Now it's Austin and Liz cuddles |
It's bad enough that we have to watch Clay and Shelli hang all over each other. Now it's Liz and Austin. Doesn't he have a loved one at home? I hope, if he wins HoH, his girlfriend at home sends him a letter. Sheesh. This is a dude who couldn't even tell Lizia was twins a week ago! Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Audrey Who?:
- Attention hamsters ... is there an Audrey in the house?
- No, she isn't in the Diary Room -- she's used her quota of time for the entire season in there!
- Oh? Is that lump under the covers with sunglasses on at night in the Have Not room Audrey?
- Hmm. Maybe. Maybe aliens have abducted her and left this shell of a person.
- I just don't know.
- Audrey was a no show for the PoV ceremony in which she's the renom.
- I wonder if she'll be a no show for the live eviction (during which she will be evicted).
- She was also a no show for the late night/overnight hours as she hid "sleeping" in the Have Not Room.
- Meanwhile, all of a sudden we have two new houseguests in the midst -- two women named Becky and Jackie!
- They're mingling, they're chatting. They've suddenly come to life.
- I'm still not thrilled with either of them.
- Lots of small talk with the happy new crew ready to cast prior differences (due to Audrey's instigating ways) behind them.
- Dance practicing with the Whackstreet Boys.
- Not only is Jason having pimple woes, now they've hit Vanessa, too.
- Poor hamsters.
- Steve fell asleep outdoors on the couch. So prankster James poured some honey into his open mouth.
- And we wondered why Steve wants James out ...!
- It could have been worse. James could have put Steve's hand in warm water.
- Jackie thinks that Audrey will try her best to make them all feel guilty until eviction.
- I think she's right.
- Meanwhile, Audrey (remember Audrey?) went from in bed in a dentist chair to sleeping on the floor in the Have Not room.
- Later, she was back in a chair.
- James created sleeping dummies in the comic room.
- Oh, that silly prankster!
- Clay and Austin became his cohorts in crime. Audrey doesn't play pranks with James now. She's busy being a martyr.
- The new women, Jackie and Becky, hung out with Jason and John and decided that Austin would be a good target next week.
- Hey! How about knocking out two for the price of one and aiming for the twins?
- Silly hamsters.
- The ants have invaded the bathroom and hallway.
- And, there ya go.
Small talk, no Audrey |
Catapulting grapes, no Audrey |
Jackie, no Audrey |
Johny Mac, no Audrey |
Jason, Steve and new hangout friends |
No Audrey around |
I got so mad at BB this early morning that I had to turn the feeds off. The new people were having an actual conversation with people outside and some of it was interesting. But BB can't let that happen as people might get to know something about these new people in the house. So in their mighty wisdom they decided it would be better to have all 4 cameras on Liz and Austin just in case they went beyond their small talk. After 10 minutes of this hoping they would get back to the other people I had to turn it off before I puked.
I have seen it asked here before, but do these people not go through any pyschological testing before entering the house? I truly believe that Audrey is a sociopath. If the other houseguests weren't so naive in thinking her America's Player, they might actually see her for what she truly is and demand that she be removed from the house. She has gone beyond being dramatic... she is scary.
The show picks the ones they want to stay each year. They do anything and everything they can to keep that person in the house. This year it is Audrey like last year it was Frankie. Not fair but that's the way they fly. If they want it to happen, then they make it happen.
Yesterday during a conversation with Austin, Liz said she felt sorry for her driver who had to wait in the car for 5 hours because of the Audrey situation. She also mentioned that her handlers said something about watching a movie while waiting. It sounds to me like the twins are hanging out in the sequester house when not on the BB set. That sounds like an unfair advantage to me. They get to relax, decompress, and watch a movie every few days while the rest of the hamsters are stuck in there. Another reason to get them out of there. They are stupid to allow them both to come in.
July 20, about 6:58 pm on the feeds if anyone wants to check it out.
I'm a little upset at Big Brother. In my mind Audrey should be medically off the show or be made to follow the same house rules everyone else has to obey. She's off slop but the others are still on. The lights are off in the have not room during the day and so on.
David the twins may get down time but they are out of the loop game wise. Sure everyone knows there are two of them but it's getting to the point where they are making indivdual friends/ game play and to be in exile can't be good for that.
Maybe they should boot Audrey and replace her with the twin?
Geez imagine that, a transexual with mental problems, whowoulda thunk. Sure didn't see that coming eh.
I will be happy to see Audrey go, and I hope that Austin, Chellie and her boyfriend follows her in that order. Jackie, the BB player, does not bother me too much. For right now, my favorite is John. Zoe in California.
I agree fourpatch.
Why is BB tolerating Audrey's pouting and self-indulgence? Rulz is rulz and BB has lost total control over ONE hamster. Are they afraid because she's transgender and might file some kind of nonsense lawsuit?
This is Audrey's own self-inflicted plight and she should be made to follow the same rules as everyone else! NObody likes being OTB, especially when they KNOW they are going to be evicted, but that shouldn't mean Audrey gets special treatment!! It's irritating, and it's not fair to the rest of the crew.
Plus, I don't believe for one minute that she's actually "suffering" from anything other than self-pity. Could be she's just trying to guilt them into keeping her, or have BB pull her from the show. So far, it's not working, but if BB pulled her and labeled it 'health concerns' would she still get the stipend?
Perhaps, at one time, BB worked to keep Audrey in the house, but, at this point, it's seems more likely the opposite is true. The other HG's seem happy to oblige, and appear to have set other, smaller, rivalries aside. It looks like something of a re-set for the whole game.
I think she was in there negotiating for five hours. I mean it's pretty pathetic when you see her sleeping on the HN floor behind all the dental chairs. She can eavesdrop on them from her chair. I'm so over Audrey!!
If she was negotiating, she didn't get much. The only things she "might" have been able to get for her remaining time:
1) not having to eat Slop
2) keeping HN lights off during the day.
All in all, she's coming off looking like a totally obnoxious prima dona.
The whole thing is flippin' weird.
How will BB deal with the other hamsters who decide to break the same rules?
I don't care what Audrey does as long she doesn't hurt herself or another player. She's on BB's Death Row and she knows it.
In almost every eviction,or maybe all of them, people that are sure things to be voted out still can try to negotiate and scheme right up to the end and have hope. She has none and I'm sure she was told that yesterday during the 5 hr siege.
The only people that suffer are the hard core fans like us. There's nothing to really watch until she's gone.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see how they edit her.
On a lighter note..
"Jason says he never paid attention in Chemistry class in HS.. combined his two least favorite things - Math and Science"
That sir,is why you're bagging groceries.
What is the penalty if a player decides not to eat slop and eat regular food and not sleep in the have not room or take the cold shower? Is it an extra vote to eict or penalty nomination? It seems like if just one penalty and can break all the rules then it would be worth it.
Geez... what the heck?
Vanessa thinks they (Van/Chelli) should try and make a deal with Audrey?
She's SUPPOSED to be GONE on Thursday!!
LOL @ Uncartie! ^5
Sharon, if they cut a deal with Audrey NOW it will be the dumbest thing since Lawan asked to be evicted, and if Shelli and Clay fall for it then they are dumber than a box of rocks. You put her up... you went through two hours of mind numbing hell with her and if you save her, you deserve what you get.
I don't think it's fair if they are allowing her to eat medically or not, if it's medical then she should be removed from the show. If it's just drama rama then no that's not fair to the others, I remember when Jen ate a veggie burger or something when she was in the unitard and she was on slop and she got I think it was one automatic eviction vote that week. They can't expect the people who watch the feeds and see what goes on and then give one of them special treatment, that's why every year we have the "fixed" theories floating around. I can't see how logically they can keep her in the house after she has burned every bridge with them all, if the sun is out in the sky and Audruy says it's out, I'm going to automatically think it's not true. I'm not slamming her as who she is or was, I'm slamming because she survived the whole house being against her and then turned right around and did the same thing and boom goes the dynamite again, she is not the first one to be on the block and know they are going out the door that week.
Exactly, Jon! Brittany knew she was going out the door last year and still took her comp punishment to the point of a bloody toe. Audrey is just done for me. If she manages to get the votes to stay, I have no idea on God's green earth that she could do it, then as I said, they are all dumb as rocks and deserve what they get. There would be no amount of DR influence that would turn my vote around at this point if I were in there and I think the house feels the same.
At least Jason is starting to rationalize about keeping Liz/Julia around.
Glen, if they do it and aren't nominated then it's supposed to be a penalty nom. That's never happened. Jen Johnson ate while a HN and was already nominated so BB gave her a penalty vote. The entire house wanted her out after her hissy fit and it was unanimous plus 1.
Oh Audrey has to go this week.If not that would mean JonnyMac goes home and that just CANNOT happen,
I don't see how she can stay this week. If she does I will be the first one going all Oliver Stone conspiracy theory and what not but I could see production maybe wanting to hang on to Audrey and including her in potential contestant coming back thing. I hope they at least "explain" how she has gone all Nora Desmond with the DR time, eating, and skipped the veto meeting this week on Wednesday nights show. Sidebar I do live for this kind of stuff each year with Big Brother lol
So since Audrey is eating and not going to the Veto Meeting and breaking other rules how many penalty votes are earned? Is it a penalty vote each time she breaks the rules? If so she could earn enough votes to evict without the house having to even vote.
Jon, tomorrow night and Thursday night can't get here soon enough for me, LOL. I can't wait to see how the producers spin this. I know... I'm evil that way. I can see Audrey telling the producers that she's "ready for her close up"! :)))
I know Monty I count this stuff down as well, I hope they have some seriously snarky music ready for Peppermint Patties meltdown lol
Everyone here knows that I like Austin, but when I see him flat ironing his hair... I cringe! just me though
A couple of hamsters are saying Audrey isn't a HN anymore.
If that's true, it can only mean she has been given a 'pass' by BB.
But she's still sleeping in the HN room, so it's a partial pass?
sheesh, what the heck?
Let the conspiracy theories begin....
Sharon, I think they are being sarcastic in saying that. She is a HN but isn't being treated as one. Another reason why she will be evicted unanimously on Thursday night. Remember Jen Johnson?
It's so crazy. Unless BB made some kind of agreement with Audrey, I don't understand why Production isn't calling her on breaking the rules and doling out punishments.
And why are the other house guests ok with playing the part of waiters/nursemaids.
They are bringing Audrey food and checking to make sure she's alright?
geez...if she gets hungry enough, she'll come out for food.
At least Becky has the nerve to say they need to stop babying her.
Well no longer trying to find a time stamp on infractions with eating. Audrey was just on the feeds eating an apple. Penalty vote better be heading her way!!
Hell no they are gonna call James out for napping not in a bedroom and home girl is eating an apple I think and on slop lol
If you don't have the feeds and didn't just witness the Academy Award winning performance just now on feeds 3/4, you missed it. Audrey is playing it up in the HN room right now. She's trying to get medivac'd out of there and the camera guy was on it the entire time. She walked around in a blanket and bent down crouching under a chair and popped her head up twice when she heard someone coming. She's in there waiting for a hamster to find her like that. @@
Now she's back in her chair by the door @@
James and Jackie in the HN room talking about eating when they aren't supposed to. They're making Audrey as uncomfortable as they can and GOOD for them. She's in a blanket tent in the first chair. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would swear everyone would be making this sh*t up... it's a joke at this point.
Ok, Austin was funny talking about Audrey's exit.
Eviction might have cameras on split screen: JohnnyMac in one chair, and Audrey in dental chair. LOL
He said it could be like a "Weekend at Bernie's"
I think production is totally done with Audrey at this point. To dole out punishments to her they would have to call her into the diary room and at this point I don't think there is any way they are going to let her back in there.
Can't wait for tomorrow and Thursday night shows, =)
I think the Weekend At Bernie's is good. =) I still like Uncartie's suggestion a couple of threads back of doing it Hannibal Lecter style. Wheel her out on a dolly and place her at the nomination chair all strapped in and tied up.
Hey Jackie( our Jackie).... Hope you are ok?? No new report last night and nothing this morning..I am getting worried about you! Please let us know all is well.BB news is Not important but you are! Saying a prayer all is good with you,
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