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Dead Man walking? |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of So Fascinating I Fell Asleep:
- I worked late yesterday. I napped before the veto comp feeds block opened the house up to us again.
- Then I scouted out the day's feeds.
- I gathered some screen shots and noticed it was 4am.
- I went back to sleep.
- Oops. Now it's very late!
- My real life work has been incredibly stressful and hectic as of late and I was quite ill about a week ago. I think it's all catching up to me.
- Enough about me.
- Onto the happenings ...
- Before the veto comp, it was all the figuring out scenarios with the what ifs -- what if Jason wins, what if Kevin wins (haha), what if Raven wins.
- Everyone played for the veto except for Josh.
- When the feeds returned, all of the guys (including Josh) had colorful suspenders and bowties, with short-shorts.
- Kevin changed clothes almost immediately.
- Only Jason left his bowtie on for a while.
- Paul eventually took off his shirt but left the suspenders on and reminded me of Leather Boy from the old Craig Ferguson shows.
- As for the women -- Raven looked a heck of a lot better in her outfit than in the horrible nasty orange rag from Matt. Christmas was okay in her duds. Alex, like she is more often than not, had her chest hanging out all over the place. Sure, she can flaunt her chest ... but does she have to?
- Maybe I'm just a bit prudish. But low-cut versus all but exposed just ain't the same thing!
- Oh. Paul won the veto.
- He's wracking up the veto wins.
- And, I do suspect that if he weren't throwing so many HoH comps, he could be winning them, too.
- He could be the ultimate BB game player except for one thing ...
- ... he's so ruthless in his scheming and manipulating people that he's brought an overall state of cruelty to the game unlike we've ever seen before.
- And, mind you, I've watched and covered BB since the first season. I've seen much cruelty over the years.
- I've actually liked some of the hamsters who were known for some cruelty. I liked Evel Dick. But I don't think he was AS cruel in the long run as Paul. Perhaps he was just more open about it. He didn't pretend to be oh-so-caring to those he disliked or wanted out. He didn't manipulate others into doing his cruelty. For example, Jen knew Dick didn't care for her. He made the dislike blatant. But Paul acts like he's a friend and confidant, then uses other people for the meanness. Now, the other people used are almost as much to blame as is Paul. Why aren't they playing their own game?
- Of course, with Paul winning veto, even if Christmas had a thought of her own in her head about backdooring him (which doesn't seem likely anyway), she can't do it.
- The biggest component of the after veto talks was Jason or Alex, the pros and cons of each.
- It sounds like Paul indeed will not be using the veto. They all seem to think that both Alex and Jason could be much more dangerous as they can win comps.
- So, it looks like the only player who hasn't fallen into the spider's web (Kevin) will be safe for at least this week.
- They've written him off as a possible comp winner even though Raven keeps harping on how much Kevin knows about the show and he's playing dumb.
- If Paul doesn't use the veto, he's going to have to shift the blame for not using it to someone else.
- He doesn't want to alienate jury votes.
- In other news, the hamsters had a preview of the new CBS show Me, Myself and I along with a guest appearance by its star.
- Now they're all starstruck.
- While Kevin sat around trying to figure out the premiere date versus the finale of BB, others went on about how nice the guest was compared to how Derrick treated them.
- Ahem. Bobby Moynihan is touting his new show. Derrick is a BB person. One needs to put on a positive front. The other sees the poison of this season on BB.
- In scuttlebutt that might not change anything -- Josh (of all people) is totally onto Paul. He's trying to convince Christmas but she isn't hearing any of it.
- Paul is still working his anti-Kevin agenda. But he's also talking a lot with Alex -- telling her she's going to be safe no matter what.
- Hmm.
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Mickey Mouse ear hairstyle is NOT cute |
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EBK -- Everybody But Kevin |
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So innocent ... looking, at least |
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The lack of clothing is annoying (to me) |
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Another veto notch for Paul |
Oh my word, not Paul!!! Thanks Jackie
I just cannot say it enough. Paul makes it impossible to even watch anymore. I cannot stand the sight of him. Yes...Alex needs a fashion lesson. I thought looking at Elana she could have figured out how low budget that look is. End this season right NOW!
I agree with you Jackie about Alex's boobs. I raised a daughter and constantly told her that there is a fine line between sexy and slutty.
Jackie, thank you for your update.
You wrote: He could be the ultimate BB game player except for one thing ...
... he's so ruthless in his scheming and manipulating people that he's brought an overall state of cruelty to the game unlike we've ever seen before.
Yes, exactly. He is absolutely sinister in his machinations, and the others - while playing Paullow the leader - have fallen in to step with the evil. No one is exempt, either.
I think Jason knows what is happening, he knows he is leaving. But if he asks about it or tries to talk about it, he knows he will be subjected to the torture. After all, it is Paulicy to shun the next evictee.
Can you imagine the level of Kevin's sadness, loneliness and anxiety?
Can you imagine how Jason feels, knowing he - a grown man - is "not allowed" to speak to Kevin, his friend? Because of Paulicy?
Can you imagine how Josh feels? Being the target of bullying initially, only to find his 'home' as Paul & XXXmas' lap/bulldog? Even though he knows what is happening, XXXMas has 'warned' him to not say anything, and that whatever Josh says, she will 'run past' Paul. Because, after all, it's Paulicy.
Josh behaves like a performing monkey, because thats how they treat him. HOW DARE HE form an opinion on his own, without first clearing it with Paul? (this actually happened last night, XXXmas shut it down, Josh was left muzzled & frustrated)
Can BB recover from this season? Will Julie & Co want to risk a worse group?
Can you believe Raven is putting on a dance for them and they didn't have to beg her. Not much under that damn orange shirt. Somebody is getting horny. Watch out Paul! I will miss everyone and esp. Jackie keeping us up on what is going on. Jackie you are one hell of a lady and I hope BB and CBS knows how dedicated you are to them.
Thank you for blogging this Jackie. I know you haven't been feeling well. I know it's hard. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I agree about Paul. He's egged on these HGs to do and say things that are mean and downright cruel. They are so stupid. I've always believed when you are being manipulated; and you do these things; you do them because you want to do them. These HGs could easily think freely, but they choose not to. They are afraid of Paul's fans. Really? Just listen to them talk about coming back again to win BB; how much they're loved, how great fans think they are playing the game, how they must be AFP. The list goes on and on. They are so delusional. So jaded full of the crap Paul has told them. They've brought a new meaning to the word manipulation. I am so hoping the next BB is NOT like this one.
I'm hoping if Paul takes Alex down and puts up Kevin, they will not vote off Kevin. I worry about that. Kevin knows he's on the outs with the HGs. For no reason at all if you ask me. The bad thing for Kevin is he has been a floater like Matt and Raven. At least the others have done something, even if it was because Paul said so. I love Kevin and would hate to see him gone. I do not want to see him treated like some of the others. The remaining HGs are such bullies.
As far as Alex's tops, or there lack of, why would you wear something like this? It's much worse than Matt's wife beater top that Raven wears. With the way these HGs talk, I would be fast to hide tops like that. I don't understand her.
Petals, can't agree more. None of these HGs have been able to do anything on their own. The Peer pressure/bullying has been brought to a new level. I am so hoping that the next BB changes. I do not want to see ANYONE repeat what they have done here. No returning players. No more blatant manipulation. This whole season has been for Paul. Please CBS, NO MORE.
Jackie for such a rotten season and the puke worthy Paul I have to say your commentary is all that's been worthwhile. CBS Please no more veterans. They had their chance
Is Christmas REALLY this stupid? Does she really not see that what Josh is telling her about Paul is true! She snaps in a demanding tone chastising him as if she is Josh's mother and reprimanding him like he is a 5 year old!
So we have Jason whose eyes are starting to open and is being shut down by Alex....
We then have Josh whose eyes are also starting to open and is being shut down by Christmas!
Then we have Kevin who's eyes have been wide open and everyone is shutting him down!
And finally we have blind Raven in her "everyone loves me" so just tell me what to do and I will do it twice for you head... and oh yah thank you VERY MUCH! So
It's such an insulting year!!!
I haven't watch a complete show and already stopped watching tonight's. I can't believe how stupid these people are- especially Kevin! He is old enough to know better! Foul mouths is bad enough, then add stupid on top of it, doesn't make for anything I want to watch. Guess I am in minority as I assume they have enough audience to keep advertisers.
Kevin isn't stupid to everything. He knew coming into this that he would have to team up with a younger person when it comes to competitions.... so, he teams up with Jason! Only problem.... Jason ran to Alex with EVERYTHING Kevin would say. Then you had Alex running to Paul with everything Kevin said to Jason! Kevin had Jason's back and was naive to think Jason had his. To a certain extent Jason has sent so many mixed signals when it comes to Kevin! I think he legitimately likes Kevin and has tried to keep him in the game... but then in order to take the limelight off himself, Jason continually throws Kevin under the bus!
If Jason hadn't been running to Alex (unnecessarily) with Kevin information, Jason and Kevin actually would have made a great team and could have gone further!
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