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Tonight, Big Brother hamsters appear on a special The Price is Right. And, on Wednesday, it's The Amazing Race competitors. Unfortunately, I won't be around for tonight's show. I'm actually not quite sure how I'd live-blog a game show anyway! But, since folks would like a place to discuss this show, here you go!
In addition to an appearance by Julie Chen, this is the guest list for tonight:
Frankie Grande, Season 16
Britney Godwin, Seasons 12 and 14
James Huling, Season 17
Will Kirby, Seasons 2 (winner) and 7
Janelle Pierzina, Seasons 6, 7, and 14
Rachel Reilly, Seasons 12 and 13 (winner)
Da'Vonne Rogers, Season 17
Jeffrey Schroeder, Seasons 11 and 13
Ian Terry, Season 14 (winner)
Have fun and I'll check in on comments a bit later!
~*~*~***~*~ SPLASH ~*~*~*~*~*~
YAY! Thanks Jackie!
Janey is so pretty!
The twins are there too
Late but here... Rachel is about ready to deliver anyday now.
Grrrrr - I do not like Rachel!
MONTY!!!!!!! I actually got teary-eyed seeing my beautiful Janey. And adorable Brittany.
She grew on me that last season that she won
Oh, so Austin and the twin he was boning broke-up exactly 6 mths after leaving the house. Apparently there were Vegas odds on how long they'd last. @@
Austin isn't sitting with the twins.... hmmm
Ugh - Austin is there. Blech
yay go team Janey
she looks soooooo good!
Same hammock they had on there last night. Ian's hammock <3
I think they (austin and twins) were together ONLY for the publicity, for gigs. There can't actually be real feelings. Gross.
He's stuck in the back row, lol
Bwhahaha - where he belongs! Austin who? hahahaaha
Everytime I see Jessie says she just wants a cigarette through tears, I crack up laughing. She mooched smokes off of Judd the entire time.
cooool prize!
Hi Petals & Monty!
I missed yesterday's show.
The way Rachel was bouncing around up there I thought she might deliver!
Gosh I despise Frankie
ED!!!! Hey buddy!
Could Davonne find any larger hoops?
Ed - both of my boyfriends were on last night... Awesome Joe from last season and OZZZZYYYY!!!! I went to pieces when I saw him.
Hey homie. I know what you mean about Rachel, lol
Janelle & Britney!! Two of my all time faves!
those hoops look painful
agree Ed!
Yea Petals I could see where some guys might even have a 'man crush' on OZZY!
the sound effects chick is torturing her!
Ed - right?? LOL
I;m all choked-up seeing all my BB people in one clump (minus the Austwins of course.)
Same here, Ed. Janey and Brit (and Evel Dick... yeah I loved him) :))
Hey Homie did you see what Joey Votto did to the Philly fans the other day? Pranking throwing them the foul ball.
So, I guess tomorrow night they will be Philiminated
love that Rachel leaves first.
Janey in the showdown
a key for the showcase. Love it.
could she be cuter??
I saw today that CBS ALL ACCESS is streaming a marathon of all 17 seasons of Big Brother ...1st week is free
I didn't see it Ed. Love Joey Votto... named the pup after him, LOL
Will looks less-than-excited to be there.
sweet prize!
Cool tip, thanks Ed (about the streaming!)
AAAaaahhh Brit lost ((
Yes, Ed. They stream all seasons of Survivor and The Amazing Race too. That's our feeds access now too since last season.
I love Ian!!!
Will looks great.
*well, they don't stream them, but you can watch full episodes from all the seasons of Survivor and TAR
Will never changes
they have this! Great prize!
I would have liked that prize
Love James!
Go Jeff!
Great prize!
Hoping Frankie gets shut out, but sorry for his partner
Uugghh Jessie!
Ahhh... bummer
So close!
Putting Julie Chen to work as a Show Model
I'm glad that Austwins didn't get called. They just showed-up for the easy money, tho. @@
I hate it for Franke's partner too, but I can't root for him.
who could??
They shoulda' had my boy Beast Mode Cowboy on here!
Tilly & Minnie - what cute daughter names for Brittany.
Jeff's gettin' a little gray
WILL vs JANEY :)))
LOL @ Ed
AAaahh I was hopin' Brit made the final ((
That LOL was for Beast Mode Cowboy, not Jeff getting gray :)))
Your OK Monty that's the way I read your LOL
Will & Janey - the best BB faux couple ever - together in the showdown. LOVE IT
Yuck!! I hate mid century modern
Go Janey!
I would have done 38,5000 on the first showcase.
Janey doesn't know her cars
I like the Australia trip...the Cruise not so much
They're OVER
YEAH!!!! JAney will win.
Will was not much help for his guy.
An Audi is in the $30ks on its own.
I think they're over
I think Janey's team is over too. Neither showcase was over 35,000 last night
no way, really??
OMG - wow!!!!
That's why Will hated his contestant - he is...unusual.
Sweet ride there for that guy. Good job on both for not going over. Thanks Petals and Ed for the company and thanks Jackie for the post.
DItto my MOnty friend. XOXOXOXOXOXOX
Have a Good Night Ladies!
Won't see tomorrows show....Cavs game
Thanks Jackie!
Much fun!! Can't wait for Big Brother to start!
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