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Smile. You're on Candid Camera. |
Here's the latest from inside that Big Brother House of HoH Exposed:
- Things were running pretty much the same as they ever were (at least for the last day or two).
- The Bickersons (Haleigh and Fessy) continued to bicker a bit.
- Fussy Fessy doesn't even want to watch the show because it will show him eating ham(like) for the first three episodes. He will look foolish.
- Well, that should be the least of his worries.
- And, it should have been our first indicator that the Dude Don't Think because he's Muslim and he had other choices other than Ham he could have taken.
- But did we pay attention?
- Nope.
- He plans to "expose" Angela in his eviction speech.
- The huge news of the night has to do with the HoH room monitors.
- Now, I don't care for the monitors in the kitchen and the living room and the fact that the HoH can make PA announcements through the house.
- Welp, something went horribly wrong.
- Brett was telling stories about how Sam snapped at him about laundry with no reason. Angela said how passive-aggressive Sam is. Tyler said Sam's behavior was getting worse.
- Kaycee had to go down to change her shirt for the Diary Room and came running back to the HoH.
- As she had walked through the living room she could hear the HoH bunch talking and saw them on the monitor. She had waved and said something back, but they apparently didn't hear her.
- She had passed by Sam during that time.
- Uh-oh.
- Kaycee pushed a button to turn it off, but it remained on.
- She went down to test it -- she could still hear and see them in the HoH, but they couldn't hear her.
- JC went down to test it and had the same result.
- Brett even mooned JC to see if he could see him.
- Angela complained to production that they er ... were ... messing with her game. (That's not quite her wording.)
- JC told the Bickersons who were out in the hammock what happened.
- When Sam came out to check on the now infamous laundry, Haleigh offered to finish it.
- Sam said she was tired, pissed off and had had it.
- Fessy, of all people, told her that it's all just a game show on television.
- @@
- Yet, HE remains all bent out of shape.
- How long the monitor was broadcasting, no one knows.
- What exactly Sam might have seen and heard, only Sam knows.
- The feeds went off of the HoH room and all four focused on the Bickersons.
- They all eventually went to bed.
- And, so did I.
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The new 'do. Curls will return. |
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Kaycee will soon make a discovery. |
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The game is over for US. |
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JC tells the Bickersons of the monitor woes. |
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Now Sam's REALLY going to hate me! |
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JC, can you see what I'm doing? |
Oh, Oh.... wonder what Sam heard! Thanks so much Jackie!
I think Angela has a legitimate gripe against the show for this "malfunction".
Until last night, everything has gone L6's way in the game. The leak makes me wonder if Production isn't trying to stir things up to make it more difficult for them.
Its interesting Sam said nothing so far about this. I have to wonder if she is pissed Tyler didn't like the hair style. He reminded me of Fabio
The only comp I see am winning would be another wall type endurance.
One has to wonder what this jury buy back comp will be.
I kind of hope its like the tennis ball toss of BB16 where all were out there competing and the jury was on the end, last won standing who was Judd came back in house. I don't think that Sam would win that. I think Kaycee/Brett would do well in it.
JC was also in the HOH room when Brett was talking about Sam. I don't know if Tyler or Brett has let the rest of Level 6 know about JC wanting Angela and Kacee broken up. I know Tyler had told Angela that JC had said the same thing that JC had told Angela. Tyler might have caught a break in the fact that JC had said he had not told Tyler about the plan.
I listed to the HOH conversation and it wasn't TOO bad, but Sam is uber-sensitive, so who knows how much she heard and/or what it will do to her game.
Tyler's hair - there are no words. He's very pretty. lol
~Petals in Abyss
LOLOL No way that was an accident!
Haleigh telling Fessy her secret is rich. She majored in psychology and sociology and is going for her PhD after the season is over. Haleigh honey, you suck at psychology in the BB house. Just sayin'
Fessy is a perfect case study... a narcissist
Brett's in Sam's styling salon currently so, Sam isn't so upset over whatever she may or may not of heard last night. Everyone but Fess watching Sam do Brett's hair. :)))
Can't wait to see what sort of 'do she will give Brett, LOL
Ace Ventura, lmao
Too funny!!
Tyler can count himself lucky!! :D)))
Yes, Sharon :)))
JC is starting to try and develop his own little group... w/o L6 knowing.
He's smart and clever, but his obvious jealousy over Tyler/Angela "might" be his undoing.
Kaycee's up next in Sam's salon
Please post right away whatever they do to Kaycee's hair! Can't believe she is letting it down. Rapunzel, rapunzel...
I hope Tyler or Brett tell Angela and Kaycee about JC's plan. Fessy is wanting his speech to turn Tyler and Brett against Angela.
kaycee's hair is so gorgeous. Sam just put it through a straight iron and it's in a long pony tail. Her hair is as long as her back. It looks amazing.
Kaycee has naturally LONG beautiful hair.
Looks nice straightened, but think I liked it better natural.
Sharon, I have naturally wavy hair and growing up, I either straightened it or permed it to be more curly. It's not a good hair type to be comfortable with. I loved Kaycee's high pony with the long straight silky hair. I don't have the patience to do that on a regular basis with my hair. :))
Thanx so much to monty for telling about Kaycee's hair. It is beautiful! Does anyone know any girl anywhere who is satisfied with her own hair type? Maybe Farah Faucett was satisfied with her hair...but I bet she "hated" it. Something about girls.
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