Sunday, May 31, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 31, 2015

Good morning! It's Sunday morning. You know what that means. It's time for my weekly off television topic reflection on the past week in both words and photographs I took along the way. I've been on a staycation (budget not allowing any extended trips, but I needed to take the time off) this week. I was thinking of going into the city to capture Manhattanhenge but it was too muggy, I was too lazy and now it's such a crowded event that it's almost annoying.

I did make a trip into neighboring Westfield and spent a part of one day at Mindowaskin Park. Most of this week's photos are from my park visit. For the first time since I started visiting the park several years back, I saw three bullfrogs. I didn't get any photos of them as I startled each one of them and they leaped into the water. Hey, they startled me, too!

A chipmunk also scared me at the park. There I was, innocently sitting on a bench, looking through photos I had taken. Next to the bench, set in the grass, was an old sewer grate. I just caught movement from the side and my thought was RAT or PENNYWISE THE DANCING CLOWN! Er, no. It was a chipmunk. I did get a few shots of it, but they didn't turn out all that well as he ran so darn fast.

The biggest news of the week is that my horrible, noisy, thumping so my floorboards move, child screaming at all hours neighbors moved out! I hadn't voiced any more complaints to the landlord about them since the first time. I figured whoever moved in under them would take care of that. And, so it did. Apparently the landlord lost a second tenant who moved under them.

Alas, they only moved downstairs to the first floor -- the very same apartment that two different families moved out of because of them.  I would guess the were given the ultimatum to move to the first floor or out of the building. It's been blissfully quiet here since they went away. Yay!

If you missed it, I wrote a post with some Big Brother news in it the other day. As more information comes around, I'll be posting. You can always find my BB posts by using this tag.

Onto the photos from the week! I might share some more of the gosling shots next week as they were so cute. I didn't make a slideshow as some people were having trouble loading it. If you click on an image, you'll get a larger view in a gallery.

Wood (or Carolina) Duck

This is the second time in several years that I've photographed a male Wood Duck at Mindowaskin Park. I have yet to see a female there. This male, like the last one I saw, stayed alone, refusing to mingle with the mallards or (heaven forbid) the Canada geese.

The mallard has his own beauty

The males are the ones with the white bodies and iridescent heads. Both male and female sport a swatch of blue or purple speculum feathers on their wings.

Mallard's colors close-up

I love the color of the blue on this mallard!


Friday, May 29, 2015

Big Brother Tidbits

Big Brother 11 Blog Logo photo BB-09-smJackieMA28497852-0002.gif

I know you're all itching for news on the upcoming season or, more likely, for it to start already. However, I don't expect any casting news for a good three weeks or so. That in mind, I decided I should post some newsy bits about the upcoming season and pass on some recent happenings with past house hamsters.

To start things off ...

Big Brother 17 will kick off with a two-night season premiere -- Wednesday, June 24 and Thursday, June 25 -- both nights are 8pm ET/PT although the Thursday live shows will return to the 9pm ET/PT the next week. The regular schedule for the show will be as in recent years: Sunday 8pm ET/PT, Wednesday 8pm ET/PT, Thursday 9pm ET/PT.

Regarding those live feeds ...

The bad news is that there will be no way for the Canadian audience to access the live feeds this season. The good news is that it's easier and cheaper for the United States show fans to get the live feeds. This year, they're bundling the live feeds into the CBS All Access subscription for a mere $5.99 a month. We'll still have the four camera and quad camera views (probably two cameras at different angles in the same room, but ...!) We'll still have the flashback feature to catch up and there are social aspects like chat rooms and such.

One cool thing about the CBS All Access subscription is that you can watch shows from previous seasons. I signed up this past week and so far I've watched the first season of Survivor and Twin Peaks. I've started skipping through episodes of my favorite BB season -- Season Two. No, you can't access the live feeds from past seasons.

You can sign up for the CBS All Access subscription at this link. You will need a credit card even though the first week is free. They rather bizarrely test out the card by taking a dollar out and putting it back in. Huh. It's the first time I've ever noticed that kind of thing with an online account.


CBS will be releasing pre-season bits via the All Access subscription. Right now I'm not seeing much of interest on there beyond access to all previous seasons aired shows (including BB1). On June 10th, BB16 winner Derrick Levasseur will have a private chat with subscribers. On June 15th, it will be Frankie Grande with a chat. Later that week (6/15), they're promising a live stream early reveal of the new houseguests. The live feeds themselves aren't expected to start until after the west coast viewing of the June 25 (Thursday) show.

Past hamsters in the news ...

Jeff and Jordan are the big ones in the news. Not only have they set their wedding date, they're appearing on WE tv's Marriage Boot Camp: Reality Stars. That show has its season premiere tonight (Friday, May 29) at 9pm ET/PT on, of course, WE tv.

For the first time, Survivor seasons were filmed out of order. While they'll be filming the show with previous castaways over the summer and airing it in September, Survivor 32 is already done and over with. But, we won't see it until February. And, guess who's on it? Caleb Reynolds from BB16. It's another Beauty, Brawn, Brains edition. I wonder what woman he'll creepily stalk on the island?

Back in February, Mike Boogie Malin filed for bankruptcy. On the other hand, Will Kirby still operates his successful dermatology practice. Meanwhile, BB14 winner Ian Terry is teaching physics in Texas. Howie Gordon has an actual television meteorologist job.

Life goes on.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 24, 2015

Good morning! I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend! Of course, Memorial Day isn't all about beaches and grilling -- please take time to remember the reason behind the holiday to think those who gave their lives in service to our country.

Since it is Sunday, that means it's time for my weekly off television topic reflections on the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way. I do plan to post some television stuff during the upcoming week even though The Amazing Race and Survivor are over for the season and the summer shows are yet to start. So, please check in for those!

Here are some random ramblings for you:
  • I'm on a staycation. I really, really need it. I actually need more than just a staycation, but that's all I can get. I'm so tired all the time! Plus, I'm really grouchy and I don't like to be that way.
  • On Thursday night I took a taxi home from the train station as I got home much later than I feel comfortable about hanging around on the downtown streets. (My neighborhood is fine; downtown can be scary at late night hours.) I went to the Yellow taxi across the street from the train station. They called an orange cab (Caribe) to take me home. That was weird.
  • Speaking of dangerous, I heard on my scanner last night that three people were shot in town along with many other assaults. It happened at a festival held in a park. I don't go to that sort of thing here.
  • I don't know what the theme is for autumn's Plainfield Library Photo Contest and can't find the information online. Hmm. 
  • Weather permitting, I hope to hit Mindowaskin Park in Westfield one day, perhaps head into the city (NYC) another and maybe even go to a farmer's market. 
  • I might just end up lazing about. Who knows?
Without further ado, here are this week's photographs. Clicking on an image will bring it up in a larger gallery view. I hope everyone has a great week!

Pulling into Plainfield

My train to work arrives at the station. Goody, goody.

The Red Admiral butterfly

He paused on a leaf just long enough for me to snag a quick rather not zoomed in photo.

A mother, father and adolescent pigeons practically posed for me at the Bridgewater Train station. The adult birds were very curious about the camera, yet watchful over their two offspring. I'm including a flash slideshow here. If you can't get it to come up on your computer or smartphone, the Photobucket link for the pigeon shots can be found right here.

JackiesTVBlog's Pigeons album on Photobucket


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Survivor: Worlds Apart Season Finale Blog Party Extravaganza!

Survivor fans ready?

Well, here we are at season's end. And, guess what? I don't care for ANY of them! I find this is the most wholly unlikeable cast ever on the show! How's them apples?

If anyone, I'd have to cheer on the castaway who was my random blog pool pick -- Carolyn. She's played a strategic game as well as winning challenges. She's no spring chicken when it comes to the overall cast, so that's mighty good. It's hard to be an older woman playing the game. Just ask me.

Er, no. Don't ask me. I haven't been, nor will I ever be, on the show. I'll just mock them from afar.

The only other one I think quasi-deserving of a win would be Mike. That doesn't mean I particularly like him. It just means he's played the game and I apparently have grown used to the hoarseness of his voice.

As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news. As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there with fresh fruits and vegetables ... um, make that cold beverages and calorie-laden snacky foods.

Before we get into the show, here are the latest blog pool standings from that Lovely Lifeguard Laurie:

Carolyn - Jackie, TerryinTX
Mike - meb, Nickelpeed 
Rodney - Margo 
Sierra - Jennasmom 
Will - Rbennie 


Let's get started!

Let's see how long the reminiscing takes. No wagering, please! Ding-ding! We have a winner -- eight minutes!

Finally, they're back at camp. Although all voted for Carolyn, it's Mike who is all alone. 

Reward Challenge is a convoluted affair with tiles shuffleboard, balancing them on machetes machetes over obstacles and more. The reward is loved ones visiting. The winner's loved one goes back to camp with them. Plus, the winner will have an advantage in the next Immunity Challenge.

Mike wins Reward and the advantage! Guessing at the talk in camp, he's going to need it. 

Mike's advantage is 30 minutes to explore the maze from the next Immunity Challenge. They will all be blindfolded and have to find four medallions and the Immunity Necklace. His Mom and he screw up and his advantage seems (at this point) to be knowing what the Immunity Challenge IS, not how to complete it. 

And, the Immunity Challenge is on! Mike wins it, but I don't think it's because he had the advantage.

Carolyn has to go to her Plan B, her bond with Mike. Sierra, Mike and Carolyn agree with Rodney going before anyone, Will as a second choice. I'm good with that. 

Rodney tries to get in with Mike. He does have a point that against him in the final, Mike would win. Rodney wants to push a Sierra vote. 

Time for Tribal Council. We'll see if Mike really wants to play with players or will go with the easy win over Rodney or Will. 

Rodney votes for Sierra with a bit too much confidence.

The tally -- Sierra, Rodney, Sierra, Sierra.

Oh, my. Whoa! Both Mike and Carolyn voted Sierra! Oh, my.

Into the Immunity Challenge! Untying knots to open a gate, water slides, keys, puzzle pieces. Mike wins with Carolyn second -- Will sucked at it and Rodney sucked even worse.

Rodney is sure the final three will be Mike, Will and Rodney. Hmm.  Mike tells Carolyn he'll vote Rodney with her, the others will vote for Carolyn. He thinks it will end in a fire challenge and she can practice and win. 

Mike tells us he'd rather lose to Mama C than win over two goats.

Tribal Council time!

The tally -- Rodney, Carolyn, Carolyn, Rodney ... as Mike promised. And, sure enough, it's a fire-making challenge. Carolyn didn't do all that well when practicing, but Rodney is pretty inept at everything. I guess we'll see ... after the commercial.

Dang, neither of them have a fire after twenty minutes! They keep getting replacement flints. The jury is yawning, now 45 minutes. 53 minutes. Rodney has had flame twice, now has fire. So does Carolyn. They have to burn through the rope. CAROLYN WINS! 

Rodney is now on the jury. He's very bitter. 

Jury ...
Joe -- You've got to earn it. Bring it. Earn my vote tonight.
Hali -- Mama C, stereotypical mother role disadvantage ... how did it affect game? Played hard, fought hard.
Rodney -- Will, how did you keep it real and will you keep it real with the jury? Try to make friends. It was all I had. Mama C -- power moves. Tyler, Dan. Hooked up with Mike. Plan A and back-up plans.
Tyler -- Mike, put all on jury. What did you bring in redeeming social manner? I saw paranoia. Mike wanted to do better socially, miserably failed at making bonds. "I suck."Carolyn -- I protected you, heartbroken, gutted. Redeem yourself. Most difficult vote. Survivor makes you do things to get to this point.
Sierra -- She asks Will which trait from the other two he likes in the game.
Jenn -- Addresses the jury and goes pro-Mike.  
Dan -- Mike, Colby Donaldson proved just because you win idols, you don't win the jury. No necklace to save your ass tonight. Mike apologizes to Dan. Dan thinks it's the most genuine thing he's said since the auction. 
Shirin -- She was hoping Mike and Will would be there. Will attacked her, Mike protected her. It was a million dollar moment for her. Doesn't mean Mike has her vote. Her vote goes to the one who played the best and that's Carolyn. Mike is like a howler monkey. Carolyn is a stingray. She was on the winning vote each time. Will is the dead fish. 

Okay, Shirin wins for the jury appearances! She quotes Sue Hawk, let it be the way nature intended. I think it's the only time I've actually enjoyed her this season. She had to be working on that since going to jury.

The vote is on and we should soon whisk to Hollywood. Rodney voted Will so he has one vote. Hali voted Mike. Jenn voted Mama C. Dan looks all befuddled and slams his head. Maybe he abstains! 

The tally -- Mike, Will, Carolyn, Mike, Mike, Mike ... MIKE WINS THE SEASON! 

Mike is no longer eligible to be on next season. He had been a choice in the Second Chance listing.

Huh. Still unlikeable people at the reunion.

The Second Chance cast for the next season to be announced. 

Kelly Wiglesworth 
Kimmie Kappenburg (sp)
Jeff Varner 
Keith Nale
Peih-Gee Lawe
Ciera Eastin
Vytas Baskauskas
Terry Dietz
Andrew Savage
Abi Gomes 
Kass McQuillen
Monica Padilla
Kelley Wentworth
Shirin Oskooi
Steve Fishbach 
Woo Hwang
Tasha Fox
Jeremy Collins
Spencer Bledsoe
Joe Anglim

Heading to Cambodia.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 17, 2015

Good morning! It's Sunday morning. You know what that means. It's time for my off television topic review of the week gone by in both words and photographs I've taken along the way.

Spring finally has its sturdy foothold here in my area of New Jersey. We've had at least one 90 degree day (boo) and a few overnights have been a bit more than chilly. Yet, there has been no mention of snow. Woot, woot!

It's also apparently heavy-duty construction time. I realize that spring always brings about some construction and road projects. But I've never seen so many everywhere like I am this year. In Plainfield, they opened the Park Avenue bridge by the Plainfield Train Station just in time to shut down the Watchung Avenue bridge on the other side of the station and keep traffic north/south crippled and detoured. Things have been going on on East Second Street (which really, really needs repaving -- I almost fell stepping in a pot hole) for the last six weeks or so. Now they're calling East Second Street the detour for East Front Street as they pave and re-line from Watchung Avenue to Terrill Road, thus crippling east/west travel.

Even by my workplace, construction has tied up the roads and they've done some mighty strange reworking of the travel lanes. In one place, it's definitely more dangerous for pedestrians in the crosswalk. In other places, it's going to create traffic issues as they took out lanes.

Here are some random thoughts and observations coming from the past week:
  • The railroad bridge work crews use an air horn to get their people off the tracks when trains are coming.
  • I'd like an air horn to blast bicycle riders on the sidewalks. Sure, I stand my ground and make them go around me. However, an air horn would be a lot more fun. No bicycling on the sidewalks!
  • I feel safe riding the train. In view of the distance covered and the commute time involved, I'd venture to guess my commuter train might hit 60mph or so. We have no curves on my work commute route. Now they're saying that the train in the horrific Philly crash might have been hit by a projectile. I've seen people (mostly kids) do that. Once a rock hit the window by my head. It didn't break the window, but it did make me almost jump out of my seat.
  • The Plainfield Police are making people move their parked cars on my street (for repaving) by sitting there with their sirens on early in the morning. That's annoying. Just tow the darn cars. The signs are up all over the place. If they don't get it, they deserve to pay the towing charges.
  • I am exhausted. At times I feel my work is crushing my soul. I'd rather work with big cats or other animals. People are draining me dry. I can only hope retirement in a few years is financially doable. Then I can pursue things I enjoy doing and, hopefully, have a more positive outlook. Right now, I'm just too tired to do much other than work, sleep and eat.
  • I'm going to go through Letterman withdrawal later this week. Sniffle. The big Survivor three-hour finale/reunion and Letterman's last show air on Wednesday night.
Onto this week's photos -- clicking on an image will bring it up in a larger window gallery thingee ...

Just Chillin'

The Plainfield area skateboard/bicycle-tricks teenage crowd has a new hangout. It looks like a combination skateboard, tattoo and skateboard culture gear store has opened on East Front Street. It's just up the block from their skating "arena" near the Park-Madison complex. Now, if I were a parent, I'd have plenty of worries as these kids never wear safety gear and the tricks they do involve a lot of falling on pavement. As a citizen (and they're not doing it outside my windows at home), I think it's just fine. If these guys are focused on learning new skateboard tricks and having fun ... go for it. It's 100% better than other things they could be doing and what many kids are involved in around town.

Pretty in pink

These have been planted near town homes on East Front Street in Plainfield. Whatever they are, they're certainly very pretty.


A pigeon on North Avenue in Plainfield shows off his impressive wingspan.


Friday, May 15, 2015

The Amazing Race 26 - Season Finale Blog Party

It's Friday night -- time for The Amazing Race! Tonight we're in for a one-hour season finale with four teams starting the leg. While Mike and Rochelle came in last in the prior leg, they're still in it. However, Phil hinted that one team would be eliminated during the leg last week. I've taken a liking to Mike and Rochelle, but I don't think they can compare physically or perhaps even mentally to the remaining teams. They're the only not blind dates remaining on the show. I would be thrilled if they won the million.

As the show airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there. (And bring snacks. And beverages.)

Here's the blog pool standings presented by the Magnificent Margo:

Mike and Rochelle - Cheryl in NC, Laurie
Blair and Hayley - Terry in TX, Margo, Chris
Jelani and Jenny - Marlo, Lynn 1, dla
Tyler and Laura - Ed in OH, David, Nickelpeed

Jeff and Lyda - Jennasmom, Paula Bell, meb
Lebya and CJ - Donna in FL, PDXGranny 
Harley and Jonathan - Becky, Willie J 
Bergen and Kurt - Nana in NW, Rbennie
Jeffrey and Jackie - Brian, Donna in AL, ORKMommy
Aly and Steve - Jackie, SueGee 
Matt and Ashley - Delee, Merrilee

Let's get this show on the road!

Teams are flying to Dallas. Phil told Mike and Rochelle that a team will be eliminated before the finish line.

Who wants to score? They're at the AT&T Stadium and Mike/Rochelle make it there first! Haley/Blair is last. Fireworks, marching band, Mike on the Jumbo Screen. They have to do football stuff (technical term on my part) first hanging up in the air. Somehow Jelani is getting the clue in the air last.

Tyler and Laura get through it first. 

Now Hayley/Blair are in the lead. They head to a ranch and ride horses to drive cattle. 

Sigh. Rochelle/Mike's taxi wouldn't wait at the stadium and now their new cab has to go out of the way for gas. Meanwhile, the other teams are all at the ranch. 

Sigh even more. Phil greets Mike and Rochelle and Philiminates them. They take it well and their relationship seems stronger for the experience. 

Teams have to go to a tower, climb and rappel down. While going down the team member has to locate the clue.

Heh. It looks like Hayley got them lost. Yay! Laura and Jill do the rappel together and spot flags -- the real next clue.

There are monster trucks they have ride through a bog pit, then a memory test. Right now Laura and Tyler are in the lead. In the memory test, they get locations, come up with the leg number and open a lock. 

Hayley is redoing the rappel and spots the red and yellow flags. 

Jelani/Jill get the lock first. They then have to place several dozen selfies on the map. Laura and Tyler are stumped on the lock. 

Laura and Tyler finish it first and are driving their monster truck back through the bog. They have the clue for the finish line. Jelani and Jill are coming behind them.

YES! Tyler and Laura win The Amazing Race!

2. Jelani and Jenny
3. Hayley and Blair

All blind date couples winning.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Survivor: Worlds Apart - May 13 Blog Party

Survivor fans ready?

Mike no longer has an idol and everyone knows it. Dan still has his two vote advantage and a few people know about that thanks to Tyler (booted last week). Carolyn still has an idol and no one knows it except Tyler who's off relaxing at the Ponderosa. We still have six castaways going into tonight's penultimate episode. Next week's (Wednesday night) season finale is to be two hours followed by the hour-long reunion show. (Followed by Letterman's last show later on!)

Will they oust Mike? Perhaps blindside Dan tonight? I just don't know. As the show airs here on the East Coast, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! And, as always, please join in on the party down in the comments area. Bring snacks ... and cold beverages, please!

Before we get into the show, here are the latest blog pool standings from that Lovely Lifeguard Laurie:

Carolyn - Jackie, TerryinTX
Dan - Brian, CherylinNC 
Mike - meb, Nickelpeed 
Rodney - Margo 
Sierra - Jennasmom 
Will - Rbennie 


Let's get started!

Mike knows he won't last long without either an Immunity idol or winning Immunity each challenge. Carolyn wants to keep Mike as an ally option and focus on getting Dan out. She tells Mike about Dan's extra vote advantage.

Rewards Challenge - Two teams, race obstacles, untie knots, hatchet ropes, all leading to a puzzle. It's a helicopter tour of Nicaragua and a feast. Rodney whines more at Jeff's prompting.

Both teams are stumped on the puzzle. They're both stumped still at an hour into the puzzle. Finally Carolyn, Mike and Will win Reward. Rodney is out AGAIN. Heh. Carolyn is the one who finally realized what the puzzle clue was ... now she's on the fence about giving Rodney his turn. Nope. She keeps it for herself. Good for her! He hasn't won it!

Rodney whines and whines about Carolyn not giving him her Reward. Meanwhile, Dan finds some unknown watermelon-like fruit and wins both Rodney's and Sierra's favor. 

Tree mail hints that good hand, eye, coordination and patience will be virtues in the next Immunity Challenge. Mike is trying to scheme. He tells Sierra of Dan's advantage. But she also doesn't want to be with Mike at the end -- everyone is afraid of that. 

Immunity Challenge time. Retrieve three bags with grappling hooks. Bags contain balls. Solve a table maze. Mike WINS IMMUNITY! (And he needs it.)

Dan pushes the Carolyn must go move. Meanwhile, they're thinking it's Dan that should go.

Will Carolyn heed the warning from Mike that Will, Dan and Rodney will be voting for her to go?

It's Tribal Council time. They're not showing any of the votes.

Dan uses his advantage -- two votes.  He goes off to cast his second vote. I'd say Carolyn needs to use her idol. YES! She plays it! Dan and Rodney don't look too happy.

The tally --
Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn, Carolyn, Dan, Dan.

HA! Dan is gone!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 10, 2015

Good Sunday morning to you! And, my best wishes for a happy Mother's Day to all! You've reached my weekly off television topic reflection on the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. Be sure to return on Wednesday evening for Survivor and then Friday night for The Amazing Race finale blog parties!

Some rather random thoughts and observations from this past week:
  • I think I'm going to have to start wearing one of those surgical masks like many do in Japan. I seem to catch every bug going around the last few years. I had a stomach virus in the beginning of the week. The general public really needs to stop breathing on me!
  • Along the lines of health (or lack thereof) -- they're dubbing this season the Pollen Tsunami. Achoo. Sniffle, sniffle.
  • A 3,500 pound great white shark named Mary Lee has been swimming along the New Jersey shore. They've had a tracker on her since 2012. She hasn't attacked anyone ... yet. Cue the cello and get a bigger boat!
  • Spring and autumn beauty passes way too quickly while winter white and drab lasts forever and summer seems to get stuck in time as well.
  • I'm loving the nightly old clips on Letterman. I'm so going to miss him when he retires on May 20. The special this past Monday evening brought back many fond and funny memories. I wonder if he might have Richard Simmons back before the finale?
  • My cat Vincent is way too spoiled. Too late to change things now!
  • There's a ton of construction going on everywhere this spring -- Plainfield, Bound Brook, Bridgewater. I swear they must have save projects for a few years and then decided to do them all now. In my neighborhood, they redid all of the curb cuts. At work, they redid the entire road, curb cuts and installed a new sidewalk (for the first time). With all this road work going on in Plainfield, they seriously need to address some of the sidewalks.
That's about it. Onto the photos! Clicking on an image will bring up a larger version in a gallery.

There's been a horrible accident

Or ... was it a double flamingocide? Two fallen pink flamingos on a lawn at the corner of Richmond and East Front in Plainfield. Could the survivor be the murderer? I don't know. We should leave it up to the authorities and a jury of his peers.

Pink Azaleas

In the pink azaleas, the anthers boast an almost metallic look. No wonder bees don't seem to be attracted to them as much as some other flowers.

Pretty in purple-blue

Growing in a flower bed contraption outside of a mental health clinic on Roosevelt Street in Plainfield. I'd say flowers are good for mental health.


Friday, May 08, 2015

The Amazing Race 26 - May 8 Blog Party

It's Friday night -- time for The Amazing Race! Tonight is the penultimate show of the season, with the finale airing next Friday in the regular 8pm time slot.

As the show airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there. (And bring snacks. And beverages.)

Here's the blog pool standings presented by the Magnificent Margo:

Mike and Rochelle - Cheryl in NC, Laurie
Blair and Hayley - Terry in TX, Margo, Chris
Jelani and Jenny - Marlo, Lynn 1, dla
Tyler and Laura - Ed in OH, David, Nickelpeed

Jeff and Lyda - Jennasmom, Paula Bell, meb
Lebya and CJ - Donna in FL, PDXGranny 
Harley and Jonathan - Becky, Willie J 
Bergen and Kurt - Nana in NW, Rbennie
Jeffrey and Jackie - Brian, Donna in AL, ORKMommy
Aly and Steve - Jackie, SueGee 
Matt and Ashley - Delee, Merrilee

Let's get this show on the road! Teams are headed to the lower altitude area of Peru where they must search South America's largest mosaic tile wall with a magnifying glass to find their next clue.

Detour - Perform a national dance or make bricks for archeologists.

Mike and Rochelle are the only real dating couple -- not blind daters -- remaining in the race. I've grown to like them. Although unlikely, I would love to see them win.  Their car to the wall is not a healthy car. Fingers crossed for them! Uh-oh. Laura and Tyler, the last team to leave the Pit Stop, passed them. I do like Laura and Tyler, though. If I had my druthers, it would be one of the other two teams going home. I'm not keen on either Hayley or Jenny.

Hayley and Blair actually worked well together in the brick making/delivery detour and are in the lead. Mike and Rochelle are running last. 

Roadblock - Who wants to ride a seahorse? Has them going through the surf on a native handmade boat doohickey. 

Hayley and Blair are on the way to the Pit Stop. If Hayley had all season been as pleasant as she's been on this leg, I'd like her.

But I don't and she was nasty! 

It's looking dismal for Rochelle and Mike. They switched from bricks to dancing and are definitely trailing.  

Pit Stop --
1. Hayley and Blair - won a trip for two to India 
2. Jelani and Jenny 

Mike and Rochelle are finally on the way to the Roadblock while Laura and Tyler are finishing it up. 

3. Laura and Tyler 
4. Mike and Rochelle

HOWEVER, YOUR RACE IS NOT OVER! Whoopie! The final leg starts right now! They're still in it, but a team will be Philiminated before the finish line.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Survivor: Worlds Apart - May 6 Blog Party

Survivor fans ready?

While I'm not finding most of the castaways this season all that likable, recent happenings should provide interesting viewing for tonight. How will the others react to Mike's very public "save Shirin with my idol" bluff? Now, of course, they all know he has an idol. Thanks to Tyler's snooping, it's also known by some that Dan has two votes at a future tribal.

As the show airs here, I'll update this post with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to "see" you there!

Before we get into the show, here are the latest blog pool standings from that Rockin' Lifeguard Laurie:

Carolyn - Jackie, TerryinTX
Dan - Brian, CherylinNC 
Mike - meb, Nickelpeed 
Rodney - Margo 
Sierra - Jennasmom 
Tyler - Donna in Alabama, ORK Mommy
Will - Rbennie 


Let's get started!

Mike is just a bit too smug. The others are having a big kerfuffle over the votes that were from their own camp. Dan knows Will and Tyler cast votes for him. 

Tree Mail gives them the promise of food. 

Reward Challenge time. Divided into two teams, a convoluted walk through net, catapult balls into target. The reward is that they deliver supplies to a nearby orphanage with a big barbeque. Someone must sit out as they have seven. Dan, Tyler and Rodney. Carolyn, Sierra and Mike. Will can't play. 

Mike, Sierra and Carolyn win Reward. Rodney whines that it's his birthday and he hasn't been off the island. No one falls for it. "They just turned me into the psychotic person I am," Rodney tells us. Hmm. That would imply he was previously psychotic and they just triggered him.

Carolyn bonds a bit with Mike at the orphanage ... at least it might suit her game. Rodney continues to whine back at the camp. 

Rodney tells the guys at camp he's going to act crazy and wants to go home. Then they blindside Mike who won't use his idol because Rodney is the target. Yeah, right. I'm sure that will work. @@ 

When the others return to camp to Rodney's whining they should all just write his name down. Mike sees right through it. Tyler knows that he's still a target for Mike and wonders if Carolyn will save him with her idol.  

Immunity Challenge time. Balance over water on a small perch holding onto a rope with strategically placed knots. Every five minutes, they move their hands down a knot and increase the angle. Will is out, then Dan. Sierra out, then Rodney. Mike is down. Tyler is out. Carolyn wins Immunity again!

Carolyn suggests a split vote between Mike and Tyler. It will flush out Mike's idol. Will she use the idol on Tyler? Or will Dan go in a clever ruse? Carolyn is torn between her Tyler alliance or going with Mike. In talking to Tyler, she wants Dan ... or does she? She's worried about Dan's two vote advantage.

Tribal - Dan votes Mike, Mike votes Tyler.

Mike plays his idol. 

The tally -- Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Tyler, Tyler.

Tyler is gonzo. 

Jeff points out that everyone wants to take the weakest to the end.

For next season, we vote on returning castaways at Fun, fun, fun.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Off Topic: That Was the Week It Was - May 3, 2015

Good (late) Sunday morning to everyone! Welcome to my (late) off television topic reflection of the week gone by in both words and photos I've taken along the way. I ended up sleeping in later than planned this morning. Plus, I took WAY TOO MANY blossoms/spring photos this week. It took forever to load them into my Photobucket account and I had issues trying to get the slideshow function to work. Gah.

In happenings this week, plus a few random thoughts:
  • The other day I heard a call on my scanner that the Plainfield Police were trying to catch a goat with a dog snare down the street from me. I thought it was related to the day care center near there -- you know, a kid visiting the kids. But apparently goats are a new thing (you can buy them on now); another call for a neighbor's goat in someone's yard not near the first incident happened as I was preparing this entry. Huh. I guess I'd rather have a goat living next door than a rooster. But, need I mention that this is a city?
  • The children who shouldn't play in the hallway met Vincent this week. They love him. He tolerated them well. No, they cannot come over to play with Vincent. He's grounded for being a traitor.
  • I'm more tired lately than a human should be. My allergies seem to get worse every year as I get older, too. However, spring is still one of my favorite seasons -- the other favorite being autumn. I could deal with spring and autumn year 'round, skipping summer and winter.
  • My next staycation isn't until Memorial Day week. I must endure! I will endure! Then I will collapse and sleep for at least two days straight.
Onto the photos I took this week ... if you click on them, larger images will open in a gallery doohickey.

How I learn Spanish bit by bit

The work going on and closure of the bridge underpass by the Plainfield Train Station on Watchunghas taught me a few new words. Just don't mock my pronunciation! I edited this with the charcoal drawing mode of

NJ Transit Police

Upon seeing this vehicle and a half-dozen Transit cops at the Plainfield Train Station early on evening this week, I thought they were sweeping the annoying street vagrants away. Nope. Don't know what they were doing, but they were ignoring the street people who have now taken over the benches, the stairs, the shelters and more. 

I'm hoping this will work for you. As I mentioned above, I took way too many flower shots this week! I put most of them (well, the shots I really liked) in this slideshow. There's a heck of a lot of them. My apologies! Some from early in the week show buds that, by the end of the week, turned into full blooms. We've gone from daffodils to tulips and beyond. The magnolia blossoms are mostly gone in the wind by today while the light spring shades of green are noticeable on the trees. Even the poison ivy, growing at both the Bridgewater Train Station and along the fence by the Friends Meeting House cemetery in Plainfield are looking pretty.

If the slideshow doesn't load for you, you can check out the Photobucket "story" at this link. That too might take some time to load if you don't have a fast connection. I took way way too many flower photos!

JackiesTVBlog's Spring is Here April into May 2015 album on Photobucket


Friday, May 01, 2015

The Amazing Race 26 - May 1 Blog Party

It's Friday night -- time for The Amazing Race! Since last week was a non-Philimination leg, we still have five teams as we race towards the May 15th season finale.

As the show airs here, I'll update this entry with the major happenings. Refresh the page to get the latest news! As always, the real party is in the comments area. I hope to see you there. (And bring snacks. And beverages.)

Here's the blog pool standings presented by the Magnificent Margo:

Mike and Rochelle - Cheryl in NC, Laurie
Matt and Ashley - Delee, Merrilee
Blair and Hayley - Terry in TX, Margo, Chris
Jelani and Jenny - Marlo, Lynn 1, dla
Tyler and Laura - Ed in OH, David, Nickelpeed

Jeff and Lyda - Jennasmom, Paula Bell, meb
Lebya and CJ - Donna in FL, PDXGranny 
Harley and Jonathan - Becky, Willie J 
Bergen and Kurt - Nana in NW, Rbennie
Jeffrey and Jackie - Brian, Donna in AL, ORKMommy
Aly and Steve - Jackie, SueGee 

Let's get this show on the road! 

The teams are heading to Peru. Laura and Tyler get a flight first, but will it be the first flight in? Blair/Hayley and Jenn/Jelani seem to have gotten a better flight -- 12 hours earlier. Yikes! Tyler and Laura, after celebrating Laura's birthday, just realized they could have booked an earlier flight. Matt/Ashley, Mike/Rochelle make the earlier flight. 

After watching fireworks in Peru, teams are off to get lost in taxis. 

Jenn and Jelani find the elusive clue at a shoe shine first while Hayley berates Blair. 

Roadblock - Who wants to take charge in the field? Work with a professional sugar cane cutter and harvest the crop. 

It looks like Matt/Ashley and Laura/Tyler will be totally lost as they follow wrong directions when they were right atop the shoe shine booth. 

Speed Bump - Matt and Ashley have to type (with a typewriter) a loan contract for llamas. 

They have to log their FitBit (more product placement as if we didn't have enough with cars) progress. They have to drink sugar cane juice and figure out how many steps they must take to burn it off.

Detour - Mamas or Papas. Mama's moonshine, find ingredients. Papas has them sorting and delivering potatoes. Jenny and Jelani remain in the lead. Matt and Ashley are trailing.

Uh-oh. When some of the potatoes were sorted wrong, the woman just dumped them on the ground. Jenny and Jelani lost their lead and Hayley/Blair are heading to the Pit Stop. 

Pit Stop
1. Hayley and Blair - Each won a FitBit fitness kit. Oh, gee. Wow. 
2. Jenn and Jelani 
3. Mike and Rochelle
4. Laura and Tyler 
5. Matt and Ashley -- Philiminated