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I don't want to talk about this for four days! |
As with any final three in the dwindling days in the house, there isn't a lot going on in the Big Brother House of Antsy Hamsters:
- The final part of the HoH comp will be on the live finale show -- Derrick against Cody.
- Victoria knows she's out of the whole shebang unless one of them, either of them, take her to the final two.
- She doubts Cody will take her.
- She thought Derrick would take her, but didn't realize until last week that Derrick and Cody had a final two deal.
- When Cody and Derrick talked, Derrick told Cody that the Diary Room told him he cannot tell Victoria that he wouldn't/won't take her to the final two if he wins HoH.
- Meanwhile, Victoria is coming to the realization that Derrick probably won't take her to the final two.
- And on and on.
- Derrick had a big long talk with her pretty much telling her he doesn't want to talk about it.
- He claims that he doesn't know what he'll do.
- But he did tell her (and she knew) that if he's in the final two with her, others have promised in spite that they would vote for her to win.
- All the time they talked, Cody played pool by himself and amused himself.
- It looks like we'll have a Cody/Derrick final two.
- But I don't want to talk about that for the next four days!
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But ... but ... |
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Still friends? |
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Just tell her, dude! |
Why would either of them take the other, when taking Victoria would ensure the $500K?
I would be shocked if Derrick, in particular, who has shown his intelligence throughout, made such a stupid mistake.
I do not think it is stupid to not take Victoria. The jury will see that as Derrick whipping out taking the easy road. I think the jury will not reward that and vote for Victory in spite. He is smart in not taking her. Victory may not be to smart in some areas of play abut she did make it to the final three and no matter how she did it she did better than all of the jury members.
I don't understand why they drag this last week out every season. I would have been happy if they pre-taped both evictions for Tuesday and Wednesday and had the finale on Friday. This just seems pointless.
Anon 10:32, Stormy 9:18, I agree with you both. I am so sick of this group of hamsters.
I just came on to see Jackie's pictures and vote for Donny. Well, I did want to see if there were any comments too.
My daughter was here this weekend. She asked my why I wsas watching BB, that is was all garbage. I told her the truth, I do it so I can interact with the people on Jackie's blog. I told her that was more fun than the show. I watched the show so I could see what the group thought... plus it was fun commenting with all of you.
Becky, I totally agree with you! I visit Jackie's blog daily during BB (though I am never quite coordinated enough to come to blog parties on show nights -- have never been able to watch, type and eat at the same time). I so enjoy the fun conversations with others who share my fondness for this silly show. I ESPECIALLY (this summer) tip my hat way high to Jackie, who had to watch all this in order to provide us with our fun. THANK YOU JACKIE!!
Stormy is totally right. The jury will vote out of spite, and hand Victoria the win when she doesn't deserve it.
Another one agreeing with Stormy.
The BS made a pact that if any of them made it to F2 and took Victoria with them, the rest would vote for HER to win!
I 100% believe those BS members on the Jury would stick to that pact. Derrick knows they would too, so it's better for him to take the chance with Cody.
Cody & Derrick will take each other to the final two? How Fitting! A perfectly boring ending to the most boring season of BB ever!
I don't think it is a horrible idea for Derrick and Cody to take each other. Do you want to take a goat and always wonder if you would have won it outright if you took your true competition? For me (and just my opinion), I would always wonder. Rachel took Porshe, when she should have taken Bacon Boy Adam but she took her competition and won it legit.
Feels weird not having a show to look forward to tonight.
Thanks Monty... I almost spit soda all over my keyboard!
Bacon Boy Adam!!!!! LMAO
LOL @ Sharon. Well he was, hahaha
I know one thing for sure. Jackie and the folks on her blog could put together a better and much more entertaining season of BB if they were in charge of everything including casting. Now that would be a show!
Give the fans what they want, a good competition with the unexpected almost every week and not have the ending GO ON FOREVER!
I am thinking maybe Petals would be at least one half of casting.
monty924 said...
I don't think it is a horrible idea for Derrick and Cody to take each other. Do you want to take a goat and always wonder if you would have won it outright if you took your true competition?
Monty,The object of the game is to win 500,0000 and thus the smart move is to take Victoria. Why take a chance,end up coming in second,and regretting the decision for the rest of your life?
I don't recall reading anything about a BS pact involving Victoria...was this made early on?
"Ariana Grande @ArianaGrande · 20h ago
I voted for Frankie in the #BB16 Fav Houseguest vote. Vote now: http://bit.ly/1oJGsZG http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/favorite-houseguest-vote/ … all my love @frankiejgrande"
In Derrick and Cody's minds, the BS pact has put them both between a rock and a hard spot! None of us knows if Frankie, Caleb or Christine could convince the rest of the Jury to vote for a Victoria win.
In any case, it appears that Derrick and Cody are willing to risk that if they take each other to F2... "I will be the lucky one to win 500K."
I doubt either one is willing to risk taking Victoria on the chance that the BS would ensure they could only receive 50k.
In Derrick's eyes, the BS pact was confirmed when Frankie "encouraged" him to take Victoria to F2.
We'll all know on Wednesday!!
Bad news Uncartie. grrrrrrr
Must have got wind that he was probably losing badly from someone on the inside.
I notice TVGN/BBAD will not be doing/showing the after show backyard interviews this year. That was probably the best part of Finale night last year. Anyone got any idea if another channel or online will be showing them live? Will probably end up having to watch the edited ones when put up. =((
David, seems like Evil Dick does some interviews, but not sure if it's on his own, or it's paid by CBS/TVGN too?
In the past, I've been able to catch some links to interviews on Hamsterwatch.
Wonder if all that will be cut too???
Anon 5:24
There was an agreement among the Bomb Squad members that if a BS member took a non-member to F2, all BS members on the jury would vote against the BS member in F2. It was a way of insuring loyalty.
A few days ago, Derrick talked about Frankie telling him that he should take Victoria to F2. Then he said, “Does he think I'm an idiot? That I forgot the pact we all made that if one of us took her to F2 we'd all vote for her?”
I agree with Becky. I would have stopped watching this show many years ago if it weren't for Jackie's blog & all the interesting comments. The comments are thoughtful, interesting & funny! No trolls here. Thank you Jackie!!!!!!
It's funny - at first, everyone wanted to take Victoria because it was a guaranteed win. But with that bitter jury, the tune has changed. Odd.
I am really clueless who will WIN.
Thanks Sharon....I'm glad at least Derrick knows what Snakie was trying to do....At the moment on Jokers, V is driving Derrick absolutely nuts, if he was considering taking her, she's wrecking it!
Well Unc, I did say that it was a possibility that Derrick and Cody wouldn't want to take a goat like Victoria so yes, those are my sentiments on the whole thing. I don't blame them. I think they both know it's a gamble but they're willing to take it. They're the ones playing the game. We certainly are not. :)))
I can't believe we have to wait until Wednesday for this. Why did BB give them and us an entire week to stew on it. Not liking this final schedule. Hopefully they change it next season.
LOL, I love the "How to Pick a Winner Edition" every year. Head over to the other cool site besides Jackie's when it comes to BB.
Dingo always puts in in perspective in a cool way. :))
Is Derrick the first contestant ever to not be on the block?
Victoria's whining/wheedling reminds me of a teenager "working" her parents.
I don't think her 'act' will work with Derrick or Cody.
In fact, it's p'ing them off more than anything.
Pretty soon, I expect they'll just start avoiding her altogether.
Instead of begging Derrick to take her she should be talking to Cody and telling him he has zero chance of winning against Derrick. This just proves to me that she has no game play and never did.
Anon 10:05, no. Danielle in BB3 and Jason BB3 were never on the block and made it to final three but neither won the game. Lisa did that season.
Thanks Monty....still an impressive stat =)
Sharon, I was just thinking about that too. Remember how Danielle tried to intimidate Ian? LOL, of course she was doing it because Dan told her to, but she went overboard big time and it only made Ian want to take Dan even more, LOL. Victoria is a sweet girl/young woman but she's in over her head and I don't think her whining is winning her any brownie points.
True, Victoria could work on Cody, but I don't think either guy feels they have much of a choice... simply because of the BS pact "fear."
Would the BS jurors actually try to turn the votes for Victoria?
Consider: there are 6 members in the jury right now. If Derrick or Cody take Victoria, that would make 7. That does not make for good odds!!
If any of us was in the same position to choose, I think it's questionable that we would want to take a chance on the vote either.
Well, we knew why they suffered having fish EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
FJG's demands.
Now that he's gone, they've had Chinese and Greek food, and tonight they are having red meat.... STEAKS!!!
I count five BS members on the jury Caleb, Christine, Hayden, Zach, Frankie...who am I missing Sharon, I fee like i'm having a blonde moment lol
Victoria is only one vote and she will have zero influence on the jury. She'll be evicted and go out to sit with them for questioning and will have NO time to change any opinions. Dear delusional Danielle thought she could but we all know how well that worked out for Dan. Ian smoked him. Beside that, Vic will vote for Derrick regardless of who evicts her. :))
Anon 11:24 Call it a blonde moment! LOL
You are correct, there are 5 in Jury right now.
If Derrick or Cody go to Jury, it will be 6.
either way, BS majority......decisions decisions
Voting is OPEN for Monday now.
Got my 20 in for Donny!!!
Yes. =)) Just voted another for Donny.
Get your votes in now. This is the last day and voting closes in about 12 1/2 hours from now.
Closes at 10am PT, 1 pm ET.
Got my 20 in for Donny so I didn't miss the cutoff in the morning... 3 more long days until we see if us true fans can win this for him!
Sorry, this is just a rant, but does Victoria know any other way to talk than whine or shriek? I happened to tune in the last two nights and if I ever had kind thoughts about her, they went up in smoke with her crappy attitude, whining, and yelling and shrieking. Between her and Cody last night, I finally had to turn it off. I just want them to all go home.
So about 40 minutes ago Frankie's mom tweeted out that since both Frankie and Donny got money from Team America, the right thing to do is vote Zach for AFP. Very interesting...not that anything can really be done now on the final day of voting, but we shall see. AFP will be way more of a toss up than who wins the $500k it appears lol.
Lol ...Nick...I guess she didn't know voting ending this morning....I'm guessing she doesn't want her boy losing to Donny...which I hope soooo does happen
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