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Maybe safe. Maybe not. |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Stupid Moves:
- For those who didn't read my live posting of the HoH Endurance Comp -- it was down to Nicole and James. Nicole fussed about a letter from home. James GAVE her the win. Nicole is HoH. Victor outlasted the other jurors, so he's back in the house ... yet again.
- Silly boy.
- Had Nicole not taken James's lead by squatting on the ledge, he probably would have won. But he doesn't have a copyright on it, y'know.
- Paul immediately went to work on Corey, pledging allegiance, claiming he and Victor will work with them, have never been sketchy, on and on.
- Now, who could have predicted that would happen?
- Oh. All of us.
- And, Corey's buying what Paul's selling.
- Who could have predicted that?
- Oh. All of us once again.
- Nicole is just as taken. She tells Corey that, no matter who she does put up, it will NOT be Paul.
- We all know the one person she wants out of the house the most ... Michelle.
- Not long after the comp completed, she was saying Michelle or Victor.
- Later, she changed her tune to solely Michelle out.
- But Paul and his parrot Victor are trying to sell James as the sketchy big threat.
- Mind you, Natalie (of Natalie and James) bought Victor's story pre-eviction that he's not with Paul anymore.
- If these hamsters are gullible enough to be taken by Paul (and Victor), they will deserve to lose to Paul (and Victor), I say.
- Nicole is trying to figure a way to get Michelle out, make Natalie/James and Victor/Paul happy.
- She wants James to stay in the game to go after Paul. Or even, Victor. But, definitely Paul.
- Even though she promised Natalie safety in her deal with James on the wall, her thoughts are to put up Natalie and Michelle, with Michelle being the target.
- She wants to say if she puts up either Victor or Paul with Michelle, she knows that James and Natalie would vote out whichever guy.
- By putting Natalie up, it's more of a guarantee that Michelle will go home.
- Unless, of course, Michelle wins PoV.
- Gotta think about that.
- Corey is definitely more into Paul's pleas to get rid of James than is Nicole.
- He's talked more overnight than he has in the last two months.
- Meanwhile, Michelle thinks Paul's talking about her, demeaning her and being cruel to her.
- So, she cries.
- I'm so over Michelle. If she gets the boot this week, good riddance!
- If Paul and Victor continue on in the game against James, Natalie, Nicole and Corey ... well, they made their bed.
- Paul went on a rant about James and Natalie, wanting to split them up.
- That was to us. With his talks to Nicole and Corey, he was a bit more diplomatic ... but still stressed James and Natalie.
- Well, James did this to himself by giving Nicole the comp.
- It looks like Nicole will nominate Natalie and Michelle, with the target being Michelle.
- It's unsure who would go up if veto is won and one is saved.
- But it very likely could be Jamesy.
- He just might have blown his game.
- Oh, wait. Now Nicole is saying she doesn't want to put Natalie on the block and just needs to convince Paul/Victor that Michelle needs to go instead of James.
- Oh my.
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Oh, James ... why? Silly boy. |
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She got her stupid letter |
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And Michelle cried |
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Snake oil salesman at work |
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We need to make everyone happy except Michelle |
After that diatribe by Paul to America last night I changed my mind and gave all my votes to Cory. The last thing I want is for Paul to bribe Nichole into putting up James. Victor would probably do the same. James, you really blew it. If James goes home on this he deserves it.
You can only vote until 1pm eastern time, 10am Pacific time today. So if you are going to vote, do it now.
Time to go to sleep. Everyone have a great day.
Snake Oil salesman Paul. LOL! Perfect, Jackie!
CoCo are both so wishy-washy - like a piece of Wonder Bread that gets wet. Ick. Paul, Vic, James will all be working on them this week. I believe the person who remains the most
calm (James) will win with them.
It's time for Michelle to go; better that it's on Nicole's HoH. Good riddance to dead weight.
PS - I am voting for Corey & Vic for the ACP. Anyone but Paul! LOL
Please let this be the week that Michelle goes. Tired of her BS.
What a wasted week! Nat & Meech got 'boned'. Their Co-HOH's were all but meaningless. Looks like all it did was help Paul & Vic...the two that they nominated.
I'm voting for Victor for Care Package! Screw both Paul and Corey! Give it to the guy who ACTUALLY fights for his spot on the house!
I'm now PRAYING that James gets evicted this week. If Nicole won't be going home, it might as well be James!
I am just so over this season.
James giving up that HOH was a stupid idea.
He deserves to have a one way ticket to the Jury house.
For Nicole and Corey to actually believe that Paul will not "Bone" them is just stupid.
I'm with you Chacha, I'm about done!
"stupid is as stupid does"
I could tell that James was gonna cave - he is too nice for his own good sometimes.
David, I did the same thing! Gave all my votes to Corey for the same reason! I could just see Victor or Paul bribing Nicole to put up James! Can't have that! If Corey gets it he doesn't need to bribe for who to put up... It could be used for POV or for votes...
Nicole, wake up
anon 1:21-
Nicole is awake all she sees is Corey and making sure someone else is there to keep her safe.
It wont end up being Paul...
I am SO disappointed in James!!! At least he did it for a friend (not a girlfriend), but still... he has a good 'read' on Paul/Victor and should know better. What a waste.
Giving that comp away was the height of "it" and I'll bet he was kicking himself soon after he dropped. He might be friends with Nicole, but after all this time, he should also she is incredibly clueless/dumb and really only cares about Corey. Any other time, dropping might have been a smart move if 1) Paul/Victor were not in the house, and 2) if the girls (plus Corey) weren't so lilly-livered and easily manipulated.
You nailed it Petals.
James is TOO nice for his own good. :(
Well said Sharon and Petals! Bummed...
James has screwed his game. I have a feeling he will possibly be evicted come Thursday
Female insecurities and jealousies... wrecks their games every time. All they can see is getting out the female competition for the men. @@ stupid stupid girls.
I think dummy Nicole (and love of her life Corey) will put up Michelle/Natalie, THINKING Michelle will be evicted.
Best case scenario, James wins POV and takes down Natalie for either Paul/Victor to go up. Even at that, they are so stupid they'd vote out the girl. @@
Worst case: If Paul/Victor wins POV and takes down 1 of them for James to be put up.
Paul is losing it. I really do believe this. BB better keep a close eye on him.
I was so sure James wouldn't give in to whiney Nicole. This maybe the move that sinks his game. Paul is such a manipulator, and Victor follows like a puppy.
Corey won ACP... wonder what that royal dipstick (and his dipstickess) will do with it.
Paul has a HUGE ego, but surely he realizes that if he's sitting next to Victor in F2, Victor WILL win.
Paul/Victor are BB buddies... for now. But Paul is looking to win.
If Paul wins one of the next 2 HOHs, I sincerely doubt he'll do a "Cody with Derrick" move... he'll dump Victor for a girl.
Paul is TOTALLY, VISIBLY DEFLATED! Corey won ACP, and Paul is near tears. LOVE IT!
the thing is, a BRIBE is just that: "an offer to persuade (someone) to act in one's favor, typically illegally or dishonestly, by a gift of money or other inducement"
All the talk now is about Paul v Michelle and the $5G (@@ which is hilarious, b/c really, $5G is not that much money)
Thank goodness the heat is off James!
Corey doesn't have to tell everyone who he offered the bribe to or what he is asking them to do! He is waiting till after POV to decide what he will do with it. The plus side is that Nicole is catching on to there is a reason America did not give it to Paul or Victor (trust)... She is at least starting to THINK!!! People will probably approaching Corey and offering to do what he wants... Maybe! Plus it didn't say he can't pick a second person if the first one turned him down
Exactly Petals!
exactly - he can build an entire plan around this bribe, and if the bribe is declined, he's screwed.
My favorite part of this ACP is Paul's reaction: totally devastated. Stunned! He'd begged us for those votes ALL NIGHT! LOL
Michelle is now offering to not use the veto on herself for the $5,000... She wants to at least walk away with the money! And if it couldn't get any better Paul is offering to go up as a pawn! Wow....
I know! Paul said America must hate him! LOL... Ahhhhhh ya think?!
Who does Corey want out? Do you hear that on the feeds? Paul and Victor are probably hoping Corey offers it to them. Maybe Paul gets the idea now that the fans are really not fans of him!
LMAO, good. After Paul was begging last night for America to give him or Victor the ACP (primarily to him) and why, it sealed my votes against them and I did what I originally did not want to do, give my votes to Cory.
This is one of the few times this season I wish I had the feeds just to see him crying. Not worth it to get the feeds but my evil streak enjoys someone being spanked in their ego when they deserve it.
Hey Penny! (condolences) Corey has no mind of his own, he has no clue who he wants out. Nicole hates Michelle, so he does.
I hope Paul gets this clue and stops the 24/7 talking to us. It's just him rambling on & on & on...
To use your own words Paul: Never Cared!
At this moment (things could change) it sounds like Michelle and Paul may be going up. They have said they want Michelle out.
Very true David, it sealed my votes against them too!!!!!
The Final Four. HUGE eyeroll @@
And Nicole is celebrating a little too much, considering that she was GIVEN this HoH. She needs to be a bit more humble.
True Petals!
Penny! I'm thinking of you *prayers* friend.
I'm just so surprised that it's not an automatic Paul and Victor nomination. The jealousy/hatred between Nicole and Meech must really be something.
If the target's Meech, I'm OK with that. And despite no one liking Paul, I gotta stick with my poolboy till the end. FRIENDSHIP!
Cody was the mystery guest on Jeff's Aftershow today. It's a good watch...
I'm convinced the hatred among the girls really revolves around Meech. One by one, she has been hateful to each of them, and it's ended up with none of the girls liking each other, mostly over crap Meech has said, and a result of her of on-going jealousy. The only time she's been relatively pleasant has been when one of the girls has had some form of power and she needed to 'play nice' to stay in the house.
Paul > Snake oil salesman. Perfect description! He was funny as SAM, but other than that, no he's not likable. It could be said that he's done a good job of moving back/forth between the couples, telling lies and promoting fear of each other. In actuality, his success is more because they are all just THAT stupid.
Jackie and Sharon N, Who is this "SAM" I keep hearing about portrayed by Paul?
Jean... SAM is short for Secret Agent Man. That's what we all called Phillip on Survivor
Jean, I think it stands for "Secret Agent Man" which was when Paul had to be Secret Service for Zingbot, wear the black suit, frisk everyone and secure the 5 designated spots in the house whenever asked.
Had to change back to my PP avi. One down, one to go!!
I get that Paul may be annoying because he talks so much and that some may not like his "snake oil salesman" approach but at least he's playing the game and he has been 100% loyal to Victor. I'd rather have Paul than Vacant Expression Corey (is he even alive?) or any of the stupid, catty girls. James is a nice guy but I don't feel like he's playing the game, especially after giving this HOH to Nicole. I still don't get why there is so much hatred towards Paul. Can someone explain it to me?
Yes, Paul plays the game, but other than that, there's not much to like about him.
I don't know about anyone else, but I want to 'like' BB players who can be clever but not Oily. Paul doesn't reach that criteria. He's a loud, obnoxious, attention-seeking snake-oil Salesman who can dish it out, but not take it. IMO, he's about two steps DOWN from good ol' Andy (from a few yrs ago).
Says D'Vonne to Polly, "that ok, I'll be catty, I'll be petty, you still have a short man complex." Bwahahaha
My other comment didn't make it. Thank you Monty and Dknync for straightening me out on SAM
You're welcome, Jean. Donna, I honestly go back and forth on my like or dislike with Paul and it's probably because I do like certain people in the house and at times, I don't like his distrust and targeting the ones I like, lol. If that makes sense. :))
Paul is really the only one who is "playing the game aggressively" in all aspects of the game and I give him credit for that. If he ends up winning it, he deserved it. Having said that, people in there play different games and every sort of game play has eventually won the entire thing. I loved Jordan and how she won the game and she did it in a way many haven't. I loved Evel Dick (perhaps my favorite player for a lot of reasons) and really loved Dan in S10 because he was brilliant at the game that season with THAT cast. Of course I wanted Renny to go all the way, but that was never going to happen, lol.
I look at the cast each season and decide who I like and who I dislike. Right now, I'm not liking Paul even though he has been entertaining most of the season. He's also been super annoying in the beginning and now the past couple of weeks. It's just a personal preference for folks like me. :))
Donna... Maybe you haven't watched or read all the live feeds? This is just my opinion and why I don't respect Paul as a good BB game player... Paul is a bully, I find him very foul and he his talk in regards to women is extremely degrading! Victor and James have played the game without all that. I can handle cussing and I'm not a miss prim and proper... If he were my son I would be completely embarrassed. I dislike anyone who bullies... Male or female. I love great game plays without the bullying and basically James and Victor have my respect in that area and have proven it can be done. I liked Paulie until he turned into a foul, female degrading bully! That is why Corey got my votes, not because I think he deserved the votes... My votes were to make sure Paul didn't get ACP. Again, this is just my feelings and response as to why I do not like Paul.
I think you've asked us this before: why don't we like Paul? I have reasons.
For one, he's very immature, always reminding everyone - repeatedly - if his accomplishments, travels, virtues, etc. He's always auditioning, such I find tedious.
Another reason - he's a bit of a bully.
Another - he's desperate
Another - his beard is disgusting.
I have a sneaking feeling that you know him, and are trying these websites to gauge the public's opinion of Paul.
But that's just another opinion of mine.
Thanks to everyone for your responses. Petals, I don't know Paul and I don't watch the feeds. I just watch the show and read Jackies blog and I honestly wanted to know what I was missing. I do remember comments about Victor telling the women they'd get fat, commenting on what everyone ate and being a clean freak. That made me dislike him but he seems to have changed after he came back. I wasn't aware that Paul has been a bully or degraded the women. I can see that he talks too much and that could get annoying but since I only watch him in small doses on the show it I guess it doesn't seem as annoying to me. I know that every season there are players some people love and others hate, I get that. I also wish Paul would shave his beard but it doesn't make me dislike him, but I can't stand people who chew with their mouths open so I totally understand being turned off by something like that. I really appreciate everyone sharing their thoughts and opinions. Thanks!
Yah Donna, BB doesn't show all the stuff that does go on... Especially the foul things. Because I end up getting so involved I take it for granted everyone sees the good, the bad and the ugly too! LOL... You are welcome! Jackie does a great job and it's fun reading everyone's opinions... We all have them! Smiling...
Apologies, Donna. I was awake WAY past my bedtime and realize that my post to you was kinda curt.
I'm sure Paul has good qualities, but his negative traits are just ... louder, LOL. (so are mine, tho)
That said - how funny would it be if this chivalrous, "take one for the team" nomination ends up getting him evicted this week!?
No need for apologies Petals. I totally understand. This group is terrific especially because of how respectful everyone is in spite of differing opinions about the house guests. I'm sure living in that house can bring out the worst in anyone and as observers we sometimes focus on the qualities that annoy us. In the end it is just a game and I appreciate everyone here who shares their opinions.
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