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New power in town |
If you haven't checked it out yet, take a gander at my post from the HoH comp last night. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of A Better Regime:
- Oh my! I can't believe they took down Jace's photo from the Memory Wall and replaced it with Julia! That's cold.
- James promised Shelli that she, Clay and Johnny Mac (the last three on the wall besides him) would be safe from both nomination and blindside.
- He's a guy who's proud of his word. Might this be the time to be like everyone else and go back on it?
- Poor Austin is in hot water with Julia for telling Jason her name.
- Heehee.
- Julia does not care for him, not at all. She told Liz he disgusts her and she can't fake being nice to him.
- They all called her the nicer twin before. Now we know she's the smarter one, too.
- I like Julia so much better than I like Liz!
- Julia told Liz she hopes they target Austin.
- Liz tried to do damage control about Austin. But we all know she's just playing him along anyway.
- Vanessa realized that, as much as she's done for Shelli, she was NOT in the deal for safety. Her name never came up and she couldn't play for HoH herself.
- Meg can't stop smiling.
- In other news, Julia was surprised that Johnny Mac noticed her crown. Hey, he is a dentist after all!
- Steve feels bad that he's been the first out in two endurance comps.
- He should feel bad. If he makes it near the end, there's always a huge endurance comp. He needs to step up his game.
- I don't think he wanted the HoH anyway. But, still ...!
- After she talked to James, Vanessa thinks she's safe.
- Maybe. Maybe not.
- James told Austin and the twinz that they should be safe this week, but need to back him if he makes a big move.
- Hmm. The names being tossed around by him and those in his group are Clay and Austin more than anyone else.
- Shelli is backtracking with Vanessa, saying she never wanted to put Jason on the block.
- To the tapes, I say!
- Or: Liar, liar pants on fire.
- Now she's trying to spin the same tale to James as I write this up.
- James seems to be seriously considering breaking his word and might very well put Clay on the block.
- I guess we'll know later tonight!
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Will Steve be safe? |
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Jace gone missing, Julia in his place |
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Twinz |
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Who wants to see my HoH room? |
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Julia doesn't like him. Heh. |
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Happy Jackie |
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Duh. |
Replacing Jace on the memory wall??? THAT"S EXTREMELY COLD!!! DANG!!!
how delicious to wake up to this news Jackie!
I guess s#$? Just got real for the cool side of the house ha
Well, well, well...James is seriously thinking of putting Shelli/Clay OTB!!
He feels it's not necessary to stick to his comp word since they broke their word first.
Hope he sticks with it!!!
hopefully James he will do something to stir things up. Leave Steve, Jackie and Becky alone and focus on getting one of the cool kids out. I have been dvr'ing the shows and fast forwarding and reading the blog.
I am glad that James has now decided to put up Clelli.
one comes down then Austin goes up. I hope the house realizes that
one of them needs to go and not keep the two.
It will be intersting to see if it remains Shelli on the block and Austin is
the true backup who will go.
I think that the twins will be split on their voting.
I am also glad that James is taking a cue from the Audrey conversation about Shelli and Clay and put them up together.
I think the only was the twins would only vote against Shelli if she was on the block with Vanessa. Good drama this week. :)))
If he puts up Clelli,that has to go down as one of the biggest backstabbing decisions ever. To promise someone safety in order to get them to drop out of a comp is the lowest of low moves. How can anyone,even his allies,ever trust him again?
On the other hand, James has said they broke their word to their so-called alliance first. So he doesn't feel like he has to honor his word to them. At this point, I think people in his corner agree, but we'll just have to wait and see how it all shakes out..
Either way Sharon,James decision to turn on Clelli will be a talking point used against him the rest of the game. By doing this he has effectively lost his chance to win the game.
True, but now that he's made Jury...
And it makes me wonder if he really thought he ever had a chance anyway.
James always seemed to be in the dark about most everything. lol
I agree with you Sharon, I think the house will look at James move as Clelli needing to be broke up and not so much as he broke his word. They broke their word first. Either way, at least its something different this week so I'm glad about that.
This is not the first time someone being promised safety for the week will have not been honored.
Season 6 when Kayser let go of the button after a 14 hour hoh. He was backdoored and voted out that week.
Crazy James,
Telling everyone they are safe. LOL
And without giving actual names, he's virtually announcing who he's nominating.
Funny how the worm turns. All those so blatantly comfy last week... not so comfy now.
Austin/Twins named HaveNots.
Personally, I would have made it Shelli/Clay/Austin and/or Liz.
COME ON, PEOPLE!! If you want to win, you have to win endurance ON YOUR OWN!!!
(Rant over. Thank you.)
I'm sure James doesn't know the line, but I wish he'd tell them both to "Pop a Squat." LMAO
One of the best BB lines... ever.
Nomination ceremony has begun. Why am I giddy to see the aftermath of this? HeHeHe I guess it is wanting to see people so smug get knocked down a few pegs and how they will react to it. Will they burn down the house or crawl in a corner and cry. I can't wait to find out.
Predictions... if the noms are Shelli & Clay (as we expect):
-Shelli will freak, and then cry... a lot.
-Clay will freak, pout and maybe do some shouting.
They will both whine about how unfair life is because they were playing SO good.
-Both will be on a continuous spin about James and "the other side."
-Let the backstabbing begin... again.
Will Clay sell out Shelli?
Will Shelli sell out Clay?
How many people will they throw UTB in the next couple of days?
Somehow I would like to see Vanessa squirm also, she did poor Jason wrong. she accepted Austin's lies after lies. But breaking up Shelli and Clay would be awesome,since they are finally not in control of HOH. "Aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun"
^^^ "Aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun" LMAO
So tell us.... who gets the honor. I hope it is Shelli and Clay. Let Vanessa think she will be the replacement.
I would love to see Austin and Vanessa on the block and battle it out.....truly
Then back door Clay or Shelli.
I would love to see Austin and Vanessa on the block and battle it out.....truly
Then back door Clay or Shelli.
That's exactly what I was talking about, I would love to see her squirm, some people might think it's unfair to tell someone their safe and than put them up but by changing her mind in the 11th hour, that's what Vanessa did to Jason, so she deserves to feel a little unsafe.
Shelly/Clay on the block... and they are NOT happy.
Should be some good TV because Clay apparently blew up after being nominated.
They are very upset and accusing everyone of everything Shelli/Clay has ever done.
Of course, they have selective memories...
This news just made my day! Thank you, Sharon. BTW, I loved your "Aint no fun when the rabbit got the gun" I LMAO too when I read it.
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