
Thanks Monty. Thought there had to be an explanation.
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