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May have to go back to the basement |
This isn't a full-fledged report. I just wanted to let you know the latest -- Jason will go on the block when Clay saves himself.
Will this one stick? Or will Vanessa change her mind once again?
My head is spinning.
Jason now going to be whacked. I give you The Rousso Crime Family.
Underbosses:Shelli & Clay
Capo: Austin AKA "Fredo" Vanessa after learning Austin lied to her: "I know it was you,Austin (Fredo). You broke my heart. You broke my heart!" Vanessa's contract on him is suspended for the time being but still on thin ice.
Soldiers:The Twins,Liz & Julia
Associates:Steve,now a rising star with Vanessa. Johny Mac & James: occasionally used to throw comps and facilitate family business. Becky:Now promising her loyalty in exchange for her safety this week.
K is it just me or does Big Brother need to do a complete shake up next season. I feel like I have been watching the same season for years now. Where r the Evil Dicks, Wills, Boogies. Seems like I have watched the same players for ever. Everyone votes together, HOH doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Just sick of it. They need to go back to 1 HOH and throw some new curve balls at them. Like the Hoh is the first have not. No perks. Then Noms would get the old Hoh room. Pov winner would be the 2nd have not. I don't know just do something to change things up. Bored!!!
Yep. Sounding like she's sticking with this one.
I thought Jason was friends with Vanessa????? How did that one come about????
Witt, Vanessa's basically double crossing Jason and has concluded that she doesn't care that she is. This came about because she and the other alliance members really, really want to keep Austin because evicting him would mean one less number on their team when it can be the other way around and be one less number on the other side (even though "the other side" really only exists in their head, because "the others" are not working together as much as the Sixth Sense Alliance thinks they are)
Jason is the only person on "the other side" who Vanessa hasn't promised safety to or isn't using for her own benefit (she's taking advantage of Becky who wants to feel included and Steve who's a lap dog, and promised safety to Jackie and John, plus James can't go up and Meg won't go home no matter who's she's up against..that leaves Jason).
Last night Vanessa tried to concoct a reason to target Jason, but ultimately only managed to create a fantasy alliance in which Jason supposedly lied to her about Dayvonne having the secret phone booth power and voting for Jeff..even though we know Dayvonne DID have the power and the people who voted for Jeff are the one's Vanessa is working with (Liz and Steve) and has thus ruled out....once she realized her theory was probably moot, she pretty much said Screw IT I'm just going to target Jason and keep Austin because I'm the HOH and I can...and that's that...Jason will be going home.
I am ready for this week to be over with. I want "THE OTHER SIDE" to win HOH this week although I am not sure it will happen. I want to see Vanessa, Austin, Shelli and Clay all nominated..
They will all start singing and throwing shade.
How about chaining the nominees to the HOH until after the Veto ceremony.
Thank you Anon 12:15....and you are right, I don't know what "other side" she is thinking of. What I see are several loners not in an organized group at all.
I have always said that if I was in that house, I'd lose my marbles. You start to imagine things that are not happening.
Anon 10:51,Each season they recruit more and more players. For example Austin was supposed to be on last year,Jeff & Jackie from TAR,Vanessa pro poker player,Frankie Grande-place holder to showcase his sister Ariana.
Their primary purpose is to last in the game and not necessarily play it,just somehow attain some sort of D- celebrity status. They've got twitter & social media set up to try and cash in. Shelli for example is hoping this could lead to something else. It won't!
BOTB is sham that should be renamed "Friends & Family" picnic on the block. 2 HOH's collaborate together to nominate players that will cause the least amount of dissension. That almost always leads to a "that's what the house wants" eviction.
Last but not least,ever since the ethnic slur debacle of season 15,players go out of their way to make sure their feelings are as vanilla as possible. Last night or the night before,Vanessa was rambling and used the word "retarded" as an adjective. "That is so retarded" She immediately caught herself and said,"Oh,I shouldn't have said that".
What I'm trying to get to is that the show is becoming more and more scripted vs unscripted.
Here's a great example of something I already know for a fact is going to be done LIVE on Thursday and staged as if it's some sort of great revelation. WE all know that everyone in the house knows all about the Twins....names,ages,positions in life,likes,dislikes,on and on. Well,almost.@@ That idiot James said he didn't know when it came up in conversation last night.His first question? Are they going to sleep together?@@ Meg and Vanessa were laughing their heads off at it. Minutes later he leaves HOH room and goes downstairs to immediately start stalking Julia. This might lead to some drama with Austin later. Who knows?
Yet they have been told to act totally surprised on Thursday when it's officially announced to them by Julie. Meg slipped this one out and the production goalies missed it. She shoots She Scores! HaHaHa
I overheard the pretend-to-be-surprised comment too, but I thought she was talking about acting surprised so that the others don't realize theat they knew all along, but everyone does know so guess you're right. It will be interesting to see how they react on Thursday.
Vanessa going any further in this game is a complete miscarriage of fairness. She needs to sell her Lamborghini and invest her poker winnings in to a better ProActive formula. Whatev - just get OFF my TV screen, you badger.
Initially, I was excited about the diverse backgrounds of all the contestants. But now we know that Aushole is just an out-of-work, out-of-home, pseudo-intellectual dilettante, desperate for more free housing and camera-time. And Shelli wants *laughs* a talk show. And Liz/Julia were a twins show reject. And Becky being recruited by Tinder (the booty-call app)? Are the real applicants that terrible?
The name of this season is disappointment. Production involvement, DR & cameraman favoritism, and the lie of "A Twist Every Week" have led to me removing BB from my DVR.
i have said for years POV winner should be allowed to save some one but it should be POV winner to pick replacement
Petals, you are right!! Where are all the weekly twists they kept promising??
Petals, What do we know about "Aushole"? Every time I've seen him try to speak about his life, we get fish.
Anon - not much. He's a shady deal. None of his "people" would sign released to participate (that tells you something). I just have a huge problem with that type of person in general. Plus he has proclaimed "love" with Liz, and they have clocked less than a work-week's time together. He's a fraud, a wanna-be, a drifter and a 15-minuter. That's just my opinion of course.
Does anyone expect less than "fake" of a pro-wrestler?
Real in school and the Olympics, but I've never seen "real" with the TV pros!
Good call on his people not signing releases. I have to go back and watch his Ep. 1 Key-getting intro to see how they spun it.
His "love" thing with Liz creeps me out. When he broke down to Vanessa he started to spill the beans about his personal life but feeds get cut.
The fact that he says he has a girlfriend at home and is falling for Liz makes me wonder if he is "ghosting"(that's what the kids call it these days when you break up with someone without letting them know) his current girlfriend, which would really make me not like him
Van waffle all the way up until the Veto meeting, and had us thinking it might be James, but she ended up putting Jason on the block.
I don't think Vanessa could put James up because he won BOTB with Liz.
Vanessa isn't going to believe the whole thing when she's finally able to see how she's been led around by the nose.
Yeah, James was never an option.
Sharon, that's if she doesn't win.
I think Vanessa has a great shot at winning (unfortunately), so even if she does find out it was Steve and Liz who played her, and Shelli and Clay who kidna manipulated her, she won't care.
I always wish that the former cast members can watch the feeds over again. The show edits don't do the real happenings any justice.
James thinks that not only were He and Meg played, but Clay and Shellie were too.
It's possible for anyone to win, but Vanessa's waffling ways "could" catch up with her. Especially if she manages to find out how much she's actually being led around.
She had strong suspicions (this a.m.) that somebody was lying to her and something wasn't right, but still stuck with the alternate Jason plan.
But that group is so big that it won't be long before they HAVE to start turning on each other. Best thing that could happen... one of the "others" win HOH and not get turned sideways by Chelli (btw, that was my dog's name! lol).
James is a nice enough guy, but extremely naive/childlike, and believes everything he's told.
He's the kind that makes a very good number for them because he'll do whatever he's told.
I don't think Austin was a recruit. I believe he did apply and is a super-fan. He hosted with AfterBuzz TV on Big Brother in the past so he does know the game. Another thing about him that came out last night on RHAP is that he wasn't in sequester for last season. So the thing about him saying that he was supposed to be on last season and that he made it all the way to sequester was probably just his attempt to sway people with the sympathy thing. Jocasta (MamaJ) was the guest last night on RHAP and Rob asked her if she remembers seeing Austin last year at the finals and in sequester and she said, "NO". Said she would have remembered "THAT". So that's probably all just a lie on his part, but I still don't believe he was recruited.
I'm not disappointed with the renom at all. I'll miss Jason in the DR but he really hasn't done anything to help secure his safety so... too bad for him.
Oh, and I love the Rousso Crime Family. ^5 Uncartie :)))
So far, Jason seems to be taking it relatively ok, but there's a few days and a lot more lies for him to uncover that will probably make it not quite so ok.
Vanessa used up her "you lied to me" card by putting up Jason instead of Austin. So just like with Jason she will not be able to use that anymore because she told a much bigger lie than anything they may have said.
I can't believe the "other" side of the house still trusts Shelli and clay. Poor Steve is low man on the totem pole but is so happy someone actually paid attention to him a little he is willing to throw his game life away for that little bit of attention and do whatever they say.
Monty,Austin may not have been an out and out recruited but he's still a professional entertainer/showman with his wrestling background.
Yes Sharon,professional wrestling is totally fixed and it always was. I learned the hard way many years ago. When I was a child I was a huge wrestling fan and never would have believed that it was all staged. My father was an executive with the printing company that printed all the posters for wrestling,boxing,the Ice Capades,Ice Follies,Circuses,etc.
As a result we would get free tickets for all those events and he knew the wrestling promoter personally. He kept telling me it was fixed and I never believed him. Finally he took me to this huge wrestling event at old Comiskey Park,where the Chicago White Sox used to play. I met the promoter and he described exactly what was going to happen before each match. I was crushed. :(
uncartie... ah, the innocence of youth! :)
I had never watched wrestling as a kid, but did a few times as an adult. Mostly because I'd be visiting my eldest daughter and she was hooked on it (at the time). To me, pro wrestling ALWAYS looked so fake with all the obvious body slams and macho prancing around. But I can see where a kid could easily get sucked in.
Sharon,To this day I still remember the exact match when I was told. "Bobo Brazil" was wrestling "Dr Jerry Graham". Bobo's signature move (they all had one) was a head butt. I was told that he would head butt Graham. Graham would fall and roll over out of the ring. He would then go underneath and appear on the other side with his face all bloody (obviously applying the blood when he was under the ring). Damn if that wasn't exactly what happened! After that the rest of the night became a blur. I can't even remember who won. It was literally like a piece of me died. :
Vanessa is doing a great job of smoothing things over. By the time this sit-down is finished jason will be thanking her for nominating him.
Oh, of course he's a professional showman. I'm not on the Austin bandwagon any longer, just to the point that he keeps the numbers on Liz's side of the house. So far, I think Vanessa is winning the fallout battle. Chelli's busted as far as Meg is concerned. They didn't help themselves when they denied knowing the plan. I love it!
Can someone please provide Meg with some Arts & Crafts material? Perhaps call her parents? She's just figured out that she's not at summer camp and is very upset.
^^^ LMAO ^^^^
As everything seems to allude, there's a lot about Big Brother that smacks of pro wrestling. Just recently, the way they sanitized Audrey's eviction was amazing.
I disagree with those who want "a twist a week" or more suffering imposed upon the houseguests. In the long run, the interesting thing about this show is to see how people behave, scheme, and connive when simply left to their own craftiness and devices. BB should let human nature do their dirty work.
I agree, Anon ^^^
I would like to see them do a Survivor takeover by hiding a special veto that would work like a coup de gra and like the imunity item where you could take someone off the block even after the vote tally was announced. another survivor twist could be the extra vote advantage.
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