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Steve is getting around |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Impending Doom for Train Girl:
- Becky got some pain meds for her toe. I guess it's not broken, but it is wrapped up.
- She's more mellow with pain meds.
- Julia thinks if Vanessa wins HoH, she just might backdoor Austin.
- Yeah, that's a possibility.
- The twins are still a bit too loud for my liking. But, when they're together sans Austin, they can be funny.
- If nothing else, I can mock their voices to my cat!
- They're still having ant woes in the kitchen. They still use Raid to try controlling the problem. I'm not sure that's a good solution. Poison is poison, but ants are protein!
- Heehee.
- (You can tell we're in feeds doldrums now, can't you?)
- Steve talked again about Christine being his favorite houseguest last year. Ew. He's thrilled that she answered an email from him. I'd say that's probably because she didn't get a ton of nice emails.
- They had the last of the three dinners they earned -- In and Out burgers. The feeds were blocked for the feast.
- They bowled, then threw chocolate at each other until BB told them to clean the house.
- Becky says her toe injury is causing her more pain than when she got hit by the train ... and she wasn't allowed pain meds for that because of her brain injury.
- James joked about keeping Becky because she'd be easy to beat with her sore toe in HoH.
- Julia again seriously brought up keeping Becky instead of Johnny Mac (as she's done many times before -- she doesn't like JM).
- That was pooh-poohed by Austin and Liz.
- Vanessa seriously brought up keeping Becky, also with the thought she can't compete. But, unlike James, she was serious.
- When that was turned down, she decided they need to make deals with Johnny Mac.
- Steve made his rounds -- hanging out with Austwins, Becky, Vanessa, Johnny Mac and James/Meg to a lesser extent.
- Yeah, that's the guy with such horrible social issues.
- Liz and Austin continued with their snugglefest with her shutting him down at times.
- I kind of wish the BB voice would tell the both of them SHUT IT DOWN.
- They're reminding me too much of McCranda and I just might start having nightmares.
- Everybody headed to bed early for this crowd.
- Once tonight comes, things will get interesting once again.
- That is, until the doldrums hit on Sunday again.
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No way could a comb get through |
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The hat is back |
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Steve and Becky |
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James and Meg, BFFs? |
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Looks like a choke hold to me |
Austin, I have but one request for you: Comb your hair and get dressed. Oops, sorry, that's two. PLEASE!
How can Steve be this super fan and Christine was his favorite player last year REALLY!!!!! Oh my gosh Vanessa and that hat lol. I say the petition startup for no hate in the BB house begins today lol
You want to know why Julia doesn't like J*Mac? Because he doesn't like HER! She & Liz are used to men catering to them, admiring them, etc. But Julia (and Liz) are NOT his type. He finds them a bit trashy, and far too ignorant to be attracted to. Julia can sense this, so she "hates" him. Too bad, so sad girl!
Good read Petals! I agree.
Petals strikes gold again!
I've decided Vanessa wears the green hat when she's "on"... doing all her thinking/conniving.
I can't remember if she wears it along with sunglasses while she's playing poker. lol
I don't know anyone who could ever be "involved" with Austin, not even for just a date or two.
Granted, he can't help being fugly, but does he HAVE to have scraggley/uncombed hair and the stupid pony-tail beard?
That gross idiot rarely wears a shirt, so we are 'treated' to his huge masses of tattoos as well. Actually, I don't have anything against a tattoo here and there, but really... it's simply too much with that shaggy head and shirtless bod... even when he's cooking? Worst of all, he really thinks he's super cool dude...
The only positive I can think of about Austin... he shows he has a sense of humor now and then. It's not enough!
Does anyone really think the John will target Meg/James on the block if he wins HOH?
I would think he would put up Austin/Twin with a backdoor of Vanessa.
It just not a smart move for him to put up james and meg with the chance they leave.
Petals- you are spot on with Julia.
Last night i wanted to throw up in my mouth while watching the feeds. Austin and Liz stated they are the king and queen and the center of the show. Austin stated that he is sure BB will run a package of their relationship on the live show.
He keeps telling Liz that they are a better showmance than Brenchal.
Its gross when they are gettin down to the nitty gritty and each looks into the camera.
JMac has said he really wants Vanessa OUT, but if he can't, I would hope he'd target Liz.
Austin is nuttin' without Liz. She can win comps, while he apparently can't.
And Julia doesn't like Austin, so I'd see her flipping to James and/or Steve instead.
Austin would not only be worthless, he'd be alone. LOL
I just have to wonder what will happen.
I am hoping for a James win tonight.
I really would like to see Meg win but we know
that wont happen. although stranger things have happened.
Austin, Vanessa, Liz, Steve have all said they will throw HOH.
Its crazy to think it may be down to James, Meg and John.
This morning James said he may throw the HOH as well.
This was James talking to John this morning:James tells John if its them and Austin left in the HoH, James can drop out b/c Austin and John want to take out Vanessa.
Meg said to James a few minutes earlier she expects to be on the block if JMac wins HOH. James said he wants to win HOH. Says that pawns go home, like Becky
Meg said to James a few minutes earlier :
It's quite possible BB wanted the Twins to be the center of the show (if Julia made it in).
I doubt they figured on the Austin stepping in and trying to claim the kingdom, or for Liz to "go for it" in a showmance with the Sasquach (Petals' perfect description).
Going with Chacha here... I have to turn off my TV when Liz and Austin start slobbering all over each other... and watching the cameras for attention. Liz really is the trashy sister.
Though the twins are both loud/obnoxious, at least Julia seems to have a better grip on what's acceptable behavior, and how their parents are going to react to Liz. $500k (or $50k) shouldn't be worth bringing herself down to such a low level. Liz's parents must be cringing.
I can't believe I am going to say this but if Julia and her twin were final two and I was a juror I would vote for Julia. Julia has tried to branch out.
I love watching her with James. It really is funny.
The two talk about how they love Steve, I don't believe this at all. I would love to see Julia be the one to take out Austin. that would be fun to watch that week go down.
I'm afraid Vanessa just might win the next HOH. She KNOWS she's close to getting-got, so she'll be working for the HOH win. If she does, I wonder if this might be the time she decides it's time for Liz or Austin to go up together... and hopefully, Liz out. If she puts them OTB, just watch.. those 3 will be doing the Steve Scramble, and telling Vanessa how much they have supported her (look, WE didn't put you OTB this week!). We know they will throw James/Meg/JMac/Steve UTB... saying it was THEM that wanted Vanessa gone. @@
I have often wondered what Julia would do if she was HoH. It would be cool to see her go after Austin but I think she would probably go after JM, Steve and Vanessa. It has got down to it now and they will have to start eating their own. It would be a shame to waste a HoH on Meg and James as moves need to start happening to win.
Chacha,KIng and Queen of showmance? Hilarious! I can't even remember the last time I watched the feeds due to those two skeez buckets. They are McCranda 2017 and currently rated dead last at Jokers as likable house guests.
Sharon,You have the twins nailed. Spot on! Liz is total trash,a real sleaze ball.
These idiots talk about making a big move? Please wake up and make a move against the 3 of them!!
Credit to Petals! I was trying to think of a description for Liz's behavior and Petals nailed it first. :)
I am hoping someone has the guts to put up Vanessa but that does not seem likely. I am hoping for a Steve, Johnny or James HOH win. I definitely do not want Vanessa or either one of those annoying twins to win. I am still rooting for either Johnny or Steve to win the whole thing. If not, I will root for James. Everyone else annoys the holy heck out of me. And Meg is just pointless. Zoe in California.
Just looked back at the weekly Hamster Ranking...
It's day 66 and Austin (Mr. King), has been dead last since day 37. LMAO
In my eyes the only HOH to make a big move was James.
He put up the UP FRONT showmance of Shelli and Clay.
The wrong person left. James didn't have the vote and continually made it
clear who he wanted. Personally I think Austin wanted Clay out because it was an
intimidation factor.
John or James for HOH this week. Vanessa and the three headed monsters need to be nominated.
My gut says that John will win and put Meg and James on the block.
If that happens and John, James or Meg don't win veto then neither will be safe. If Austin, Julia, Liz or Steve win VETO they will not use it to put up Vanessa and if they did they would end up keeping her.
HOH TWEETS ARE OUT::: i want to throw up.
Julia, Austin, and I are in a showmance too guys! We call it #twinstin :P What do you think? #BB17
Who else is ready to see Julia win an HOH next week?! It would be so cool to have the #twinteam keep the power ;) #BB17
So Austin and I are stuck on a showmance name! What do you guys like better, #Liztin or #Austiz?! (We like #Lizstin :P) #BB17
We’ve been getting into a lot of #chocolatewars this week! We have all been sleeping with one eye open! #BB17
It’s so cool and special to be experiencing #BB17 with my identical twin sis! How can you guys tell us apart? #BB17
It’s so cool and special to be experiencing #BB17 with my identical twin sis! How can you guys tell us apart? #BB17
Julia is the one NOT in bed with Austin, slobbering and groping!!!! LMAO
I can't believe she didn't have Austin give up a night in the HOH so she could sleep with her sister.
I sure hope Julia is the one to cast the VOTE to evict Austin
ChaCha - omg, that tweet is hilarious. She types like a high school kid. @@ I'd love to be a fly on the wall when she gets out and reads that she & Aushole were gross, no one cared about them, much less their showmance name. LOL
If tonight is endurance, my money is on James.
I like James for the HOH also. I like James and Meg the best.
They aren't acting like high school students like the Austwins.
My brother and I have hair just like Austin's. I can tell you that the struggle is real, LOL
In other hair news, Steve now has a faux hawk compliments of Vanessa and James. It's cute on him :))
I am fairly new to the BB world.. My mom is a HUGE fan, and with us now living 1000 miles apart we each watch every episode and call each other after for "discussion and review"! With that being said, can someone please explain to me why on earth at this stage of the game would anyone think they would possibly benefit from throwing an HoH comp?! ConfusedinVA
Monty, it wouldn't be so bad if he'd just pull it back... instead of just letting it hang all scraggly...especially when he's cooking! Yes, he actually does wash it, but it still looks uncombed and unwashed. And that idiotic pony-tail beard... there are no words.
Anon, throwing comps is always a risk, even when they "think" they are safe.
Sometimes it works out (as a planned pawn), but... the Best Laid Plans and all that. lol
But sometimes throwing 'might' be smart... like the for next to last HOH comp.
At that point, throwing it really depends on who the other players are (how good at comps).
The last HOH is the most important because that winner chooses who will be sitting next to them for the $500k/$50k win. I'll be rather surprised if Meg isn't in the final 3 because they all know she would lose the big-money.
Becky has just now started to pack, or rather Meg is packing for her with less than three hours to showtime. BB got her a cane and she'll likely walk out the door like than.
The hair thing is a non-issue with me other than not pulling it back while he is cooking. He DOES wash it, he combs it when it is wet and what it looks like when it is dry is really not what it appears. My hair looks exactly the same way if I wear it down, and I rarely do outside of the house. I also use a lot of frizz control and mousse in my hair, but that's me. It's just a choice for folks like us. Cut it short or leave it long??? It's a personal thing.
Confirmation on an endurance comp. There's a scroll across the live feeds saying 'watch the endurance comp tonight when the live feeds return'.
I hope it's a swinging thing or the log roll. My money is on James or Johnny Mac!
I'm hoping James doesn't throw it... like he indicated he might.
NObody should be throwing the comp tonight!
Austin trying to convince Vanessa she's safe to throw tonight.
yeah, I don't think she bought that idea Austin!! lol
If Aushole shaved his head, I'd still loathe him.
(but I love my friend Monty, we rarely have such a difference of opinion, LOL)
Back atcha Pal :))) <3
If it is the swinging comp or the log, I don't see Vanessa going very long regardless.
"...Steve now has a faux hawk compliments of Vanessa and James. It's cute on him..."
Agah! This is of course my own personal opinion, but I think faux hawks look stupid on everyone! To me, they look like permanent dunce caps.
Van, Aushole, Meg (duh) and Steve will prolly drop early. Jackie would have rocked it. Julia has been told to win (so that Aus can stay in the HOH bed, WTF?), so she will stay on a while. I think it will come down to James v Johnny Mac.
My BIGGEST peeve about this season? How NO ONE seems to comprehend that there is a duo/trio that has never been nommed, and is on no one's radar. At all! How are JMac, James & Steve not seeing this? Is it fear? Someone needs to nom the twins. Aus is another good one to take to the end, b/c he has been ineffectual. Meg at least won a prize...
I think BB has got the hint that people don't like Austin/Liz and showing them sucking face with each other makes people violently ill. Last night on BBAD they cut to those two doing it but almost immediately cut to other things going on in the house.
Anyone who throws a competition at this point in the game deserves to be sitting on the block. I do hope James, Meg, or JM win the HoH tonight.
Don't forget that Liz was nominated when Vanessa wanted to backdoor Austin. She won the BOB on her own despite James so she has been on the block. There are a lot of theories out there on why everyone is so afraid to nom them though. One is why have three ticked off jurors in there against you. NOT my theory... just passing that along. :))
If JMac wins, I really believe he wants Vanessa out.
Surely he's smart enough to put up one of the AusTwins too.
If James wins, he would probably put up Vanessa, and maybe one of the trio.
He holds his cards pretty close. Jokes about putting up various people and then laughs it off, but I think his mind is actually working.
I'm concerned about Meg winning HOH. Would she be as wishy-washy as I think, or have enough gumption to not let Vanessa or AusLiz influence her.
OK, Monty - that's a good theory. But that is so disappointing that every other player in the game is OK to let them be the F3, simply because they don't want angry jury members. I mean, everyone in Jury is an evictee, there aren't any happy ones.
it's befuddling.
I don't know about angry jury members. It seems to me that in the past, people have not held eviction against anyone. About the most common emotion in the jury vote is loyalty. There may be residual anger, but it doesn't seem to affect the votes.
When does zingbot enter the house !? I want to hear his zing on Austin. And Liz lol
I agree Silk. But this season, so many HGs have threatened to "campaign against" people in the Jury House. Van skipped an eviction by swearing to unload all sorts of damaging info on people if she goes to Jury.
Angry jurors or not, I am confounded about how the 5 other HGs are seemingly agreeing to allow the Three Little Pigs to skate through to the end.
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