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Hula hoop made it indoors |
It's always nice to see a power couple grovel in the house. Yeah, that's my mean streak talking. But ... isn't it? Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of For Whom the Bell Tolls:
- As I mentioned in the previous bulletin, James nominated Shelli and Clay for eviction.
- Yes, feel free to take a moment to savor the news.
- The rest of the people in the house are pretty much prepared for any "throw us under the bus" retaliation/scrambling by Chelli.
- While Clay had some kind of outburst before the live feeds returned, it was Shelli on the live feeds telling Vanessa that the 6th Sense was OVER.
- Vanessa tried to reason with her that if all goes to the wayside at this point, she'll definitely blow whatever game she might have left.
- Both Clay and Shelli blame Vanessa, Austin and, of course, James, for being on the block.
- Heck, Shelli even blames production. Why? Because they started the nominations ceremony before she and Clay could talk to James.
- They only had 16 or so hours, y'know.
- James tried to convince them he only did it as a strategy move -- he knows he can beat just about everyone else in the house in comps but them. He thinks everyone else will be easier to deal with via winning comps. They are both a threat.
- Chelli go on about how their word is good as gold as they spew lies to try to save themselves.
- Although, when you think about it, perhaps they're not seeing the lies and betrayals they've done as lies.
- But, when anybody else does it, it's lying.
- Meanwhile, Jackie is working more on Johnny Mac to draw them to their side. He's been straddling the line a bit.
- James's prediction says it all: "It's going to be a tense week."
- Y'think?
- Vanessa knows that the saving of Austin/blindsiding Jason put all of this in motion. But it's Shelli who goes and tells Austin that.
- Does he really care? I'm pretty sure all he cares about is his own game.
- The cracks in the 6th Sense alliance appear to be a bit like Humpty Dumpty -- all the King's men can't put it together again.
- Shelli cried because she doesn't want to go home.
- Shelli cried because she doesn't want Clay to go home.
- Shelli cried because one of them will probably be out before jury.
- "We'll be separated!" Shelli cries.
- Um. I believe that's the point. If she and her boy toy have any sort of real relationship, it surely can wait until the last week of September.
- Of course, with all this crying going on, Vanessa had to get in the act and cry, too.
- After all, she's feeling the wrath.
- Perhaps she should be thankful she's not feeling the sting of nomination?
- Jackie thinks that they (her side) have to win veto. They don't dare let Shelli win because they think she would save Clay with it.
- James would prefer the noms remain the same and Shelli goes.
- Clay says he will take Shelli off if he wins it.
- Aw, true love. How touching. Throw away the chance at a half-million for a month-long fling.
- It goes without saying that if one of them is saved with the veto, they have several options on replacement -- Austin, Vanessa, twins. They don't really have a backdoor target; it's either Clay or Shelli going out, preferably Shelli.
- Meg all of a sudden has taken on the persona of a tough gamer. Huh. Go figure.
- Johnny Mac does not want to win the veto. I think he'd rather play things a bit cooler with both sides and not be in the position to draw a line that cannot be erased at this point.
- Of course, he didn't tell THEM that.
- He told Becky that they both need to NOT win the veto.
- You do know they have a secret alliance of two, right?
- Apparently they do.
- Vanessa hatched a plan with Steve to try to convince James that Becky needs to go on the block as a replacement nomination.
- Does she really think that will work?
- Meanwhile, Johnny Mac and Becky are telling Clay that Vanessa isn't on their side.
- Shelli told Clay that she doesn't know why they chose to be on the "dark side" of the house.
- Shelli cried some more.
- You know, she can't be without him an hour without missing him!
- Steve has difference telling the twins apart.
- Unless they're standing together, so do I.
- I wish they'd wear t-shirts labeled with L and J.
- Austin told Liz that if he wins the veto, he won't use it -- he's afraid Liz would go up on the block if he does.
- Austin is also on trying to get Becky's name in there as a renom.
- It ain't gonna happen, I say.
- Clay suggested Steve as a renom.
- It ain't gonna happen, I say.
- How desperate are they to keep trying to get people who are not in any way targets at the moment in as renoms? At least work with ones you know are on the hit list! Oh, wait. They already tried that shortly after nominations!
- Now, after throwing their 6th Sense peeps under the bus, Shelli thinks they need to keep the alliance together.
- @@
- Vanessa thinks Becky is playing both sides of the house.
- Well, duh. She is.
- They're in an indoor lockdown as the PoV comp set is being built in the yard. PoV should be sometime today.
- We'll see what happens then.
- I think we're in for a tense week (as James put it).
- Good. That's how I like my Big Brother.
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Throw up your hands like you just don't care |
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Look! He's TWINS! |
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Why keep a beach ball on the counter? |
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Johnny Mac being Johnny Mac-ish |
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That's not pretty hair; it's just a lot of hair. |
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James is the top pop (lollipop) |
"I think we're in for a tense week". I agree Jackie ( and James) and it's how I like mey BB too..haha..finally some excitement in this game.Thanks so much Jackie for this blog.I so look forward to your witty comments everyday. I cant wait for Sunday to see their faces when they go up.I really hope noms stay the same,but in a way it would be great to see Clay or Shelli win POV and see if they are dumb enough to throw themselves on the sword and use it on the other person...lol...
Shelli is definitely the one to get out of the house, since she's the only one of the two who wins comps. The 6th Sense made a mistake voting out Jason. They created a monster with the 'others' and they're making a run for it. Good for them and thanking them and James for generating some excitement in the house. And thanks to you Jackie for keeping us current. Can't wait for POV... more excitement please!
I don't expect anyone to try and win POV with the exception of Clelli/James unless it's meg or Jackie competing.
One thing I am happy for is there is some actual feeds so far this week.
Shelli should have thought about voting Becky out last week.
If she sells out Becky she and Clay also lose John.
I thank you Jackie for your patience and loyalty in keeping this blog going....thank God James had the nerve to make a move and put up Chelli......can't wait for POV
I am so excited, I cculd just BURST. I would love to see Shelli walk out that door, although I really dislike Austin too. This is the order I would love to fall in place, for evictions Shelli, Austin, Liz/Julia (which ever one,that made that mean goodbye message to Jason) Vanessa. and the other twin. I don't worry to much about Clay he will self-destruct without Shelli. I'm not sure , has he ever even come close to winning a comp?
Anon...it was Liz with the mean message to Jason.
But he pretty much "got even" during his interview with Jeff.
Jeff asked what Jason thought about Liz and Austin.
I'm paraphraising here:
Jason said NO, Liz doesn't like Austin...she is only with him to help her win.
Then smirked and said, hmmm,sleeping with someone for money... isn't that kind of like prostitution?
I almost fell out of my chair laughing. In that interview. It's obvious that Jason has a quick mind and gift for gab. People should think twice about being mean to someone who can laugh at a situation and, at the same time, smile sweetly while skewering you.
Veto players picked: James, Shelli, Clay, Jackie, Vanessa, and Becky
-We know what Jackie will do if she wins.
-What will Shelli do if she wins.. will she fall on her own sword?
-If Vanessa wins, will she leave the noms the same?
-Becky is the question mark. If she wins and takes one off, she'll be drawing a HUGE line in the sand!! (Becky doesn't know it, but she already has a target on her back anyway.)
Anon at 12:10--Clay won the veto comp just last week, the one with the squirrels moving nuts over the teeter-totter thing. He saved himself, opening the back door for Jason.
That Veto last week was made for Clay, no brain power involved at all. Roll a ball, catch a ball, repeat. If there is any thinking at all involved in today's Veto competition he doesn't have a chance. I hope Jackie or James wins the veto and keeps the nominations the same. That would put an end to shelli's endless scheming and bring out some more needed waterworks on her part. HeHe.
Shelli's endless scheming can't come close to Vanessa's scheming!!
If Shelli gets saved this week, it will be because of Vanessa's help.
Too bad Vanessa doesn't know Shelli would dump her like spoiled milk.
Becky and Vanessa won't play to win it.
If I was Vanessa I would play to win. If Shelli or Clay win she could go up when they come off the block. I wouldn't risk that. I would do everything I could to win.
Thank you Jackie for the time you take watching the feeds and posting on your blog for us. Hopefully James will win the veto and Shelli will ho home ! Thanks again Robin
They will all play to win to avoid being backdoored,but none will use it.
Hard to believe women aren't beating a path to James door and that he isn't in a showmance with this type of pick-up line. (eyeroll)
James to Julia, "Do you have any Asian in you?" Julia, "I don't think sooo." James, "Well, do you want any?"
That James is a naughty man, I wonder if Julia caught on to his question?
What's with all tears,Did Shelli cry when Jace, Davonne, and Audrey, were evicted? she was just sooooooo upset that Jason was leaving.
to anon 4:13....tears when audrey was evicted....ummm, yes, lots of tears, way more than there should have been. And Davonne was a stereo-typical angry ... woman, in your face, defensive, ghetto. Good riddance to that awkward nonsense.
Shelli really only cries when her neck might be on the line... or in this case, IS on the line. lol
Okay, I see the point in playing it to win so that Clay or Shelli don't, but if Vanessa or Becky win it, then they're both in a spot with Clelli and/or James. Use it and you expose who you are working with (Vanessa could do that because they all know, but I doubt Becky would). It's a risk to Becky more so than Vanessa. If you win it and keep the noms the same, you do have the one that remains coming after you.
Vanessa is pushing people to keep shelli in the game no matter what happens with the Veto. If Jackie or James win it they need to take Clay off and put up Liz. That cuts out 3 votes, Liz, Julia, and Austin for shelli to stay. Or put up Vanessa in place of Clay to stop Vanessa's constant campaign to keep Shelli. I want Shelli gone this week.
First...Jackie thank you, this is one of your best entries to date. So well done I feel like I could just read the blog without the show and
be plenty entertained.
I was sad to see Jason go but it has flipped the incessant power couple off their HOH pedestal and finally, week six BB season 17 gets interesting.
Shelli, Clay and Vanessa have dished out plenty of lies, betrayals etc. But all three can't seem to take the same and are turning on each other. Which Vanessa has had a history of from the beginning...she set up Jeff big time, she turned on Audrey, she turned on Austin, she has thrown both twins UTB, and now she is turning on Chelli. If Vanessa were HOH every single week she wouldn't have any alliance members left because she would get them all out one by one for crimes she perceives they have committed big and small. Of course when Vanessa herself committed the same "crimes" that was OK. Vanessa has made decisions and taken actions without first consulting her alliance. Has lied to her alliance. Has thrown her alliance UTB. And then lied about that.
Personally the two qualities I dislike the most in HG are bullying and hypocrisy. Vanessa may be hecka pushy but I would not call her a bully. But I would say she is super hypocritical. As are Shelli and Clay. I applaud James for his non sheep noms and really hope either Shelli, Clay or Vanessa leaves.
Meanwhile...the screeching stuffed eagles bonking the HGs...one of the funniest comp moments ever!
I agree David, but it only cuts off two votes for sure if Liz goes up. James might just play it safe thinking that one of the have to go so keep it the same. I think the 6th Sense will keep Shelli over Clay.
You are right, only 2 votes as Clay would be added back in. If they do remain the same James needs to point out as he did when talking with Shelli/Clay about her being good at comps and does anyone what to have to face her later in the game. She needs to be taken out now while the iron is hot, it could be a lot harder later on.
Somethings up on the feeds. But you won't hear about it here :(
I'll say... cause I'm doing the happy dance!! lol
Anon, this is not a live feeds updates site. Jackie does a great job summarizing what happens on the feeds. As far as I can tell James won the Veto, Clay won a trip to Ireland, Vanessa has some kind of punishment and possibly Shelli does also.
No clue how the votes will go down next Thursday thought.
Vanessa has been pushing the idea of keeping Shelli.
Wonder if James will consider taking down Clay and putting up Liz.
That would be the chance to take out 1 of the power couples (Austin/Julia don't like each other).
Shelli would be the better choice to take out, but you never know how the vote will go.
I agree Sharon, but like you said, you never know. Keeping both of them up there insures that one of them goes.
Clay is much less of a threat than Shelli though.
Clay may be a college guy, but he doesn't strike me as more than a Jock.
With him gone, Shelli & Vanessa would probably bond further, making them a strong pair.
Both good at comps, but particularly good at talking in circles.
It sounds as if Shelli has to be Jackie's slave for a day. Jackie has to wear a costume. Shelli has a physical punishment that if she does not complete it, she can't play in Veto next week. (If still there)
I totally agree Sharon, Shelli is the one that needs to go.
If James takes Clay off and put Vanessa up,that might be a big mistake because Clay, the twins, Austin, Steve, Becky, and probably JohnnyMac will all vote Vanessa out, if he puts Liz up . Steve JohnnyMac, Julia and Austin along with all the other side will all vote Shelli out. SO HE NEEDS TO PUT LIZ UP.
There is a chance, but I doubt that he will do anything stupid. He's said even with his own group that he doesn't want to risk his plan. He wants Shelli gone and already evaluated the risks (in his head at least) about who could pull it out against one of his original noms. I don't know because I'm not in the crazy house, LOL.
I think he will keep it the same thinking that Shelli will go home, but I'd bet my last dollar that it will be Clay. Just me though.
Totally agree Monty. If James keeps Clay & Shelli OTB together, Clay will most likely be the one evicted. Like Anon said, he needs to take down Clay and put up Liz to guarantee Shelli leaves.
That's what we think out here. James said one of the them was going home and the best way to make certain that it happens is for him to leave the noms the same. I don't see James as a master strategist and even Vanessa would be stupid to pull for that because he could turn around and put HER up. I say he leaves the noms the same.
Clay and Meg already hooking up, LOL. Shelli isn't even out the door @@
Something that seems to be constantly happending with this group.... people not wearing their mics. I know it's happened with people in Seasons past (mostly forgetting after pool or shower), but not to the degree of these hamsters. Clay seems to be the biggest offender.
Anyone know why they're wearing costumes right now?
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