10:00pm ET -- The feeds return and they're still celebrating Scottie's return. No comp yet.
10:12pm -- Still no comp yet.
Every time Scottie says too much about the jury house, like food they have, we get fish. Angela told Scottie the lies about her in Fessy's speech.
Apparently the comp won't start until after the live show airs on the West Coast.
12:35am ET - Still no comp, but I just had to say something. Haleigh was singing (bad!) 'You're So Vain' and Sam asked if that was a Carly Simon song. Then Sam went on to say Carly Simon passed away and was an original member of The Mamas and the Papas. I can't ... I just can't. No one corrected her.
Right now I plan to hang in and wait. Sleep might call, but ...!
12:56am ET -- The feeds cut to previous season rerun to prep the hamsters for the comp expected to start in about a half-hour.
1:24am ET -- Reruns stop, feeds to fish.
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1:42am ET |
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1:49am ET - JC down |
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1:54am ET |
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2:00am ET |
2:03am ET -- All still hanging in except for JC. Kaycee is not feeling well. They're starting to go around faster.
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2:05am ET - Catsup Boy Brett |
And Scottie needs to stop singing!
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Sam is down |
2:11am ET - Scottie accidentally started spinning around and is down.
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They are bombarded with feathers, too |
2:20am ET - Only JC, Sam and Scottie out of the competition. Haleigh looks remarkably strong
2:22am ET - Brett slips and falls.
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Buh-bye Brett |
2:25am ET - Only Haleigh, Kaycee and Tyler remain in it.
2:32am ET - Kaycee down. Just Tyler and Haleigh remain. Both look strong.
2:40am ET - The waffle pie stopped slapping them for a few times around. Haleigh keeps changing her position while Tyler remains standing. Both look pretty solid. A few times Tyler asked Haleigh how she's doing and she said fine. I think he might be tiring.
BB needs to spice this up for these two!
2:47am ET - Haleigh got walloped by the waffle pie and goes down.
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Haleigh makes a hard landing |
TYLER is the new HoH!
I think you better go take a nap. The banner says the HOH won't start until approx 10:30 pt or 1:30 ET
Gah. I took a nap earlier and the banner wasn't saying that (that I noticed). Now I have the feeds on with BB Viewer because it's easier for capturing screen caps as I blog. They don't show the banners.
Glad Fessy is really GONE.
If anyone "had" to come back, I'm glad it's Scottie.
Trying to save some energy for the Services tomorrow. Over 130 pink Cadillacs on the Freeway of Love!! I think it will be some service!!
West Coast has finished airing here.... thanks Jackie! So glad it was Scottie who came back and that he wants to team up with Tyler!
I am glad it was Scottie of the 4 that came back. Of the four, I think he is the least bitter and most able to get along with the people still in the house. Let the bitter peeps stew in the jury house in their own misery.
And of course, Fessy lost another comp involving balls, to a virgin nerd. lol
So happy to know it is Scotty who is back.
The West Coast has football until at least 10pm tonite.
LOL David!!!
I agree with David. Fessy, Bayleigh and RS are perfect to be together in the jury house. I'm not going to be awake when the comp starts but I'll see it tomorrow. Thanks again Jackie for what you do for us.
Night all... zzzzzz
Comp is apparently starting... BBAD switched to the Karate Kid movie.
BBAD always starts an hour late on Thursdays Sharon. It also ends an hour late, so three hours just different start time. Hope it runs longer than a half hour so it will be on BBAD.
Sorry, Sam. Carly Simon was never a member of the Mommas and the Poppas.
The live feeds are still going. Comp isn't supposed to start until about 1:30am ET.
Silk - And she's still alive.
Well, that would be another blow to paid accounts if they show the HOH comp on pop then Jackie. We will see, but they have really messed up this season with the way they have handled the feeds.
Thank's for all you do. =)
David -- The feeds are live. The comp isn't scheduled until 1:30 and it's being advertised as playing out on the feeds. Whoever posted BBAD is wrong.
Okay, feeds to reruns to prep them for the comp.
Wow Jackie... you’re still up! Poor baby! Thanks Jackie!
Yea, showing repeats of broadcast BB shows on POP. Will see when HOH starts what they will do. Probably keep the repeats going.
BBAD was already on at 10:00PM here in the Springs. Then it suddenly switched to the Karate Kid movie, so I thought maybe the comp had started. Crazy. I do have the DVR set if I can't manage to stay up for the comp.
11:30 here now and BBAD is back on, but it's a rerun from last week... before Angela made her noms.
Me too,Sharon.Fessy coming back would have just ended up with more stupidly.
10:40 PT and they are all swinging on ropes around the set used in the battle back
Fessy reminds me of one of my favorite sayings....
If his brain was in a buzzard, it would fly backwards! :D)))
The comp just came on here on the east coast...it's the one where they stand on a disk at the bottom of a rope and HANG ON!
Everyone is still swinging. They have a big pie they crash into. Kaycee says she feels sick.
JC has been eliminated.
How does mustard and ketchup fit in a pie shop??
Hayleigh looks like she's having the easiest time
Scotty babbles constantly. Strategy or just nervous chatter? Annoying either way.
Without having to swing, the pattern makes me dizzy!! :D
Like the wall, this might be one of those comps that Sam does well on.
HOH with Sam... a nightmare in the making! lol
Is the sound off on anyone elses live feeds?
I have sound
Scotty constantly singing everything is annoying. lol
Sam saying she is about done.....and drops while I am typing. lol
Sam is out.
I refreshed and my sound is back. Thanks Uncartie.
Scottie is out!
Watching it on BBAD. L6 just needs Haleigh to drop now and they can throw it to Kaycee or Brett.
Haleigh needs to drop soon so level 6 can be safe!
Hopefully Angela does not become a havenot so that Tyler and Angela are not broken up for 3rd week in a row.
Thanks David...turned it on BBAD.
Brett fell. Tyler might have to win the HOH if Haliegh doesn't fall soon and break up Him and Angela a 3rd week in a row from sharing a bed.
Please stay up Hayleigh
Looked like Brett's feet slipped.. seemed a litle surprised when he suddenly went down.
Getting to watch is a rare treat. :)
Kaycee fell so now if Haliegh wins Tyler and Angela on the block. If Tyler wins HOH they are losing their shared bed 3rd week in a row and Tyler not able to be HOH during a double elimination!
Tyler and Haleigh both look ok so far, except for her neck hurting now.
Might end up making the difference, but she knows her life in the house is on the line.
If next Thursday was a double, he would be able to try for the 2nd HOH (if not evicted. But Julie didn't make the double announcement, so I think It's only a single evict next Thurs.
Longest we've seen Hayleigh go without biting her nails
I notice Haleigh "spots" while spinning...keeps her from getting dizzy.
I wish Kaycee would shut up, lol
Tyler is the new HOH.
And Tyler pulls out the win.
Sigh. Hayligh & Scottie on the block. Another boring week coming
Haleigh did really well and I thought she might win, but I think the hit that hurt her neck may have made the difference.
Sam asked Haliegh if she can take a hot shower. Haliegh said no. Sam said production hasn't said yet. Haliegh said if production doesn't let her take a hot shower she will just sleep as she is now.
The Dr just leaked Tylers Diary session. The Guy interviewing Tyler asked what are your initial thoughts on nominations. Tyler said Scoyttie and Haliegh. Why is production trying to ruin Tylers game and Level 6? Remember the Cloud app leak then the HOH intercom now this.
very interesting, Glenn. AND Angela's HOH intercom leak a coupla days ago?
THANK YOU SO MUCH, Jackie. I was completely lost last night with no way to watch the show or the HOH comp but you kept things current! I soooo appreciate it.
YAY on Tyler winning!
Thanks Jackie. I tried to stay awake but could not make it. Oh boy snother week of T&A in this HOH bed not in a showmance. At least JC is banned from being up there.
I fell asleep just as it started but woke up just as Brett fell.
I really wish Kaycee could have pulled it out.
With Tyler winning this week we know what will probably happen.
No double eviction next week (or at least no mention of it last night from Julie).
I think this week will go very predictably, L6 still in charge. Haleigh and Scottie on the block.
JC might be in trouble as a backdoor option.
What is going on with all the “production snafu’s”. One time I get, but three? And all of them revolve around Tyler? Unless I’m missing something, it seems suspicious.
Thank God.... Tyler needed this one!!!
I agree Glenn... Production is messing up a lot when it comes to things with L6/4! Those who make these type of “mistakes” should at least be suspended by production and moved to another CBS show to work on. Just saying...
Smiling... expect the unexpected uncartie. You just never know who might get agitated and blowup. JC or Sam might agitate many!
Haleigh is good at comps so it would be smart to get rid of her. But, I wouldn’t mind seeing JC backdoorded!
Exactly T-Town!
Thank you Jackie and all who kept us informed!
I would like to see JC gone. Sam will probably stay because no one would vote for her in the end.
At least Tyler has good options. Scottie and Haleigh does seem obvious.
I hope PRODUCTION knows we are on to them. What's up with them????
I have never heard of hamsters saying they heard the DR leaks that I can remember.
I hope JC goes soon. He is a backdoor option but Tyler knows he can't get him out too soon.
Too much time with the jury members of JC is not good for Tyler winning and he knows it.
Chloe, Tyler brought this up and he's right. A very bitter jury just might vote for Sam over any L4 members.
This might sound like a funny question, but I'll ask anyway.
Is the "live" show that the East Coast watches on Thursday night a "recorded" show that the West Coast sees? So, if you are in California, the only thing that would be "live" are the feeds?
I can remember hearing of a couple of DR leaks before, but never this serious. Maybe BB is trying to cause some excitement with a L6 DR snafu? Production messing with their minds in DR is expected, but if BB is doing these more serious leaks on purpose, IMO, that is NOT kosher.
I think they are all pretty much aware that JC has been trying to search out his own F2/F3 lately. He's not been as fun/funny for the past 1-2 weeks and starting to irritate several. It's also interesting that JC seems to be falling from grace on the daily ranking the last few days, so he's losing "favor" with more than just the HGs.
I believe your assumptions are correct.
The Thursday show is only really 'live' for the East Coast and recorded for all other time zones. I remember CA's prime time starts at 8:00pm, so that means... if everyone was watching live at the same time, the East would be stuck with 11:00pm.
"L[ve" frequently means only "unedited, as it happened".
It's live in the EST time zone and I know it is in Texas too, but their show starts at 8:00 instead of 9:00 like here in the east. I only know this because I watched lived about four years ago with family in TX.
On the leak thing... sometimes we get DR leaks on the feeds, but that does not mean that the HGs can hear it in the house.
*Thursday shows that is
Here in Chicago everything is live too. 9pm shows in New York are on at 8pm. Their
local news starts at 11, ours at 10
Obviously, here in California it is never live... 3 hours behind East Coasters... So it is 5:00 PST when I splash in here.... on show days and so I’m getting BB information from you guys prior to my being able to watch BB. So, thank you my friends!
Brett telling JC that Angela slept in the HOH bedroom which she didn't. They might as well sleep up there if they are being blamed for it.
Stations in the Eastern and Central time zones broadcast Big Brother simultaneously, so those viewers see Thursday’s show live. The Mountain time zone broadcasts the show one hour later and the Pacific time zone is two hours after that, so viewers there see the show “live on tape.” That’s the format the late-night TV shows (Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon) use.
I'm confused.
How did DR leak what Tyler said? Was it played on the TV screen in the living room, or did they tell one of the other guests?
Why is JC banned from the HOH?
When did Angela sleep in the HOH when she wasn't supposed to?
1. Feedsters heard the DR leak. It was not played in the house and no one heard it but us at home.
2. JC is not banned from HOH, but I believe after his "touching Tyler in his sleep" incident, BB doesn't want JC sleeping with Tyler anymore.
3. Angela stayed up in HOH late last night but did not stay there all night. Someone was saying they thought she did....that's all that was about...nothing major.
Thanks, Bizarro. I must have missed the "touching Tyler in his sleep" incident!!! When did THAT happen!!??
Don't some people have 'satellite' tv so they can get whatever is on even if it is out of their time zone? Sure wish I had that.
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