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Studying |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Sweet Strategies:
- When I last saw the bathroom floor, that roll of toilet paper featured in my last update was still there. No one has bothered to pick it up.
- If that was here, my cat would have taken care of that immediately!
- The girls slept most of the day.
- Steve napped a lot on and off between roaming the house, mumbling and laying out candy and Froot Loops to memorize house happenings.
- Liz eventually got up and studied, often asking Steve for answers.
- She eventually went to her own candy plan-o-grams.
- They're all still hurting from the candy apple comp Wednesday night.
- Vanessa is fussing the most, then Liz, then Steve. That's the reverse order of how they came down.
- Steve and Liz have gravitated more to hanging out together.
- Maybe it's because Vanessa is so out of it.
- Maybe it's because they just might both dump Vanessa if they have the choice?
- Over the past few days, Steve has mumbled different versions of evicting Vanessa if he wins HoH.
- Hmm.
- I would think, if they're thinking win, Vanessa isn't one to take with you.
- Then again, it might behoove either Steve or Vanessa to take Liz over each other.
- But I could be totally wrong.
- All three had to get dressed appropriately to answer fan questions for BBAD.
- The questions were along the line of favorite foods, what they miss from home, etc.
- Yawn.
- That took up a good fifteen minutes!
- They're sleeping.
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Studying |
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Such fun times |
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Answering questions for BBAD |
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Maimed for life? |
One very great thing about the feeds this week? No Skinemax, no HandiCam!
Petals - even better; no Austin!
Right on, Pinky!!!!
Most of the Jury 'seem' to admire Vanessa's game... except bitter Aushole.
My thoughts won't matter if she loses the next HOH and becomes the next evicted, but... I wonder if the Hole will be able to influence the negativity towards her that he so desires. It's doubtful that his ire will fade with the luxury of the Jury house.
If she does end up in the F2, will Julie Chen be correct...
Julie thinks that, even though the other women know Vanessa has played the best game, they will tend to act like a schoolgirl's click and vote against her (even without Aushole's influence).
AND.... I still can't vote America's Favorite today!!!
Surely the time-limit has elapsed since TUESDAY NIGHT. @@
Way to go CBS...
Talk about anti-climatic.....yawn. At this point I just want it to be over. The jury house would be more interesting. Watching paint dry would be more interesting. I'm so disappointed in this season. Paging: Casting!!
Sharon: I use this link, then go to "more". Its the only way I can reach AFHG, my other links tell me voting is over!
Thanks for the link, good try, but that one isn't working for me either. :(
Really annoying that I cannot vote for my favorite HG. Glad it's not just me...
Boo CBS!!!
I tried to vote last night, and they wanted me to register. I backed out of the registration process as soon as I discovered they wanted access to all my social media friends. I refuse to sell my friends down the river for the privilege of voting. I considered setting up a dummy Facebook account just for this, and then decided it wasn't worth the trouble. so, go James, but he'll have to go without me.
I can't vote either. I did two days in a row and now I can't. I tried logging out of my Access acct. and logging back in, but it still says that I've reached my daily limit. Grrrr
Oh well, I gave James all of my votes while I still could.
I think Julie was saying that Liz wouldn't get the votes because of the 'girls clique'. The girls in the jury minus Shelli didn't really like Liz all that much. I think the girls if faced with Vanessa and Liz, would vote for Vanessa hands down. It's gets a little bit tricky if it comes to Vanessa and Steve.
I've only been able to give my 20 votes ONE time.
Also tried logging out and back in to see if that would work.
Nothing works. :(
The CBS "Plot" thickens.... lol
Did Julie Chen actually make that comment about the other women in the game, if so that's just her opinion, even though Vanessa played a good game I can see how others might not see her as a likable person, in some cases she did act like a Bully, she and Aushole were very demeaning to Steve, because to me he does have some issues. I tried voting also and was led to a site wanting me to register, I also declined. I don't have a facebook account and don't want one. I wanted to vote for James, I can only hope that maybe enough people got through and voted for him, I certainly don't feel as though JMac deserve to win, he did NOTHING.
These girls in the jury were the same girls that allowed them into the game in the first place, and never voted to get them out, so go figure, they sat there and played follow the leader instead of making their own decision, who knows what they'll do now, might be holding grudges, very bad game play. And they did act like school girls.
Anon 3:15
Julie Chen's remarks were during a special interview with Jeff... after JMac's eviction.
People keep saying JMac did nothing, but that's not true. Granted, he wasn't outgoing and sociable like James, but if you look at comps, they are virtually even!
James: 2 BOB, 1 HOH, 2 VETOs (tried to throw 1 comp and failed)
JMac: 1 BOB, 0 HOH, 4 VETOs (threw a bunch of comps he 'could' have won)
James was having fun and wanted to enjoy as much as he could, so he didn't care if the limelight was on him. He also figured if he was liked, maybe they'd keep him. That theory worked a long time for him.
In JMac's interview with Jeff, he admitted he 'laid low' and slept a lot.
As I suspected, it was because he saw people who were more vocal being evicted.
He said he wanted to stay out of the limelight and not call attention to himself.
It worked for quite a while, though they all had suspicions (even after eviction) that JMac was some kind of twist. @@
Interesting article..
5 Ways Vanessa and Steve on 'Big Brother 17' Are Like Season 14's Dan and Ian
I too have reached the voting limit although it hasn't been exactly 24 hrs since I lst voted. Will try again in several hours. Vanessa needs my votes!
Huh. I hadn't even considered a Liz/Steve F2 until this post. Didn't even occur to me. I guess I figured Liz wouldn't be smart enough to keep Steve over Van, and Steve simply wouldn't have the guts. He's shown that over and over. I STILL think Liz isn't smart enough to take Steve over Van.
But thinking about it further, it is entirely possible that Steve can win the pt two memory comp AND the pt three skill comp AND steal his stones back from Vanessa to bring Liz to the end. That's a final week I would love to watch.
I want Steve to win parts 2 and 3 and take Liz, but here's where Vanessa has an edge. Vanessa had talks with everyone in the jury, some to greater extent, and she very versed in reading people and their personalities. Steve on the other hand didn't have those connections especially with Meg, Jackie and James. I think Vanessa has the edge in part 3 of the HOH which has always been what did evicted Jurors say... A or B.
I have not been able to vote since the first night either
But, having said that, LOL... Vanessa could very well read Meg and James completely wrong because she didn't have many direct personal convos with them either. She did with Jackie when they were HOH together.
You're right Vanessa really does need your votes. LOL
So in JMac's interview with Jeff his strategy was to be a floater, seems to me he should have kept his head in the game and not on a pillow, maybe if he hadn't slept so much he could have seen what Vanessa was doing, I guess he and Meg just wanted some place to spend the summer. He came alive long enough to be a comedian in the DR, and he threw those comps because he was told too. Well Vanessa's head was never out of the game and look where she is now, probably the winner.
Vanessa is saying she's getting worse instead of better since that last comp.
Now, she may very well be hurting with all the bruises, but also said her head was ringing during the comp. @@ But I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this is just another plot... building up the injury factor to make it sound like she won't be able to compete very well.
Anon 6:14
As much as people 'want' to say JMac did nothing, the hard, cold facts speak for themselves!
Here are the "winning" numbers for the Final 6 players:
Austin won 3... 0 BOB, 2 HOH, 1 VETO
James won 5..... 2 BOB, 1 HOH, 2 VETOs
JMac won 5...... 1 BOB, 0 HOH, 4 VETOs
Liz won 5...... 1 BOB, 3 HOH, 1 VETO (1 BOB, 1 HOH was shared Liz/Julia)
Steve won 6......1 BOB, 3 HOH, 2 VETOs
Vanessa won 7... 0 BOB, 4 HOH, 3 VETOs
By the way, one of the puzzle comps Steve won...
JMac actually beat Steve, but we were able to watch JMac hold off hitting his buzzer until he heard Steve hit his. It was a comp JMac did NOT want to win! If JMac had wanted to win that 'win' count would be 100% swapped, putting JMac at 6 and Steve at 5.
I'm with you, she is setting Steve and Liz up, poor suckers. Knowing Steve he'll probably fall for it hook, line, and sinker. He'll probably throw the comp to her. Please Wednesday get here as soon as you can. In an earlier post today I think I read somewhere that she was asking him for some answers for what she feels may be in the next comp and of course he obliged .
Liz has been asking Steve questions as well.
He's so cooperative... @@
Anon 6:14,You're exactly right. Jmac's excuse was that his alliance members kept getting voted out. So you make new ones. It's not that difficult!@@ For instance,if he would have teamed up with James we might be looking at a totally different final 3.
I don't think it ever crossed JMac's mind as to the fact that all the people on one side of the house was getting evicted, he just voted with the way the house told him too, he really did not belong to an alliance and he wasn't trying to get into nor, he was just a missing person,, At one time I forgot he was there, and then he would show up in the DR and say something silly. When he decided to play it was too late.
I agree, Anon 8:01pm, re JMac. He waited too long to step-up.
But frankly ~ since that nasty, hirsute 7th grader got evicted & is going away empty-handed, I'm cool.
Ditto Petals!! It's so nice not seeing that nasty ponytail beard, over-tattoo'd and barefoot body swaggering through the house and slobbering all over Lizaard.
James won 2 HOH he won when Jace was evicted and when Clay got evicted
Boom! I voted yesterday afternoon, just voted right now, no problems! I was still signed in from yesterday on cbs.com. So that's cool. Gotta remember to vote tomorrow and Sunday. Voting 16 to James, 4 to JM.
Anon 8:37
Sure enough, I missed James' first HOH... which puts him in the same realm as Steve, with 6 wins.
It's a shame James wasn't around until F3. If he had reached F2, I think the Jury just might have awarded him the win over any of the other finalists we have right now.
Don't know if it was an issue with the CBS site, but I FINALLY got to vote again... that's 2 out of 4 days. Votes shared the 1st day between James/JMac. Today's 20 were all for James.
for not being able to vote afhg, try clearing your cache in the internet settings. might work but no promises.
don't care much for her as a person, but vanessa played the best game and deserves the win. getting julia to challenge austin in the pov was brilliant and ranks with the best moves on bb.
thank you jackie for everything you do!
dave in san diego
Sharon,Julie Chen not a fan of the pony tail beard either. She also doesn't like the BOB and hated the BB takeover. Maybe that's why they stopped it.
'Big Brother 17': Julie Chen Talks Disliking "BB Takeover," Why Show Has Never Been Nominated for Emmy
Now I'm gonna go cancel out your 20 votes for James by voting for my girl Vanessa :)
Anon 9:25
I could almost agree with you had Julia been a competent person, she and most of the people in that house didn't have a clue from day one, they voted Audrey out for doing the same thing Vanessa did, running from room to room talking game, and she had every last one of them evicted, because no one in there with the exception of James had a mind of his own. One day when they showed the Jury house Shelii was still angry about James getting Clay out like he wasn't suppose too, that's how clueless they were, thinking you're suppose to allow couples and sibling in the game, that's why they are all sitting in the jury house right now except for James he knew you were suppose get rid of known alliances.
Too bad that uncartie cancelled your votes Sharon, but he didn't cancel mine, LOL. I have 60 in total for James now. :))
Wonder why BB felt it necessary to bring BOB back if Julie Chen isn't a fan of it. You'd think she'd have some input in getting that idiocy dropped!
pfffft Go ahead and have fun giving your 20 votes to Vanessa.
Of course, IF she wins, as you are eagerly anticipating, your votes are wasted. LOL
WTG Monty!!!!
I'm not worried about Vanessa winning AFP, not with only 2 people voting for her... uncartie and Van's girlfriend! LOL
I hadn't been able to vote AFHG all day, but just now it let me vote. Mine went to James(again).
WTG Susan!! We have to off-set those uncartie votes!! :D
Monty924,SharonN and SusaninMA
I was able to get my 20 votes in for James as well, yea Team James
Are all the feeds down now... for the Part 2 comp?
I can't even look at Vanessa's picture without feeling ill.
They're still down, Sharon. It went to Jeffish around 10:50 EST. I think they'll be done before BBAD goes off the air tonight.
Not only did I just vote for James 20 times, but unless I miscounted, it didn't stop me at 20!
Judy... mayhaps CBS making up for lost time? :D
Did you all hear about this? (read on another blog)
I'm kinda bummed that the Austin eviction was pre-taped because according to Julie Chen during her interview with Jeff, Austin didn't want to leave the BB house and begged Vanessa to change her vote. lol Julie: "I thought I was gonna have to get the hook (to get him out)!" Julie also said that there were a lot of floaters this season that just "floated around" and "didn't make enemies". She's never seen the game played like that before. Julie: "They (all) just kinda coexisted in this house." They talked about Vanessa and Julie said that Vanessa's tears were "crocodile tears" and she's not buying it.
I was able to vote at least 50 times. It never stopped me; I gave up.
Anon 12:38, that interview is up on the CBS site if you want to watch it. I put a link to it on Jackie's last BB post.
Here's the link to the Julie/Jeff interview again if anyone missed it and wants to hear what Julie said.
I think you all are missing the boat of how much joy Austin has brought in to our lives and is the next big superstar and deserves to be Americas favorite lol
Jean, thanks for the head's up on the voting!
I was able to go and make up for lost time again!!
Jon, obviously, you in your cups tonight! LMAO
Sharon N, that would be nice! LOL! I began to wonder if they just stopped counting after 20, so I stopped.
I enjoyed the Julie Chen interview - she came across as very genuine. I thought it was hilarious when she said that she and her husband were talking in bed the night before about how many votes Liz would get if she's in the F2. (Not many!)
Either there's been a major malfunction or Liz sucks as bad as Jerry did in the second part of the HOH in S10. Three hours for two people to play a comp???? @@
That or Skippy fell asleep at the button. I'm about done for the night if the feeds don't return soon. UGH
Feeds back.... Steve won Part 2
Let the games begin, bwahahaha
Time for me to go to bed :)))
If that little "superfan" wins this I'm going back to the island and let the polar bear attack me lol
Well now, Vanessa seems to be forgetting there's a Part 3. Like, what if Steve wins that too and decides to take Liz instead?
After that little exchange about how this win will look to the jury (that Steve graced Vanessa with), if she wins #3, I'll place bets that won't set well with her and she is already making plans to backstab him and take Liz.
If Steve wins part three this will be his speech " I'm sorry Liz, I promised Vanessa I would take her in the final two and besides I just love her so much and I can't wait to tell all of my friends that I have a new best friend now who beat me down (literally) and is now the best player to ever play the game" and to the jury he'll say, please vote for Vanessa she deserves to win, and I would say " you're right fool, because you had no business in the game"
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