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I want to decline this mission |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Mission Impossible?:
- Ho-hum. They talked a lot of small talk about food and previous seasons.
- When they talked about how double evictions, Zach and Frankie are not all that knowledgeable about how they actually go down. Donny is.
- But we know that it's not a double eviction tonight.
- We know Julie always tells us!
- Caleb is sure it's tonight.
- Heh. He probably wants to go off into the sunset with his true love forever and forever.
- Run like the wind, Amber! Escape!
- Caleb says that after the show is over, he and Amber will go on a date.
- @@
- I say she'll get a restraining order.
- As always, there's a lot of speculation over who would be nominated if various hamsters won HoH.
- It's something they do to pass the time and grow the paranoia.
- Caleb says that they let him do a second goodbye message to Amber because he was bawling in the first one.
- I hope they show the first one.
- Frankie and Zach continue to grow closer. Zach promised to tell Frankie if he heard either Derrick or Cody say anything about him. Frankie is worried because Christine's name is being brought up more and more as a possible target.
- As she should be. She's useless. She can go home.
- Derrick received the Team America mission -- it's the hinky votes one in which two have to vote against the house, then accuse two others of the hinky votes from the time of the eviction announcement to when they go out to play for HoH.
- They don't like the mission.
- Donny wants to decline the mission.
- Derrick thinks they can blame Caleb (voting to keep Amber) and Zach.
- I think Donny might be worried that they might actually tip the scale and send Jocasta home.
- Meanwhile, while Team America is panicking about the hinky vote mission inside, Nicole and Hayden are outside talking about how Christine might throw in a hinky vote just to mess with people.
- Heck, there's one just there!
- Donny finally said he'd do it if the others do, but doesn't want anyone blaming him for it later on.
- They are seriously thinking of not doing the mission. We'll see.
- Donny thinks it's seriously out of character for him and he came to win the half-million, not play America's game.
- While Derrick admits he's also there to win the big prize, he thinks it an honor to be chosen and wants to try to complete each mission.
- After Donny left Derrick and Frankie, they both talked of how little Donny has done in these missions. Frankie wants him out.
- That's all she wrote for now ...
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Zankie |
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Why do they keep her? |
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Victoria talks religion |
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What are we gonna do? |
Supposedly, Caleb plans to humiliate Amber at the live eviction, but then he thinks she will go out with him after the show. I have no words for how fruit loops this guy is. They are all salivating to see Amber's shocked face when the vote is 9-0. I think they are going to be very disappointed when she just smiles and leaves graciously.
IMO Frankie is full of it when he says Donny hasn't done anything for team America. I was of the impression that Frankie was more or less in charge of the the last team America task to get 2 people to have an argument. He was the one who recruited Zach to stir the pot and it didn't work. It is the only task that they have failed.
I personally don't care if they attempt to do this weeks task or not.
I am becoming increasingly bored with the predictability of the noms and the consensus voting.
Derrick and Frankie seem to be of the belief that America will turn against Donny because he refuses to do the task. I don't know about any one else, but I respect him more because of it. They think they can now turn against him, which I'm sure they always wanted to do anyway, with America's blessing! Not.
RBennie I agree with you. Donny values friendship and loyalty to Jocasta above $5000.
If they would all use level heads they could do the math and figure out that even with all 3 of them voting against the grain there would have to be a major shift in the house in the next 11 hours for Amber to stay.
Lynn and RBennie, I agree with both of you. I thought Frankie was in charge of this task.
I can respect Donny for not wanting to do this weeks task. Derrick and Frankie will be amazed when they get out and discover that Donny is the over all favorite of America.
I really want Christine and Frankinstein to go home.
This mission would not affect this weeks vote. It would happen next week. Right?
ITHCY I believe they are suppose to do this task tonight
Lynn, Frankie is HOH, he can't vote.
Rbennie I must have had my beastmode fan hat on when I thought of that one! LOL
I will just delete that post
Cowboy Delusional's latest & greatest..
Cal: "On Thursday, i'm going to glue a pickle inside a banana peel and give it to her and say, when you came in here you hated me,but as you got to know me you found out that you really love me."
"Amb in here is keeping her guard up. When we get out of the house we're going to exchange numbers and go on a date."
_At the end of the day_, I just want to world to see me. I don't want them to see someone I'm really not. @@
not only do they have to have the three hinky votes, they have to cause a Brouhaha after votes are read by Julie and start blaming others.
Frankie can't vote and we all know that the only three people that will be blamed are Nicole, Victoria and Donny.
Frankie would never let his Christine be thrown to the wolves.
This mission should be declined at all cost.
Derrick should actually think clearly about it and not just look at the money. If Frankie could actually cast a vote then it would be alright to do.
Next week I hope the TA mission has something to do with Keeping Donny safe.
We all want he will win America's Favorite!! Well at least I do..
I was afraid of this Lynn! Beastmode Cowboyitis is contagious LOL.
RBennie, hopefully I will recover in time to join the pool party tonight!
RBennie, you are right. When the vote is announced, Amber will smile and leave like a lady. And why WOULD Amber ever go out with a guy who humiliates her? Does Caleb think that is a NORMAL thing to do in a relationship?
Maybe she'll dish a bit with Julie, or at least give an exasperated sigh or a shout of "I'm away from him!"
Shaking my head....
Becky~~ Frankenstein!!!!!
LOL LOL LOL LOL Perfection!
People just didn't think this task through when they voted for it. That is why I voted for the HOH task. Even if they tried, I don't think they would get more than the two votes from Donny and Derrick. Blaming the two votes on Caleb and Christine would be easy but Frankie is too close to Christine to do it. Derrick would never blame one of his "minions" (Caleb) so this was bound to fail. Frankie and Derrick only want to blame the votes on others not in their Alliance who the HG's know would never vote for Amber to stay.
OMG Jackie,what a perfect snapshot of Crustine!!
I hope that when Amber leaves she just ignores BMC,no hugs,no nothing.
Witt,You can be sure Julie will bring his obsessive attention to her up. Unfortunately that ended up being the focus of her stay in the house.
I have a suggestion for the drinking line for Sunday night's pool party: "I wonder what Amber is doing right now"
Feeds are all fish as they get ready for tonight's episode.
Sorry, but everytime I see Christine for some reason she reminds me of Freddy Krueger. She just looks too much like him. Maybe she is his spawn.
They only need two hinky votes. Derrick's and Donny's. They could totally blame Caleb and Christine but I don't think Donny will do it.
Frankie is nuts. He made up the Amanda is Zach's cousin lie to spread as rumor then did nothing. Donny and Derrick did all the work on that one.
David, there is a photochop of Christine ala Freddie. Maybe Petals will use it sometime as her avi :)))
Thanks Monty. Had to go search for the picture and found it on evil Dick's site. LOL
I must have misread the task. I thought it said they needed 3 hinky votes, not 2. Which would have meant they needed to pull in another hinky vote to pull it off from someone else.
this is the wording of the mission.....
Vote against the majority of the house and then publicly accuse two people during the eviction fallout.
Its funny Frankie has really done nothing for TA except sit back and watch Donny and Derrick do all the work everytime.
In Frankie's own mind, he's doing all the work. @@
I can't believe Derrick and Donny swallow that BS. It has to be irritating.
Yes, David. That's where I first saw it but on Evel Dick's FB page. :)))
Between Frankie doing all the work and Caleb being king kong and in charge of everything~~~ Its just another day in the BB house of stupidity.
I am hoping for some unexpected drama tonight.
Let's not be fooled. The "Team America" missions are actually one more tool to help the producers control the game. "America's" choice is actually to authorize one of two schemes the producers want to see happen.
And, if the producers have one particular thing they really want to go down, they'll pair it with a far less interesting option that would never pass the vote.
the producers also made this task so it can't be blamed on Frankie.
The first mission with the rumor Frankie did nothing but concoct the plan, Donny and Derrick did the actual spreading of the rumor. Frankie is so narcissistic.
O.M.G. Derrick cut BMC's hair and likes it... wants Derrick to travel with him when he's a star. Guess so he can cut his hair? @@
After getting the new cut, BMC tries to put on his sparkly crown, but it slides down to his neck!!! That must be a 'vision'... LMAO!!!!!
LOL Sharon, He also told Derrick "When you get out of here, you can tell people you cut a celebrity's hair."
Stalker just gave banana speech to Amber. This to somehow convince her to give him a second look as in not judging a book by it's cover.@@
He finishes and the second he left the room she goes "uhh" and turns her head in disgust.
I sure hope that Julie does not call on Caleb for anything. I doubt it since production knows what is going on. I think they said he could not talk unless called upon except after the announced HG to leave is walking to the door.
I see a new reality show starts tonight. The Quest. Comes on an hour before BB on ABC. Wonder if it will be any good. The promo's did not look promising.
Sharon & Uncartie-
The best was that BMC said Derrick should go on the road with him when he is famous.
Derrick in return said...no I'm Good..
I can't get used to the 9:01 start time :((
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