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Talking her case in the dark |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Anxious Ants:
- Well, I figure the house ants have heard about the BBOTT season coming up and they're anxious to have new hamsters to annoy!
- Other than that, I really don't have hardly anything for you -- not much happened after my last report.
- They all turned to bed fairly early.
- I think the stress of the downtime waiting time is getting to them.
- Most of the conversations are rehashes of previous conversations at this point.
- It still stands that Paul will almost 100% (almost because you can never totally predict!) take Nicole to the final two if he wins the third part of the HoH.
- It's also extremely likely that Nicole will take Paul instead of James if she wins the final part.
- James, on the other hand, seems to realize it and is pretty much settled in his probably position of third place.
- And that's that.
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Really looking like the final two |
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And so it goes ... |
Nicole would be foolish to take Paul to final 2. Paul will likely win part 3 anyway, so she probably won't have to decide.
Is it Wednesday night yet???
James just makes me want to reach through the screen and smack him upside the head. Instead of laying over and playing dead he should be trying harder.
I don't think there is anything he can say to Paul that would help, but he should be pulling all the stops out with Nichole. (If he can find a moment when Paul's head is not up her rear end) Tell her he will vote for Paul and get Natalie and the girls also to do the same. If she takes him he will tell the jury to vote for her to win in his speech.
If Paul wins the 3rd it is a moot point, but to just give up like he has just irritates me.
James does not have the temperate to win this game. He will not push to get his point across. David you are right on with him telling Nichole he will vote for Paul. Nichole thinks she will have his vote for sure in the jury. Can not help but like James more than Nichole and for sure more than Paul (my least favorite) but I do not think James has played well enough this season to win it so I would go with Nichole.
I really do not want Nicole to win. She just comes off as a whiny brat to me. I felt the same way the first time she was on. I would prefer she wasn't even in the final two, but I guess that's not going to happen. I don't think James played a game worthy or first or second. I'm sure he could use the money, but in my opinion he brought this all on himself. I think he was banking on his AFP from last year just carrying him through and that he could win on personality, but that's not how the game works. I don't really see how Nicole played the game any better, though. Out of the three left Paul played the best and should be the winner no matter who (whom?) he is sitting beside at the end.
I totally agree the James came in counting on his past AFP. He has never been my favorite because he does nothing. He plays pranks and has a showmance which he makes his priority.
He should have tried playing the game this time. Fool me once.
At least Nicole came on strong in the end. Paul is gross.
Despite Moonvees (apparently) really liking James, and as much as any of us might like Jlike him on a personal level, this season has glaringly revealed that he just doesn't have the make-up to be a good BB player. He's a mild-mannered nice guy withoutthe gumption or thought-processing required for BB... nor for Survivor or AR.
I disagree that Nicole hasn't done anything to deserve to be in the F2, but "should" come in 2nd (Paul deserves the win). Some might say all Nicole did was sleep (with Corey) the entire summer, but she played a large part in getting each of the other girls out. She wheedled her 2 HOH's, but kudos that she pulled it off...sometimes that's how you have to win. It might not be what we expected from Nicole after her last BB stint, but that's playing.
Dang typos...you know what I mean though.... lol
One more day!!
I agree with Sharon on James and Nicole. I am fine with Nicole winning. She did play the game. You can have a showmance and still be playing to win. Even creepy Boogie did it back in the good ol days of BB. Nicole was not in your face but she was playing the game...and frankly because of that the jealous girls will not vote for her.
Are we all going with Victor for AFP?? I am.
chrob61, looking at the voting for AFP predictions on Jokers, it's a pretty sure bet that Victor will win.
I just tried today on CBS.COM and voting is closed.
I hope Victor wins the AFP.
Victor seems a shoo-in for AFP! Who doesn't love my Vict♥r?
I brought this over from the last thread, regarding who may win the final. The Hollywood Reporter did a round-table of past BB-ers (with Janey & Britney, YAY!):
Off topic, but I'm so glad you were not affected in any way by the scary bomb incidents, Jackie!! If BB Boredom is what you have to deal with, that's not so bad!
Go Nicole! (Because she's my pool pick and Paul annoys me to no end!)
chrob61, voting closed on Monday at 9:59 PST.
Thanks Petals,
I read that and it's interesting to see the varying opinions.
Janey & Britney are still 2 of my favorites; Brit was particularly funny on her last BB.
Loved that article Petals. Janey just makes me smile... and Britney too :)))
Another good one at The Hollywood Reporter... this time, the producers:
neat-o, thanks Monty.
I'm so disappointed about Brad and Angelina; I wanted them to last.
Thanks for the articles. I enjoyed both. Interesting perspective.
As much as I detest Paul, I know that out of the 3 remaining, he had game.
I just can't understand Nicole entertaining the thought of bringing him to F2 (IF the opportunity arises) when she'll be handing him the game.
David you took the words right out of my mouth. Has James forgotten everything about BB? In this game, it's not over until the vote! Look back at all those people who have weaseld out of situations worse than this. " Dan's funeral" anyone? I love James but I'm so disappointed in him this season. At this point I feel Paul deserves the win, even if I don't care for the way he plays. Also Victor for Americas Favorite Player:)
I think James has just checked out. He doesn't have the heart to fight to be in the final two. He sleeps the day away and lets Paul and Nicole have all the alone time they need to form a final 2.
Monty is exactly right.
James has checked out; you can see it on his face. He had already figured out Paul wouldn't be taking him, but still may have had a smidgen of hope with Nicole... until 2 things happened:
1) he listened behind a door and heard Paul/Nicole practicing their speeches together, and
2) when James asked, Nicole waffle-flopped and indicated she thought her chances are better going with Paul.
I'm just ready for it to be over already! I want to see Victor get that AFP prize♥
I'm never ready for it to be over, but this was a long summer. On to the finale and Survivor!!
I can't believe Nicole is so dumb as to take paul over james..if it is her choice.She has to know she would beat james easily and paul could easlily beat her.....of course it is a mut point if Paul wins part 3... not a fan of his but imo he deserves the win..i mean he was looking at going home before jury after that early alliance with Josea...but he managed to keep himself in and i think he beats either one
I agree Cheryl... he beats either one of them. When you compare the road/path each of them took to the final three, you have to respect the way Paul turned his game around.
Well now, the latest comes out with Nicole talking to herself. She would like to take Paul, but knows she would lose to him. So her plan is to keep James worried/in the dark... and then pick James for F2!!!!
Nicole also figures Paul won't take her either, so she realizes she needs to win Part 3.
SO is Paul the MOST unlikable/unliked (potential) winner of Big Brother? Is it like Rachel, where she is still the most unlikable but you have to hand-it-to-her, for playing the best game?
Wow..... Things change so fast!
No way near the MOST unlikable/unliked potential winner. Um, that would be let's see... Maggie S6, Boogie S7, and Adam S9 with Adam taking the whole shebang!! Paul is still liked out here, hell I like him so he isn't complete garbage. I know most here despise him but I don't.
*Although, it was a toss up for worst in my book between Maggie and Adam, but since she's a nurse and saves lives and he was a drug dealer and destroys lives, it wasn't that hard to pick between the two. ugh
*and there was Pigpen Natalie... also despised by me. Anyway, my friend (xoxo), there have been many, many, many unlikable potential winners. :))
Ugh, Maggie and Adam! And Natalie! Yeeps - I forget them. *shudder*
And Boogie!! ACK! Thank goodness I have my more clear-headed, better-memoried friends
to remind me about those doozies!
Derrick, Jordan, Ian? Who would be The Most Loved? For me it's Eddie - our esteemed First-Ever-BB-Winner!
Now I'm going to have BB most disliked nightmares Monty! Just before we go into the Wednesday show! Oh my.... LOL....
Well, I hope you are right Sharon that Nichole has woke up and realized she could actually win it all. I was hoping what Corey told her was still rattling around in her head somewhere. If she throws it away by taking Paul she will kick herself for years to come.
If it is the normal Jury question and answer comp for part 3, Paul might have a slight edge because he harassed everyone while Nichole sat back and observed. I am not sure about that though, because Paul is not a good listener. He likes to hear himself talk but didn't seem to care what anyone else said.
Paul may have pulled a James and shot himself in the foot by over playing his cards and being up Nichole's rear end 24/7. She was smart to remove herself last night from him and sleep in a different room so she could think about everything.
So it all comes down to who wins the comp tomorrow who will win the season. Paul deserves it. But just like I was hoping for a Vanessa loss in the finals last year, I am hoping for a Paul loss this year. We will know by this time tomorrow.
Lol, and yes.. we've had some great ones too. Will, Dan, Ian (Derrick maybe) and Jordan just because she beat Natalie, lol. I also liked Rachel's win over Porsche. :))
Come on Nicole take James & you will winn!
Like him or not, Paul definitely deserves to win. But he is going to have to win part 3 for that chance. Even though he intends to honor his promise to take Nicole she is convinced he won't and she isn't planning to take him. Her "strategy" is to let Paul and James think she'll take Paul so that James will be unprepared when she takes him. I really hope the choice isn't hers, she doesn't deserve to win. She played the exact same game she played last time, she did nothing but lay around all summer totally obsessed with her showmance Corey. She's annoying, whiny and totally desperate.
If Nicole does SNAKE Paul, I think he will still vote for her.
I'm a complete idiot with these polls that Petals throws out to us. Let's say it this way, lol:
Maggie vs. Ivette... who even cares hated them both
Boogie vs. Erica... who cares didn't like either one of them
Adam vs. Ryan... I was rooting for Ryan just because he was from Ohio
Adam will forever go down in my book as the biggest douche bag winner of BB for all time. I mean, seriously... who blows their 500k winnings on smuggling drugs and gets sent to prison? I know the BB producers would just wish that season would go away.
I will be hoping the same thing Monty..., for a Paul LOSS. Now I am starting to get a little excited!
Drinking word for the finale? Friendship! (Being that this is World Peace Day...)
We all need to wear our "Friendship" t-shirts as well !!
Just wanted to say this was a great season of commenting. I am sure I will post this again in Jackies final write up!
Always a blast!!
Maybe one year my pool pick will win......
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