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He leads a life of danger |
Here's the latest from that Big Brother House of Imminent Idiocy:
- While Pathetic Paulie made his first BB pie on demand, he balked on the second.
- After all, "Can't a man work out?"
- Well, obviously, just judging on his behavior lately, he's yet to reach the "man" threshold. Yeah, boy, go make that pie!
- He made a show of ignoring the BB voice and requests.
- This SHOULD result in penalty votes.
- Not that penalty votes will matter when there's no chance for him to stay this week and he keeps alienating people more and more.
- Even Corey seems to be growing weary of trying to talk him into behaving like an adult instead of a spoiled little child who didn't get his way.
- Corey, like James before him, reminded Paulie it's a GAME. He said he knows that unless he wins HoH, he's the next target. Corey told him the show fans don't want to see him acting this way.
- (Actually, evil mean person that I am, I'm kind of enjoying seeing the meltdown.)
- I think Corey talked more to pep Paulie up than I've seen him talk all season.
- Paulie eventually made the second pie, waving his little flag for the entire time it took to bake and fussing that no one ate the first one.
- Of course, Paulie's disobedience of the BB production got them all talking about it.
- "You are NOT allowed to talk about production!"
- Okay, I won't.
- Paulie thinks he can convince Victor that he wants to put James up if he (Paulie) wins HoH.
- What part of YOU WON'T WIN HOH BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING EVICTED THIS WEEK does he not understand?
- Paulie's latest thing, other than he wanted the win money to pay off his parents' house, is that his aunt has cancer.
- @@
- No one believes him.
- As a matter of fact, it's giving them even more ammo against him.
- Michelle gave Corey kudos for convincing Paulie to do the second pie.
- We'll see how the future pies go.
- Paul is having a ball with his secret agent punishment.
- But, to give Paulie a wee bit of credit, the secret agent gig is more fun than making pies.
- That's all the credit he gets from me. Bake those pies!
- Natalie, Victor and Paul talked about Paulie being a sore loser.
- Y'THINK?!?!?!
- Paulie revolves from saying he's "checked out" of the game, won't stay in jury to he's playing the game for his sick aunt.
- We have another three days of this ahead.
- The veto meeting is today.
- It's just about 100% that the nominations will remain the same.
- For those who don't know the Secret Agent Man lines I've been quoting, check the song out. Paul would get a kick out of the song, too!
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The crying jags have stopped |
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Baldwin's beak comes in handy |
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Paulie Pie Boy also has a flag to wave |
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I gave him more of a chance than he gave me |
Polly the 'Baker Man' bake me a cake...er...pie as fast as you can! And keep waving that flag dough boy.
What a poor sport! Please no RT ticket!!
I think the Friday show could be some promotional about the fall season on All Access and maybe some highlights from this year??? Any thoughts?
From previous posts;
Monty. Raw pie dough LOL! My Mom would bake apple pies on a regular basis and I would stand there watching her like a puppy dog, waiting to eat some of the raw dough, flour and all. Her pies were delicious. My favorite part was the bottom layer of crust, soaked with the buttery juices.
As for oysters count me out too! I like most seafood (fish) but not anything 'rubbery'. For years at our annual season ending golf outing we'd have steak & clams. I would always have 20 -30 guys all lobbying me for my bag of clams. I always gave them away. Also once in the clubhouse on a business dinner I tried calamari. Never again! I didn't feel so good afterward.
On an older post there was some talk about flying. I never liked flying! Probably had 50+ plane trips, mostly when I was younger, for business. Never felt comfortable when flying. I remember my first trip to Newark NJ. Flew alone and had a tough time. Stewardesses were helping me with ginger ale & chewing gum. After landing my ears were blocked and couldn't hear so good. Had a successful meeting none the less. I would still fly today (for convenience) but never happy 'til I land.
Jackie, I've been singing Johnny Rivers Secret Agent Man in my head ever since Paul became one.
"There's a man who leads a life of danger
To everyone he meets he stays a stranger
With every move he makes another chance he takes
Odds are he won't live to see tomorrow
Secret agent man, secret agent man
They've given you a number and taken away your name"
Ed - We're showing our age with Johnny Rivers!
Bizarro - I haven't a clue why there's a show on Friday. I'm sure they will play up the internet BB, but can that take up an hour?
I threw a link to the song in the post. I'm sure many of the younger BB fans don't know it!
great, now "Secret Agent Man" tune is in my head...
Pleased to say (and old enough) that I got the "Secret Agent Man" reference. Funny.
Aside from the obvious regarding Paulie being a huge baby; he agreed--on paper--to play this game. That includes going to Jury like a gentleman & responding to calls to the DR.
This is why you shouldn't spoil your children...and teach them to take responsibility for their actions. This apparently did not happen in his household.
I read somewhere that Paulie admitted (to Victor) that he came on to the show "expecting to win".
Actually, I'd rather Paulie stay than Boring Corey.
I'll bet he (P) has the return ticket.
Jackie, I read your blog updates, though usually I don't post on them. However, I nominate your comment on your blog post after the show, "The recurring theme of the day was Paulie begging." and one of the biggest laugh makers of the season.
My favorite comment by a peep was made on one of the blogs either during the comments last night during the show (I didn't get to see, thank you to our TV station) or in one of Jackie's blogs since. I went back and tried to find it so I could credit the source, but am limited on time since my floor chores are waiting. The poster said something along the line that Paulie was begging Cody that if he won he wanted Cody to take him, Paulie, off the block. He assured him that he would keep Cody safe. He didn't add, just like I kept Zak safe.
Speaking or writing of Zak, that girl is going to need major therapy after she watches the shows that I am sure her parents or someone taped for her. Let's hope they taped BBad or whatever where Paulie talks of "boning" her and stating that he never was into black girls. What is sad is that when he gets to the jury house she will welcome him into her bed with open arms!
I think they all have the Return Trip Ticket. There is something odd about the way Julie looks down in the envelope before she pulls the card out. I think each envelope has both cards and they are choosing which one to reveal.
couod this be a catch up on the season to rope in people who haven't watched due to Olympics?
If Polly has the return pass I'll hurl!
Dolores in Hollywood
With the way he has been treating production I would be surprised if he really did have the RT ticket that they would want to use it on him. It isn't like production can't call a lock down and change it out to a return ticket.
Paulie's behavior for a 27 man (!) is just plain embarrassing. I would be ashamed if he were my son.
Unfortunately, I don't think he is going too far. He'll be voted out, but will walk right back in with the RTT and win HOH. The behavior will only escalate at that point!!
VETO Ceremony starting.
Safe Predictions:
Victor will keep noms the same.
Polly will continue to talking about how he (Polly) will win the next HOH.
VETO Ceremony... or maybe not. LOL
Paul/Paulie/Corey said they heard banging.
What crap does production have up there sleeves now?
LOL ChaCha
Paulie's behavior for a 27 year-old man(!) is just plain embarrassing not to mention wrong. I would be ashamed of my son.
He will be voted out, booed as he exits, but will go right back in with the RTT and win HoH. *sigh* His despicable behavior will only escalate after that!!
tbc you hit the nail on the head. That is the next step. I think whoever went out this week would get the RTT but hate Polly is the one to get it .
tbc - Yes. It's surprising that he is the older brother; Cody seems so much more mature, more grounded. Nicer?
Petals, be glad you can admire Victor from afar.
He says he doesn't wear deodorant unless he's doing something. (huh?)
Nicole said, no wonder you're stinky all the time. LMAO
Blogger Chacha said...
Paul/Paulie/Corey said they heard banging.
What crap does production have up there sleeves now?
8/15/2016 2:04 PM
Paulie probably thinks they are building a cross to nail him to.
LOL Sharon!
I just read that Victor applied for BB on Craigs List? Yikes...
Becky - LMAO @ the cross comment
Friday Night Episode.
I remember Julie Clearly stated to each juror we will see you back on finale night to crown the winner.
Nothing about possibly coming back in the house.
Personally I think they do not need to have any buy back or DE for the rest of the season. There are the perfect number of houseguests to days left.
Here is an article from BigBrotherNetwork
How is Natalie ranked at #1 on Jokers? I can see a few sympathy ratings, but c'mon!
I think Natalie zoomed to the top when she started putting it all together with everyone.
But since that time, she hasn't done anything, so it's a wonder she remains #1. However, I think her #1 status will start to change within a few days. Victor and Paul have certainly clawed their way up.
If BB actually shows some of the funny stuff Paul has been doing as Secret Agent Man, I wouldn't be surprised if he wins AFP.
Don't forget to vote for the care package. I just finished again for this one.
Only question I have, if the winner also wins the HOH for the week, will BB default to the next highest vote total or just go ahead and give the HOH winner a blow up copy of themselves so they can be co-hoh's together.
Good question David. I'm thinking BB will default to next highest. Of course, there's no way to be sure, but I genuinely feel that's what happened when Bridgette got evicted... ACP went to Nicole as next in line. This week, I'd be surprised if ACP didn't go to Victor or Michelle.
Natalie and James have been at the top since around day 31. I just love it that Paulie has been hugging the bottom for almost as long, lol.
I'm not sure what the Friday episode will be but I'm guessing a season clips show??? Julie announced the Friday episode before we even knew who would win the HOH and who would be on the block so it couldn't be that BB knew the evictee would have the ticket unless the conspiracy that they'd switch it during a lockdown is true, lol. I don't believe that so I guess we will all have to wait and see.
Polly continues his charming ways in there. Telling Nic and Corey that he wants to punch Victor, Paul and James in the face. I think his word was smash their face, but I didn't catch it all. He's just so charming!! @@
Yes, good question David. I'm guessing they'd give it to the next person just for the drama of the co-HOH.
Another reason to vote for Michelle... Nicole said she doesn't want Michelle to get the next ACP!! just sayin' ;-)
I am going to give my votes to Victor since he will not be able to compete for HOH.
Or would he not be eligible? I can split the vote with Michelle.
Just voted for Meech. 20x
She's unpredictable and I'd like to see what she'd do with it......besides cry!!
Becky, that's what I did.. split my votes between Vic/Meech.
LOL, I gave all my votes to Michelle just because. Paul or victor is likely to get the most votes, or they could end up splitting the votes and a dark horse like Michelle could win. If Paul gets the most votes but wins HOH, then it could default to the next highest. Bunch of ways this weeks could go.
Good question Becky. Since Victor is the outgoing HOH, is he eligible to get this care package. So many questions and no answers.
I'm goin all in for Meech too. I still can't vote today though because I voted after the show last night. They go on a 24 hour cycle evidently. ugh
I listened to the rules again.... good thing I did not realize that you could vote 20 times every day. SO GO VOTE EVERY DAY. I split my votes between Victor and Michelle. I will continue to do that. If one of the two wins then I will vote for the other one every day next week.
Feeds just went to Jeff. I am assuming whatever they are doing will be for Friday night.
The HGs are talking about a Country Faie/Concert... with prizes to be won.
Polly is hoping one will be Diamond POV... that he'll win, of course.
Feeds back and they are having a county fair with music.
This will be this evening.
Must be what we will see Friday,
Ziggie Marley will be the entertainment
sheesh... Faire (not faie) @@
Wish we could go back and make corrections without having to delete or do another post.
So, this must mean CBS is pushing Ziggie instead of Ariana. LOL
A Ziggy Marley concert? On Big Brother?
Not THE Ziggy, right?
yep, THE Ziggy Marley... that's the one! lol
Carnival theme with prizes and perks to be won.
Polly doesn't need either one.
If this in anyway helps Paulie, I will be seriously pissed. Something stupid like a reset or something like that. grrrrrrrrr.....don't even want to think about it.
The only thing I want Paulie to win is a Crying Towel.
First concert in the back yard since Sheryl Crow way back around S3 or S4. What gives, BB???
My bet is CBS has kind of new contract with Ziggie... similar to Ariana's.
Natalie injured her neck. Kind of sounds like she'll be skipping the concert.
Unless she heals quickly, she won't get far in the HOH on Thursday.
Natalie said it lasts a few days. Hope she is better by Thursday. She got icy hot from DR.
James was massaging it.
Sounds like a repeat-injury. Massage often helps, but probably won't do much if it's wimpy.
Something like this would make it virtually impossible for Natalie to win HOH.
I agree Petals!!! Exactly
I can only imagine what the house would be like if Nicole won HOH and Corey won ACP... LOL... Just stirring the pot! But it would be interesting game play for all hamsters in seeing how everyone is forced to turn on each other! The worse scenario would be if Paulie has the RT to top it off! Oh my word...
Bite your tongue Judi Sweeney!!!! LOL
I don't see Corey winning the ACP. He doesn't have a built in fan base like Nicole had because of S16 and he's been in the bottom of the HG rankings at Jokers for a while. If anyone but Corey does get it, you can bet that one or both of them, CoCo, will be up next week.
Feeds are back, but nobody in the house is talking about the Carnival, etc.
sheesh... come on Hamsters, FEED US!!! lol
I couldn't resist Sharon! LOL... I may have nightmares!
I can't take Paulie's constant/non-stop 'not campaigning'. I'm out for a while if not for the night.
You're right Monty... They both will bee up! Easy targets!
Jackie has new thread up.
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