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A subdued Jozea |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Loose Lips:
- They do sink ships, y'know.
- But first ...
- Nicole is all upset because Victor was showing an interest in her, but she thinks he's either using her for strategic reasons or just plain mean.
- Sheesh. She should know not to get hung up on a guy on the show!
- Especially one working the other side.
- What's wrong with that girl?
- Tiffany is networking the girls a bit. She told Natalie she'll always have her back. Hmm.
- Nicole is all worried that if Victor or Paul win HoH, she'll be the target.
- Well, yeah. That could happen. But that's how the game is played.
- Corey told Nicole that girls always think he's gay because he doesn't take them up on passes. Hmm. Natalie is the latest to tell him she thinks he's gay. Methinks he has some issues going on.
- Bronte told Natalie that Jozea only wants Tiffany in their alliance for the vote and then they'll backstab her.
- Tiffany cried.
- Oh, not at that in particular. It just fit well here in the report and she has spent time crying after saying she wouldn't play an emotional game.
- Tiffany says that Natalie wants to vote with the majority of the house, but she needs to know how the majority of the house will vote.
- Oh my. Do they tell her that her buddy Jozea is going home??!?!!
- Frank thinks Tiffany might need to go next because she can't be trusted.
- He thinks she's trying to make moves.
- And he isn't?
- He's hoping the girls on the other side flip and the vote becomes 9-2.
- Hmm.
- Meanwhile, on the Dark Side, Paul is hating on both James and Michelle. He wants them out ... like yesterday!
- Victor did get a warning from production that he isn't allowed to hit anyone. That apparently was a result of the dust-up with James yesterday. Well, duh.
- I imagine they'd also not be happy if he put excrement in James's bed, another thought he had.
- Jozea thinks James is the one holding the other side together.
- I don't think so. It's more Frank or even Da'Vonne than James, I think.
- The Three Stooges and Stoogette -- Paul, Jozea, Victor and Bronte -- feel they need to target James first before anyone else.
- Paul thinks Nicole likes him.
- I think that Nicole wants to be nice to everybody even if she doesn't like them. But Paul, more so than the other three, can be likable at times. He's playing a better social game than Victor, Bronte or Jozea.
- Bridgette told Natalie that she trusts Frank for now because he's keeping her safe.
- He is? He's taking the credit for that? Oh my.
- Gah! Frank tells Natalie he doesn't want her on the "wrong side" and fills her in on the real house majority.
- He also advises her to throw HoH and she agrees she won't vote him out if he's nominated.
- Yiles! They didn't really need her as a number this vote! Why did he do that? I realize she's been saying all along that she wants to vote with the house majority. But, until now, she thought that was Paulie exiting!
- Now she'll run and break the news to Jozea or tell people who will tell Jozea. I wanted it to be a total blindside.
- Frank, you just ruined my "Good TV."
- Natalie told Frank that she's not stupid and realized the vote was going to keep Paulie.
- But, will she blab?
- Hmm.
- On a sidenote: Heehee, BB has had to tell Paul more than once to move his beard away from his mic.
- Sure enough ... Natalie goes to Victor and Bronte telling them she "has a feeling" that Jozea is going home.
- Thanks, Frank!
- Bronte is sure that Da'Vonne and Zakiyah will vote to keep Jozea.
- I'm sure she's wrong.
- Natalie says she will vote to keep Jozea.
- She, of course, will stick like glue with her new BFF Bronte.
- Bridgette, already with little trust in Frank's group, is getting sucked in even more by Bronte and Natalie. She had been starting to lean away a bit.
- Bridgette does trust Frank for now because he's keeping them safe.
- Now Natalie doesn't know if she can trust Bridgette.
- It's a vicious cycle, I know.
- Things were interrupted by a birthday party for Nicole in the living room.
- But that only lasted so long.
- The HoH group says that Frank told Natalie and then Natalie told Bronte and Bridgette.
- Yep, that's about how it went down.
- Thanks, Frank.
- Jozea says he's going to curse all out, including Julie, if he gets the boot.
- I guess the censors will be on guard for the live show.
- Tiffany cried over Frank being a "male chauvinist."
- Drama, drama and then a side dish of drama.
- And now Jozea knows that he might be in peril despite how loved he is.
- But he still thinks he's staying.
- Ha.
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Sippy Paul |
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Uh-oh |
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Midnight gathering |
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Channeling Vanessa's tears? |
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Natalie trying to figure things out |
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When in doubt, wear a hat in the house |
I'm with you Jackie.... I wanted Jozea getting ousted to be a total blind side!😜
Darn it Frank! Spreading yourself a little thin there buddy. I was liking Franks game so far but he just went down a notch in my book and probably with some in his alliance too. Why blab now?
Fortunately the 'Stooges' probably still think they have this.
Watching last nite's show, I was AMAZED at how delusional Jozea is. He really has no self awareness! I was hoping it would be a blindside, bc that would have made for great TV. I still think he may lose his cool and curse up a storm on the way out!
Even though it may not be a total blindside there is still hope for some drama
Thu 12:54 AM BBT Jozea says if he is evicted he is gonna yell "f you! f you & especially you!" Jozea says he will go out the back door
Frank spilling the beans to Natalie is what happens when Boogie isn't around to tell him what to do.
Some advice for Corey complaining that women always think he's gay....
"The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle."
Garrett at Frank. And OMG, Really!?! at Tiffany. I want Tiffany gone ASAP.
Love that James handled that drama yesterday in his cool, Jamesy way: with humor. He's had to deal with bigger & worse than Victor please believe!
Tonight will be crazzzxzy! Can't wait!
That was supposed to be "Grrrrrr" at Frank. Lol
Love that, Unc!
That was supposed to be "Grrrrrr" at Frank. Lol
Be quiet,Frank! Don't be an idiot & blab!
Dolores in Hollywood
I stated over the weekend that it seemed Frank had learned a little how to play this game.
I seems that statement has come to bite my butt.
He is now acting like BB14 Frank and needs to shut it down.
I do believe that the way he and Davonne are acting will come back to bite them.
although I said the same thing in BB13 with Rachel and she ended up winning so we will see.
I like Tiffany but she needs to sit back and relax. I believe there is too much Vanessa in her.
Nicole to me seems like she has no clue as to what is going on.
I do wish it would be a blindside tonight but now that wont happen.
That big mouth fRANK. Why on earth would he open his mouth when there was no need to . They have plenty votes without Natalie. Now I guess production is scrambling to not let josez go on a rampage as he has promised to do. tHEY WILL put a spin on it you can be sure of that. They always do.
I really think Frank is trying to cover all HIS own bases...in case the other side wins HOH. Too bad...it's kind of early to be stuffing his alliance up. I was really liking Frank's game until now..... but this just proves (again) that Boogie was, indeed, the brains, and Frank is becoming a loose cannon without having that kind of strong direction.
Natalie is a cutie - maybe Frank just wanted to hold her attention for a few extra minutes, so he spilled the beans.
In any case, the cat is out of the bag. :(
The show will still be a fun view, regardless.
I hope WE get to vote on the returnee!
Hi All, happy BB summer!
Ugh. I SO wanted tonight to be a blind side. I know he's my pool pick but I REALLY don't like Jozea! To be honest, I didn't even remember Frank from before. I still really don't but if he was with Mike Malin, I probably hardly paid attention to him anyway. I can't stand Mike and refuse to use his stupid nickname. LOL. I know, tell you how I really feel.
Yikes! I sound like a grump. Yes, there are many I do like and most of you are on here -- starting with Jackie! Thank you, as always, for your wonderful, humorous updates! I enjoy your updates and the comments more than the show most of the time. Can't wait until I get to choose someone other than Jozea to root for. Cheers, Sasha
Sasha - I feel your pain re Jose. I have him in the pool and I can't wait to "drown" tonight so I can cheer for James or even Vic (hoping he redeems himself after the head of the snake leaves the house)
First, uncartie, you made me spit my soda with you horse comment! I can't believe Frank shot off his mouth like that. I really wanted to see Jozea blindsided. Jackie, thanks for the between show coverage. See you guys tonight.
Sharon N-
you are on the money. Frank really only cares about himself.
Most HG are that way in the end.
Wouldn't it be interesting if Tiffany ends up winning HOH?
As long as Vic, Paul, Bronte or Natalie don't win I will be happy.
Kind of hoping for a Tiffany or Pauli win.
The only reason I don't want James to win is that I want Vic nominated.
What do we think the surprise is tonight from Julie?
Can the teams be over with already? I can only hope
I think Julie's surprise is that one of the evictees will have the opportunity to return.
I also read that that might be the case Petals. I hope Jozea follows through on his exit antics if that is the case so he will not be given the chance to come back. I am still miffed at Frank and almost all the drama caused last night was because of him. He really blew it and I don't think it helped his game at all which is why he did it.
For some reason every time I see Bridgette, I picture Velma from Scooby Doo. No glasses, mind you, but she's Velma!
Glad to see Jozea on his way out. So much of the game could change depending on tonight's comp, so will be watching (poolside!) with much interest.
Looks like BB started the Fish way early today.
Maybe had to wake up those lazy pigs extra early to clean up their sty.
A complete blindside would have been nice, but I think tonight will still be very entertaining. I would love for James to win HOH. He was never afraid to go after the big threats in his season.
I'm dying to know what's going on in that house right now. Damn you Frank! If you were going to do something stupid like tell Natalie you could have least done it on Tuesday so us feeders could watch the fireworks. Now we're on fish all day.
I don't want anyone coming back. You're out you're out! I do not want production manipulating the show anymore than they do no.
See you guys tonight :)
Yes Sharon Fish started way too early. There must be some heavy drama going down
But now the feeds are back.. with Frank The Conniver trying to work his magic (if he has any).
NO SURPRISE at all. Production makes the show go any way they want it to go. If it is not, make new rules/games/twist, etc. I think their staff meetings are all about "as Need". They know how they want it to go and just see what they have to do to make that happen. UGH.
I think that Frank will throw a hinky vote possibly and blame Tiffany.
Personally I think I want Pauli or Tiffany to win HOH.
Just caught up on last nights show and ready for tonight!
I don't care who wins HOH as long as it isn't anyone from the newest nerd herd, Vic, Paul, Bronte or Natalie.
Well, at least Nicole and Corey are aware that Frank is trying to play both sides.
Not sneaky enough about what he's doing and that might not work out well for him...
All week, Jose said he was not going to pack, because "Why botha? I ain't goin no-wheas"
Wonder if he'll pack? LOL
Vic wants to throw the comp in order to get James out, and vice-versa! So I guess we can look at Team Unicorn NOT winning tonight.
I am so disappointed. Just checked and I have been left out of the pool.
Kathy, with some of the idiot recruits we have this year, that might be a good thing! LOL
Now you can cheer for whoever you want, and you can even change your mind... as much as you want!
Frank's little stunt cost him in the popularity poll... dropped like a ROCK.
Nicole also told Corey that she trusts Frank more than Da so this could all get very interesting.
I was hoping the good guys wouldn't implode :(
It also seems like Frank spilling the beans to Natalie has not changed Jozea and crew's delusion that they have the votes for Jozea to stay. We might just see a blindside afterall, but what will Vic and Paul do after the vote??? Frank plans on smoothing things over with them between the eviction and the HOH comp so who really knows what will happen over all of this. Great game play really early on in the game and I like it. :)))
There's never been an alliance that could really stick together from day one like Hayden, Enzo and Layne did unless you count Evel Dick and Daniele as one as well. They were an alliance of two.
With all this talk of a 'hinky' vote & somehow Paulie goes I'm gonna' be pzzzzzzd!
Stormy,You're right. Bronte slipped up early last week and complained about being told what to say in the diary room. Fish was a few seconds late on that one. So from then on I've been taking all their DR clips with a huge grain of salt.
As far as the DR, it wouldn't surprise me that BB strongly "leads" the HGs in what to say.
After all, the vast majority aren't clever/humorous enough to come up with some of the DR stuff we hear on the shows.
Re the comps:
Along with others, I've had some suspicions over the years. However, as I understand it, BB has to submit the program 'plan' and list of comps (in the order to be played) before the season even starts. Now, I'm sure CBS does 'lean' towards 1 or 2 players, but that doesn't help if those people turn out to be obnoxious/hated, lose the comps, or can't win POV to save themselves. If you think about it, if CBS had had their way, Frankie would have won... for CBS's and Ariana's benefit.
Well, Production may give them DR scripts, but I know it was ALL Bronte talking when she was ragging on James & his race and "go back to where you came from".
So eff Bronte.
" Allison Grodner @agrodner22 1h1 hour ago
Getting ready for the live show!1st live eviction of the summer! &...another big announcement for the summer"
Was there supposed to be another big announcement? Anybody know?
Maybe the big announcment is that BB is going to screw everything up by letting the people in the hot-seat vote this year! LOL
Have you all heard about Jozea's Delusions twitter account? It is rather funny... Not sure if it is ok to post the link here, so someone let me know if I should delete the post. https://twitter.com/jozeasdelusions?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
LOL, thanks SharonS. I will check it out for a good laugh.
In BB14, there was a site devoted to the lies that Danielle Murphfree told. LOL
IT IS HILARIOUS!!! Thanks Sharon!
I was just reading it all the way through. It's awesome. Part of me feels a little bad for him when he sees all this ....but then I realize he'll probably not really get that it's a bad thing.
He brought it all on himself. I mean...geeminy!
(Hi Angie I love you!!!!)
Is anyone else nervous? Nervous about a hinky-stinky vote that someone Jose will
remain in the house? NnooooOO!!!!!
I am very nervous. Although, if he gets brought back, it will cause a lot of interesting chaos.
I hate that Glenn got sent out with such a close game.
As soon as I saw Allison Grodners tweet I got nervous
I am getting nervous and angry...the idea that somehow Jose isn't going home? Grrrrr
Me too, Petals
Liz and Julia are supposed to b there3
Are you ready for that Petals.... Jozea wins Wimbleton this year... if his agents decide it's prestigious enough!! LMAO
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