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Girls just want to have fun |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of Odious Ocelots:
- Sam's pleasantries with Tyler after her period relief didn't last too long.
- She's really bent out of shape that Fessy didn't use her idea of nominating Haleigh in Brett's place.
- I know we know more than any individual in the house because we're privy to more interactions.
- But, no one in the house other than perhaps a desperate Scottie would ever even think that Fessy nominating his closest ally would be a possibility.
- Common sense. He's a dim bulb, but not that dim.
- He'll nominate one of his allies, but not the closest one who just happens to be his showmance gal!
- "I won't even try to play anymore."
- "I want that helicopter to drop a rope so I can escape."
- "I want this to be over with."
- Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah ... I'm starting to imagine Charlie Brown's teacher's voice when she complains about the game.
- She feels so bad for Scottie -- he's a person! He has a family!
- Well, they all do.
- True, Scottie was done wrong by Brett's lie. But it's Big Brother. Had Scottie not already done shady things, he'd be more believable.
- Scottie got got. It will happen to all except the final two.
- Scottie is planning on blowing up Fessy's game.
- Um. What game would that be?
- Angela warned Fessy that Scottie is planning some kind of expose in his eviction speech.
- Haleigh is still super-mingling with the others in the house.
- After all, they're her new allies!
- Fessy was out and about more than the previous day. But he hung out with the guys and talked little game at all. They've done that all season.
- Brett has definitely cooled his flirting with Haleigh. Hmm.
- Kaycee is still confident she will stay this week, as she should be.
- She needs to watch it or she'll always be the easy pawn.
- I don't see it happening right away, but sometimes the pawn goes home.
- Brett continues to study for an upcoming questions HoH comp. While others are occasionally studying, he's avid.
- Does he really want the next HoH?
- It would be easier for him now rather than later because targets outside of Level 6/4 are still in the house. I could see him going after Fessy. Or maybe Haleigh. Definitely Fessy.
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BB! Stop her before there is more bloodshed! |
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JC, capless and subdued for a moment |
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It's wonder Fessy isn't jealous |
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Sam: Maybe the copter will drop a rope |
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Dead man walking ... er ... sitting |
Fessy should toss Sam up there with Scottie....that would be interesting
Terry, that’s what I was hoping. Maybe if she’s thrown on the block she would snap out of this toxic mood. I like Sam but I don’t understand her at all. I’ve read comments here and there suggesting that she’s bipolar, which is possible. On the other hand, maybe she’s just used to everyone always doing what she wants. That’s not happening here and she doesn’t know how to handle it.
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but just wondering: I know the winner gets the grand prize, the runner up gets some prize money, but what about 3rd thru 11th (all jury members)? I know they get something for making it to jury, but is there any incentive for the hamsters now to stay in one week longer?
I'm thinking of how out of it Sam has become lately. Not knowing if she would ever get enough jury votes in a final two vs whoever, wouldn't she be better off just playing "house" in the jury??
$500k Winner
$50k 2nd place
$25k America's Favorite Player
As for jury: my understanding is that they receive rather nice "compensation" for their time in jury. Many come on BB talking about their low-wage or unemployed status (often by choice), so I'm sure Jury becomes their primary achievement.
Jury just ensures that they get the full stipend for the entire season. If they go home pre-jury they only get the stipend for the weeks in the house. Most leave their jobs for the entire summer so if they go home early, they have no income until the end of the season. That's my guess for most cases. The stipend isn't really that much depending on where you live. I think it's around $1500 oer week.
*weeks in the house and pre-season sequester
Thanks for the replies on this- so my thought is there is no bigger prize money if you finish 3rd vs. finishing 8th, etc....
I also think if a member were to self evict, like Sam was asking for earlier with the helicopter rope, they may risk total eviction, no jury $$ whatsoever.
3rd place is evicted so quickly that they only have a short time away from the BB House.
As I recall, they are squirreled away in a hotel and never actually make it to the Jury house.
Just like the rest of the HGs, 3rd place will only receive the stipend. That is, unless America happens to vote for that person to be America's Favorite Player (extra $25k).
And you are correct. Self-eviction is total eviction, no jury house.
The stipend ends the day they self-evict, so they totally shaft themselves.
Something to have fun with while we wait for Thursday night.
My predictions on final 2 combos, who would win. Here are my selections.
This is assuming Scottie is gone Thurs.
Tyler Angela Brett Kaycee Fessy Haleigh JC Sam
Tyler T T T T T T T
Angela T B A A A J A
Brett T B B B B J B
Kaycee T A B F K J K
Fessy T A B F H J F
Haleigh T A B K H H H
Sam T A B K F H J
Durn it!! The formatting came out wrong.
It was like a grid with the hamsters on the top row and down the columns. Oh well, bottom line is, if Tyler gets to final 2, he's the winner (in my opinion). I don't see Sam as a winner against anybody (depending on how harsh the jury is). I like Brett's chances with this jury if he makes it to final 2. Rockstar will probably give him props for making moves, despite his snippy goodbye video.
chrob,Sharon,Self eviction may very well open them up to breach of contract and no money at all. CBS has got these hamsters locked up legally 6 ways to Sunday, which is why you hear very little of what goes on behind the scenes in production.
uncartie, you're probably right.
I didn't think of the possibility of BB using "breach of contract."
That would guarantee self-evicting is made even worse for those who've done it in the past.
T Town Chick.....I always liked Sam originally...but she has spiraled down a path I dont think she can come back from
I just dont like Angelas smirks.....I would love for her to go home.
And I agreewith chrobb that Tyler wins in the end against everyone.....hes good.
Uh oh......starting to see cracks in Tyler's armor. He's made several comments today about his feelings for Angela. Please don't f*ck it up now Tyler! She'll be there when it's over....and in your hometown. JC is already warning him so he better be careful and not let this lead to his eviction.
Bitch, Batty or Breach, I am sick of Sam's antics! It's been rumored that her act is all just that - an act. But I disagree.
Her "gig" seems to be to freakishly attach to the evictee-to-be, then mourn their eviction like a death, so that they incoming HOH pities her, thus eliminating her from the block. Or she got her period? Or her favorite ant didn't eat his sugar today.
I'm over it!
I think she is unhinged, and that is really sad because she is otherwise a sweet, elfin forest creature who tames crickets, herds clouds and farms shamrocks. I just CAN'T with her anymore, maybe because I just can't relate to her.
I think a good thing to ponder is: Who will Tyler take to the F3-2? There are a few goats. Brett & Angela have burned a few votes on GBMs. Kaycee is the token Ed McMahon, always right next to Tyler laughing & nodding, but ineffectual on her own.
Tyler might take Angela for 2 reasons:
1) He seems to be getting a bit hung-up on her.
2) None of the evicted like her.
Kaycee would get RS's vote because she's supporting LGBTQ, so I think RS would vote for KC or JC regardless of who they would be up against. jmo I think RS would vote for Brett if he's up against anyone but Tyler. I think Tyler has a good shot at winning against anyone at this point, but I've been wrong before. lol
As great a game as Tyler has played, something tells me some veto backdoor move could be his undoing. He's been so sweet to everyone, it is hard for me to imagine him being cutthroat ruthless in the end, I see it more that he will get stabbed in the back.
I hope I'm wrong, but we'll see.
I do think Brett is my dark horse candidate, just the right amount of sneaky in him plus he gets along with most. His GBM to RS was snotty, but maybe she'll mellow out in that jury house and realize it was a game move.
Oh and if he doesn't make it to final 2, JC gets my AFP vote!
Thanks Jackie and all my Splash friends! So interesting....
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