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Poor Coco, covered in Steve's tears |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Four:
- Not only have nominations already been made, PoV has already played out in advance of tonight's (really) live eviction show.
- Remember, last night's show was taped Monday and the feeds were down from Monday morning until last night's West Coast airing of the (not really) live eviction show.
- We did not see the nominations, nor the Power of Veto comp.
- But we know about them nonetheless.
- Steve nominated Vanessa and Johnny Mac.
- Say what?
- I didn't see what went down but I'd imagine he might have felt sorry for Liz, thus sparing her from the block.
- Or, he could have thought her as a renom.
- This is the week that all the power is in the hands of the PoV winner -- they decide who goes to the final three. It's just that one vote and the HoH has nothing to do with it other than put up the nominees.
- Vanessa won the Power of Veto.
- You heard me.
- It sounds like Steve threw it to her.
- All of the power is in Vanessa's hands.
- Uh-oh, Steve has a breakdown.
- Even though he knows he's one of the final three, he feels Vanessa will take Liz instead of Johnny Mac.
- He thinks he can beat Johnny Mac, but not Vanessa.
- Liz, of all people, comforts him.
- Yeah, you heard me.
- When Steve and Vanessa talked, they each thought they could beat Liz in a final three and take each other to the final two.
- But Steve had second thoughts on his own later. He doesn't think he can win against Vanessa.
- I don't think he should win against her.
- To be honest, although she's driven me crazy all summer on the feeds, of the four remaining, Vanessa SHOULD win. She's played the best game.
- However, we all know that's not always how things go in BB Land.
- It's a mind kerfuffle!
- Meanwhile, Liz seems to have turned um ... different ... she told Steve it was cute that he campaigned for her vote against Austin. She also told him he should work out more and try again with Julia because she really does like him but thinks he looks "puny."
- Hmm.
- I'm not sure Liz is quick enough to play mind games on the kid.
- Back to Steve's quandary -- he thinks that Vanessa would take him to the final two over Johnny, not as sure over Liz. He's sure that Vanessa will vote out Johnny Mac. He thinks that Johnny Mac would have taken him to the final two over Vanessa.
- He had to go cry to Coco, then Liz, then Liz and Vanessa.
- Where's Johnny Mac in all of this?
- Sleeping.
- In other news, Rachel Reilly is now following me on Twitter.
- Why can't Brad Pitt follow me instead?
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SlingBand has returned |
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Will this be the end of Johnny Mac? |
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Talking plans |
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Mom, I screwed up, a horrible mistake |
Steve is Just plain STUPID, I knew he wanted to take Vanessa to the end because he wants to say he lost to the best player ever, it' s no doubt to me that he threw that POV to her, people can feel sorry for him all they want he knew exactly what he was doing,. Bye JMac.
I still think Vanessa will evict Liz, but I'm usually wrong when it comes to Vanessa.
If Vanessa keeps Liz, Liz has comp wins and can play on the struggle of being in two solid relationships and surviving the entire time. She also has two guaranteed votes. If Vanessa keeps Johnny Mac, he doesn't have much to stand on and there's a decent chance that she could turn a bitter Austwins and end up with three solid votes. I think the smart thing is to keep Johnny Mac.
Steve screwed up. The one person he can't beat is Vanessa because she could talk him into a stupor during the final questions. He's made so many questionable decisions in the moment that are hard to believe with the amount of time he spends Skittle-izing.
Liz would be somewhat deserving if she could make it.
Johnny Mac should be the fan favorite because as much as I like how he blows right through Vanessa's crazy double-talk, he's had plenty of chances to save himself and win something and has failed to do so.
I think she has a deal with Liz,because it's for sure she wanted JMac out yesterday ,he was her target, but he won POV and forced her to evict Austin, she does not want Liz on that Jury, with hostile Austin and Julia, that could be a possible 3 votes against her maybe Becky would vote against her also, she might be in trouble., if they vote on emotions, but she should win, just for making a complete fool out of all of them.
I think Vanessa is mulling over the jury odds between Liz and Johnny Mac. If she goes by that, she just could evict Liz. At this time, it's Vanessa's game to lose ... or win. She really should do the latter at this point.
I don't know why it makes so angry that Steve throws that POV to Vanessa. I had to miss last nights show and was looking forward to watching it tonight, but now with Vanessa having the POV I'm just deflated. I agree her game has been excellent, as evidenced by her total control over Steve if nothing else. But it kinda sucks that Steve's idiocy screws JMacs game. JMac needed to win POV and that's on him, but I just don't feel sorry for Steve anymore.
I would vote for James over Johnny Mac for favorite houseguest.
I was afraid that Steve would not make the right choice when he won HOH. He gets too flustered under pressure.
sheesh, Steve, dumb move totally.....why???
Yep Im voting James for americas player...
I think she'll vote out J mac. Bummer.
I think she'll vote out J mac. Bummer.
Vanessa is dumb to keep Liz, she is the only one, of the other 3, she has a chance to lose against.....Liz definitely has 2 locked Jury votes!!! She needs to start playing smarter not harder.....she did the hard work....now do the smart thing, or it could be your $500,000 mistake.
I hope the jury members sees through the classless Austin when he tried to bad talk Vanessa. I am not the biggest Vanessa fan either but thought it terrible that Austin showed such bad sportmanship the way he left. Like he was E NTITTLED to stay in the game. He feels superior to the others, especially Steve. Calling him "boy" is in very poor taste. If you do not think so just ask any black man how they fell about about being called that. Every other people left with class when they walked out the door, not bullying, slapping at the door etc. Glad he is gone.
Vanessa is smart, but she just might outsmart herself if she keeps Liz.
Liz could possibly be the worst choice Vanessa could choose take to F3. Liz has been much more social and made friends easily, while winning quite a few comps (despite most of the wins being thrown to her), AND she has 2 Jury votes locked.
JMac threw a LOT of comps when asked by the HOH. His positive is that he also won quite a few Veto comps when he knew he was threatened. Unfortunately, he hasn't been social until recently. Others see him as 'sleeping the game away'.... while, in fact, he was spending a lot of time trying to 'lay-low' (hoping people wouldn't see him as a challenge), but whatever....
Vanessa has had a F2 with Steve, but she also had F2 with others, including Austin (had no problem voting him out). So her F2 'word' is worth zip. Steve has won several comps, but he's socially inept. I could be wrong, but I get the feeling some (or most) of the people would prefer not to even be around him... unless it's time so suck up to him as HOH.
Steve said he could not believe he through the veto to Vanessa. He not only hurt himself he took JohnnyMac's game from him. Vanessa will vote his out tonight. If Steve had won it he could have sent Vanessa home and could have probably won the whole game. Steve crumbles under pressure every time. Why would he let Vanessa talk him into throwing that to her. CRAZY. He does not deserve the win.
Sharon,"Sleeping the game away" LOL Perfect description!
Vanessa has said all along that she is doing what's best for _Her game_. Getting to final 2 is going to be 1st on her list,not who likes me in jury. Jmac is the biggest threat to that outcome. He's a way more a physical and mental threat than Liz is. If she gets rid of Liz she might have 3 votes against her. By keeping her she could get Julia's vote and maybe Aushole's as long as Liz isn't F2.
I see Steve & Van as F2. A lot of posters here do not like Vanessa,some even despise her (Yoo hoo Petals:)),but almost all have said she deserves the win. I think the jury we'll see it the same way.
I can't decide if Vanessa is an incredible player, if her breath literally contains some kind of hypnotic control vapors, or if everyone else in the house is just dumb as dirt. I don't think I've ever seen so many people in this game just give into someone else's agenda. It's mind boggling to me.
I think JMac, Meg, James, and now probably Austin would vote for Steve, because he was able to get to the end, only we know how Vanessa led him around on a leash. I don't think everyone is as in love with Vanessa as others, I'm only saying this because these people didn't have a clue as to how this game was suppose to be played,they went there for showmances (Clay/Shelli, Austin/Liz) and to make friends, none of them played the game to win because if they had a brain , they would not have let one person tell them all how to vote and they would not have voted with the house every time, this was a predictable and foolish season, one of the worst I've ever seen, these women go on TV and allow themselves to be used by someone that more than likely they will never see again (the forementioned ) Vanessa deserves to win, she had easy prey. I just hope she doesn't get up there and get too cocky with her speech again because everyone in there except Steve,is not in awe of her, and they might vote on emotions or liability.
I can hear Steve now, giving his speech "I just love you Vanessa I'm just happy to have been in the house with you, so all of you vote for Vanessa for the win".LMAO
Frankly, I hope Vanessa loses on general purpose alone, even though she deserves it on game play.
Anon 4:44
I mean't to say emotions and likability.
Ann, I forgot to say, I wouldn't be surprised if Steve did just that!
I am broken recording this but I'm ok with any remaining people winning but Steve, he is to me the way Austin was to others lol.
Anon 3:23, I agree with you about Austin's sense of entitlement, but the "boy" comment wasn't received well by the audience and the casual show viewer but those of us with the feeds got what he was saying. In the house, Steve has been "boy or Junior" just as Meg was "Grandma". James started most of that. Austin was "Pa" and Liz was "Ma". It was just a stupid thing they did making up funny family stories about those cast of characters. Folks who don't have the feeds weren't privy to that so it sounded like he was being condescending and bullying, but he wasn't.
Jon, for me... it was awful to watch or listen to Austin. He's just all around nauseating.
Steve seems a nice enough guy, but an overly-protected mama's boy, and I suspect he hasn't heard the word "no" very often in his short life. It's difficult to watch/listen to him. Maybe because he's so nervous, twitchy, and doesn't come across well in any of the circumstances that crop up in the house.
I think she's gonna evict JMac. She's thinking next step right now and has to make it to F2 before she can worry about votes. I wanted Jamc for the win. I hope I'm wrong and I hope she picks Liz instead, but...
Question on favorite houseguest. Does it have to be someone not getting the BB 1st or 2nd? Or could it be BB winner or runner up? Probably a stupid question...
I have only watched a couple times this year, they are not a very interesting bunch. But one person I do notice is that Vanessa, she really got a crazy look and those eyes!! I don't mean to be mean, but wouldn't want to be around her much, looks like a person going off the deep end?
For all the Austin haters out there, LOL
His live chat with Jeff here:
I think love is really blind. He thinks Liz is winning this! I mean it would be nice to win a BB pool finally but I'm just not seeing that happen against Vanessa or Steve. Who knows!!
IAgirlsmom, the final 2 aren't eligible for AFP. Personally, I'm giving James all of my votes every day. 20 last night, 20 today and will every day until the deadline on Monday.
Oh Monty, re the Austin/Jeff interview. Barf me a river!!!! < gag >
I knew everyone here would just love it, Sharon :)))))
He is SO full of himself. @@
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