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Shades of Cody |
Yep, Paulie has Zakiyah sprawled all over him, caressing him. At least she's not a married woman with a husband watching from home!
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Blowhard Buffoons:
- Paul may have the record for wearing his PoV the longest.
- I forgot to mention in my last report that an unfortunate happening goes on when the feeds are blocked for a comp (so far) this season -- we got the Jeff cast interviews with commentary between each one with Jeff and JESSE Goddard. Eek. Give me back neverending fish and the theme music loop, please!
- Jozea admitted that his real name isn't "Jozea" and that's just his "stage name." It sounds like he's really your average Jose.
- It seems like it might be Frank naming the nomination replacement. Perhaps because it's Frank's Road Kill nominee? I could be wrong on that.
- Frank, Tiffany and Michelle talked about putting Bridgette up.
- Of course, the others on the Dark Side don't know that it's Frank who put Paul up on the block in the first place.
- Meanwhile, just watching her, I don't think Bridgette is entirely comfortable with the side she chose.
- Jozea wants to call another house meeting even though everyone went to bed and his last meeting called never happened. Heh.
- Tiffany is a bit suspicious about Paulie. Hmm. Paulie is quite in with Jozea and Paul. Hmm.
- Others might be, too. Paulie doesn't know it's Frank who put Paul on the block.
- After all, loose lips sink ships and all.
- Frank thinks Victor needs to go (after Jozea) while Corey wants Paul out.
- Corey has worked his way right into the veteran's bunch. I believe he's loyal to them, not a double agent. The newbie crowd not in with the veteran's already bunch him with them.
- Paul told Paulie that he won't vote for him to go. Huh. So, he'll vote Jozea or the Mystery Replacement?
- Once again, Corey mentioned he doesn't want his family (or others) to think he's gay. This time it was because Jozea flirted with him. Corey seems to be a nice guy overall, but he does seem to have some kind of issues with either self-identity or homosexuality.
- He also told his bunch that, at eviction, he wants to say "I gaily vote Jozea out." The others squashed that. Good.
- For most of the meeting, Jozea kept talking about how they're running the house and running the show.
- We'll see about that.
- Oh ... and James was in on the meeting! Like Jozea has any loyalty from him ... AS IF.
- Paul is pretty sure the live eviction is Sunday. The rest of the world knows better. This is what happens when you bring in a hamster because he has a beard.
- Bronte and Natalie continue to bond. Not that they'll have much power ever with the rest of the house.
- Frank, for the most part, is playing quite low-key at the surface. I think he's going to be one to watch for the win, though. He's personable and knows the game. I would have liked him better in his own season had he not clicked with Boogie.
- Frank told Paul that a comment he made to Nicole, calling her a female dog, wasn't cool. Paul said he'd apologize and knows it was wrong. Hmm.
- Frank also doesn't think it's right that Bridgette feels bullied, mostly by Jozea. (Also Victor and Paul.)
- I'm not so sure she'd be the best nomination replacement for them. I bet she'd swap sides. She's getting quite upset with Jozea and Victor. Paul made an effort to talk to her more sincerely at one point during the night.
- Interesting -- James told Tiffany he still talks to Shelli, but not to Clay. (They broke up.)
- James is also playing a great social game. I'm not too keen on returning hamsters with newbies but they made some good choices with this group, methinks.
- BB gave them alcohol. It's the equivalent of one and a half beers or wine each. Go wild with that, kiddies.
- Natalie doesn't drink. (And yet they allowed her on the show?)
- In their big drinking game, Victor had to streak naked through the house.
- Frank thinks he can flip Bronte, Paul and Natalie. Hmm. He has done a lot of work (socially) on improving Paul's social game.
- Jozea remains the number one target. If Paul's stupid and saves Jozea with the veto, he'd go home. He's not BB-savvy, but I doubt he's that dumb.
- Meanwhile, Jozea keeps sinking his own ship as he keeps talking about how great he is. I think Victor's the only one remaining loyal in his camp.
- They're all asleep as I post this.
- And, no ... Corey is not sleepwalking!
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That bunny hat gets around |
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Cool table, I miss the key box |
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Naked and afraid |
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Will make it further this season |
Thank goodness the vets are in the house.
These hamsters have no clue.
If this was all newbies there would be fists throwing and god knows what.
I am ready for Thirsday to see what happens with the next HOH.. After POV it will be a long three and a half days.
Jose is insufferable! Has there been a more obnoxious houseguest...ever?? He's
an egomaniacal hood rat. And it is obvious that he chose to NOT watch the seasons
that were given to him in sequester; he has no idea about the game or concept of
Big Brother.
He's like a more stupid, desperate version of Jace.
Corey seems like Clay, in that they are both closet bullies. IMO. Maybe it's an A&M
I'm embarrassed for Victor, that he has chosen to hang with the most hated idiots in the house.
But I am LOVING Frank this season. Like Jackie, I was not a Frank Fan on his
first season because of his closeness to Boogie (*shudder*)
Aside from his extremely loud & frequent flatulence, he seems like a fun, nice guy. LOL
I stated yesterday that Frank still didn't seem to get it. I have to say I may be wrong. He does seem more reserved and he is sitting back and watching every thing that is going on.
I don't like Corey very much so far on the feeds.
I must say I am enjoying Tiffany so far.
Thank you, Jackie!
Thank you, Jackie!
Glad to see the house meeting was postponed. I just hope Jackass Jozea follows through and actually calls one. Those house meetings always end so well,don't they? More time for bruised egos and grudges to fester. :)
Paul last night was trying to get Paulie to confront Jozea. Thank goodness Paulie told him no, that it would only create a problem and be a long week in the house.
Thank you Jackie!!!!
These non fans of BB are so funny. They make the biggest splash in the swimming pool, talk to most, talk the loudest. They strut around like a peacock but when the drift a little far into the deep end of the water, they start crying. So funny. Can not wait to see Jozea's face if he gets voted off. (Paul and Victor's also.)
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