Saturday, June 30, 2018

Big Brother 20: PoV Winner Bulletin - June 29

Finally the live feeds returned. I'm not sure if I like the idea of showing old season episodes instead of Critter Cam. I wonder how the pet adoptions were doing using them.

Fessy (Faysal) won the Power of Veto


David said...

I do hope Sam has a power, she is going to need it. Fessy has already said he will not use it.

Glenn Allen said...

I am glad that Sam is getting some human time in the game. Hopefully she won a power that saves her.

Petals said...

Oh, I LOVE seeing the old seasons instead of the animals. The animals broke my heart. Last night, it was S7 !!! Loved seeing beautiful Janey & Kaysar.

T-Town Chick said...

Janelle and Kasyer, two of my all time favorite house guests. I can’t say favorite players because Kasyer was to trusting and honest to play like he should have. I loved season six and it had my all time favorite line EVER!!!! Maggie “You sealed my fate.” Then Kasyer replied the ever epic “No, I sealed your partners fate.” BOOM!

Petals said...

Now I hafta binge S6, whooo. Thanks T!

Auntie Leigh said...

That Howie, Janelle and Kaysar season was my favorite. I hope the person with Howie-the-dog lets us all know how he is doing.