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May his 15 minutes be up soon |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Prolonging My Agony:
- Boring.
- Boring.
- More boring.
- They've sat around trashing other hamsters.
- Christmas has given up her game, conceding that Paul and Josh will be the final two with her blessings.
- Ack.
- Remember, Paul won Part 1; Josh won Part 2. The final live round of the HoH comp will be Paul versus Josh. The winner will pick who goes with him to the final two.
- Paul has been practicing his speech.
- They actually think Christmas will probably be voted America's Favorite Player.
- Bwahaha!
- I doubt she's even in the running. Well, she is in the running as she's a hamster, but she's a least likely.
- I think people would be more likely to vote for her scooter to win.
- In order for them to have a BBAD show, they answered questions submitted by BBAD viewers.
- Um, okay.
- What fun will come next?
- Oh.
- None.
- And on it goes ...
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Who woulda thunk it? |
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Has thrown her game away |
Wow.... she's come all this way just to NOW sit back and throw it ALL away!?! Seems so odd for Christmas to have been playing Josh so hard the WHOLE season and now suddenly she puts on the brakes? Something just seems wrong. This woman was in Josh's face constantly pushing and guiding him... Christmas was constantly conniving with Josh.... NOW she backs off!?! Blows me away!
Thanks Jackie! You must be so very bored watching all this non-playing....
Do you think maybe her affection for Paul had anything to do with her decision?
What a waste of space in the house! She breaks her foot, can't compete at all, got lit-up on drugs most of the summer, NOW she bows-out?
I hope Josh is careful, because this could be another one of Paul's ploys.
Women's intuition can be pretty accurate. Paul and Josh do most of their (Paul's) conniving when Christmas isn't in the room. The decision is out of her hands anyway, but I think she realizes Paul wants Josh with him in F2.
I've felt this way all summer, and still do... Christmas should not have been allowed to stay once she could no longer participate in ALL of the competitions. The only things she could contribute: bully tactics (encouraged by Paul), support Paul (to help him reach his goal), and evict HGs (who should stayed longer than her).
She looked defeated while listening to Paul and Josh talk about plans when they are outside of house and for the first time it looked to me as if reality was hitting her heartstrings where Paul stands which is no-where outside of FRIENDSHIP. Her last chance was Josh cutting Paul and it didn't sound like that was the plan. Maybe she is trying to save face by bowing out opposed to looking as pathetic as it really is.
I agree... my husband and I both felt Christmas should have NOT remained in the house once she was operated on and couldn't compete in some of the competitions! Especially when her name was drawn for POV competitions. They should not have kept her name in the bag to be able to be drawn by others when she couldn't compete! That was totally wrong and unfair to those OTB. In Survivor (also CBS show), they immediately pull all contestants who can't compete and they are sent home. Why not the same this year with BB?
It's just so weird how BB catered to Christmas and kept her in the game, no matter how unfair her inability to compete was to others. She was Paul's 2nd in command in keeping Josh in line and getting him to bully others and get him to do their dirty deeds!
Now, in less than a weeks time she goes from being a conviving, in your face, snap out of it, take no prisoners type of personality to a "it's OK I'm great with being 3rd place" type of personality!?! REALLY!?!
She's not in a funk, a depressed mood or even mad! I would have expected Christmas not coming in 1 or 2 to be worse than how Alex handled it... especially when she worked so hard for Paul to be 1 & 2!
It just doesn't add up to me... so odd. Who knows!
Love your blogs, Jackie. Especially towards the end of the show. They are so funny. Thank you, thank you for blogging for us. Thank you for taking the time you have taken, even when you were sick, to do this. You've not only put up with a horrible season, you've had to put up with us bickering back and forth about the HGs. Thank you for all you do.
I believe Christmas actually believes she will be asked to come back to play again. Paul has brainwashed them all. I think she's actually in love with the Paul. She is so infatuated by him, she has believed everything he says.
I am of the belief that these HGs were promised something if they let Paul go to the end. It's been Paul's game the whole season. I'm wondering what she was promised. I think we'll see some of them back at some time. Probably not all at once, but, they could be back. After the way they played, I do not think any of them should come back. They are going to watch their season and cringe as bad as we did the entire time.
That was his MO last season, Penny. Like this season, he told Alex he'd help her with a car and told Raven he'd help her with an apartment. @@
This season was a complete waste of time. I believe that BB basically gave this season to Paul. Does he have a high Q rating somewhere? The fact that they dangled the $25000 which then gave Paul his entry into the game and THEN he got to be safe from nomination for three weeks. INSANE! It seems so long ago that i even forget how he got that, was it Viewer Choice? INSANITY AGAIN. It's time to play a straight BB season with no weekly viewer input. Let these people just PLAY. If BB gets good contestants that are watchable, we won't care about having our hands in the game. Just sayin'
Roseanne makes good points, but we should also recognize that—especially with this season's band of patsies—when Production asked for "viewer input", it was very predictable what that input would be. That allowed them to steer the game in the direction they preferred.
I'd love it if they announced all of the results for the America's Favorite Player voting, from 16th place to 1st. Or even the top 8. That would be an eye-opener for some of these delusional players.
I really hope that,in future seasons, house guests don't try to emulate the bullying tactics that Paul suggested and the others enacted with such relish. It would be a shame if that tactic became a copied strategy.
The sad thing is I think Paul could have won the game without using that approach--he was good enough at analyzing, strategizing, planning, engaging, adapting, etc. He didn't have to be cruel.
Bullying is a terrible thing and should not have been tolerated in thr BB house, the recent school shooting was a case of bullying, a 14 year old shot a student who had bullied him! BB could have stopped it in the house but didn't. That is sad, game or not!
Xmas may be playing on Josh's sympathy, she knows he has a soft heart, and that would work, or she has realized Paul is not in love with her and she is love sick and has checked out! Not sure which scenario it is! I saw a blog on YouTube and he said that Josh is also in "Love" with Paul! LOL
I think Christmas has already been invited back for next year.
Now lets get back to serious business...Which D- list celebrity will show up on Wednesday to promote Celebrity Garbage Big Brother?
Hmmmm, d-list? I would think they would go with E and F list. Carrot Top? Lorena Bobbit? Monica Lewinsky? Hillary Clinton? Lindsay Lohan? oooooo, I know, Honey Boo Boo. lol
Lorena Bobbit? Hide the knives!!!! :)))
LOL @David and Sharon N.
If they have promised to bring any of these people back, it's telling me CBS and BB does not care about the fans at all.
I think Paul would have been brought in to this season even if nobody had bought his way in. I do not believe for one minute so-called fans voted for Paul to have 3 week vacation. Production was so worried he'd be voted out, they wanted him to be safe for a period of time until he sunk his teeth in to people.
I, for one, am so mad at production for doing this. Let's just have a straight BB game. Bring people in who have never played the game. When you bring in previous players, you taint the game, unless it's an All Star.
BB has to have someone reading tweets and comments on blogs. I can't imagine them not paying attention to fan complaints.
I, too, would like to see the results of the AF House Guest. I've always thought producers of shows have had their hands in the voting of some things. Like a really good performer who was voted off because not enough people voted. Hog wash. They want ratings. They want to tough at the heartstrings. Be mad enough to vote. Ratings.
Please, please don't bring back any of these people. Just stop.
David, I'm a reality show junkie. I don't watch all of them, but I love watching Celebrity Marriage Boot Camp, Wife Swap and things like that. I don't watch them all the time (too many other things to watch), but I will watch them if I see someone interesting participating.
What I'm worried about is it will become unbearable to watch. Some of these celebrities are over the top, especially some of these housewives.
Let's see, who would they want? Mama June, Kate (with the 8 kids), Kendra, NeNe, Bethanny. Men would be harder, but probably any over the top man.
However, this would be who I'd hope they get: Heidi or Spencer Pratt (LOL), a Dugger (?), Kid Rock, Johnny Weir and Tara Linpinsky, Brian Boitano. I don't know, any one but Kathy Griffin. LOL
LOL, Penny, I only know 2 of all those names, Kid Rock and unfortunately Kathy Griffin, but for the wrong reasons. As far as reality shows go, I watch TAR, BB, Survivor, and some of the survival shows like Alone and Naked and Afraid.
Hey, that's what they should do, have a BB season where everyone has to go the whole summer naked. lol Probably not. Live feeders probably would get tired of wiping puke off their screens. Paul is almost enough to make you puke without being naked. Him bending over would be too much.
BB never gives out the best prize first, until this season. 3 weeks of safety is just too much on top of it. I am with you, it was rigged from the beginning. We have seen returning players get 1 week of safety before, but that was just way too much.
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