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Aw, he doesn't want to be alone |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Jerky McJerkfaces:
- Dang, Josh really has it out for Kevin. I can't recall exactly when it started -- they were friends and confidants for the first half of the season.
- Now Josh would have preferred Kevin go over Raven in the second eviction last night.
- And I know he doesn't like Raven!
- So, what might be the worst that can happen as far as Kevin goes?
- What if ...? What if ...?
- What if Josh won HoH?
- That's exactly what happened.
- It was the BB comic book comp (as we all knew it would be).
- You know that, despite his realization that Paul is playing only for himself, he's not going to have the nerve to try to blindside Paul.
- Not that anyone other than perhaps Kevin would vote to evict Paul, mind you.
- Paul has worked it so that Alex thinks he's the only one in the house she can trust.
- Christmas seems to have an inking about Paul, but I don't think she'll challenge him at all. She's too busy caressing him.
- Ew.
- We know that the eviction order was Jason, Alex, Raven, then Kevin until it's down to Josh, Christmas and Paul.
- So, it will surely be Kevin and Alex on the block.
- Alex and Josh both want Kevin out. In this scenario, neither could vote.
- Only Christmas and Paul will vote in that scenario. Both should follow the plan and vote out Alex.
- What if Alex wins veto?
- No harm, no foul for Paul -- he would vote Kevin out as per her wishes.
- But, meanwhile, Paul thinks it would be great if Kevin won the veto. Of course, then either he or Christmas would go up, Alex would still be voted out and there would be no "blood on his hands."
- Josh was telling people they're welcome to come up and sleep in his HoH room.
- He doesn't like being up there alone.
- Oh, poor baby.
- He got his Justin Bieber music to console him. (Why am I not surprised?)
- Oh, well ... this train wreck will be ending soon.
- Yay.
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Bound to be on the block |
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Didn't want to win |
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Alex got her basket o' cat ears and stuff |
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Her cool HoH comp hosting costume |
who would have thought that much stupidity would be in one house???? Josh would have turned it around if Christmas would not have put the breaks on him. Now thanks to her Paul is a sho in for finals and probably the win. UGH UGH UGH. Hate to see that kind of game played by Paul get rewarded. Wins by default because no one else wants the money I guess.
Super-shocking to me is that, in their exit interviews, both Jason & Raven consider Paul their closest ally!
If Dan Gheesling had "mist", then Paul has FOG. These people are blind.
I honestly can't believe these people can be so blind as to what is happening. I mean I could see if it was one or two of them, but it's everyone. Paul treats them like crap and they just go along with it. He threatens everyone not to speak to each other, so they can't compare notes, and they do exactly what he says. Seriously, if they don't vote him out this week he has secured his spot in final two. They keep saying its to soon, I guess they are going to wait and take a shot at him after the finale. My only hope is that once everyone talks in jury they turn against him and he gets second place again. I hate to think I've wasted my whole summer on this to see him win.
Does anyone know if Celebrity BB will be on tv or online? I really hope it's not online, I'm looking forward to it.
Raven not only thinks she's played the game but she thinks she's played a great game, bwahahahahaha, stupidity at it's finest
Celeb BB will begin mid Janurary 2018, will be a shorter season, "condensed", and will be on TV.
Unsure if feeds will be available, tho.
That's all I've heard about it so far.
So, if I'm understanding this correctly. Paul wants to put Alex and Kevin on the block. He doesn't want to win veto because he wants Alex gone and wants to remain innocent, so doesn't want to be in the position of having to remove her from the block. He wants Kevin to win veto (I doubt that will happen, with Alex competing) and then Kevin will take himself off the block. That leaves him or Christmas for Josh to nominate. I'm sure he will push for Christmas to be nominated, but this would be the perfect opportunity to get him out. Please, please let that happen. Even if Alex stays, she will go after Kevin next which will put Christmas, Josh and her in the final 3. Come on Josh, WAKE UP and make a BIG move!
Justin Bieber??? LOL ��
Raven: from crying to cartwheels in 3 seconds!
C'mon Josh, make a move!!!
I still don't get Josh's vote last night to evict Kevin. Even with Paul whispering to Christmas in the hallway, then Christmas whispering to Kevin... was he just trying to stick it to Paul and Christmas?
edit, Christmas whispering to Josh.... I know last nights show was a double eviction, but I don't know whether they should allow HG chit chat in the hallway leading to the DR room.
Completely led by Paul, the lies quickly spin and whip they's wee little heads.
It's kinda like watching Linda Blair in The Exorcist.. as the 'spin' manages to take the hate from 0-100 in less than 2 seconds.
Possibly the single lamest cast in all of BB history. In the past we have seen plenty of people bamboozled by a single cast member...they do his dirty work for him, they cast votes not in their best interest, and they illadvisedly throw comps. BUT NOT THE WHOLE HOUSE?!?!
Paul got every single person in the house to throw the HOH comp to a woman wearing a cast. He has controlled virtually every HOH, virtually every vote, and lately virtually every comp. He thinks he's a genius. He's not. He's very strategic, very focused, keeps a lot of balls in the air. But the only reason this is all working for him is that he is surrounded by idiots who seemingly have never watched a single episode of BB.
Josh sees at least some of the light, but then allows both Paul and Xmas to put his sunglasses back on and then he proceeds to go along with exactly whatever he is told to do. I'm sorry but his single vote against Kevin changed or affected nothing.
Kevin sees more of the light, which is just pure deduction and observation as nobody tells him anything that's true or real, but he has zero power, no alliance, and Alex and Paul poisoned everyone against him with their lies and slanders which is just a d*%k move.
So Paul will sail to the end. I have little doubt that Josh will do whatever Paul and Xmas tell him to do this week. And Paul may want Kevin to win POV, mostly so he can be at the end with Xmas, Kevin, and Josh, the people least likely to win the final comps, but I doubt even Paul can get the whole house to throw the POV to Kevin, since he already convinced everyone that Kevin is heinous and evil.
It remains to be seen if the jury decides they aren't/weren't lame...Paul was a genius and deserves the win. Or if they realize they were all played over and over and over and they hate Paul and vote for literally anyone sitting next to him.
I hope Kevin wins AFP. He can't win a comp to save his life, and he didn't make any alliances, and he believed Paul way too many times. But he is a good guy and literally the only cast member of the whole season that I like.
I keep on hoping that someone has a backbone to make a big game move. And this is why I keep on tuning in but nothing ever happens. These people are all COWARDS.
Zoe in California
Honestly at this point I could care less. If Paul wins then shame on them all.
I cant bear to watch so I just see what happens here. Jackie is a life saver
Josh needs to get Paul out while he can, if he could trust Alex and tell her about the Jason blindside she would go balistic on Paul
As I've already said we are witnessing a masters course in stupid.
Last night's exercise? Alex's ride or die Jason get voted out via a true blindside. Alex,wearing one of Jason's shirts in tribute I guess,wins HOH.
She's gonna get even and make them pay for what they did to Jason,right? @@
Ummm...not so fast...
Who does she nominate for eviction? The two players,Raven,and Kevin who didn't even have a vote,and who had the least to do with voting Jason out.
Josh then wins POV. He knows he's being played by Paul,right? So what does he do? He follows Paul's orders and keeps the nominations the same.@@
Now place your palm directly in front of your face and slap yourself in the forehead.
Congratulations,you've now officially learned the BB 19 salute to be practiced before and after all remaining shows that we watch.
I can't believe that even after the goodbye messages to Jason, he still stated in his exit interview that he trusts Paul. I was so hoping he would take all his knowledge to the jury house and then at the end Paul would get second place. I know he was upset when he was talking to Julie, but even the audience reaction to Paul's goodbye message should have been a clue.
I can't even imagine how Jason is going to feel when Raven comes in after him and he finds out Alex was the HOH. I like to think he would have done something different if it had been Alex that was voted out, but I'm just not sure any more. It's like Paul has them brainwashed or practicing mind control or something. It's kind of scary really.
Does Pavlov ring a bell?
They are Paul's dogs.
I think Jason got the message from Josh that Paul was playing them all, with his final three pact with Josh and Christmas. Didn't Jason say something about Paul being non existent to him now? I'm really hoping Jason takes that message to jury and that they all start sharing Paul stories and alliances.
That may be the one factor that Paul hadn't considered in his master plan. He's worked diligently to ensure that people leave the house thinking Paul is their ally. But he isn't in the jury house to tell people who to talk, spin new tales to cover his actions and spread new rumors about the others.
So in essence, Josh may have made a big move, without even realizing it.
Paul was bragging to the cameras that everything is going his way, He said they blindsided Jason and he tricked Alex into nominating Kevin and Raven. He said after they kept Kevin he convinced Kevin to throw HOH to Christmas. He then convinced Christmas to throw HOH to Josh. He now only has to beat Christmas and he said hopefully Kevin for the HOH to go from 4 to 3. He says if he gets into top 3 he can win without going on the block. So his big task now is to get out Alex,
Paul you have been evicted from the house. I pray this is what we all will hear. This would be the best thing ever. I wonder if Paul would refuse to go to the jury house. Wasn't there someone that did refuse to go? Seems like it was a female.
this was kinda funny
I don't follow any other Big Brother blogs or chats (Jackie is the best after all) - can anyone tell me if other groups feel the same way about this season. Most here seems to be disgusted with the season and unhappy the hamsters are all blindly following Paul. Does anyone know if other groups have come to this same conclusion?
I'm still curious as to if production told every one of them to heel to Paul. Can they all really be THAT stupid??? I mean, from the very beginning everyone of of them, except a few, fell in to line with Paul. "He'll get us far." "He has a lot of fans, we don't want to get them mad." It goes on and on. He had everyone of them believing they would go to the end with him. To be THAT stupid. No common sense. IMO, they've not only been drinking the koolaid Paul has been giving them, but also whatever production has been giving them.
It's almost as if production does not care if BB fans are disgusted with this season. Heck, they have blatantly supported Paul. How many other BB have they sold a T-shirt? Two friggin t-shirts in the CBS shop of Paul. WTH?
Carol C - yes, every single one of them. LOL. I don't read them fully, but a few blog all the time. They all have the same consensus - these are the most stupid, blind, hateful HGs ever.
They're all rooting for Kevin; and even though they complained early on about Cody and Jessica, they've rooted for them ever since the big bully session.
It's been a down season. They're all disgusted with the fact that not one of the HGs will challenge Paul. They hate that it's been so predictable and that every one of the HGs have chosen to be mean followers.
So if indeed Kevin wins Veto and removes himself, Josh only has Christmas or Paul to pick from for replacement. Paul would be pushing for Christmas but Josh just might put Paul up there. Kevin and Christmas would be the only votes for eviction. Kevin just might vote to send Paul home which would leave a tie vote and the decision would be Josh's.
In that scenario if Josh sent Paul home, he would deserve the win. But we have seen Josh crumble under the slightest of pressure like a house of cards in a tornado, so I do not think he would have the balls to actually stand up and face Paul and vote to send him home. Alex would go home.
If Alex doesn't win veto, she will go on Wednesday. Paul can not allow Alex the chance of winning the final HOH and possibly the most important Veto.
All four of the remaining HG's will be able to play for the last HOH after the eviction Wednesday so Paul will be going full bore for that win. If Josh got sent home on Thursday, he would have the chance to tell all at the Jury meeting and further help turn the jury against Paul. Paul would probably want to go against Kevin and Christmas in the final 3 to make it a walk in the park to the final 2.
I just don't know, to me it feels like Paul was disgruntled after his season and CBS decided to appease him by giving him this season - the cast is just that - a cast, hired to be gullible, manipulatable, and fawning to the almighty egotist.
So, then Paul gets out thinking he is all that and jokes on him, he wasn't and isn't.
I agree with you, Anon 5:18. This is just a cast. A cast hired to be followers. To appease Paul, to make up for the bitter jury from last year. However, I think they're going to find out that this jury is even more bitter. Unless production has talked to the jury and changed their minds, Paul could lose again, even though he played every one like a fiddle.
Another thought. Paul was the one saying that no one should/would vote for a returning vet in the beginning. I wonder if that will come back to bite him now.
The one question that would destroy anyone who is left standing next to Paul at the final two is:
Paul told you when to eat, sleep, go to the bathroom, attack other house guests, everything that has happened in the house was dictated by Paul, what move have you done to get you to the final two on your own.
I'm glad you feel the same as I. What a play that would be to put Paul in the Hit seat!! Pls make a BIG move��
Carol - YES! Cody & Jess have a HUGE support system, and 99% of the veteran players all agree that this season is terrible, specifically Paul (with XXXmas & Alex).
Only Dr Will Kirby praised this season, but remember - he still works for CBS. So...consider that source.
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