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Pretending to listen to music |
No, I haven't been really ignoring you. Really. I guess it's a mix of boredom and predictability affecting my posting. But here's my take on the latest inside that Big Brother House of Stick People:
- You know Cody won HoH.
- You know Cody surprised us all by putting Donny and Nicole on the block.
- Oh, they also made Donny a Have Not and Nicole volunteered to be one.
- Did you know Frankie has a "famous" sister?
- I listened to a wise and pithy conversation regarding the pros and cons of Lowes vs. Home Depot vs. Amazon.
- Caleb is still sure Donny is something big military -- perhaps a Silver or Bronze Star recipient.
- Derrick, who has said before that he believes Donny is indeed a groundskeeper, played along with Caleb's visions.
- Cody and Derrick have noticed they can't be alone without either Frankie or Christine bursting in.
- They discussed if Donny or Nicole come off the block putting Frankie up.
- But they don't think they'd have the votes to send him packing, Caleb would be mad, but Christine would just crumble and float their way. Plus it would leave the Donny/Nicole duo intact and Christine might just float that way.
- They built stick houses.
- Nicole tried her best to convince them that she should stay.
- However, that just served to work against her even more.
- They're still going on about all the "lies" Nicole tells.
- Which, as we know, are mostly truths.
- Frankie continues to be too much over the top with his squealing. You'd think he was the wild boar Caleb killed with his teeth (whatever, literary license going on here) pre-season.
- Frankie makes all the gay men I've known for decades look macho. He needs to turn it down. The more he acts, the more it comes across as acting.
- Bad acting, too.
- Derrick continues to push for the Nicole out rather than Donny this week. He says Nicole is a more dangerous competitor -- she wins comps, has a good social game while Donny wins comps, but his social game is lacking.
- The boys wrestled. So Frankie had to jump in.
- Cody and Christine talked about how much Donny disgusts them.
- Hey, I could really go off on a tangent about how much Christine disgusts me!
- But I refuse to demean myself by being so profane.
- Victoria's wisdom teeth issues are making her face swell up.
- Cody knows Derrick wants to send Nicole out this week, but he really wants Donny to go. He thinks Donny picks on him.
- He's also tired of Donny winning comps.
- Derrick thinks a lot of people are rooting for Donny because he's the underdog. (Yes, there are, but maybe not totally for that reason.)
- He also says, as a fan of the show, if an alliance were ruling the game such as they are, he'd be mad because it's so predictable.
- Yes, he's right.
- Christine's angry that Julie Chen called her out on the live show for throwing the comp.
- Too bad, so sad.
- That's about it for here. They're sleeping.
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Going for the Yoko Ono look? |
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I'm Caleb, Beast Mode Cowboy |
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Frankie has to get in on the wrestling |
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Ohh ... they got a smidgen of alcohol |
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Dude, you have to wear the robe! |
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Is this BB or Hoarders? |
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Building stick houses |
Can't we just have an outsider come in for 24 hours and create a great Brouhaha?? I need some excitement! Can you just imagine if Dick, Rachel or even Jesse came back for a little while. Jesse was the worst but at least it would be some form of entertainment for us feedsters
Hi. I have a quick question for those of you with the live feeds. I was on vacation last week and caught up on the last 3 episodes of Big Brother last night. I was wondering if Zach was aware that Donny was going to vote to evict him. They never really addressed that after we saw Donny promising to keep him.
I don't' know if most of the people in the house were always bullies but they certainly are now.
Jackie, my heart goes out to you trying to watch the live feeds trying to glean something you can write up to be interesting in your blog. There is no intrigue or strategic play going on. These idiots just do what their master wants even if it mean certain doom to them.
In some ways I hope that Nicole and Donny get sent to Jury House so they can get out of the line of fire and be around decent people. Being around the mean spirited people has got to be taking a toll on Donny and Nicole.
Does anyone know if Team America has been assigned a task for the week ahead?
I missed BBAD on Thursday night what name was chosen for the BBAD Owl?
Yes Zach new. He told Donny that he was being evicted so vote with the house
It would be better to have the cameras on the jury house, more entertainment.
I didn't even pay attention to the owls name when I put on BBAD.
Team America task has not been assigned yet. I suppose it will have something to do with the vote since we don't know about it yet.
This nothing happening this season has really got old fast. It is starting to degrade into the hate fest like last year. If Derrick wasn't there to reign it in occasionally that is all we would have.
At least the new season of Dr. Who starts tonight so there will be something to watch. Send the Doctor into the house and I am sure he would confirm what I have suspected, that Frankie and Christine are actually aliens. You can tell by the way Frankie acts and Christine is trying to kill everyone with her death laugh/squeal thing she does. ;)
I am not a Christine fan at all.
She must have been made fun of and bullied most of her life.
I think back to the beginning of the season where she was so excited to "fall" into the bomb squad. She is now for maybe the first time in her life part of the "in" crowd.
Frankie and Christine spit the most hate on other people.
She has an infatuation with Cody, who will be shocked when he gets out of the house and find out all that his been said about him.
My ears might have fooled me while I was watching BBAD last night what I thought I heard Victoria say while talking to Christine and Cody was that Cody should do some bourgeois photos of himself in his HOH robe. Cody said what are bourgeois photos? I think she meant to say boudoir photos but I seriously heard them talking about bourgeois photos. What a bunch of dopes. LOL
I thought the same thing.
Victoria is having problems with her wisdom teeth and isn't talking clearly, also her accent. she has a NY/Fl/Israeli accent. My aunt who is from Tel Aviv sounds very much like her.
I think we as Louisianians are the only ones to catch the "bourgeois" talk.
All this talk about Derrick being a Mastermind is ridiculous. These houseguests are so stupid. They are the worst ever so don't even compare. Derrick is just more mature. He does not deserve some "mastermind" title for these idiots.
I was reading some tweets from past BB players. Most all agree and comment that BB is really giving Frankie a good edit because he is so disgusting. Evil Dick has a video someone sent him of all the horrible things Frankie says.
What else would you expect from the Frankie J Grande Youtube Mogul Promotional Show.
I do not watch the show or BBAD or the Feeds anymore. I enjoy reading what Jackie and the nice commenters say here. They are amusing and its a way for me to see how this plays out. I just won't watch these absent minded HG.
Anon 1:22
I am feed watcher and show watcher. I say all the time this is two shows in one. There is the real feed show and the edited version on CBS.
Frankie is disgusting with what he says but so are a few more of the houseguests.
Every season there are some people in the house like this. I have never seen anyone get a really bad edit. Last years were truthful with the aaryn/amanda edit.
Anon 9:28 - Yes, they discussed it. Zach knew how important the "unanimous" vote has become, and told Donny to just do it.
The only consolation any of us will have is the pie=in-the-face moment that will happen when they all get OUT.
"Froot Loop Dingus" and "Fear the Beard" are more popular than "Beastmode Cowboy" and, in fact, more popular than Frankie's YouTube thing.
Think of the shame they will feel. Derrick has very little for which to be shamed; a few outbursts, but he's played it pretty clean.
Cody is also kinda safe. His butt-pucker moments will be his time with Crustie. He may never live that down. Seriously.
Zach finished college, he has his degree and is about to tackle the workforce. Donnie's gf & job are waiting for him, he's solid. Nicole is already a nurse. But! Did Cody finish college? Did Caleb? Did Crustie? *laugh*
Out faves really will be have the last laugh.
Cody did graduate from college. That is good since he has been as disgusting as Christine and Frankie.
Caleb didn't but he is going to be a country music sensation......lol
Live Feed Action-----
Victoria was just curled up on the floor in the water closet crying in pain. Nicole screamed for Derrick and feeds cut.
Once again Petels reminds us it will all work out in the end.
Thanks for that.
Seems like BB was taking Victoria's wisdom teeth issue a little too lightly, especially when her face started swelling up. Guess we'll find out soon enough if BB has had to remove her from The House because of infection.
I hate Victoria is in pain...but if she has to leave the house that throws a little wrench in derricks game plan....and maybe just maybe they don't evict anyone this week....now wouldn't that be a hoot....lol...I know it's not likely to happen..but a girl can dream ..right???
I feel bad, thought Vic was wanting attention.
Swelling indicates impaction & abscess. Sure, she can take a bottle of Ibuprofen, but what she needs is an antibiotic.
I'm surprised her parents haven't contacted the producers.
Yes, she can have the teeth removed. Yes, people do it all the time & go right back to work. But I doubt Victoria will have that kind of recovery.
Not sure how this will play-out...
I manage a dental practice; I scoffed before, but I see her swelling and know that she is really in pain. *feeling bad*
Vic's dental pain has to be bad with all the swelling. All the HGs been talking about the swelling, and now the sweating might possibly indicate infection has set in.
This could end up interesting if she is indeed gone.
(Didn't Evil Dick leave with an issue too? (appendicitis?)
I feel bad for Victoria having all that pain, but...
It would be rather funny if Cody's HOH ended up a total loss.
BB could go ahead with an eviction, but any thoughts for another DE would probably have to be scrapped. Especially with the TV date set now.
No matter what happens if the producers are so good (I think they suck) they should show their chops and come up with the unexpected. No matter how many days are left something can be worked out. There used to be 2 in the end I think in the beginning and then they switched to three. Grodner, see what you can do and if you need any advice call the people that did the show years ago when we actually had things happen and it was exciting.
Maybe this is just a pet peeve of mine, but Nicole sneezed - twice - during yet another Caleb's resume'-ing, and he didn't even stop his blather to say "Bless You".
That reeeally bothers me. Donny said it (natch). I detest Caleb. I hope so many bad things happen to him.
HAHHAHA Caleb says he tried to be a cop in 2 different states. He was declined every time, although he "smoked everyone" & "blew them away", and they were so intimidated that they declined him being a cop.
PS -
Caleb's Fable starts at around 11:15am, hahahhahahaa
I caught the "bourgeois" convo. It didn't make sense to me.
According to Derrick, Victoria is at the emergency room.
I am curious how this will shake out.
There have been players in the past who have had to leave for personal or been kicked off the show.
Donny told Derrick that the TA mission will be decided amongst the TA members and must be completed by the veto.
Now Caleb is telling Derrick his final 2 speech to win the game over Frankie.
I bet Derricks wheels are turning that he may need to convince Cody to backdoor caleb if he doesnt' win the veto. Pull Nicole and Donny in with them.
It would be Donny, Derrick, Cody, Nicole and possibly Victoria.
That would leave Frankie and Christine on their own.
bourgeois is what they were calling Boudoir photos.
Here in south louisiana there are many many people with the last name of Bourgeois- pronounced like bourzwa. I bet my spelling of trying to pronounce it is wrong. I am trying to phonetically spell it out but it isn't working to well.
Chacha - you did fine. That's the French pronunciation (and the only correct pronunciation, really).
If Victoria leaves then they should have another comp and let another player come back. OMG, now that would be unexpected.
Hayden comes back and hey y'all, we actually have a BB Game.
Better late than never.
Victoria is back.. said the medics gave her an IV and had no clue why she was sweating so much.
Make is sound a bit like dehydration with the IV and no mention of antibiotics.
I haven't seen if her face is really swollen. If not, I would wonder if it's all a bid for attention.. except she wouldn't get an IV "for nothing."
Being in Luling Louisiana I live in what many people call Bayou country. We have so many people with French surnames as is my husbands. His last name is Richard, pronounced Reeshard. We know if someone is calling and asks for Richard- we don't know them and they live above Interstate 12...lol
last night while watching the feeds and BBAD her face was very swollen. she looked like a chipmonk.
I just don't see how all she got was an IV. i wonder if any anti biotics will be needed. she had taken a few advil and said she was feeling funny from them last night. I read this morning she took more this morning. She may have just gotten sick from so many ibuprofen.
Production said she needed to drink juice and eat. I think she was dehydrated and her sugars were low.
Thanks ChaCha.
I don't get the feeds, and rarely watch BBAD anymore sine it's mostly the "FJG Show" and holds NO interest for me. He's just so nauseating and disgusting, and Crusty's no better.
Funny how the worm turns... I can even tolerate Caleb more than them now.
No, her face was swollen and she could hardly talk. She's still saying things funny even for Victoria. She's on 800 mg ibuprophen 3 times a day for the inflammation and pain. They didn't send her out to the ER. Her blood pressure was low and she was really sweaty so I can see why they gave her IV fluids.
Meantime, this new TA mission is quite funny. Donny can totally work this in his favor and have them keep him this week. My dream would be to have both Donny and Nicole stay and get Christine out of there.
Petals,That is hilarious about BMC claiming he was passed over by 2 police forces. It fits perfectly into his Napolean/Little man complex.
My feeds are canceled as of tomorrow. Please BB evict my favorite player,Donny,so I can turn my attention to more interesting things like watching paint dry.
They likely gave Victoria a choice whether to go to the ER or not. If she were in great danger of keeling over, they'd have sent her over her objections, but otherwise if she said no, I don't think they can force her.
Uncartie, why in the world did you cancel your feeds? We still have a lot of game to go.
I'm waiting for the faceoff between Frankie and Derrick. That should be good.
As a person who had a terrible time with abcessed & impacted wisdom teeth I do empathize with Victoria.
I am glad to know other people heard the bourgeois comment too. I know my hearing isn't going.
Another thing I meant to mention is last night the owl on BBAD had a pink mohawk a la Frankie. CBS is not pulling any punches or trying to be coy about BB16 being the Frankie J Grande show. What a kick in the teeth to all BB fans and the other hamsters.
I agree, I said earlier he needs to think of getting Caleb backdoored since Caleb all but said he and Frankie have a final two.
If he can knock one of Frankies number off now they could technically flip the house with Donny and Nicole.
I am not so sure how Cody would feel about that but Cody doesn't have a mind of his own. He does was Derrick suggests.
If Cody thinks these noms were his own idea he is an idiot.
Cody did tell Caleb that if either Nicole or Donny win POV then Victoria goes up. If Nicole wins POV i dont' think that Derrick will let that happen as he doesn't want Donny to go out(TA) and he still wants Victoria as a number for himself.
I didn't pay any attention to that, I usually get up and go outside to smoke or get something to drink during commercials.
Did you see on Thursday night the tribute to ZANKIE
that they did before the show started?
Chacha, I didn't watch BBAD on Thursday night. If they had a tribute for Zankie I am glad I missed the Frankie part of that!
Remember last year? It was the Amanda/McRae bedfest? She held court from her bed, got 80% of the feed-time.
So now, this season, with Frankie.
What do they have in common? They both are from FL, maybe they have the same agent? Even if not the same, they both absolutely HAVE an AGENT! Maybe part of the "deal" is that they get a certain percentage of camera-time as well as a good edit.
Just a theory...
I was sick when I heard about the owl/pink mohawk. Sick Sick Sick.
Thinking of CBS doing all of this for FJG is horrible and I hope thier ratings show it. It is true that Amanda is friends with Grodner and I am sorry but she has taken this show to a new low.
Problems start and the top and she is responsible.
Hey - who wants to play the game of Guess what Crustie's deep, dark secret it!
I think she & her husband have sex online, like live. (she told Derrick it had to remain quiet because of her religion)
That's my first guess.
Ugh! Cody won POV and gets to see the new CBS show Scorpion. At least he picked Donny and Nicole to go too so they can eat. Of course Caleb's pissed because he said Donny's going to jury and can watch 100 movies, LOL
LOL, best tweet of the night goes to Pickle Banana:
They had the counting veto. Cody won. Final question, how many balls does Cody have. Everyone said 2, Cody said 0 and was right. #bb16
So the Veto comp was Stay/Fold
So Cody just told Nicole that Donny is leaving on Thursday.
Who would like to stay or fold on that really happening.
I truly believe that Frankie and Derrick will flip the Vote and Donny will Stay.
I really hope it just makes all of these house guests cringe when they find out how much America dislikes some of them.
It will make them so mad that Donny and Nicole are really well liked.
I want to see these scallywags booed when they leave. :-(
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