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LOL so hard |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Fessy Fails:
- Now the latest tactic for Scottie is to try to get Fessy to put Sam on the block when Brett saves himself with the veto.
- Yeah, his own little buddy, SAM.
- Sam has worked her way in with Scottie, trying to pep talk and console, even scheme, to keep him in the house.
- And, this is how he pays her back.
- His Sam/Scottie plan of getting Fessy to put Haleigh on the block royally failed.
- So, now it's Sam.
- Either Sam or Haleigh are the only ones Scottie might stand a chance to stay against. Haleigh would be a for sure; Sam a maybe.
- Now, Fessy already promised Sam he wouldn't put her on the block.
- He has also said to others he didn't want drama -- he wants an easy week with everyone on the same page.
- Sure, all except Haleigh and Sam would be on the same page if Scottie goes out on Thursday.
- That's exactly what Level 6/4 wants -- then they're down to just Haleigh and Fessy from the original FOUTTE.
- Despite Scottie trying his best with Fessy, Fessy still mistrusts him.
- Despite Scottie staying right now would be best for his game, Fessy still mistrusts him.
- Haleigh and Fessy sincerely think they have a Four Deal with Tyler and Angela.
- After his long talk with Scottie, Fessy once again talked to Kaycee.
- Kaycee told him that Scottie almost got in her head, beware ... don't let him get in your head.
- (I say there's room for all in Fessy's head.)
- In the end, it seems like things should remain the same for the renom later today -- Fessy will replace Brett with Kaycee.
- Kaycee is agreeable -- she says she trusts Tyler and Angela will keep her, plus JC and hopefully Haleigh. She isn't so sure of Brett.
- Yeah, right.
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Brett does his stuff with Fessy |
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Torn between two convenient boytoys |
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We have this in the bag |
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Don't let Scottie get in your head |
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Why not? Plenty of empty space there. |
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Scottie getting into Fessy's head |
There is no way Scottie made a good case last night.
Telling Fess that he really likes Haleigh and all he has is her was not so good.
Also there was never anyway that Brett would not use the veto on himself. Sam/Scottie couldn't be that stupid to think he would.
The worst thing that could happen this week would be Haleigh winning HOH. Tyler & co really need to get it together and pull out a win. Would love to see Kaycee win HOH.
I think we can be certain that BB will be trying to tip the scales in favor of Hay and Fess, especially since Scottie is going. Maybe they'll ask Haleigh what else she's good at again, like they did before she won two in a row.....
The comps are decided long before the season even starts. They don't just on a whim make a comp for anyone in particular. However, they do know the comps planned. When she was asked that, the comp was already set to go. They don't care who wins, just about the ratings. This season has the highest ratings in years. Good for them could actually go either way -- Haleigh/Fessy get to their feet again or Level 6/4 has to start eating their own. Either way, it's win-win for the show itself.
I always wonder about how much is manipulated behind the closed door of the diary room. BB has never had a scandal like some reality shows where a hamster/bachelorette,etc.,has gotten involved with a staff/cameraman, etc.At least that I have heard of. Anyone?
Foutte is the biggest disappointment in BB history.
As expected, Brett uses his Veto and Fessy puts up Kaycee as the renom.
The FOUTTE gift that keeps on giving...
While I understand the comps are planned ahead of time, I find it too coincidental that Haleigh told DR she was good at word problems and the next two comps were scrambled words and deciphering hashtag words.
Auntie, the DR manipulates all the time, ED and others always talks about it. I don't believe in big BB conspiracies, but manipulation definitely happens.
I don't think it much matters who wins HOH at this point, at least from a viewer standpoint. We are at the point when there's not a lot of floaters to feast on. Sam is the last non-participant in the House, and that's only cuz she cray cray.
We're also at the point where the Veto becomes more and more important and the HOH less and less.
If Level 6 wins HOH, they may target Haleigh/Fessy but they also still have Sam/JC to deal with. If Haleigh/Fessy win, they will have to decide which faction of the Extended Level 6 that they think they are working with. Either way, we will have some interesting maneuvering going on as people try to position themselves for the final push to the Final 4. JC is the wild card. Is he the 5th member of Level 6 or is it time to jettison him? Is he loyal to Level 6 or just needed them to get this far? Will someone from the Core 4 try to make an early move to improve their standing?
Every summer, Jackie reminds us that the comps are planned way in advance of the show. As I recall, she's mentioned there are legalities involved if they mess around with the comps to benefit certain HGs.
However, I also believe Production can and does manipulate HGs with leading questions in DR.
Every summer, it's obvious that most haven't given much "thought" to anything that might happen. At least, not beyond prospective showmances and some of the comps they may have watched on previous seasons. Most have no concept whatsoever beyond those things, so Production has to plant "thoughts" to try and get any action going.
If we're lucky, we get 1 or 2 exceptional HGs who enter and take over behind the scenes.
We get to watch the magic unfold.
Sometimes it's thoroughly enjoyable. Like this year.
But sometimes it's not. Most recently, the seasons of Paul.
Sam told JC that she is going on strike and not going to make a sound. Haleigh said Sam was smiling during the Veto speech thinking it was about Haleigh. Then was shocked it was about Sam.
Production DOES manipulate. Its been so obvious many times. I would love to think in a perfect world it does not.....but we all know what really happens. Please!!
Jackie,The ratings are actually down from last year. https://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/big-brother-season-20-ratings/
I'm with Chloe. As to the comps...Yes,most are made months in advance but there is still room for manipulation like the slip & slide being shortened. Q & A comps where they stand in a game show type set can easily be changed to help a contestant as can the type that awarded Tyler a cloud pass. Oh well...at least it wasn't a handful of "friendship bracelets" like they gave to Paul last year.
Foutte continues to amaze me with their display of incredible stupidity. JC getting Fessy to put up Scottie was entertaining but then again he's dealing with a moron. Eight freakin weeks in the house and it still hasn't dawned on him that he's being played. I'd like to see him and Haleigh go out in a double eviction so we can really get down to business.
I can clearly remember in BB15 when Elissa was hell bent and determined to get Amanda out, was then called to DR. when she came out of DR her whole game plan changed for the week.
We all know that production steers some of the hamsters certain ways. It just depends on how easily you are swayed.
*** Sam spoke a few minutes after her silence game started****
Even Howie would talk about how production asks things in the DR, then their own paranoia would take over and it seemed like they were telling them what to do. I don't think that 'all out tampering'... manipulation, maybe. I'm like Jackie, I don't believe they care one way or another who wins any comp or even the season. Um, Adam BB9!!
*don't think that's 'all out tampering'
I actually have the information about the comps, what they can do and what they can't with them. Yes, they ask leading questions in the DR, but sorry ... conspiracy theorists, I know you want to believe in grassy knolls. But there are legalities involved. DR suggestive manipulation, DR re-shooting comments, etc. -- yes, that happens. Remember, I have a friend who was a supervising producer for years on BB and The Amazing Race. All of the comps are planned before the season and completed trial runs well before they actually hold them. Go ahead and keep believing rigged. I know facts. They cannot and do not change comps.
Thanks, Jackie. As always, the voice of reason when the crazy conspiracy thing comes up EVERY season.
Now, lets all get back to enjoying the fantastic season of BB20!! :))
So funny that JC fills Fessy's head with the "Scottie loves Hayleigh" stuff, and then Scottie goes in and says things to Fessy that would just confirm it in Fessy's head.
Things like that have been happening all season.
It's been great for L6/4 and is probably part of the reason (besides lack of deductive reasoning skills) that the Foutte group has been so confused.
I've never thought "rigged". I always admired the way that the people who come up with the comps for BB, Amazing Race, and Survivor construct them with an eye to all sorts of different skill sets people might/might not have. Must be a fun team to be a part of.
Why does Jokers Updates suck so bad this year? Better off just following along on Twitter.
Bizarro22, I agree!! Some are so ungrammatical that I can't figure out who said what to whom. And is it really that much harder to type "doesn't" than "don't!" .... I'm sorry. English teachers have got to vent somehow.
Sam has a totally unrealistic view of BB... especially how everyone should behave.
IMO, she's sulking because her Great Plan wasn't used. @@
Auntie Margaret - Over the years when I've slept, worked or otherwise missed feeds, I've gone to Joker's to see what I needed to watch in Flashback for my updates. I checked a few times this season and there's at least one poster there whose updates I totally don't understand at all. I'm a grammar and spelling fussbudget, but hers make no sense!
Sharon N - Sam was right -- if Haleigh and Scottie were on the block, Haleigh would probably go home. That would make Sam happy as she's always disapproved on Haleigh. The hitch was that she thought Fessy actually liked her (Sam) more than he liked Haleigh. No way! We know he's smitten! I do think that Fessy's a softie when it comes to girls, but that's something he would not/could not do. Even though we've seen her be mean to him, he just wouldn't put her on the block.
That's very true. Sam hasn't approved of Haleigh from the beginning, but I still think it was unrealistic of her to expect Fez to turn on Haleigh. If Sam didn't live in some kind of dream world, she would have noticed that the only girl he actually spends a lot of time with is Haleigh... and that includes nights in the HOH room.
It's also true that if Haleigh was OTB, she might have been evicted instead of Scottie... but maybe not. L6 would have put their heads together to decide who was most dangerous.
Generally, it would be the "couple." But Scottie would be dangerous also because he has come a lot closer to winning a few comps. Haleigh did win one HOH, but it was one of those crap-shoots.
Jackie, if you can't understand a post on Jokers, 10 to 1 it's LizInTexas......she drives me nuts as her posts make no sense at all! She switches him and her around all the time and uses the wrong names frequently......arghhhh.
It's also annoying that Sam thinks she's the most liked in the house. Don't believe it, just ask her.
Yes, that's the one, Bizaro. I remember last year, maybe the year before, there was a poster there with purple prose -- overwritten and using all the big words he/she know. That was annoying, but understandable.
Sam apparently thinks because she goes out of her way to be nice and do things around the house, automatically that should make her most loved. Perhaps if she didn't have the mood swings, they might.
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