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Derrick consoles Jocasta |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fresh HoHs:
- As I mentioned in my previous little blurb -- Nicole and Donny are the new HoHs.
- Jocasta just about had a nervous breakdown after retrieving her bag. She had wanted to win so bad and to go out first again!
- Derrick really did a good job consoling her.
- But her first again out of a comp didn't go unnoticed.
- Zach told Nicole she could put him on the block and he'd have no hard feelings.
- He better be careful what he wishes for!
- Nicole told Cody she wants to protect Derrick, but doesn't want to show all of her cards to Donny.
- When Derrick told Nicole that her plan to lose comps failed, she told him she felt she had to go for the win with Caleb and Zach still in the game. She's sure one of them would have put her on the block.
- Hayden thinks he's safe because he's close to both Nicole and Donny.
- He's probably right.
- Donny said he had a plan for HoH last night before going into it, but it was more of a single HoH plan. He thought they'd stop having the two.
- Donny told Derrick he wouldn't nominate him.
- So, Derrick seems to be sitting pretty this week, too.
- Caleb talked about going out on a date with Amber after the season ends.
- @@
- Donny seems to be leaning towards Caleb as a nomination. He told Caleb that if he did nominate him, it's because Caleb had nominated him before. He also said it would be a nomination with a chance to win at BotB or PoV.
- Donny got a sweet letter from his girlfriend at home.
- Aw.
- With Hayden present, Donny said he'd probably put up Caleb and Victoria. Nicole thinks she might put up Jocasta and Zach.
- Hayden kept talking about Frankie being the impetus to most of the things going on in the house.
- I don't think Donny would put Frankie up due to TA.
- I don't think Nicole has the nerve to make that big a move.
- But I do think that Nicole just might be willing to backdoor Frankie.
- Hmm.
- She says she's not sure ... but maybe!
- The latest new final four group is Nicole, Hayden, Cody and Derrick.
- We'll see how long that lasts.
- And we'll see how the nominations go later today ...
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Zach offers to go on the block |
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An Amberless man |
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Storage room meeting |
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Who wants to see my HoH room? |
I am so happy Donny and Nicole got HOH, but I am tired of the double HOH.
Didn't I read here lately this week is a double eviction?
Yes, it will be a double elimination next thursday. I think it will also be the end of the double HOH. I don't see how they can do a double HOH in a single show and still evict someone.
I hope Donny wins this thing!
IMO Derrick is a good guy. I think when he consoles people he really means it. He genuinely feels for them, I just don't think he will let it influence his game play. He came to win the money and he's playing a masterful game.
BJ, I think you are right. Derrick is one of the few with his eyes on the prize. I also like him as a person. I always think to myself each season as I watch the show, "Would I want to sit down and have a pizza with this person?" Derrick is someone I really would.
Has anyone questioned his "parks and recreation" cover?
Witt, they've been so over-the-top suspicious of Donny's story that I don't think anyone has given a thought to Derrick's occupation.
I really wanted BB to give Frankie his sister's CD in his last HOH basket. I want his cover blown!
I am so hoping that Frankie and Christine leave soon. I don't want another weasel to win.
I want Nicole to stay HOH only to see her actually backdoor frankie. I just don't think she will go through with it.
My heart wants Donny to remain HOH because I want him safe this week and hopefully make it through DE
I wonder why we haven't heard about another TA assignment. I understand that they had the assignment last night.
Maybe they are waiting to see the final nominations.
I really don't want Zach to leave this week...
I adore Donny and I think how he read his letter is what made me tear up more than what it said. Sweet!
I don't mind the double HOH I just wish they would use it better, put up equal strong teams (all boys) let them earn their places to stay by winning instead of constantly using the "weak" players.
I am glad Derrick blew Christine's cover to Nicole. She see's it now too. Chistine is going to throw every HOH but the thing is, she is NOT Dan.
I hope Frankie and Christine leave in the Double Eviction.
Save Zach, we need to laugh!!!
ChaCha, I'm wondering if TA will go away since they've had one 'failed' mission and then turned down the next.
Frankie was kind of upset that Donny didn't want to do the latest mission. After all, Frankie would have been quite safe since he couldn't vote... so no fingers would be pointing at him. He's SO obvious.
I don't think it will be over. Julie said we would have input all season.
On the other hand maybe that input would be have not choices.
I would have been upset if they took on that mission, it made Donny get evicted and Fankie sat back laughing all the way.
I just have to think back to Eric Stein in BB8.. america's involvement was his downfall and lead to his eviction.
I'm hoping Nicole remains HOH so Donny can play in the next HOH. He really needs to win it. The double happens so fast and he could be in real jeopardy depending on who wins the first HOH next week during the DE.
Another reason to like Donny! Steve Perry & Journey are one of my all time favorites.
Looks like Jocasta & Victoria will be nom'ed AGAIN!! ugghh!
Pool results! I wonder... Do JimmyB, SueGee on the Left Coast, Sharon S, monty924 and Janice from GA feel bad about getting Caela, Sharon, Glenn, PDX Granny and Jennifer kicked out of the pool? After all, it was your boy who ruined Amber's chances in the game :-)
Here's where we stand now:
Caleb - JimmyB, SueGee on the Left Coast, Sharon S, monty924, Janice from GA
Christine - ReeseB0329, EileenH, Willie J, Ronda, Rbennie
Cody - Delee, Nickelpeed, WolfpackRed, Nell the Southern Belle, Sally in Indiana
Derrick - Ed in Ohio, Jessica UNderwood, Marlo, Stormy, Erinkate
Donny - Buzzmaam, Tami, JonMD1267, Margo, Kelsey Gronda
Frankie - Aya, JOKATS, Ninboh, Tammy, Becky
Hayden - Donna in FL, Chacha, Sasha, Uncartie, Clover
Jocasta - Brenda, Kelly Davey, Cheryl in NC, Old mom, Maquinn78
Nicole - Jo, Witt, Celticskye, Tilda
Victoria - Dr_Celine, ORKMommy, Sharon N, Faye
Zach - Brian, NikkiB, Kathy, David
Amber - Caela, Sharon, Glenn, PDX Granny, Jennifer
Brittany - Dierdre, ML, Shannon, Gaylos, Donna E
Devin - Donna in Alabama, Lili, Sparty, Merrilee, SarahT
PauPau - Jackie, Lisa Bishop, Chrob61, lynn1
I kind of understand their theory of putting up weak for the BOB, but those options are running low, so they have to put up 1 weak and 1 stronger on both sides now. Personally, I'd like to have 4 strong battle it out.
Since I don't like Frankie or Christine, I'd like them both out. Not picky, but preferably in that order because most are "on to" both their games now.
This season seems to be a a little different. Used to be, they would say, 'floaters get a life vest," but then paranoia would have them getting out most of the stronger players instead. So most seasons end up a Final-2 with at least 1 weak-fish.
Too early to tell how this season will really go yet, but if Christine receives the boot, that will be one huge floater out. Same with Victoria.
I'm still on the fence about Jocasta's game. It appears she'd really like to win a comp, but doesn't seem to have the capability. I'd like to think she's pulling some trickery with all the sickness and losing comps, but it's not likely.
King Beast Mode may have lost his queen (Amber) but now may have found & will protect someone new.... (Victoria). BOTB
Nicole has nominated Zach and Jocasta.
Donny has nominated Caleb and Victoria.
Should be an interesting BOB comp now... neither Caleb or Zack want to be OTB. In a way, we are getting our wish... 1 stronger and 1 weaker nom'd by each.
Zack is thoroughly ticked-off at Nicole for putting him up. He told her to put him up, but then he backed off that request. He verbally slaps people around and then doesn't expect retribution? Silly boy.
I wish they'd put the men up. Both need to make a HUGE move. They have not done one as of yet. I would love to see Christine go; however, I really want to see one of the men ousted first. Someone needs to call Christine out.
Wow, Jocosta and Victoria just keep on being thrown to the wolves. I thought they'd put up Christine??? Oh well.
Sure, they put up two men, but the other two women are the same old same old.
I think Zach and Jacosta have a much better chance at winning than Caleb and Victoria. Unless it's a physical comp that Caleb can carry Victoria through. Victoria is pretty useless in comps!
In a perfect BB world, Caleb and Victoria win BotB, Zach then wins veto and Nicole puts Frankie up. She's said she won't BD Donny, Derrick, Cody or Christine so that only leaves Frankie. :)))
I like your thinking. I want Zach totally safe though. He brings fun to the feeds(when he is awake).
I watched a podcast with his parents yesterday and they are very funny.
Monty... in a perfect world. :)
Whoever wins will have Frankie crawling all over them to do his bidding.
And Crustine will be trying to dig out info for Frankie... and for herself.
I love that.
Also if Nicole is dethroned then Crustine will be scrambling big time!!
Funkie will turn that fake southern charm on and it wont work on Donny!!!
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