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He's got power this week. |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Let's Get This Over:
- Well, you know from the show that Paul won the HoH.
- The feeds were blocked until just about a couple hours ago (as I type this). They did come back an hour earlier than what the scrolling marquee had it -- something we wondered if was an error. They started up after the Tuesday episode finished airing on the West Coast.
- Paul's nominations are ... Nicole and Corey!
- But, wait ... the PoV comp had already been played out by the time the live feeds returned.
- Guess who won PoV?
- We're talking Paul.
- So, if the veto isn't used, James has the sole vote.
- However, James feels that if Paul doesn't use the veto and he remains off the block, thus saving his life in the game ... he owes Paul.
- He will vote whichever way Paul wants him to.
- Nicole and Corey (mostly Nicole) pestered James to find out which way he'll vote.
- But he wouldn't say. He just kept saying he owed Paul and it would be up to Paul.
- Corey is sure it will be him.
- Nicole seems to believe she should give her game up to Corey but doesn't really want to do so.
- So, she's guilt-tripping herself for wanting to stay in.
- Corey seems sad, but keeps telling Nicole not to do anything -- let things be.
- James reported their pressuring him (mostly Nicole) to tell him which one will be voted out. He wants to sleep in another room away from them because he doesn't know what to do other than to tell them he will vote the way Paul asks him.
- In the talk with Paul, James kept going on about Corey being a bigger threat for the win than Nicole. He thinks he and Paul could easily win the final comps over Nicole.
- Hmm. I'm not so sure about that. I personally would rather Nicole stay over Corey. But she can knock out comps!
- Nicole came up to Paul afterwards. He told her no way was he saving the both of them -- her and Corey.
- Paul told her that he planted the seed with James that Corey should go and he's saving her butt.
- Ohh! The plot thickens!
- It seems that Paul and Nicole have a final two deal! He told her (before this) to act all discouraged and checked out.
- She's acting checked out.
- She's acting discouraged.
- Paul doesn't think James deserves to go to the final two.
- I like James, but he didn't really earn the place.
- Paul told Nicole that he doesn't want Corey to try to make a deal with James.
- Gah! Nicole told Paul that she's thinking of forfeiting her game to Corey!
- What is wrong with that girl!?!?!
- She says he's crying and she feels guilty.
- Paul told her no way to her forfeiting the game. Go forward and WIN.
- He told her it's not a dating show and not to tell Corey about their deal.
- Paul then went to tell Corey that he will be leaving tomorrow.
- Corey took it well.
- What happened to rules that they're not supposed to tell?
- Then, when they were alone, Nicole told Corey that she is going to take James to the final two for a better chance. She says the only jury vote she'll have is him (Corey).
- So, it's pretty certain that Corey will go tomorrow leaving us with a final three of Nicole, James and Paul.
- Then the fun begins.
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Practicing her speech in the dark. |
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He kept me. I'll vote who he wants. |
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On the block |
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I don't want you to do anything, Nicole. |
Thank you so much for blogging this, Jackie. I know you probably lose a lot of sleep.
So, Paul and Nicole have a final two agreement? We'll see how long that lasts. In the beginning, Paul and crew never wanted to bring returnees with them; and no girls. We'll see.
I wouldn't trust Paul as far as I could throw him.
I must say that I am pretty geeked that my poolboy Paul is in the final 3.
I would say his best chance with this jury would probably be to keep Corey, but since Corey can be strong on comps, I don't see how these 2 could end up in the finals together.
I don't want Nicole in the finals.
I see Nicole or James winning the first part of the final three HOH pail is a contender for part two.
I think James knows he shouldn't throw part one!!
I personally think Nicole is actually playing smart... No blood on her hands for Corey going... And he has to go! Pauls head is nobody likes him or Nicole... But everybody likes James, especially the girls (they don't know about Natalie's thoughts after the show were). So Paul feels he has a better shot at winning if he takes another person no one likes! Plus with Paul thinking James hasn't earned it... Should be great to find out.
Nicole has a final 2 with James and now Paul... But has told Corey she wants to take James and Corey backs that! This last round will keep me close to you Jackie... How many times will things change between now and Wednesday!
The only way I see Paul winning is by taking Nicole.nicole can only win if she takes James.
James I feel is playing for second place unless he wins part one and three of final HOH.
Nicole and Paul both would wipe the floor with James jury answers.
Can't wait to see jury house tonight.
I think if it's James and nicolenin the end it may become bitter jury.
Oh I definitely want to see it Nicole and James in the final 2 Chacha....
Exactly Judi. Nicole has been playing a LOT smarter than anyone has credited her.
The way she was "acting" lasr night makes me wonder if she's as enamored of Corey as we've thought. yeah, she was sad with Corey (and Paul), but it didn't take Paul very long to 'turn her frown upside down' and she finalized their talk with a rather cheerful high-five! lol
Sharon, plus what Nicole told Paul was "I was down there being sad and depressed like you said, that's what I've been doing down there".... That was towards the beginning of their conversation from BBAD... So she and Paul had previously discussed this
Incredible if it turns out that Nicole has actually been playing Corey all this time!!! LMAO
I mean really, the thought is just too funny. Imagine Mr Ego gettting dumped before he can dump her at the Wrap Party.
yeah, I doubt that will happen, but still, thinking about it is good stuff... especially after all Corey has said about Nicole!!
I would LOVE that Sharon... Now that would be priceless!
I feel like James comes on BB for a showmance and to get AFP. He does not really play the game. He does nothing. He rarely adds anything to conversations. He is kind of just there.
I need help! What did Natalie say about James? I missed it... Did she **** on him?
What would be funny if James vote to evict Nicole instead of Paul's pick and James and Corey try and take each other to the final two, James would be happy with the $50k..He doesn't deserve even that much.
Petals, I think any references to Natalie re James would be when she threw him UTB before eviction (to Paul/Victor). Plus, in her talk with Julie, she also said something to the effect, "he's very Asian." geez, did she NOT know who she was talking to?
Also - TAILGATE FOOD TONIGHT: brats, dogs, nachos, BBQ, etc. WHOOO
OMG! I missed her saying that to Julie! WOW! (I really need to try to stay awake for these evictions!)
I'll re-watch the ep. I am stunned that she said that.
Sharon, I would love it if Nicole has been playing Corey. That eulogies definitely make my day. I also agree, it's probably not the case....
Paul's reign in the HOH room is rapidly coming to a close.
He's been told to clear his stuff out, and they all know this is means things are going to happen even more quickly this week. We all know that after Friday, everything will go downhill into Super-Slo-Mo until Wednesday. Boring for us...even more boring for them.
Every year this happens. I've never understood why Production drags the show out for the last few days. It's not like they are doing anything. When it's down to the last 2/3, why not just get it done in 2/3 days instead of 4/5? It seems like a terrible waste of time and money.
It's getting closer! Smiling...
But you're right Sharon, it won't be long before the boredom sets in! BB should shrink this timeframe!
From the clip posted I just saw on Jokers, it looks like the "explosive showdown" in Jury might be between "Z" and Paulie. Bet it adds up to very little... other than a 'teaser' for the show tonight.
Probably Sharon.... Only if Natalie told her that Paulie was pointing out to the house guests their secret love nests.... That would cause a rumble! Or like you said maybe just a tease!
Z is totally dilusional about Paulie... it's just plain sad. He and Corey will get their showmances drunk and dump them (after a little boot-knocking action). @@
I think that Natalie & Meech probably told Z that Paulie was "kissing & telling". And it's true! He was graphically describing all the places and positions where they...*bleep*.
And Z is just a brainless piece of driftwood, so DaVonne stepped-up to attack Paulie and call him out on his frat-boy sexcapade tales.
Thing is, Zakiyah DID do all those things, willingly, with Paulie. Too bad, so sad if she is regretting doing them now.
Of course, this is just my opinion of what the "brouhaha" is about. I'm probably not even in the ballpark. LOL
I'm sure you, Petals, and others are spot on. Can't wait for the show tonight. :)))
Neither can I, Monty! WhoooO!!!
Victor in a music video: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=r3hab+%26+kshmr+-+strong
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