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All departures scheduled for TONIGHT! |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Finale Finalists:
- This could very well be my last live feeds update of the BB18 season.
- That is, unless something really vital happens today after they wake up and before the feeds get cut.
- I want to thank those who played such a large part of the community here on the blog and a special thank you to those who donated through the blog's Paypal link this season! It's very appreciated! Unlike the other BB fan sites, I don't get a cut from people signing up for live feeds and such, yet I probably put as much work into this as they do in their sites. It's always nice to know folks are enjoying the blog!
- Onto those hamsters ...
- Yesterday was another relatively quiet day in Hamsterland.
- Paul still seems to be dead-set on taking Nicole to the final two if he wins the third part of the HoH.
- In the beginning of this end, Nicole seemed to be concentrating on her efforts to prepare speeches centering on James sitting next to her.
- Since James will have no choice in the matter and is out of competition to win final HoH, that would mean that Nicole was planning to take him if she wins the final part.
- But, it's BB.
- We know they just love their waffles!
- Paul worked on Nicole and gained her favor in taking HIM instead of James if she wins.
- Then James pretty much checked out of the game, sleeping and just on the surface mingling for the last few days.
- So it seemed set -- Paul would choose Nicole, Nicole would choose Paul.
- But it looks like Paul might have talked a bit too much (one of his downfalls) and it seems like Nicole is weighing her options now.
- She could take Paul and have a fight to the end.
- Or, she could take James for an easy win.
- I think Paul also realizes that taking James would give him an easy win. However, he seems to want a finale with Nicole and the battle to win.
- My personal opinion is that I'd like to see a Nicole/Paul finale.
- As much as I find him a bit obnoxious, loud and arrogant, I am personally backing Paul for the win tonight. I honestly think he's played the best game out of the three remaining hamsters.
- And, regarding a conversation in comments on my last live feeds report -- no, he wouldn't be the worst winner ever. That crown belongs to Adam J., the one busted for investing his winnings in dealing drugs! Paul, for all of the annoyances, is quite involved in animal rescue stuff. While he's young, only 22 if memory serves, and he'll probably blow a lot of the money on things neither you nor I would choose, I doubt he'd do anything illegal with it and bring shame onto the game.
- If it goes between Nicole and James tonight, I'd have to support a Nicole win. Their games were a bit similar. But she woke up and played a lot sooner and actually did more behind the scenes when she was laying low.
- I would probably go in shock if James wins tonight! Nothing personally against James, but I can't see it going that way in any scenario at all. I really like James as a person, but he's disappointed me this season.
- In the end, I don't personally know any of these people. I depended on them for my summer entertainment. They delivered. Better them in the house than ME!
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The lonely kitchen |
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Being a nice guy doesn't always win BB |
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He definitely played the game |
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Take James? Take Paul? Coreeeeey! Help! |
I have been a longtime follower (lurker) on the blog and comments. I want to Thank You Jackie for all that you do. I look forward to your blog every year as much as I look forward to Big Brother. And, by the end of the season I always miss your blog posts more than the show. I don't know how you do it. I tried to watch BBAD a few times and it was about as boring as watching paint dry, but you always make it interesting and funny.
Thank you, Tracy! I'll be doing something with the BBOTT online CBS Access series which starts next week. But, since it's a rather new concept, I'm not sure what I'll be doing or how I'll be covering it.
Thank you Jackie for all you do and having the coolest and best place to hang out. =)
I am up late, was worth it as I got DISH to knock $15 a month off my bill, but in case I sleep late again I wanted you to know how much we appreciate you and all you do.
I do wish they would have continued to do BBAD for the online show. Maybe someone with ways to contact the powers that be should suggest that to them at CBS.
Without BBAD on every night maybe I can catch up on my DVR'd shows now. I just looked and have 106 shows that need watching.
Hope to see everyone tonight for the beginning of Survivor and of course the big BB finale.
Jackie I have enjoyed reading your blog for years... But, this is the first season I have really been brave enough to open my mouth and WRITE my opinions and thoughts! I have truly have had fun getting to know all of you better... And King of feel one of the group now! I appreciate all of your honesty and smart a$$ comments! Too funny! Many times I wished there was a "like" button below your comments!
I am excited for tonight's party to get going... Of course I'm bringing my grilled chicken nachos with guacamole!
I am excited to see many of you in the Survivors parties too!
Thank you ALL for welcoming me and making me feel like part of the group... You guys all get me laughing and give interesting insight!
Kind of feel like one of the group... Proofread better Judi!
Thank you again Jackie, and ditto what all the others have said...best blog evah!
See you all tonight for Survivor, and thankfully, the end of another summer of BB.
I hope Paul wins, but wouldn't mind if it's Nicole. James is depending/planning a bit too much on getting AFP. This will be his summer of 'bitter disappointment'...unless Nicole takes him to F2.
Ha! I can relate David. I save several series' (shows like Game of Thrones and Reign), but the downside is having the DVR crash. Yeah, it's happened. The last time, "On Demand" worked, but HULU does too... sometime.
As always Jackie, I have to give you a big THANK YOU!!!
Ready for the night to get here.
If its Paul/Nicole- Paul for the win
If its James/Paul- Paul for the win
If its Nicole/James- Nicole for the win
Ready to check out BBOTT....
It would be smart for CBS to have BBAD continue. This could lead to more purchasers of CBS all access.
Aw, shucks! Thank you all for being here!
And, Judi, it's great that after so many seasons, we get new folks (some of whom lurked for years) joining in and being part of this blog community! Overall, we have a really fantastic bunch of "regulars" here and you are definitely a part of it all. Maybe not the King, but ...! Heehee!
Re the worst winner: Adam.
There's an interesting story posted about him on Jokers. He's involved in Drug Rehab programs now. He and his mother agree the arrest was the best thing that could have happened...straightened out his "party boy" ways! A shame all that $$ was wasted, but It's nice to know he's become a better person and doing something of value with his life now.
I read that article yesterday. I couldn't stand him that season. I believe the kid from Boston who was showmancing Natalie that season also got into trouble with drugs. I believe they were dealing drugs together if memory serves.
I do believe he was the worst winner but that was also a horrible season.
Feeds are done until the backyard interviews...
Its strange. I feel this is the first season in a few years that I am glad they are over.
A few days later I am like what am I going to do until next summer...
Kind of glad I don't have to wait.
I hope I am not putting to much stock into this new format for the fall.
Matt McDonald was the one arrested with Adam. Matt was also arrested for domestic violence, intimidating a witness and you name it.
Gee, does anyone remember Justin Sebik from BB2? Now, there was an embarrassment for the show! At least they gave him the boot.
This is my first year on your blog - found it quite accidentally - but I've enjoyed your wit immensely, and your followers are the best.
So thank you for covering the hamsters for us all season. I do subscribe to the live feeds, but rely on the blogs I follow to tell me when it's worth watching, lol.
And I'll be doing the same with BBOTT - so know that you are needed and appreciated.
Thanks again!
As a Jackie reg, I want to say Welcome to all the newbies and lurkers EFI decided to post with us. We're a crazy bunch, the more the merrier! David is right: this is the coolest place to be.
Tracy, Judi, Nicole - stick around for the new season of Survivor!
Whooohooooo party in 7 hours!
As a Jackie reg, I want to say Welcome to all the newbies and lurkers EFI decided to post with us. We're a crazy bunch, the more the merrier! David is right: this is the coolest place to be.
Tracy, Judi, Nicole - stick around for the new season of Survivor!
Whooohooooo party in 7 hours!
Jackie- Was Justin the one that pulled the knife?
back in the early seasons, 1-5 i had no feeds, spoilers and such. I was a straight television edited version watcher..
This is my first stop in the mornings during BB. Thank you, Jackie. Your posts are the best!! I love this community. This truly is the coolest place to be. Thank you posters for always making me laugh and providing wonderful insight!
Jackie, thank you so much for writing this blog. I really looked forward to it every day. You do a great job and are so right on with all your comments. I won't subscribe to the new BB, but look forward to seeing what you write about it.
ChaCha - I watched the knife thing, it was not a violent act. He & Kristin were kinda nose-to-nose, flirting in the kitchen, when he playfully held the knife to her throat, and she just smiled, giggled. So did he.
Personally, I didn't find it threatening at all. It was playful, or at least that is how I (and Kristin!) interpreted it.
I think it was S2.
Thank you Jackie for another great season of recaps, insight and fun. Your witty reviews never fail to be amusing even when the hamsters are not. You totally rock!
Thats what I thought. Its crazy that we have been watching this for 17 years...
Yes, I echo others here in thanking you (Jackie) for providing the coolest place to hang out all summer. Now we get BBOTT on top of this season. That will keep the withdrawals to a minimum. Survivor is great too, but it just doesn't compare to BB with the daily updates and reading all the comments.
Looking forward to the party tonight
Oh, and who was the guy that went nuts and was turning over the furniture? Was that Justin too?
Russell Hantz was a pretty wild nutcase too.
As I recall, he didn't last long in the BB house.
You mean Willie Hantz. Russell played Survivor (my favorite of all time, lol).
I'm thinking the chair thrower was actually in S4... can anyone remember who that was?
LOVED Russell! Wasn't there a different Willie (Wil?) was a large, African-American guy, angry all the time. I think he was in the 1st season?
hmmmm.... didn't Russell (Survivor) also come on BB, but get booted out for going over the edge and head-butting... or something like that?
Sharon, Russell's brother Willie came on BB a few seasons back
Sharon, Russell's brother Willie came on BB a few seasons back
Ah, thanks Petals! Turns out, my memory is "selective." :D
No denying the bro-resemblance (but IMO, both were jerks).
Then baby-Hantz went on Survivor and tried to hide it for a while, but he was.... a Hantz.
Check out Jeff and Jordan's BB Finale episode on Jeff and Jordan TV. Uploaded today. Just love them :))
Loved Russell on Survivor, didn't like Willie on BB and the nephew was a joke on his seasons of Survivor. :)
LOL @ Bro-semblance, Sharon :)
There's been a leak - Victor won AFP by a landslide!? Hope it's true.
I'll be late to the Survivor party... got a late start on dinner. I'll bring a good old Appalachian treat tonight and desert for BB. Pinto beans with ham and onions, dumplings, cornbread (whichever you prefer) and Apple Crisp for desert.
all the food sounds DELISH, Monty!
You know me, I'll cover the booze.
Almost there!!!! Smiling.... Thanks Jackie and everyone! I was one of those lurkers for years and I have always enjoyed reading.... But now it's at a whole new level being part of it! So glad we are doing Survivor together also!
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