Friday, September 05, 2014

Big Brother 16: Live Feeds Nominations Bulletin - September 5

Nominations seem to be in. No surprises -- it's what Frankie said he was going to do. Victoria and Cody on the block; Victoria is the target. Cody has been assured safety by Caleb. We keep getting interference with random Jeff interviews. However, due to extended Jeff interviews before the conversation between Cody and Caleb about Derrick and him not voting him out if the veto isn't used ... I'm calling it. If I hear different, I'll update.

Of course, none of them know this is all for naught as they pushed the reset button.


Sandaroo1 said...

I have direct tv & can't watch due to our local cbs station & direct tv not reaching an agreement so can someone please tell me what the reset button means??? Thx I would appreciate it!!!

Anonymous said...

The reset buttons starts the whole week over come elimination night...they will re-do HOH, nominations, Veto Frankies HOH is null and void

Sandaroo1 said...

Thanks so much!!! So they have no idea what the button is.

Sharon N said...

That's correct, they have no idea. Derrick is convinced the button is not going to be anything good and will mess up his game. He ried to convince everyone not to push the button, but he was ultimately overruled and they pushed it all at the same time. The other HGs are sure the button means $$ or a luxury. After it was pushed, the message changed from "it's your choice" to a countdown of days/minutes and seconds until they will know.

On the lighter side...
Even though it's been more than a week, and I'm sure everyone has seen this "The Truth about Donn" clip by now.
I can't stop watching the expressions on Cody's & Derrick's faces, along with the matching background sounds... priceless!

Lili said...

This whole season would be worthwhile if after the reset, and Frankie realizes his whole HOH meant nada that Victoria wins the HOH, puts Frankie and whoever up and Frankie goes out!!!!

A girl can dream.


Terry is a Texan! said...

Lili I pray you are right, he needs to go I cannot take him anymore

Becky said...

Can't wait to see Frankie's face when he finds out what the reset button means!

Question, does this nulify Frankie's HOH and he has to compete again?

Anonymous said...

Lily, Make that happen please.
That would make me happier than listening to the boo's for Christine, and I can tell you I was very very happy about that.
Frankie leaving will make the rest at least bearable.

Nickelpeed said...

Can't wait to see Frankie's face when he realizes it's a reset. I hope he doesn't rewin HOH.

So, after Frankie said not to push it, they all did. Too, too funny.

Derrick is right. He's going to say he was right.

Nickelpeed said...

Becky, I resets everything, the HOH and his nominations. I don't know if he can compete again. Probably so.

Sharon N said...

With a reset, I think it will reset everything... as though it never happened.
Which probably means FJG will be able to play since his HOH didn't exist.

In the meantime, back at the BB ranch...
Looks like there was a little celebration with Jeff, Jordan and their families in the back yard. Cake and Champagne... about time!! :)

Probably did it today so the yard could be set up, with families flown in from various states... and the whole thing could be filmed for show.

monty924 said...

Nicole's Live Chat is posted on youtube already by a fan

Terry is a Texan! said...

so the reason the feeds were blocked was Jeff proposed to Jordon on set and the HG were all there???

monty924 said...

Yes Terry. They filmed it today in the BY. The houseguests all commented on how big her ring was :)))

Both Nicole and Christine's Live Chats are up on CBS now. I was surprised that Christine didn't appear phased one bit by last night's reception. The interview was actually interesting if you could just block out that nervous laugh/cackle.

uncartie said...

Monty,I can understand why Christine wasn't fazed by the boos. It's only the idiots that think that BB is going to be their stepping stone to celebrity that care,FJG,Caleb,Zach,etc. Last year Aaryn was upset over them.
She was pursuing a modeling career. If you'll recall during the season one of her comments was "I better get a good job out of this".

Christine never was seeking fame or celebrity status. She had to have figured out that FJG was never going to help her hubby even if he could. She will now go back to her home and fade into obscurity.

uncartie said...

Jeff said the "the house smells" @@
Anyone surprised?

BMC continues to be completely wrong when evaluating situations...
Caleb says Derrick is sitting the prettiest out of us all, but he can't win against anyone, so no matter what one of us will take him to the end.

In reality,barring any catastrophic events, Derrick will win against any of those left. No one even comes close. Nobody in jury hates him,and some really like him,and he's managed to never been on the block.

monty924 said...

Jordan's ring...

Petals said...

I saw the Crust's exit interview. I don't buy it at all. Bitter, nasty person. Period. To the end.

Anything she said to cover her nasty feelings is a lie. IMO

Petals said...

PS - her jealousy of Nicole is so obvious. It bleeds in to everything she said & did.

Hilarious. Expected.

monty924 said...

I agree. I said interesting, not good. LOL

I was surprised though :))

Sharon N said...

Re the Jeff & Jordan engagement today.
How much do you bet that CBS will be 'doing' the wedding for Jeff & Jordan?
Seems pretty obvious to me with the camera following Jeff as he's picking up the ring, the big engagement party at BB house today, and then the engagement announced on the BB show.
Yup, the wedding will be televised.

Sharon N said...

Have to laugh... they are just now realizing that they have opted to live worse than pigs... and they've gone on a cleaning binge. It took Jeff coming in the house and mentioning it how bad it stinks... worse than it did in his seasons!

Anonymous said...

I really like Jeff and Jordon, and for many reasons. They are a very cute couple and a class act at all times. I can see why CBS would want them in thier family. I am sure they will host the wedding. Good, they deserve good.

CBS is also wooing FJG and that isn't okay. He is certainly not a class act, in fact is the opposite of that. Vivid Entertainment should be calling on him not CBS.

I just don't get why CBS wants FJG in their pocket. I can't even stand it when his sister is on TV because she reminds me of FG. Ewwwww

Sharon N said...

Ok, I have a question for someone who listened carefully to what Julie said about the Button.

Are we all assuming it's a "reset" that will erase FJG's HOH week?
If we are wrong, the outcome of the Button being pushed might be very different.

For instance, if the wording was.... if the button is pushed, "the noms will CHANGE."
Since FJG put up Cody/Victoria, that 'could' mean the noms would change to Derrick & Caleb, and one of them would be going home!

Terry is a Texan! said...

thanks Monty!
Im sure they will get a freebie wedding out of this..they should they suffered!
The ring was huge thanks for the picture, im sure he got it at a very decent price given the advertising the store got out of it.
I really like them both

monty924 said...

Sharon, she clarified it in her weekly Q&A with Entertainment Weekly. The entire week will be erased and only those who played in the HOH will play in it again. In other words, Derrick isn't eligible. At least that's how I read it.

monty924 said...

She also had strong words about Christine.

David said...

Julie did say on the live show that with the rewind, <--- what they called it, the current HOH could go on the block and out the door if the button is pushed.
I watched last nights show twice because I wanted to see Christine getting evicted again. She deserved to be evicted twice. =)
After watching her eviction twice and the Jeff interview she must of had an idea she was hated or is used to it in her life because she just does not react to it the way most people would.
In her interview when asked about working with Donny you can see her hatred coming through as she said there is no way she would ever consider or do that. (paraphrasing) She really did hate him from the beginning is what I got from that. Something strange is going on there.

Robin said...

I wonder if there's any chance that production will consider Donny to still be a member of Team America, and if they successfully complete the task, he'll get 5 grand too. I really wish they hadn't offered the new task, and I didn't vote, but since they did, including Donny would make it more tolerable.

Sharon N said...

Thanks Monty,
It could get interesting if BB has them do the entire vote sequence and announce the evicted... just before announcing the "reset." Particularly if the guys decide to vote out Cody!

Even with Derrick not being able to play, he's been so careful not to tell anyone any of his plans, so he "might" be safe from eviction. Nobody thinks he's a threat... yet. If he's voted out, it will be a straight shot for FJG to win. BARF

With so few people left in the house and FJG as HOH, we are going to be subjected to more mugging/showtime for the cameras than ever before. I didn't think it could be possible, but yeah, it could. @@

monty924 said...

Okay, TA is convincing everyone in the house that there's a rodent in the house. UGH

I liked A better, LOL

Sharon N said...

Count me in as very happy for Jeff and Jordan. A cute couple and they've stood a good test of time..l and distance! :)
They are 2 of the best-known faces of Big Brother, so CBS handling their wedding is a natural, and guaranteed ratings with the BB faithful.

Sharon N said...

Something tells me, not very many people voted the the TA challenge.
The way Derrick is describing this mission, it's a big fat NOTHING.
This is such a wimpy challenge.

David said...

Who voted for the chase a rodent TA task. Seriously lame task and to easy. Trying to get everyone to starve themselves for a day would have been better. They only have to keep everyone up until 6am which they are up until then anyway. Worst task ever.
They should not have recieved another task at all.
This is one that will get the conspirousy theory people going as to easy and a give-me.

Sharon N said...

David, both of the tasks sucked IMO.
1) They would NEVER be able to get everyone to 'fast' for a day, no without a VERY good reason, and I don't think Cody, Caleb or Victoria could be convinced. They would all sneak snacks.
2) A rodent in the house. Really?
With 4 being guys, and I don't know many guys who get worked up over a rodent... the only one who would get worked up would be Victoria. sheesh

Totally stupid.

monty924 said...

Victoria has more knowledge of past BB seasons than Caleb.

caleb: Dan one because he beasted it. He smoked them in competitions.

Victoria: Only at the end. He didn't win any early on.

Ding, ding, ding
Round One to Victoria

monty924 said...

David, I wanted A because I don't want to see Frankie or Derrick get one more dime of TA money. I'm bitter that way, LOL

David said...

I am the Same Monty, that is why I threw all 40 votes to A because I didn't think it could be done. I don't want them to get another penny for TA tasks. As said, people must not have voted and the casual watchers picked B. Or CBS just gave them that task and didn't care about the voting. lol