Monday, August 03, 2015

Big Brother 17: Live Feeds into Monday Morning - August 3

Will he waffle?

They made up for the lack of game talk during the veto punishments yesterday by going at it all night. Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Tense Turmoil:
  • Clay and Shelli have played such an honest game, y'know.
  • Just ask them.
  • Wait, no need to ask them! They'll tell you without any prompting!
  • They're scrambling.
  • That's what they are.
  • First they try to throw Vanessa under the bus.
  • It's not like James is thisclose to Vanessa anyway. Yeah, he's willing to work with her, but he's smart enough to not really trust her 100%.
  • Next, they go for Steve.
  • Now, the Steve bit has been ongoing, but James and Meg have planted a few seeds to see if it would grow.
  • James has told Steve he will not put him on the block.
  • And, that's a promise he's going to keep.
  • As the night progressed, their latest target became Austin.
  • Oh, gee. They're giving James the option of definitely breaking up the power duo, hopefully sending the brains of it (Shelli) home against a huge doofus who's probably not got a chance of winning a comp.
  • Before the present as I post this meeting between Clay, Shelli, James, Jackie and Meg, James and Meg had both claimed the nominations will remain the same. The plan is to just let them talk, gather any info they'll give and keep the nominations as they are.
  • Even though Shelli spills about Judas/Austin, I doubt James will change his mind.
  • James is really good at this stuff. He's not making any promises. He's just saying he wants to make sure the person who goes home needs to go home. He won't say one person made worse decisions than another at this point. 
  • James thinks show fans probably don't like him now because he put Clay and Shelli on the block.
  • Au contraire, silly James! From what I can tell, the sentiment has gone overboard in approval even.
  • Despite how much they lie about playing an honest game, despite who they throw under that proverbial reality television bus ... as James says, "The train has left the station. One of them must go home."
  • Heh. He ain't no Vanessa.

Making promises, telling lies.

I just don't know.

Steve plays the hammock strings.

Sad Shelli

Better in a shirt, thank you.


Witt said...

We've been CHEERING James for 1) Not being afraid to "get blood on his hands" 2) putting up Clelli....a partnership, is everyone nuts for waiting this long?!?! 3) his sense of humor. I think a lot of America is glad too!

On another note, Jackie, I was just seeing your earlier post about your format and how it's not listing every single thing that happens. As a longtime reader, I LOVE YOUR STYLE! You tell us the main points, inject your own humor, and keep us very informed. When friends of mine are discussing the show, I ALWAYS know more of what's going on than they do, since I read your blog! Don't change a thing.

Witt :)

Sharon N said...

Agree Jackie....Austin wearing a shirt is much better
But Austin having To get his head shaved would have beenthe ultimate best!
But that won't happen in the BB house this time. :(
Too bad. Unlike some men with longer hair, his is just one big ugly, shaggy mess!

Anonymous said...

I've liked James from the beginning. Now I know why. I caught Karate Kid Saturday morning and James reminds me of Mr. Miyagi.

Anonymous said...

I just wish James would use the POV and take Clay off(he's no kind of a treat) put Liz up and that would be a sure way to get Shelli out, Austin and Julia will never vote to evict Liz. Clay will vote to keep Shellie of course the only others that might vote to keep Shellie would be JohnnyMac and Becky but if she sees there is no way to save shellie she will vote with the house.

Chacha said...

Not that James is going to do this but if he did put up Vanessa who would go home?
I believe Shelli but then you have Vanessa and the trio of Austin and the twins after James.
I really hope Jackie wins HOH this week.

Anonymous said...

If James puts up Vanessa,Vanessa will go home and that would defeat the purpose of him putting them up,Clelli lie better than Vanessa she's quite unstable.

If any of them from the 6th sense win next week they are going after James anyway, Clelli would go after him for sure Because he put them up, like he has said Shelli needs to go for sure.

Judi Sweeney said...

As far as the BB strategizing and game play efforts that have taken place, I respect Vanessa, Shelli, Clay and now James. They know the game and are the only ones brave enough to lead and have played it hard! I loved Jayson and will truly miss him. EVERYONE is paranoid, lying, and are throwing people under the bus! Nothing new to past BB winners! Altogether - "It's part of the game"!!! My girl Vanessa (love her game plays... Except the backtracking of Austin... To me, he should have gone) was the first one up stairs talking to James and throwing ALL HER team under the bus!! Shelli and Clay are not monopolizing this territory... I don't dislike people because they have a showmance! What do I care?! No one is sacred at this point. James made a smart bold move for his game... But, was this big move too soon?! No one will trust his word, nor will they want to be standing next to him in the end because of THIS big move... Paranoia? Too much green stands between James and "last man/woman standing." We shall see how soon he once again becomes the target. Love BB.... Expect the unexpected!

Sharon N said...

People getting thrown UTB, but not Becky for some reason.
The only ones totally unaware of Becky's double-dealing? James, Meg, and Jackie

David said...

Looks like the Veto meeting is starting. Get ready for the waterworks when the feeds come back. Now the game will shift to trying to get Clay out instead of Shelli. Lets see how bad Shelli is willing to throw Clay under the bus to stay. =) I agree Jackie with Clay being a idiot. I hope that Clay's only option is to walk out and give up his stipend to save Shelli. I really want her out of there. Let's see how much of an idiot he really is.

Sharon N said...

Clay is nuts... Squarreal nuts!! LMAO

monty924 said...

He didn't use the veto!!! YES

Sharon N said...

I'm getting the impression AusTwins will try to keep Shelli. Maybe because they 'think' Shelli has better relationship with Vanessa, and they think Vanessa is with them. Vanessa's decision to take him off the block has caused her problems, so I doubt she's on their side.
Whatever... as long as Shelli is gone.

AusTwins are thinking about going after JMac. I don't mind JMac. He's an ok guy. I just want them to leave James alone because he's rapidly become my favorite player!

monty924 said...

Actually, Liz flat out said this morning that she wants Shelli out of there. Julia later agreed.

monty924 said...

Vanessa on her game now. Keep Shelli will soon be in motion. Liz and Julie did both say that they wanted her out, but we now how convincing Vanessa can be.

Anonymous said...

Judi Sweeney,
I do agree with part of your post , however the game has changed so, I just don't ever remember there being 8-12 people in an alliance,and some people use to think for themselves, now you have to vote with the house, James is at least playing the games,this could have been his only HOH and POV. He has been on the block I believe a couple of times. I remember when Kaysar was evicted, came back in the game and evicted a second time right away, James feels as though Shelli is running the house,she has to get rid of people who are good at comps. Like you I really do not are about showman eps, because unless you're insane it's going to end when it' time for tha half million dollars.

uncartie said...

So after all of Little Caesar's (James) blustering the noms stay the same. I don't see where he comes off as a smart player. He took out a showmance that wasn't working with him. Oh,and he had to lie in front of the entire house to win HOH to do it Whoopee! It's not like he uncovered some super secret alliance. That lie will be used against him down the road. He strategizes with Meg @@ The moron who thinks that Vanessa is a "floater". @@
Looking forward all he wants is "peace" aka the house making decisions of who should go.

Here's to what's left of Clelli winning HOH next week!

Sharon N said...

It's too bad James didn't refuse the deal with Shelli during HOH comp because I really think he would have won it without agreeing to her goofy deal. Shelli knew she was weakening and couldn't hold on much longer... hence her 'offer.' If he had held out, it would have eliminated any bad feelings viewers (or the hamsters) might hold.

Be that as it may...GOOOO JAMES!!! I hope he wins more comps, but without making any more deals.

I do wish he had taken down Clay and put up Liz though.
Whichever one got eliminated, it would still mean a pair (or triplet) was broken.

RyzandShyn said...

Agreed. MUCH better in a shirt, Julia is indeed the nicer and the smarter twin, Clay is an oaf, and Shelly needs to go.
Every season an interesting part of this game (to me) is what you said about James wondering about the fans hating him for putting them up. It's interesting that the hamsters rarely seem to be able to get a true handle on how fans must feel, even when they themselves are big fans of the show. I guess that's part of the old "social experiment" part of the game they used to advertise it
It made me remember the year of Cappy, when that group of horribly mean girls imagined that the fans LOVED them.
Stay strong, James my boy, we're with you!

monty924 said...

Anyone who watches the feeds or has been in the house will tell you that Julia is the bitchier twin. It's a fact, but you haven't seen it on the CBS edit yet. Day, Jeff and Jason have all said it. It really didn't matter if he split up a pair or a triplet. The point is he is splitting up a committed duo. He did what he set out to do. Going forward, he's probably in trouble, but so are Vanessa, Liztin and Shelli. James is in a good spot as far as I can see.