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Has he grown a devil horn? |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of NO Singing:
- Hayden's thrilled that Amber will be going out and he has a hand in it. He's very upset that Amber told Victoria she's going home.
- Of course, Hayden told Victoria when he won the veto that he would save her.
- Caleb thinks it's all his doing, even to the point of Hayden using the veto.
- Victoria suggested to Frankie that he might put Amber on the block if the veto is used.
- Heh.
- They had a nice memorial service led by Jocasta in church robes with her bible.
- Each of them stood up and said nice words to Frankie and Derrick, some with tears in their eyes.
- It was a nice and touching service for them over the loss of their grandfathers.
- Back to the game ...
- Frankie and Cody talked about Zach being so unpredictable and how he might harm their own games with his mouth.
- Caleb, whose career will surely take off with big things due to BB, can also break dance.
- He did a few moves and he seems to know a bit of what he's doing. But that isn't a surprise for me as he seems more like a street dude Eminem type than any sort of cowboy.
- Christine is still worried about Donny. Caleb eased her fears by telling her Donny could never win an HoH.
- Um, I bet he could!
- Don't ever give Hayden a toy knife.
- He went around acting like some kind of robot monster attacking with it.
- It brought back memories of BB2 and Justin/Krista.
- However, Hayden was truly harmless.
- The PoV meeting will be later today.
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At the memorial service |
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I'll have girls under both arms |
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Intent on the food |
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Violence in the kitchen? |
thanks Jax. You're right re Caleb: there just aren't words...
You said it, Jackie...there are no words.
Where does BB find these people (Caleb, among others), who have no idea how this game is played, and who have such unrealistic expectations from it (wealth/fame/notoriety after it's over)?!
Can't wait to see the POV meeting. To be clear, is this Zach who is going to be doing the confronting, or Caleb who is going to blast Amber for using him?
Interesting that Hayden will "step-up"; & not for the first time...But no members of the alliance ever do. Cowards.
I really think it sucks that Amber has to go out like this. I would have liked to see how she did in the game without that albatross named Caleb on her back. It's sickening that he gets to remain. I really don't like any of the guys in this house other than Donny. I don't care much for the girls either for that matter. Christine is my pool pick, but I will be thrilled to see her go.
I just read the supposed rant that Zach is going to use on Amber when Frankie puts her up. It's disgusting. Frankie and Derrick really don't care what they have to do to get that TA money and Zach is an easy mark to do their dirty work for them. I really hope Donny doesn't know what they are planning. I think he's a better person than that.
Hey all you BB fans:
Nice to see everyone here.
I haven't said anything so far about these house guest. But, I have finally come up with just a couple of comparsions.
Donny, but does anyone else see him or think of a box of chocolates, a groundskeeper,sweet, kind,loving, words of a simple but, wise man.
Caleb, the only career your going to get is a full time stalker. I would hate for Caleb and Amber to be in the jury house together. Get Caleb out before jury house, can't imagine who he would vote for and even though I don't care for Amber, she don't deserve that.
Hayden and Nic to cute and yes there is a camera and microphone in the room.
Victoria, what drugs are you on or what world are you in?
Zac, wanna be Dr. Will, no ambition except to play with your little brother, and ride out your parents money.
Jacosta, you just plain scare me, do little or nothing, ride on everyones coat tails. Watch out Frankie she might just try to pull you down with her. Did she really speak in tongues, plain ole scary.
Amber,duck, cover and run,, that boy has a mental problem.
Derek, puppetmaster.
Cody, toughen it up man,no crying in BB house.
Frankie, we get it. oh Frankie, your hands are going to get bloody.
Christine, Who?
Vast array of hamsters,
Someone please give these hamsters a wheel, so we can see some action.
Meanwhile back on Planet Delusional...
Caleb says he thinks he could walk on to a MLB team right now and be good. He says he could prob try out for the NFL and says that hes never played soccer but what hes seen he thinks he could get drafted.
Please tell me where did you read Zac's rant at?
RBennie. I believe that Donny knows who is to be involved in the argument but told them to stop and not tell him what is to be said. He said he wanted to be surprised when they were informing him about it.
Well, several people are "using" Zach to say what everyone is thinking.
In my opinion, what Zach will do should NOT qualify as a "fight between two HGs". Which is a Team American Task = FAIL. Zach will do his pre-planned speech, and if no one counter-punches, does that equal a dispute? Nope, not in my book.
Caleb said early this morning that he could play MLB without a try-out, and soccer too.
*sigh* Oh, to live in that Wonka kinda world.
It was at Onlinebigbrother.com. I don't take as gospel anything I read on other sites, though. Although, this I do believe.
uncartie - LMAO.
He's the gift that keeps on giving,Petals
Psychoboy threw a pillow at Amber while she was sleeping and woke her up,not playfully either,imo. It was clearly an act of aggression as far as I'm concerned. If you have the feeds you can see it at 5:26 AM BB time.
I was awake, saw the "pillow attack". What was creepier was that he had a fake knife & was lurking around in silhouette. THAT was creepy. But the pillow thing? Nothing. It barely grazed her & hit the floor.
He is unhinged.
I tried to like him, remember? I was his biggest fan (next to himself). But he has turned me OFF since about week 3.
I actually dislike Caleb more than Amanda.
She was loud, extremely crude, disgusting and obnoxious.
He trumps that by being flat-out dangerous.
Jackie - you know how to do a cool screencap - Can you go to 5-ish A.M. and see if you can't get a good one of Caleb, hooded, with that fake knife in his hand, lurking around Amber's bed?
Hi all. I'm here all the time, but don't comment. However...Caleb should be kicked out by BB. This girl is asleep, defenseless, and he is kissing her, throwing things at her, stalking her with fake knives. This is a threat, and active aggression. How do I get my opinion to the BB powers that be?
Helenann2K, I agree he should be removed if her safety is compromised. She didn't sign on for this.
What bugs me even more is that the rest of these "men" are ramping him up just for their own entertainment and, of course, to keep his crazy focussed on Amber and not on them. I really hope this little rant of Zach's turns out to be no big deal, but I think it could cause a chain reaction that these hamsters aren't ready for. At this point, I wish Amber would just leave now and not have to deal with 3 more days in there.
POV meeting going on now. I really hope Amber stands up for herself after Zach attacks her. No player deserves to be treated like this and she certainly didn't do anything to warrant it.
I hope she stands up for herself, just not right now. I don't want these guys getting any TA money for this stunt.
If really send her into the HOH room with Caleb she should let him have it, and as she storms out of the room she should tell him that she's going to go downstairs and sleep with Cody, again.
What is the talk about Victoria wearing a wig?
Uncartie, would you let us know what happens? Thanks so much! Patty Q
Anon - Vic obviously has a wig/extensions. She thought no one could tell, but apparently she got mad that Amber kept asking her about it, so she tearfully admitted to Cody that yes, she went bald & has very new growth under this thing on her head. I think it is a few inches long in front and is (supposedly) shoulder-length in back? In any case, that rug is the worst-kept secret in the house this season, IMO. LOL
Team America failed, if you ask me. A Zach rant doesn't count as 2 BBers fighting. Amber didn't fight with him, so mission FAIL.
Re PillowGate: If it were a playful,fun-spirited fight/prank, I think it wouldn't be irritating us so much. But we saw him creeping, lurking, plotting. He is ruining her time in the house.
Oh, and add F/T Lowe's lumber employee to Caleb's resume. LOL At least this is his actual job, and not some fantasy.
Zach gave his speech, but apparently threw a few people under the bus in it. (Frankie and Derrick)
sI'm really pi**ed at the boys now, they are hanging my Zach out to dry.
Hopefully he can right this thing & spin it back against Caleb.
Dingo has a screen cap of creepy Caleb on today's page.
Yup, they are indeed hanging Zack out to dry. Zack isn't going to be happy when he finds out Frankie isn't his BFF.
Unfortunately, if Zack didn't enjoy being such a wild and unpredictable ham, they wouldn't be able to do that to him.
If Zack really did throw Frankie and Derrick UTB, then you know they will go after Zack next time... instead creepy Caleb or one more of the even stupider girls.
In the meantime, I hope Amber figures it out that Caleb wanted her OTB (never mind the reason), I hope she tells him to F-off if he comes sniffing around. What would it hurt? Iven if Caleb thinks he's pulling the strings to save her, she's going to be evicted anyway... whether she kisses up to Caleb or not. I want HIM unhappy.
Amber smiled and remained completely calm through the whole POV and what ever Zach's rant was. I think she knew and perhaps production tipped her off. She was called to the DR before the meeting.
Thanks Monty. You know the shot I am talking about..?
Am I the ONLY one who think that Team America FAILED?
Wasn't the challenge to start a FIGHT?
Not just have a one-sided rant, which was all that happened?
All the guys are just running Amber in circles now. I'm particularly disappointed in Cody.
I HOPE she does NOT give Caleb ANY satisfaction by talking to him.
In fact, I wish she had just enough information to know not to talk to ANY of them. Ruin all their fun and just go quietly.
I agree Petals. If BB gives them the $5k for that abomination, something is wrong with their "scale of accomplishment." When there's ONE "rantor" and the "rantee" just sits and smiles, there's NO fight whatsoever.
I am going to be so mad if they turn on Zach no matter what. He is so much fun to watch and its what BB should be....NOT that pitiful Caleb. I adore Zach and his goofy ways.
Frankie can take a hike. I have seen enough of him and I fast forward every time he is on during BBAD. He is annoying to say the very least. I would like to cancel the Frankie show and get back to BB.
Petals,Sharon,I agree,the POV was just a Zach rant. Amber smiled through the whole thing. She saw Caleb & I forgot who smiling at each other when it started and she knew something was up. No 5000 for them
I wasn't up early enough on the feeds to catch creeper Caleb in action but read that him and Cody were devising ways to prank Amber. Creepy, yes but she's been pranking a lot of them with Nicole and others so not sure it is as bad as people out here are saying.
I think they'll give this to TA because if you've listened to Donny, Derrick and Frankie's talks, they only had to target one person and let the DR know who that would be and that person had to go after someone for 20 seconds or longer. I'm guessing Zach did that. The reason they failed at the noms was because it didn't last long enough and Zach ended up laughing himself it "didn't work" (even though he had know idea about the TA task). Just my opinion on it.
*no idea
DAMMIT... Amber is talking to Caleb. :(
On the other hand.... Amber and Caleb are talking and they are slowly figuring out what's going on. Of course, it's too late for Amber, but they still don't realize that.
In the meantime, it they begin to realize that Amber really IS on her way out and that crew lied to both of them, they just might decide to blow the whole gig up for Derrick, Frankie, Cody and Zack. One can hope.... I still don't want Caleb to get anything at all out of this, but I'd like something good to happen for Amber.
Weasel Frankie talking his way out of trouble... again.
Caleb is swallowing it all, hook, line and sinker.
We always knew he was an idiot, but now he's confirming it once again.
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