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Hayden manhandles Nicole |
Tomorrow night should be very interesting. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of I've Got Your Back Bro:
- The late night started off quiet enough -- a pool tournament with a mild kerfuffle over the game.
- Then it all got interesting, almost to the point of addicting.
- Frankie is still thinking of himself and those bloody hands. He thinks they might want to split the vote so Caleb isn't as mad when it all goes down.
- Derrick and Zach think no on that thought.
- Derrick thinks that might put Jocasta at risk for going home if they split the vote. They definitely want Amber to go.
- Zach thinks that Caleb might try to self-evict if Amber goes.
- Too bad, so sad, I say.
- Meanwhile, Amber is talking to Christine about the girls taking over.
- A bit too late for that, as well as implausible.
- Christine runs back to report to Derrick that Amber was talking about the six guys being in an alliance and that Amber would put Caleb up on the block.
- Oh, way to play into their plan, Amber!
- Amber told Cody that she thinks her alliance (the guys) don't have her back.
- Well, duh.
- Frankie, Derrick and Chistine weighed the options of keeping Amber.
- For a few minutes, that is.
- Christine doesn't want to get rid of Amber. Y'know, that will make her a target of the boys sooner than later.
- Derrick spent a lot of time avoiding Victoria. She's latched onto him and he likens her to a chihuahua in with a bunch of pit bulls. He thinks she's just too naive for the crowd.
- He's probably right to a point there. Victoria is like a lesser Donny watching people. Donny knows what to do with the bits and pieces he picks up. Victoria watches, picks up on what's happening, but doesn't always know what it means.
- Frankie et al decide it's best to pit Amber and Caleb against each other, which was pretty much the original plan anyway.
- Derrick thinks they should wait on that.
- But, do they wait?
- Nope.
- It goes down.
- Frankie told Caleb that Amber is targeting him (Caleb) and will put him on the block if she gets HoH.
- Zach agrees.
- Cody agrees.
- Caleb is crushed, mad ... and runs away.
- Well, downstairs.
- Derrick reined him in and brought him back upstairs.
- "We've got your back, bro."
- "We didn't want to tell you because we knew it would hurt you."
- "She's bad news."
- Again ... hook, line and sinker.
- I think Caleb just might be the most manipulation-friendly hamster we've ever seen in the house. He'll fall for any story.
- Just from house scuttlebutt with Frankie and Zach, it sounds like they might have Christine in their sights as the next girl out.
- But Caleb would be first.
- Caleb is thinking of how to wreak revenge on Amber from pranks to "murking her."
- Zach is, as he usually does, egging him on.
- Derrick and Cody tell Caleb he should run anything he wants to do by the Diary Room to make sure he doesn't get in trouble.
- I feel the need to point out that Frankie was amongst the missing for most of the talk with Cody, Zach, Derrick and Caleb.
- Is he falling out of favor with them?
- Yep, I think so. Of course, Caleb is out of favor with him, but he was the topic of the night. He had to be there.
- Today is another day. We'll see if there are any real brouhahas. At least we're getting some drama now.
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He's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs |
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Lying doesn't become him |
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Lookin' the fool in more ways than one |
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Frankie's head explodes |
I wish the last picture was true -- literally! I will happily abandon my raft as it sinks with no regrets.
Sad to say, but Frankie is making Andy look good.
Caleb will never be more than a stupid TOOL in the house...oh, and in real life too.
Why won't they just vote Caleb out? Why are they keeping him? I just don't get it.
Laurie, per the latest plan, he is supposed to be the nevt out... we'll see. He is so easily led, they might decide to keep him around for the sure-vote.
However,my hope is.... when BMC is evicted, there will be total silence from the audience.
A reality check for Total Dipstick Cowboy!
Sharon N, I doubt there will be silence...there are probably "APPLAUSE!" signs lit up in the BB audience area.
Julie, though, is getting better at being direct in her interviews and I think will be very blunt with him that Amber was just not into him.
So they are keeping him because he is less threatening in the game than Amber?
Does anyone have a guess or knowledge to what Ambers big secret is?
There are several possibilities that I can think of, but they would only be guesses, so I'm not going to "go there."
We all know how it goes... any conjectures made will eventually reach the general public and then somehow evolve into 'fact.' Those things happen so easily and frequently. We "might" find out eventually... if Amber cares to share. If not, we remain in the dark.
Laurie Caleb isn't on the block
I've thought about the Amber secret. Maybe there is no secret at all, but she tells that to Caleb to keep him on/not on. You know? Or that she is in a relationship with someone that may be a semi-pro somethingorother athlete who wished to remain ANON.
Doesn't matter, sadly.
Caleb realyl believes that he was cast as the Alpha Male,the King. He is being portrayed, though, as the JESTER, the FOOL!!!
Without all the lying and conniving, the show would be totally boring, but it's still incredible how generally nice people enter the house and then day-by-day, the insidious and nasty personalities evolve, and they actually enjoy hurting/creating misery for another.
It certainly doesn't say much for the human race...
Its all game and I am fine with seeing how it all pans out between the HG but I have to say Caleb has been the most annoying HG EVER. His problem is that he just keeps talking about HIMSELF and many times has NOTHING to do with game. AT THE END OF THE DAY are words I hope I never hear again in my life!! I know that I won't ever be saying that.
I love that most of the HG are on to Frankie. Its about time.
This morning Hayden and Cody are talking about getting Frankie out in a DE.
The hamsters seem convinced that this week is DE..
Every season it is a different phrase.
I can name a few--
It is what it is
Watch the tape
At the end of the Day
Thrown under the bus
to name a few.
Last night's Caleb lowlights..
Caleb talks about Amber. This is before he gets manipulated into hating her again.
Says she will feel better once she is pulled off the block except she will still have her period. Can't do anything about that. Then telling Derr and Zach guys have periods too.@@
Caleb says he's going to make Amber's life the next 2 days a living heck.
Isn't that what you've been doing since Day 1?
Caleb: at the finale, she (Amber) is gonna want my number, im gonna be like.. "well"@@
He now plans to go off on her during her eviction:
Caleb: "she will be crying. Dude I'm going to go up in the ratings that for sure!"@@
No one can misinterpret an outcome better than this jamoke.
re:Amber's secret. My guess is that it's one of 2 things. She was in along term relationship and either he died tragically or he ended up cheating with someone very close to Amber like a best friend.
I agree ChaCha. It's about time they caught onto Frankie!!!
He can't be ejected out that door fast enough for me!! Acts all fun and frivolous, but he's a shark. He takes over every plan, and is just short of demanding that they do everything his way. You'd a thunk they would have gotten an clue earlier... that ALL of Frankie's plans revolve around protecting numero uno, himself.
Along with Donny, I'm liking Hayden more all the time.
Ok, this is priceless!!!!
Hayden: "What do you think Devin is doing right now?"
Donny: "Watching live feeds."
Sharon,The sad fact is that none of these hamsters are bright enough to figure out that Frankie is using them with the possible exception of Derrick who's keeping it close to his vest. Derrick's big advantage is that as a part of his job as a cop he deals with idiots on a daily basis.
I think Frankie is going to safe for a couple of weeks if Derrick and Donny have anything to do with it. Derrick is the master of manipulation, he can convince the guys to go along with almost any plan. Plus it would cost him money if Frankie or Donny left.
There are several people who are more expendable in Derrick's plan,
Jocasta, Victoria, Nicole, Christine, Caleb, Hayden & Zach. Derrick has made a final 2 agreement with Cody but seriously I think he would improve his odds of winning if he took Caleb or Nicole to the end.
uncartie, you're right, Derrick is cop-smart and that is a huge advantage. He lays low and quiet, but still manages to even work Frankie! lol
Lynn, Caleb might be a good choice for final 2, but even with Derrick's background, I doubt he could tolerate the miserable weeks of BMC that would be required. He'd go bat-s..t crazy!! LMAO
Nicole would be good though. She's actually one of the nicer girls; a little ditzy.
It's a safe bet that Derrick has been thinking about who to take to the end for quite a long time. Maybe Nichole or Victoria, but doubt Victoria since he spends so much time trying to escape her clutches. She's not on the same planet as Caleb, but still, I don't think he could stand to have her clinging to him for several more weeks!!
AT THE END OF THE DAY it really does not matter WHY Amber does not want to go out the BMC. She does not have to have a "reason". Just does not appeal to her is enough. NO means NO.
Can't wait for the show tonight. It always seems so long between Sunday and Wednesday, LOL.
Caleb's still a loon and GODONNY
ChaCha~~I agree there things people say and run into the ground each season but isn't there something about Caleb and his vocabulary that is just more irritating than usual. IMO, he just sounds clueless.
AND..Yipppeeee they are onto Frankie. I will be celebrating when he leaves for sure.
Crap! Storms moving in. If I'm not at the pool it means I either don't have electric or internet, or both :(((
Found on another site..
One thing’s for sure: if Gina Marie is publicly supporting your creepy imaginary relationship, it’s a sign you’ve already gone too far.
#teamcaleb I’m on your side buddy. No worries bro #bb16
— GinaMarie Zimmerman (@GinaMarieZ) July 21, 2014
Omg, I just choked, spit and more on that Uncartie!
Their is a sign that was just put up in the house that says "Houseguests prepare to get loopy"
Anyone know what that means?
Tomorrow night's HOH comp will be the phone booth type questions. No endurance... sigh
They are showing video loops of things that have gone on in the house. It must be some kind of memory competition for THur HOH.
That's my guess too, Unc
If the questions aren't about Amber, or Caleb, he won't win.
Heck, even if the questions were, he'd get it wrong! LOL
I just hope Frankie doesn't win.
At this point, Derrick might even consider unloading Frankie though.
Dang... Donny is helping Caleb study the videos?
What is wrong with him?!!!
Zach clearly doesn't care. He was the first one to walk off to get a drink and he's in the HOH now with the headphones on.
Question that Caleb could answer correctly:
Where is the pool table located?
Kind of fun watching Frankie in a bit of a panic for a change.
Went and woke Zack up in HOH... he's frustrated that Zack isn't studying the wall.
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