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Thursday, August 31, 2017
BB19: Live Eviction and HoH Show Blog Party - August 31
As the show airs here, I'll be live-blogging and constantly updating this entry -- refresh the page to get the latest! As always, the real party is in the comments area. Come join in on the fun!
For those who, like I am, are in the NYC viewing area -- WCBS 2 out of Manhattan has football, sister station WLNY 10/55 is airing BB at its normal time.
Here are the blog pool match-ups for easy reference tonight --
Alex Ow - jujufruit423, caela, Donna in FL, Nickelpeed
Christmas Abbott - Willie J, Rich from Buffalo, Glenn, QuixoticElf
Jason Dent - Donna in Alabama, Cheryl in NC, jo Chapman, Marthalight
Josh Martinez - Petals, Stormy, Kelsey in NY, Dr_Celine
Kevin Schlehuber - elee86, aya, SueGee on the Left Coast
Matthew Clines - JonMD1267, T-Town Chick, Sharon C
Paul Abrahamian - Indiana Jane, Jackie, Brian, Marlo L
Raven Walton - Kristen from Ohio, David, Nora
Cody Nickson
Elena Davies
Mark Jansen
Hamster watchers ready? Let's have a recap!
Julie tells us promises made can blow up your game. (Y'think?) And, then we're into the recap.
They promise us chaos (probably not to the extent we saw on the live feeds) and a jury segment. Julie mentions that they all have started to turn on each other. Well, that was sure to happen.
Raven tearfully tells us how loyal a game she has played. Mark continues to smile as he talks (and later will smile while yelling at Jason). He claims that Jason is hiding in the storage room. And, yes, he is.
Mark confronts Jason. Raven screams at him saying he lied. Jason denies he said he would take Raven off the block. (Yes, he did tell her that.) Alex thinks what Jason did is bad for her own game. (Yes, it is.) Both Kevin and Josh have moved in case of fisticuffs. Matt is off the wall mad ... although smiling. At least his tongue isn't sticking out.
Meanwhile, Paul works on reeling Raven into the fold.
Matt decides to play spy and find out who voted for him to go last week. He asks Kevin first. Kevin said he voted Mark. Jason admits being one vote. Alex lies and said she voted Mark. I actually don't blame her because the wrath would then come her way.
Kevin tells Matt alone that he didn't vote out Matt. Paul goes to run interference. Paul thinks Kevin is in cahoots with Matt for jury votes. Paul spreads his theory to the rest. And, like with all so far this season, they believe Paul.
Josh picks a stupid fight with Kevin. Josh brings up Kevin winning the 25 grand. Kevin says that Josh is being set up and Josh is just a little chump. Kevin knows the score. (But can he actually win anything?)
Now both Jason and Kevin are targets and Paul is gleeful to have set it in motion.
Josh cries to Christmas. Christmas picks up on the fact Kevin wouldn't swear on his kids that he didn't take the money. Christmas knows, since Kevin did swear on them about the Matt vote. She draws the conclusion that Alex was the second vote and is "dangerous."
Jury house segment. Elena and Cody have Paul's number. Mark not so much but he's getting there.
Live vote. Julie tells us Matt has a penalty vote for not following Have Not rules.
Matt -- Thanks to CBS and BB, love all the HG, don't kill each other, Raven best human.
Raven -- Thanks BB, speaks of disease. Thanks to Matt. It will be different without you.
The votes to evict:
Alex -- Matt
Kevin -- Matt
Paul -- Matt
Christmas -- Matt
Josh -- Matt
Unanimous plus one for Matt to go. Raven cries more like it's news to her.
Yikes! They can't play the HoH comp right now due to rain conditions!
Next Thursday will be a double eviction.
I don't think the HoH comp will play out on the live feeds. And, even if it does, I have to be up early in the morning to go to work. I'll let you know what I find out when I find out!
Thanks for coming by!
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Did Julie clean out the lint trap and knit sleeves?
Hi Jackie and all
Hey Jackie and everyone!
~~~~~~SPLASH~~~~~~~~ Howdy to Jackie & Vincent and all that enter
I would rather have a nightcap than a re-cap :o)
Squeegee on the LeftCoast
*or rather cuffs for the sleeves?
Hi Monty and everyone else who follows!
Monty, seriously! WTH?
~*~*~ SPLASH ~**~*~
I think this is as far as I've ever been in the pool (I mean, my pool person is still in the game!?)
Hey Jackie, Vincent & everyone!
{terrible RL day}
I can watch Raven cry all night long :)))
OMG Raven
Yay, jury footage tonight
Ugh Raven
Please shut up Raven
The his is so stupid
I have football tonight - relying on you guys to keep my informed on any craziness, LOL
Hellloooo Jackie, BB crew, MMMMMOOOOONNNNNTTTYYYYYY lol And crybabies in the BB house Craven cough cough lol
Hey Everyone!!!
I brought the nachos again... watch out fresh out of the oven! A little hot!
Matt's voice climbing CRACKS me up :)))
Maybe he was hiding because he doesnt want to catch everything she has lol
*ZING Jooooonnnnn
I just noticed that Monty lol Only Dogs will hear him soon lol
Lol jon
Big babies
I guess that's one thing Raven doesnt have is psychic abilities lol
Wow Matt actually exists in this game. What a waste of a spot on BB. And yes, please make Raven stop whining.
LOL Marybeth
Matt is an ass
this is a preview of what Jason can expect ALL WEEK. He is the new Kevin
Football too. But can't stand any of them anyway
Good evening All. Good bye Matt
On My Pacemaker!!!!
That was fn EPIC lol
I think Matt and Raven are confused about how the game works.
My sister has the same illness Raven does. I watch her suffer every day. This girl is a disgrace to everyone who struggles with a health issue.
#onmypacemaker ^5 Jon
I'm fn using all day at work on Friday lol
Mouse - try this: videobrother.net
It's working for me!
Matt, who's hidden all game is upset. Ha ha ha
Aww poor Matt, he won't be able to complete his cereal quest😩
I have the tv on but it is muted. I hate these people and I HATE this season. I personally refuse to listen to 25-ish+ year old people fight like the millennial twats that they are.
That DR was way later after Paul got the ouchie on his eye
It's like Paul has spent the past 15 months (or however long it's been) cramming, studying, plotting how to win the show. It's his only job, his only care, his only goal in life. IMO
Petals he got a lot of help in the beginning too with the safety.
Kevin getting a bully edit. Yikes
I'm so ashamed of Jason for not stepping up to defend Kevin.
Attack dog Josh can't leave a fight without crying
LOL he crying again lol
I have never seen so many adult men cry like this.
me too and from what I heard he said about kevins wife he should've been kicked out
That is funny, I mean who asks someone to swear on family members as is or uses that you know lol
Funny they all forget that they all tried for the $25k
Dang it. This app keeps stalling
Hi Jackie, Monty, Cheryl and TBC. How is everyone? It's thundering here in the distance! They will show the Jury House! Jason was wrong about what he told Raven after nominations!
Marybeth, sorry about your sister; glad Craven will be outed for the grifter she is.
Exactly, Cheryl. Kevin just rang in faster, LOL
Hey Glenn? You taping the game?
Big Paul. Lol
commence eye roll lol
Yes I am taping the game. It is thundering here in the background here.
That was a highlight of the night
Outside of Game Cody is much more fun and interesting that Inside of Game Cody
Me too Petals!!
true Monty. I cannot wait until he & Jess are reunited.
Wow, such big genuine smiles in jury.
Glenn..it was raining here much of the day but not now..unless not at my house..haha..I'm about 10 miles from the stadium.
Monty, which DR are you referring to at 9:18?
When Paul was describing what was happening in the fight. You can see the spot on the bridge of his nose where he got hit by the weight bar.
Cody for fan favorite just to mess with them
Ahhh! Good catch.
Maybe Ravens plan all along was to get on Matt's health insurance lol
fingers crossed for BOOOOOOs
a bad name
Omg..she's wearing that godforsaken shirt
Mine too
Kevin for AFP :)))
Matt only got 1 penalty vote after all the violations of the rules. Big Brother is now setting the precedent of break all the rules you want. You only get 1 vote. Raven wearing the orange Texas shirt!
Gonna need a screen shot of that
Enough with the damn floaties already
the toys, the props UGH! Give it UP! Pablo didn't catch on, NOTHING you did caught-on, give it up!
Josh votes to evict Jenny Craig lol
None of them are sad to evict Matt, LOL
Matt, just leave with dignity
I wanna hear boooos
Light on the Claps lol
That stupid floaty
Matt asleep at the wheel again
How much has Craven's family paid Matt?
I dont believe that what so ever that he ever wanted to win
I'm going to barf at how snowed he is
Wait til you find out most that stuff is lies...lol
I don't think he ever intended to win or even play. He was just there for summer camp.
I agree Jon
That was the best goodbye lol from Kev
I'm going to upchuck
Ugh - that makeup. ICK
Please let it be a crap shoot that Kevin can win
Now anyone he speculates they are going home can break all the HN rules and it's only going to add one vote... they have set the standards now. BB rules won't mean anything
I was, Jon! lol
How are the Buckeyes losing to the Hoosiers?
*it was
I want to know that too, Mouse :((
Matt had to be making it up, right? He is (allegedly) educated...what does he see in that back-water slattern?
Huge mystery to me, Petals
I think Kevin will be ok. They are big targets now like Jalex.
want me to put the game on here Monty?? Its on ESPN
Matt said Big Brother stopped stocking his favorite Smores cereal. I wonder if it was when he started breaking the rules. Why did Matt only get one penalty vote for all his rules violations?
Petals and others, one of the LFC at RHAP has an in on Matt. Not too impressed and says that he's done exactly what they thought he would do in there this summer.
Looks like the one where they have to race each other. Kevin won't win that.
wow Monty.
They should make the penalty for breaking the have not rules is that you are immediately escorted out and replaced with a jury member! That would stop it!
Almost halftime Monty
why not let them play in the rain..geez.. they get wet in half the comps anyway
It's almost halftine. And he doesn't want to see the first half
I don't think I can stand Trejo or whatever he named it until the show's end.
Night everyone! Thanks Jackie for hosting us!
So who did Paul decide should win this HOH? I forget - is it Josh or XXXmas?
Big brother History a rain delay. I wonder if the HOH completion will be on the live feeds.
g'nite Marybeth
Hello everyone. =)
Been lurking to see if anything about these "people" new was announced.
And what is this rain they are talking about. It never rains in Southern California, so the song says.
Thanks Jackie.
Good seeing everyone.
Ni-nite xoxox ♥
Double whammy lol
Thanks Jackie!!! Everyone have a great Friday and weekend and be safe !!!
I'm channel surfing between breaks with the OSU game
Thanks Jackie =)
Everyone have a great weekend.
Good night everyone! Always enjoy my time with everyone here!
NIght everyone... Thanks Jackie!
Thanks Jackie as always! Goodnight all and Glenn enjoy the rest of the game:-)
Thanks for coming by!
Thanks Jackie!
Yes David, we have rain here today in Southern California. LOL...
It's easing up... hardly anything.... actually stopped where I live
Thank you Jackie for this blog. Even though I had BB scheduled to dvr, it didn't go. I'm kind of irritated. I guess I'll have to go to CBS to watch it later on.
At least I will be able to see the live double eviction next TH. I'l miss the Wed show. The team I work for, made the playoffs. Very excited for them. The Dragons have a very good team this year. I'm hoping the show up next Wed. LOL.
Thank you again, Jackie. Appreciate every thing you do. I'll check in before I leave to go north for Labor Day. Everyone have a wonderful and safe weekend.
Christmas has won HOH
Oh know please say Christmas didn't win HOH. I hated it the last time she was it. I don't know what Julie was wearing on her arms. It looked alive.
Believe it or not,apparently they all threw it to Xmas. It looked like Julie was wearing splash guards or lamp shades. Will Heuser is going to have a field day with that.
That's so cool, Penny. I'm just down the road from Dayton and my brother graduated for UD. I know they aren't the Dragon's, but I support all things Dayton area. Good luck to them in the playoffs.
*from UD
We're pretty excited about the playoffs, Monty. Many, many people who graduated from UD work for the Dragons. I love it.
I kept on cursing Dish for not DVRing Big Brother. I'm watching it right now. Apparently, it was delayed because of the Ohio State game. Good, I didn't miss it.
Holy cow! The argument by Matt and Raven between Jason, is horrible. Who are these two people? They've done nothing at all. Nothing! I can't believe Paul is comforting Raven. She does nothing. Matt does nothing. He's a hot head. Glad he's going home. These people are so laughable.
Wow. Paul can really talk, can't he? He gets everyone riled up. He can lie through the skin of his teeth and people believe him. And, then Josh and Christmas treat him like a piece of dirt. Gosh, I really dislike these people. Telling Kevin he's smarter than that asking Christmas if she's going swimming. Yes, Christmas, you can go swimming, you just can not put the foot in to the water. And, now Josh is crying. Geesh!!! He has such a temper. These people....
How delusional is Matt????? LOL
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